Rin Tosaka roared angrily. Of course she had reasons to be angry. Not only was her home taken over by Magpie Nest Dove, it was also forcibly transformed into a magic formation. Even two little familiars treated her as the original owner as if they were in trouble. It's like greeting a new guest... It's like a woman goes out for a trip, but when she comes back, not only does her man sleep with her, but her wardrobe is also emptied. Can she not be angry? !

However, the two familiars were indifferent, as if they suddenly turned into ordinary birds again, chirping.

Tohsaka Rin became even more depressed. Seeing that she was about to rush up to teach the two little birds a lesson, Tang Hao quickly stopped her, "Wait, calm down first. I don't think the intruder has much malice towards us. Don't worry about it yet." Take action rashly."

"Isn't this called malicious?" Tohsaka Rin glared at him, "Does it mean that I have to wait until my house is vacated to be called malicious?"

For Rin Tosaka, this mansion means more than just a place to live in. It is more of a childhood memory and the last legacy left to her by her parents. It is as precious as the magic seal she inherited. status. Otherwise, there is no need for her to stick to this. She lives alone anyway. If she sells this mansion and changes to a smaller house, she can live a better life.

After all, since the death of Tokiomi Tosaka, the magic industry of the Tosaka family has shrunk sharply. Her annual income is very limited. In order to maintain the consumption and daily expenses of gem magic, she has to occasionally put on a miko costume and go to the shrine to work to make money. The annual maintenance costs for such a mansion are not a small sum of money.

In modern society, life is not easy for magicians.

"It doesn't matter, the house has been vacated. At worst, I will support you from now on, as long as the wardrobe is not emptied." Tang Hao said, his eyes fell on the two blue birds at the door, frowning slightly, "Can you Do you recognize what kind of bird this is?"

Tang Hao didn't know much about zoology. At most, he could tell the difference between reptiles and mammals. As for birds, these birds, which looked about the same size as sparrows, were nothing more than sparrows and swallows. It will be Nan Xiaotiao.

"How would I know!" Tohsaka Rin replied angrily, but for a moment he probably felt that it was inappropriate to vent his sullen anger on Tang Hao, so he finally looked at it carefully and guessed, "Listen to them The call could be that of a robin."

"Mockingbird..." Tang Hao pondered for a moment. He couldn't remember which magician had a robin as his familiar, so he looked towards the courtyard again.

The courtyard at this moment is also quite different from before. The bright colors and overly fantasy style of painting do not look like what would exist in reality. Instead, it looks like a fairy tale theme park, with a somewhat dreamy atmosphere. .

Connected with the fairy tales told by these two robins, a nursery rhyme immediately popped up in Tang Hao's mind.

Nursery rhymes are not actual heroes, but the general term for all picture books, that is, books. Carrying the dreams of many children, it became a concept and was transformed into a follower as a hero for children, which is quite consistent with the current fairy tale theme.

But soon, this guess was rejected by Tang Hao himself.

It can't be a nursery rhyme.

Although Nursery Rhyme is a Servant, she is just a child's dream. Even if she can adapt to the caster class, she does not have the talent for magic. She has to destroy Tohsaka Rin's magic position in such a short period of time and then establish her own. The magic position is not something she can do.

Take King Dumao as an example. Of course it’s okay if you ask her to cut people. Not only can she cut people, but she can also cut the Holy Grail. But if you ask her to build a magic base, then I think you might as well look forward to using the old sword. The world's real magical girl Merry is more realistic.

Furthermore, with her little skill in nursery rhymes, she would definitely be the winner in this five-game battle where there are so many cheaters. Whoever beats her, instead of hiding honestly, goes out to steal other people's homes. That's right. Do you think you live too long?

Even Medea is more likely than a nursery rhyme.

But it can't be Medea. Although she has this ability, she may not be so messy.

Do you really want to break in?

Tang Hao thought to himself that the courtyard in front of him had been completely transformed. Although nothing could be seen on the surface, with the magician's mystery, there must be murderous intent hidden in it. Breaking in by force was not a wise choice, but other than that There seems to be no better way.

"I have no intention of fighting you, please go back."

Just when Tang Hao was trying to force his way in, a soft voice came from the mansion through the air.

Tohsaka Rin was stunned, but the intruder's initiative to speak out was exactly what she wanted, and she immediately retorted, "This is my home. If you want to go back, I should be the one to tell you."

"Well, I'm sorry for occupying your residence, but for me, this mansion has become an indispensable stronghold. I need to use it to deal with my enemies. I will leave after using it."

"Do you think I would answer something like, 'Oh, okay, feel free to use it, I'll wait for you to leave and then come back'!"

"It seems we can't come to an agreement."

"I just hope you can return it to its original owner."

"……it's a pity."

There was a hint of sigh and helplessness in the voice of the intruder, and then a sound began to be heard from the ground, like the sound of a violin playing. As the sound sounded, in an instant, the night became deeper, and a rich darkness almost enveloped the entire area. night sky.

At the same time, the magic in the air became denser.


A strange sound, like a witch's chant.

"It's coming!" Tang Hao said in a deep voice. Even though he only knew a little about magic, he knew that the other party had already launched an attack.

Tohsaka Rin has been paying attention for a long time. She is a magician, and of course she understands the magician's methods better than Tang Hao.


Suddenly, two figures crashed through the window and jumped from the second floor.

Almost at the same time, Tohsaka Rin pointed his finger, and a gem was flicked into the air, illuminating the entire courtyard in an instant.

Using gem magic to illuminate was too luxurious for Tohsaka Rin. She felt her heart bleed the moment she used it, but she couldn't do it without it. She knew nothing about the enemy's strength and details, and she was fighting in the enemy's magic position. She had also consumed a lot of magic power and body in the previous battle, so she was at a disadvantage in all aspects. If she was even deprived of her eyesight, wouldn't it be bad? Worse.

In order to win, you can only spend a lot of money.

The lighting of the gem magic was very effective, allowing the two to quickly grasp the layout of the entire courtyard. They could also clearly see the two figures rushing down from the second floor. They were two huge puppets, which seemed to be made of cloth dolls. He is completely black, wearing white clothes, and looks... like a pig?

"Pig's familiar?" Tohsaka Rin was startled. The voice before was obviously that of a young woman. It was obvious that such a voice could not come from this kind of pig doll, so there was no doubt that it was a familiar.

Tang Hao also felt something in his heart, and seemed to have caught a clue.

However, without giving the two more time to think, the two familiars had already come to kill them. Their huge size gave people a strong sense of oppression. Tohsaka Rin immediately chose to retreat and keep a safe distance. .

Tang Hao was on the contrary. He rushed forward with the Penglai Jade Sword.


When the long sword struck the familiar's body, it made a sound like gold and iron. Even Tang Hao was quite surprised. It looked like it was just made of a puppet, but it was so hard that it had gone through magic. Strengthen?

Just during this pause, the two familiars launched a fierce attack on Tang Hao. Of course, their moves were far less sophisticated than Cu Chulainn's, and their speed was also not as fast. There was a big gap with the servants, but The bodies of these two guys were too hard and they didn't care about their injuries at all, which made Tang Hao feel troublesome.

And even though they were familiars, these two guys were extremely chatty, making whiny sounds while attacking. They were even more talkative than Huang Shaotian, and they made Tang Hao very annoyed.

"So hard!" Tohsaka Rin also noticed the shuddering of the two pig familiars, but what concerned her more was their sturdiness. She felt that Tang Hao's attacks on them had no effect at all. A special force blocked it.

Is it magic?

Although using one gem means one less, but...

Gritting his teeth, Tohsaka Rin held two more gems at his fingertips and shot forward fiercely.

"Seven chapters. Sword of Fire."

At the moment when the gem was thrown, he quickly completed the chant in German, and then saw the two rubies turning into fiery red swords and shooting straight at one of the pig-shaped familiars.


During the fight between these two familiars and Tang Hao, they had no scruples about Tohsaka Rin's attack and were hit instantly. The red flame sword penetrated the body of one of them without any suspense and blasted it away.

What the hell?

Tang Hao's eyes suddenly widened. He had been fighting for so long but still had no effect. Lin's gem magic couldn't be that much stronger than his, or... physical attacks were ineffective and he could only use magic attacks?

In this case

Tang Hao stepped back and quickly touched the sword with two fingers of his left hand, igniting a blazing flame in an instant.

This is the first time that Tang Hao has integrated the power of magic into swordsmanship in actual combat.

"Flowing blade like fire!"

The name of the move blindly shouted, anyway, as long as the momentum is there, Tang Hao struck out with a fierce sword, and the flaming sword blade instantly cut open the chest of the familiar, and the impact of the flames severely knocked it back.

boom! boom!

Then, the two familiars hit the wall hard.

However, they did not completely lose their fighting power and tried to get up to fight again.

But just before they came to kill again, Tang Hao looked up at the second floor of the mansion and shouted: "Is that you? Yuanji Yuzhu!"

Although he couldn't be sure who the intruder was at first, and when he saw the two pig-shaped familiars, he only had a slight sense of déjà vu, but when they were repelled by magic, he finally remembered that the other one was related to Fairy tale fit magician.

One of the heroines of Magical Night, Aozaki Aoko's friend Kuonji Auriju!

ps: You didn’t expect me to update so early, right? But I'm going to bed, so I'll leave the next update until the evening.

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