You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

355 When it comes to showing off, I, Tang Ritian, have never been afraid of anyone.

A familiar voice, the middle one was domineering and arrogant, with a hint of pleasure.

Tang Hao gave a fierce pity!

Suddenly looking back, Tang Hao saw that guy... walking in the dark night, with a golden halo causing ripples, his upper body naked, and several red patterns carved on his bulging chest. The golden armor made a crisp sound, and the blunt sword released a black-red light.

Glitter gold!

Tang Hao never thought that he would see Jin Shining at this time. He was clearly targeting Ilia and heading to the world of Mo Yi. Even if something unexpected happened and he encountered Jin Shining, it should be You Shan. That's right, but why is it an adult flash?

And what he just said...had he waited for ten years?

In other words, this is not Mo Yi’s world? But the fz world he visited last time?

Damn it, why? !

Tang Hao couldn't understand this at all, but he knew that he was in big trouble.

Jin Shining Shining obviously came with bad intentions and came to seek revenge on himself. Putting aside the reasons for the moment, the most important thing was what should he do? Fight or flee?

Compared with the first time he came to the Xingyue world, Tang Hao is now different from what he used to be. Not only is he stronger, but he also understands things more clearly. Take the protection of world interference value 1 as an example, at that time he could not I deeply understand what kind of power this is, but it is just used as an invincible golden bell.

And now he can assert that it is not just a defensive force, but the world itself!

That's right, the protection with a world interference value of 1 is the protection of the entire world. No one can kill anyone who exists in this world. From the infinite past to the infinite future, from origin to end, all life, all strength, all authority, everything, whether human or divine, is meaningless.

Contempt all things and be absolutely invincible!

This is the protection of world interference value 1.

If you use a novel to explain it, it is equivalent to the four-character author incarnation!

So at that time, he could go wherever he wanted, not to mention a mere golden sparkle, even if he was an enemy of all the lives in the world, he could not shake a single hair on his head.

But now, he no longer has this protection, and he can only rely on himself.

After being tempered by Feng Jian Yuxiang, Yu Ji and Ling Xian, he has indeed been promoted to the ranks of true strong men. He has the confidence to confront ordinary servants, even if the other party uses a treasure, but Jin Shining is not ordinary. Servant, he is the ceiling of the servant appointed by Mushroom, and he is the strongest under the title.

Moreover, he is not arrogant anymore!

Yes, after such a humiliating defeat, how could he still be so complacent? As soon as he appeared, he had already held AE in his hand. It was obvious that he wanted to fight with all his strength... dodge seriously!

Damn it, why?

Tang Hao couldn't help but want to scold his mother. Who did he provoke? I was just pretending to be cool. Am I so stingy? Kim Pika, have you forgotten what you said? How can a careless heart be king? !

The thought of escaping flashed through Tang Hao's mind for the first time. Although it would waste an opportunity to travel, he didn't want to die in vain. Yu Ji was still waiting for him in Chaldea, and he still had a wife to support!

But the moment he decided to retreat, he vetoed it.

No rush, yes, not yet.

With Jin Shining's character, once he speaks, he won't suddenly kill him. The villain dies because he talks too much, and he probably can't get rid of this problem. Judging from the current situation, there are too many problems in the world of Xingyue, because a mission in the chat room first caused the destruction of humanity, then the world was restarted, and now there is a change in time travel. It can be said that a single move affects the whole body. You must figure this problem out and solve it, otherwise a similar situation may occur next time you come to your pregnancy period.

Anyway, as long as Jin Shining Shining is not in a hurry to take action, he can delay for a while. If he wants to run away, he can do it at any time. In terms of hand speed... How can Jin Shining Shining, a winner in life, compare to his hands that have been single for twenty years? speed!

Thoughts were racing in Tang Hao's mind. In reality, it only happened for a moment. Looking at Jin Shining walking towards him, he immediately raised his head, put his hands behind his back, and at the same time pressed the return button on his phone with his index finger.

"It turns out it's you, long time no see, Jin Pika." Tang Hao smiled slightly, showing the aura of a peerless master.

"Ten years have passed, and you still haven't changed. You are indeed a miraculous magician." Jin Shanshan stood a few meters in front of Tang Hao, and as expected, he was not in a hurry to take action.

Of course, how could he take action?

If it was just to kill the opponent, he didn't need to make a sound at all. He had just had the opportunity for a sneak attack. Although the opponent's cliff-like defense might not be effective, he didn't even bother to win in this way.

"Ten years, ten whole years, do you know how I have spent these ten years!"

Jin Shining stared at Tang Hao. Ten years ago, he suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of the opponent. The King of Heroes' face was completely wiped out, and he completely remembered the three words Tang Hao.

As a follower, even if he has the ability to act alone, theoretically speaking, he cannot stay in this world for as long as ten years. However, in order to one day be able to take revenge on Tang Hao, he did not hesitate to dye himself in black mud and fight as an ordinary follower. With irresistible willpower, he forcibly borrowed the power of black mud to stay in this world for ten years.

He had only one thought in his mind, to defeat Tang Ritian, trample all the dignity and arrogance of the other party under his feet, let the other party completely taste the humiliation of failure, and pay back the humiliation he suffered a thousand times. And this can only be done openly and honestly Defeat your opponent!

Use your own invincible sword to defeat Tang Ritian's absolute defense from the front!

"You don't know, so take action, Tang Ritian. I have been waiting for ten years for today. Today, only one of you and I can leave this place alive!"

Sure enough, he wanted to challenge himself openly.

Tang Hao immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Now that Jin Shining Shining had spoken out, at least he didn't have to worry about being attacked.

"Really, you want to fight me to the death. Yes, this courage is worthy of praise. As the oldest hero king, you are indeed qualified to fight me." Tang Hao put his hands behind his back and raised his head proudly, even more powerful than Jin Shining. arrogant about everything.

He won't lose compared to showing off!

"But, King of Heroes, I may disappoint you. I am no longer as strong as I was back then."

"What did you say?!"

"You just asked me how you have spent these ten years, but do you know how I have spent these ten years?" Tang Hao said solemnly, "After the battle with you that day, I traveled through the endless timeline. , I went to another world, which was a world that had been destroyed. The destruction of human nature was right in front of me, and the cries of living beings surrounded my ears. In order to save that world, I left the power of miracles behind, Now I no longer have that miraculous magic."

"You...damn it!" Jin Shining rushed to Tang Hao in a few steps, with a ferocious look on his face, gritted his teeth and said, "You lost your actually lost your magic...then what's the point of defeating you? Are you going to let this king’s ten years of waiting go to waste? Tang Ritian!”

"Calm down first." Tang Hao shook his head calmly, "Although I left the miracle in that world, the seeds of magic are still in my body, and it has gradually recovered in the past ten years. It won't take long for me to To be able to return to my peak state again... Of course, if you want to fight me now, I will accompany you. Even with my broken body, I will fight you seriously!"

"That makes no sense at all!" Jin Shining shouted, "How long will it take?"

"It's not certain yet."

"Do you want me to wait another ten years? Don't go too far, Tang Ritian, my patience has its limits!"

"It doesn't take that long." Tang Hao shook his head again, looked around, and asked, "Where is this?"

"The ruins of the Matou family." Jin Shanshan suppressed the rage in his heart and answered, "Ten years ago, the Matou family was destroyed by an unknown enemy. Since then, no one has repaired it, and it has become the ruins it is today."

"I see, then, how did you learn about my return and disappearance?"

"Ten years ago, I have remembered your soul. As long as you appear in Fuyuki City, your abominable aura will immediately appear in my perception. I know that you will one day Coming back."

It seemed that it was not Jin Shining's fault that he failed to go to Mo Yi World smoothly. That's right, although Jin Shining is strong, it is impossible for him to have that kind of power. If he did have it... it could only be magic or something else.

"I understand." Tang Hao nodded and smiled slightly, "Since you don't plan to fight me in a decisive battle with this weak body, you might as well wait a little longer."

"I need the exact time!"

"Well..." Tang Hao thought for a moment, "I still have to do some things. I can't give you an exact time for the time being. How about this. I'll give you an answer in three days. I will stay in Fuyuki during this period. Of course, if you are really worried, you can follow me."

He is going to investigate the reason why he was cut off from this world, and he may encounter some dangers. If Jin Shining Shining can follow him, he may be able to be his bodyguard.

"Hmph, I have no interest in being associated with you. I just hope you can keep your promise."

Well, Bodyguard plans to go bankrupt.

Tang Hao stretched out his hand towards the other party.

"What?" Jin Shining frowned.

"I'll lend you a glass of wine." Tang Hao said with a smile, "After drinking, the man's promise will be remembered in his heart, and there will be no possibility of going back on it."

"Okay!" Jin Shining happily opened the king's treasure house, took out the golden wine glass and wine flask, poured a glass for Tang Hao first, and then poured a glass for himself.


The wine glass clinked and he drank it all in one gulp.

Jin Shining threw the golden wine cup into the ruins with a swishing sound, and said solemnly: "In three days, I will wait for your answer!"

As soon as the words fell, Jin Shining turned around and disappeared into the air, leaving only a faint golden halo.

After confirming that Jin Shining was completely gone, Tang Hao finally let out a breath and quickly picked up the phone.

Da Bendan: What a beautiful purple girl, please keep an eye on me! !

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