Liangyiweina! ?

Upon hearing this name, Tang Hao's eyes suddenly became dull.

Ryogi Mina, the daughter of Ryogi and Mikiya Kurogiri, is a character from "Sky Realm"... Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the time of the Fifth Holy Grail War is 2004. Fuyuki, and Ryogi Mina...wait, when was this loli born?

Ah, Baidu Baidu!

When he was in doubt and asked Du Niang, Tang Hao quickly took out his mobile phone.

Damn it, I can’t Baidu!

Of course, there is Baidu in this world. After all, as long as there is China, there will be Baidu, but Baidu in the Xingyue world will not record the affairs of Liang Yiweina, so he immediately asked the chat room for help.

Dabendan: Is anyone here? Please help me look up the chronology of "The Realm of the Sky", as well as the birth dates of Liang Li and Liang Yi Wei.

Her Royal Highness: The realm of space? Have you escaped to the realm of space?

Da Bendan: No way. Of course I'm still in Fuyuki. Her baby came to me during the two ceremonies.

Seventeen-year-old girl: What is this mess?

Da Bendan: You ask me who will go, so I asked you to help Baidu.

Sage Hui: There is no Baidu, but I found it on Google and will send it to you now.

Tang Hao received the information from Saint Hui, and Liang Yiwei looked at him with curious eyes, "Uncle, what are you doing? You are holding a cell phone in your hands again."

"No, I asked a friend to check some things, and then my friend found your dad."

"You know my dad?"

"That's right, Kurogiri Google."

"What? My father's name is Mikiya Kurogiri. Uncle, you are talking nonsense again."

I'm not talking nonsense... Tang Hao thought to himself, Kurogane is also nicknamed by countless silly netizens because of his detective-like intelligence search ability shown in the story of "Sky Realm", which is more terrifying than Google. Kurogiri Google, and because he has undergone two rituals, he is also jokingly known as a man who can enter and exit the root at will.

Ah, how enviable.

Tang Hao also wanted to enter and exit the roots at will, but the two rituals have already been born, and there is no hope of entering and exiting the roots of the two rituals. Then... there is only Shatiao Luge.

Oops, I got off topic!

Tang Hao shook off the messy thoughts in his mind and quickly checked the information sent by Saint Hui.

Ryo Ritual was born on February 17, 1980, and the story of Sora no Kyoukai took place in 1998. In less than two years, the story of Sora no Kyoukai came to an end, and Ryo Ritual and Kurogiri Miki also officially came together. In other words , the fastest time for these two people to get married and start a business was in 2000, and then it took one year to create a human. In 2001, Ryogi Weina was born. Then, in 2004, the fifth Holy Grail War, Ryogi Weina was only four at most. Only years old.

The timeline is messed up!

In any case, even if the geographical gap between Fuyuki City and Kanfuko City is ignored, it is absolutely impossible for the ten-year-old Ryogi Mina to appear here... Theoretically, this should be the case, but why?

Dabendan: Seventeen-year-old girl, it seems you are right. There is a problem with the timeline of this world. Ryogi Mina from the Sky Realm came to Fuyuki, and the time there seems to be about seven years faster.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Is it just the time over there?

Dabendan: Huh?

Seventeen-year-old girl: You met the ten-year-old Ryogi Mina in Fuyuki. From this, you can judge that the story of Sora no Realm is seven years ahead of schedule. This means that the birth of Ryogi Mina is seven years ahead of schedule. After all, she is impossible. You gave birth to your daughter when you were 13 years old, right? So your idea is a bit arbitrary.

Tang Hao was stunned. Yes, there were still too few clues at present. He shouldn't draw conclusions so quickly.

"Wei Na." Thinking of this, Tang Hao asked the girl next to him, "How did you get here?"

"Why are you here? I'm just going out normally."

Going out normally?

"Then do you know where this place is?"

"Guanbuzi City." Liang Yiwei looked like a matter of course, but she thought Tang Hao's question was a bit idiotic, "Uncle, you must be suffering from Alzheimer's disease in advance, or you still want to test me with such a simple question. ?”

Time traveler!

Liang Yiwei is a time traveler!

Tang Hao understood that it was not that the story of the Realm of the Sky was advanced, but that Ryogi Mina had traveled from Guanfuzi City in the future to Fuyuki City seven years ago, and she knew nothing about it.

"Just think that I'm testing you. Can you tell me what exactly happened today? Let's start from the time when you went out."

"Ugh..." Liang Yiweina stared at Tang Hao for a few times, then suddenly covered her chest and stepped back warily, "Uncle, are you interested in me? Although my father often You praised me for my feminine charm, but within a few minutes of us knowing each other, you suddenly asked me about my privacy... Although I don't hate this straightforwardness, as a qualified gentleman, at least I shouldn't be so eager. .”

Wow, this guy is really a little kid!

Tang Hao was convinced. He was worthy of being the number one father-controller in Xingyue. He was determined to defeat the two rituals so that he could marry his father Mikiya Kurogiri. His words were not subtle at all.

"Don't worry." Tang Hao touched her forehead, "It will take another five or six years for a little guy like you to interest me. Besides, I have a girlfriend and I never go out. You are messing around with others. The main reason is that the current situation is a bit weird. You think this is Kanfuko City, but it is actually Fuyuki."


"Didn't you notice?" Tang Hao stretched out his hand and pointed outward, "This is really an environment you are familiar with?"

Liang Yiweina took advantage of the situation and looked out of the alleyway. Before, she was just hiding because of the appearance of the skeleton monster. Now after hearing what Tang Hao said, she did feel that the surrounding environment was a bit strange. She couldn't help but frown slightly, "That's right, it's near my home." There shouldn't be such a street, and it shouldn't be this old. Isn't this Guanbuzi City?"

"Not only is it not Guanfuzi City, but it's also not your era. It's Fuyuki in 2004." In order to gain the trust of the little Lolita, Tang Hao deliberately connected to the network of this world, put his mobile phone in front of her, and then Entering the Internet, various news channels and Twitter accurately display the time in the world.

year 2004.

"This... how is this possible?" For a moment, Liang Yiweina's eyes widened. It was only at this moment that she showed a trace of panic and uneasiness that a girl of this age should have. "In other words, I just went out of my way. Traveling through time and space just by opening the door?"

"At least that's the case for now."

"Then can I still go back?"

"I can't be sure for the moment, so I need you to tell you the specific situation. Maybe I can find a way to go back."

"Ugh..." Liang Yiweina tilted her head, probably a little confused, "Actually, it's nothing special. I just want to go to the convenience store to buy some snacks. It only takes ten minutes to make it, but right now When I walked around a corner, I suddenly saw that scary skeleton creature, so I hid immediately. Then in order not to be discovered by them, I kept going into hidden corners, and then I ran into you while hiding. "

"Indeed, this experience is very ordinary..." Tang Hao pinched his chin, "If you are not lying, then the time for you to travel should be around that corner. In short, write this down first."

"Uncle, uncle!"

Suddenly, Tang Hao felt his sleeves being pulled hard, but he saw Liang Yiweina stretching out her fingers and looking nervously out of the alleyway. Tang Hao looked over and saw several skeleton monsters coming under the street lights. Wandering back and forth, seemingly looking for something.

"that's it?"

"Yes, that's them." Liang Yiwei nodded heavily and subconsciously moved closer to Tang Hao. As if to cover up his uneasiness, he pretended to be mature and said, "Uncle, because today is special, I allow it." You have become my flower protector, you must protect me well."

Tang Hao was amused in his heart, but deliberately made an embarrassed face, "Really, but these skeleton monsters look very scary, and I may not be able to defeat them. If I am alone, I still have a chance to escape, but with the If I fall in love with you, I'll have to bear a little more risk, so what's the benefit of me being your flower protector?"

"Uncle, you are lying. Just now you said you would escort me home!" Liang Yiweina pouted.

"At this moment, I thought they were just little skeletons, but look, those skeleton monsters are more than two meters tall, and the weapons in their hands are scarier than pig knives. No normal person can defeat them, right? And... judging from their appearance, I'm afraid they won't leave in a short time, and even if we hide here, we may not be safe."

Tang Hao used the trick of deception. Although Liang Yiweina was clever, Jiang was still old and spicy after all, so she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. Of course, she still refused to give up, "Oh, uncle, you are so stingy, in front of I'm such a cute girl, can you bear to see me being caught and eaten by those skeleton monsters? You won't please girls like this."

"But I already have a girlfriend."

"Nana, let's do this. As long as you can take me home, I will give you a chance to be my boyfriend's candidate. Although I don't have many suitors now, I will definitely become a heartthrob in the future. If you miss this time But there’s no chance again.”

"Then it seems that I really have to seize this opportunity." Tang Hao smiled and looked at the girl's serious expression, then reached out and hugged the girl through her armpits, "Hold on, we should go."

"Ah!" Liang Yi was caught off guard and exclaimed, instinctively hugging Tang Hao tightly.

At the same time, the skeletons outside seemed to be attracted by the sound here and turned their heads one after another.

"Have we been discovered?" Liang Yiwei's expression changed.

"seems like it."

"Well...then we can only work hard to kill them." Liang Yiweina grabbed Tang Hao's arm and blinked strangely, "Speaking of which, uncle, how strong are you? How do you compare with my mother? "

"Well... almost... 50-50."

Tang Hao said and rushed out.


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