"Ahhh, that damn bastard, how dare you lie to me!"

Ten minutes later, Cu Chulainn returned to the place where he had fought with Tang Hao, gnashing his teeth and looking ferocious.

When he heard the name Scathach before, it reminded him instinctively of the time when he was practicing in the Kingdom of Shadows... Well, that time was like hell. Although it was true that after experiencing the training in the Kingdom of Shadows, he His strength has improved dramatically, his spear skills have reached a higher level in the realm of gods, and he has also gained a wife (in mythology, the big dog bulldozed Scathach's daughter and sister, but in the history of the moon, it may be to deceive Krypton, it was not revealed that Scathach has a daughter, so the big dog only fell in love with Scathach's sister, and Scathach is still a 17-year-old girl waiting to be married), but this does not prevent every time I hear Scathach This name always fills him with fear.

Of course, it may be too much to say fear, but it does have psychological shadow.

Because that woman talks about seeking death all day long, and as a result, she becomes stronger every day, and puts her death wish on her disciples, and then beats the disciples half to death every time... Hey, hey Hey, isn't this really because you can't die, so you vent your grievances on the disciples?

If you really just want to die, then put down your weapon and just stand there and let people stab you to death!

Okay, although this almost doesn't kill her.

Therefore, it is impossible for that woman to die. Even if the world is destroyed, she will not die. At most, she will exist in another form. In other words, it is impossible for her to be summoned by the Holy Grail War!

Such a simple truth, I would be frightened...ah, is it really because the psychological shadow during my lifetime has caused the body to form a conditioned reflex? Damn it!

Of course, the most damning thing is the bastard who deceived himself, who used such lame lies, what is his name... Ah, forget it, I don’t know his name yet, but as long as he is in this Holy Grail War, he will There will definitely be a chance to meet him, and when the time comes, he will definitely pierce his heart!

"Huh, I probably won't chase you again..."

As Tang Hao ran, he sensed the aura around him. When he left, he deliberately hid his aura. Except for the kind of servants who were good at tracking, there was almost no need to worry about being caught up, and Cu Chulainn was obviously not. this type.

Therefore, it can basically be regarded as getting rid of it.

Of course, there is nothing we can do if we accidentally meet again. But Fuyuki doesn't matter whether he's big or small, it's not so easy to meet someone by chance. This isn't a novel.

"Got you."


Just as he was thinking about it, crisp footsteps came from the front, which was particularly noticeable in the silent street. Tang Hao looked intently and saw a figure slowly walking out under the street lamp.

This is a dignified girl with a pair of black and beautiful ponytails. She wears a large red trench coat over a black silk skirt uniform. A pair of sapphire blue eyes seem to sparkle in the dark night. She has the youthful and beautiful appearance of a girl. The scent does not lose the elegance of a young lady, but also has a hint of awe-inspiring sassiness.

The girl walked slowly towards Tang Hao, with an expression that was half a smile but not a smile on her face with the corners of her mouth slightly raised. She pointed her right index finger at Tang Hao like a pistol, releasing a gem-like light, "Although I pointed my finger at him like this It’s impolite for people to behave, but for a thief who breaks into a girl’s boudoir without permission, there shouldn’t be any etiquette to follow.”

"Why did you meet the enemy again?" Liang Yiweina sat astride Tang Hao's back and poked her little head out from behind him. When he looked at the girl in front of him, his eyes flickered slightly, feeling that she looked familiar.

"Wait a minute!" Tang Hao quickly stretched out his hand and said righteously before the other party launched an attack, "Miss, have you recognized the wrong person? We are strangers, and I am not a thief who broke into a girl's boudoir. There might be a bit of a misunderstanding.”

"What a misunderstanding!" the girl roared excitedly, "Do you think I'm an idiot? I don't even know if my bedroom has been invaded! Although tracking and investigating is not my strong point, I am still a Magician, the smell you left in the room has already given you away... Ah, I am such a fool, to be excited by such a thing. In short, if I can be caught without mercy now, I can still take the punishment lightly. otherwise"

Has it been discovered?

That's right, the person who came was none other than Tohsaka Rin.

Well, this is actually not surprising, because Tang Hao did not deliberately erase his traces after entering Tohsaka House, and it was the magician's home after all. What kind of arrangement was there, ordinary people could not imagine... ...Although relying on the smell, it was something that even Tang Hao didn't expect.

But to catch him without any effort...

"Please listen to me..."

"It's useless to talk!"


In an instant, several light bullets shot out from the girl's fingertips.

This is Tohsaka Rin's most commonly used magic. Its power is comparable to bullets, and it can also shoot continuously. For ordinary people, this is an attack that is almost impossible to avoid. But in the world of magicians, attacks of this level can only It can be said to be a warning or a threat.

Tang Hao was evenly matched with Cu Chulainn, so of course he wouldn't be afraid of Tohsaka Rin, but of course he had to treat his wife and rabid dog differently, so he immediately chose to dodge, and at the same time patted Ryogi Mina's butt, "This woman She's going crazy, come on, let her clear her head."

"Uncle, how can I make her wake up!"



"Call Mom."

Liang Yi was stunned for a moment, and then she felt her body light up, and Tang Hao was holding her from the waist down and lifted her forward. After all, Ryogi Mina is an extremely smart girl. Even Mushroom specifically pointed out that she has magical properties when introducing her. She quickly came to her senses. Before Tohsaka Rin attacked again, she quickly opened her hands and said affectionately. Shouting: "Mom!"

"Ah?!" Tohsaka Rin's attack stopped abruptly, and he was stunned as if he had been cast on a body-holding spell.

What did that child call himself?


Did you hear it wrong?

Liang Yiweina told her with practical actions that it was not an auditory hallucination. The girl waved her hands, squeezed out two crystal tears from her eyes, and cried: "Mom, I am your daughter!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! How can I have a daughter!" Tohsaka Rin suddenly blushed and defended awkwardly but loudly. She was only seventeen years old, and this girl looked ten years old. Could it be that she was seventeen years old? Was she born at the age of 18?

"Mom, you don't know, because I come from the future."

"The future...the future?"

"That's right." Liang Yiweina broke free from Tang Hao's hand, ran forward, came to Tosaka Rin, looked at the other person's stunned face, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and cried with joy, "Mom, I She is the daughter born in your future, because mom, you died after giving birth to me. In order for me to see you, dad made a wish to the Holy Grail and specially took me back to the time when you were still alive thirty years ago... Mom , Wei Na finally sees you, woo woo woo.”

After saying that, Ryogi hugged Rin Tosaka, buried her head in the other person's chest, and sobbed gently.

"Wait...wait!" Tohsaka Rin was completely dumbfounded and at a loss for a moment.

And what does thirty years ago mean? If she is telling the truth, it means that she gave birth to her at least twenty years later, and twenty years later she will be thirty-seven years old... This is too much for a thirty-seven-year-old mother. Come on!

"Mom, don't you believe me? But it's all true." Liang Yiweina raised her head, "Although my mother is very beautiful, due to personality problems, she didn't find a boyfriend until she was thirty years old. By chance, I met my father by chance and worked very hard to get pregnant with me. Unfortunately, because my mother had passed the best period of childbirth for a woman, she died of dystocia. I have always been very sad..."

You already said that I died after giving birth to you, so why do you know so clearly?

"However, now that I have met my mother, I finally believe that you are my mother. Mom, look, do we look alike? The same sapphire blue eyes, the same beautiful black long hair, the same oval face, and... … Even the size of the breasts are almost the same.”

Hey, that last one is redundant!

The corners of Tohsaka Rin's eyes twitched. Although she couldn't believe this statement, but...if she looked carefully, the girl in front of her did look a bit similar to herself, not only in appearance, but also in temperament...could it be true? My own daughter?

I have to say that Liang Yiwei is really a girl full of magic. She hides her little devil attributes under her elegant and noble appearance, and only reveals them inadvertently, so that everything she says seems so sincere. Not to mention Tohsaka Rin, even Tang Hao almost believed it after looking at it.

After all, in terms of appearance alone, these two people really have an inexplicable resemblance.

In fact, it is normal to have such a degree of similarity, because they both have green faces.

Tohsaka Rin, Tono Akiba and Kurogiri Hana, these three people were all born based on Aozaki Aoko. Mushroom even said that Tosaka Rin is Aoko's version of fate. Although Ryogi Mina is the daughter of Ryori, her painting style and temperament are closer to Aoko Aozaki. There is even a rumor circulating on the Internet that Ryogi Mina is actually the daughter of Kurogiri Hana.

Since they are both close to Qingzi, the similarity between the two is not unreasonable.

Even in terms of personality, both of them have the attributes of little devils.


Tang Hao thought like this, and even he couldn't help but start to doubt. Could it be that this Ryogi Miina was really Tohsaka Rin's daughter? !

Looking at Tohsaka Rin who stood awkwardly and didn't know how to react, Tang Hao suddenly had an idea and thought he had found the correct way to use Ryogi Wei... From now on, whenever he sees a woman, he can use Ryogi Wei. Then throw it over and call her mom. With this kid's demonic attributes, he will definitely cooperate, and then there will be a lot of girls in the world who want to be mothers.

Thinking about it makes me a little excited.

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