You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

364 I, Illya, don’t have any feelings!


As Tang Hao's words fell, the girl was stunned. She probably never expected that Tang Hao would say such words. It was not until a few seconds later that she held her belly and laughed, "Big brother is really interesting. , this is the first time I have heard such a request.”

"There is always a first time for everything."

Tang Hao smiled and continued to stretch out his hand. The girl hesitated for a moment, grabbed Tang Hao's hand and stood up. She patted the dust on her butt, then pointed her finger on her chin and asked curiously, "This is now. Is it a new popular way to pick up a conversation? I have obviously absorbed a lot of necessary knowledge, but I don’t know it at all.”

"I think if I want to strike up a conversation, I should find a woman about my age with long and beautiful legs, not a little lolita like you."

"Ugh!" The girl suddenly pouted and glared at Tang Hao.


At this moment, the sound of whistles came from both sides. Tang Hao heard the sound and looked around, and found that the two of them were standing on the road. Although it did not seriously hinder the movement of vehicles, it also affected the traffic and was not a place to talk.

Tang Hao immediately stepped back.

After a while, the two walked to a nearby park. With a slight smile on her face, the girl looked innocent and introduced herself: "My name is Illyasviel, just call me Illya." , is the eldest brother a local?"

"I just came to Fuyuki a few days ago."

"Hmm, that's it..." Illya nodded her lips, her eyes moving up as if she was thinking about something, "Are you a traveler? Then it's the same as me. I just came to this town today, but During this time, traveling in Fuyuki is not the right choice.”

"Oh, why is this?" Tang Hao asked knowingly.

"Because you will die if you are not careful." Illya put her hands behind her back, showing a happy and innocent smile, "Although big brother looks very strong, he can't fight against the real monster. If you get involved, it will soon become tattered, like a discarded doll... Hehe, it seems quite interesting."

"So..." After saying that, the girl turned around, turned her back to Tang Hao, and said sideways, "If the eldest brother is just an ordinary traveler, it would be better to leave this city as soon as possible. This is a piece of advice."

"Ah, that's right." Halfway through, the girl stopped again, looked back at Tang Hao, and said with a smile, "I prefer being a sister than a daughter."

With a crisp laugh, Illya soon left the park and gradually disappeared into the center of the city.

Tang Hao looked at the girl's leaving figure and did not follow her, because this was just a simple encounter, and he had not yet figured out how to contact Illya in this world.

Although she was very cute and gave herself such advice before leaving, and seemed to have a good impression of him, the Illya in this world and the one next door lived in a peaceful and happy environment and had been living a carefree life. Unlike Illya, who lived a life and longed for a magical girl, and later became a magical girl, and was a bit sultry, the first version of Illya in the fsn world was very dangerous.

As the container of the Holy Grail, Illya in this world underwent many abnormal magical adjustments when she was in the womb. Not only did she grow slowly, she even stopped growing at the early stage of secondary sexual characteristics, so that although she is now He is eighteen years old, but his appearance remains the same as when he was nine years old.

The original intention of Illya's birth was just to be a container for the Holy Grail. It was a prop deliberately created by the Einzbern family in order to achieve the long-cherished wish of the Third Law. The prop does not require emotions, which means that in addition to what is needed to win the Holy Grail War, There is no need to receive other education other than knowledge.

Therefore, rather than saying that her outlook on life is incorrect, it is better to say that she does not have the outlook on life of a normal person at all. The boundaries between good and evil are very blurred. As long as she is angry or her self-esteem is hurt, she will kill with a smile. She cannot distinguish between right and wrong. Everything is divided into what you want to do and what you don’t want to do, whether you are happy or unhappy.

To describe it in one sentence: I, Illya, don’t have any feelings!

In the fsn game story, Emiya Shirou often irritated Illya because he could not correctly grasp her character. As a result, he died at the hands of Illya several times. For example, his soul was extracted and made into an inflatable doll. of. Because Emiya Shirou has so many death endings in the fsn game, this game is also called Emiya Hero's One Hundred Ways to Die.

In addition to her elusive personality, Illya's level as a magician is also quite high, and she was even the strongest Master in the Holy Grail War of all time.

This is a matter of course. After all, she existed for the Einzbern family to win the Holy Grail War from the beginning. Her whole body has undergone foul-level transformation. Rin Tosaka is already a genius magician. Even if she were placed in the Clock Tower with many famous families, she would still be ranked within the top fifty of all time. However, Illya's qualifications and magic circuits are overwhelmingly superior to Tohsaka Rin. She is equivalent to the crystallization of magic circuits. At the same time, command spells are engraved all over his body.

It is precisely because of this that she was able to completely maintain the extraordinary hero Hercules and get a glimpse of his superb abilities. If it were any other magician with ordinary qualifications, I am afraid that the moment Hercules went crazy, he would be Drain the magic and die.

It is not uncommon in the Holy Grail War to summon exceptional servants, but due to their poor quality, they are dragged to death by their own servants.

Take Fujimaru Ritsuka as an example. During the battle at the Seventh Singularity, even with Chaldea’s nearly unlimited supply of demons, the two goddesses Ishtar and Quetzalcoatl extracted excessive magic power, resulting in her The hands were almost completely decomposed.

Therefore, using one's own magic power to maintain the existence of an exceptional Servant and provide the magic power for combat is a very difficult matter in itself.

Of course, Illya is a specialized magician created for the Holy Grail War. This transformation will not only severely shorten her lifespan, but also means that it will be difficult to develop in other directions. She may not be as comprehensive as Rin Tosaka. .

But as long as she is in the land of Fuyuki, she is the top magician. Although top-notch magicians can also fight her by cutting off her connection with the earth, but she is already at a disadvantage, so how easy is it? The only one who can restrain Illya is the black cherry, because the black cherry can pollute the land.

However, the Matou family has long been exterminated, and the Black Sakura no longer exists. Therefore, for now, neither local magicians nor foreign magicians can surpass Illya in terms of magnitude and performance, even at the level of a monarch. of.

What's more, Illya also carries Uncle B, a lolicon, with her.

Although Tang Hao likes Illya, he will not ignore her threat to him. Otherwise, if he follows her rashly, he may accidentally have her soul extracted and made into an inflatable doll, or he may be chopped into pieces by Uncle B. ...I don’t know if an inflatable doll is considered dead or alive after being made into it? If he was alive, Zi Ma might not take action.

With such concerns, Tang Hao finally gave up tracking Illya.

This loli is still difficult to handle at the moment. Even if you want to adopt her, you must at least train her into her own shape first, and then give her to Ayu to take care of...

Thinking of this, Tang Hao suddenly had an idea. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and logged into the chat room again.

Today's chat room is very deserted. After all, two groups have entered random missions, and another two groups are preparing to go to the world of One Piece and Noragami respectively. Coupled with the situation on Tang Hao's side, it can be said that everything is flourishing at one fell swoop. Not even a single person in the water group could be seen, it looked like a dead group.

Dabendan: Is Roman here?

Dr. Roman: Yes.

Da Bendan: Just be here. Ask Laoji about your daughter and what kind of girl she likes.

Dr. Roman: Huh?

Dr. Roman: What the hell? You want a daughter so soon?

Dr. Roman: Although I am not going to comment on your thoughts, I would like to remind you that in my wisdom, there may be reproductive isolation between True Ancestors and humans.

Da Bendan: What a mess. A small problem like the isolation of living and disabled people can be broken with love. Can it be stronger than a dimensional wall? And I didn’t say I wanted to give birth on my own.

Dr. Roman: Even if you want to give birth on your own, you can’t.

Da Bendan: Are you a gangster?

Dr. Roman: ...Okay, I won't comment, you say.

Da Ben Dan: The daughter I am talking about is Ilia.

Illya Alarm Clock: Huh? Wasn't it a joke last time?

Da Bendan: Little Ilia is here too. Didn't she go to school?

Illya Alarm Clock: It’s the weekend.

Illya Alarm Clock: No, the problem is not this or that... I already have parents.

Dabendan: Is this another type of hairpin?

Da Bendan: But it doesn’t matter. Although what I said last time was not a joke, the Ilya I mentioned just now is not you.

Illya Alarm Clock: Hey? Are there any girls who look exactly like me? Even the name is the same?

Da Bendan: Well... how should I put it? Normally, the order of these words may be reversed.

Illya Alarm Clock: On the other hand... Uh-huh... Although I can't quite understand it, I can vaguely understand it.

Dr. Roman: After all, it is a parallel world. It is not a strange thing to have another self in the parallel world.

Illya Alarm Clock: Yes, then, is Illya in that world also a magical girl?

Illya Alarm Clock: Hey, hey, it feels a little weird to call yourself by your name like this, but I really want to meet her.

Dabendan: Not a magical girl, but a magician.

Illya Alarm Clock: Magician? It's the same profession as Sister Rin.

Dr. Roman: After all, it is a parallel world, and there will be different developments according to different living environments. So, Tang Hao, do you plan to adopt the magician Ilia as your daughter? So loving.

Da Ben Dan: Because cuteness is justice! and……

Da Ben Dan: Based on her situation, if she is left alone, even if she survives the Holy Grail War, she will not survive for more than a year.

Illya Alarm Clock: Huh? !

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