Miao Sen: This is good, this is good!

Looking at the messages flashing in the chat box, Miyamori Aoi pressed her phone fiercely.

It's not that she has a particular passion for Devil Fruits, it's just that as a social creature, she understands better than anyone else that the energy of ordinary people has limits, especially in the social system of Japan, where the work pressure is too great.

And she chose a job like an animation producer, like a housekeeper who has to worry about every detail. Every week is like sprinting to the death line. Although it is fulfilling, there is almost no time to rest. If something unexpected happens, , then you have to race against time, and such examples are not uncommon.

In particular, she also took over the task of producing the Gensokyo animation series from Tang Hao, which is equivalent to one person working two jobs. She is usually even busier, which often makes her want to turn one minute into ten minutes, but if ...If she could have abilities like the shadow clone in Naruto, wouldn't it mean that one person could be used as two or even more people?

Although she doesn't know if there is a clone fruit in One Piece, she doesn't necessarily need this specific ability. As long as it can improve work efficiency, she likes any ability.

I heard that devil fruits taste terrible, like shit?

But that kind of thing doesn’t matter!

The suggestion put forward by Yakumo Murasaki was not very tempting to Misaka Mikoto, Kuriyama Mirai and Erza, who were very powerful people in their own right, but the ordinary people in the chat room were immediately moved, even if they didn't need to They go to fight and work hard, which is a good ability that can also bring great convenience to their daily lives.

Favorites are the best evidence.

The favorites that come with the chat room are equivalent to providing an unlimited storage space for each group member, making everyone a space-capable person.

Of course, Devil Fruits also have shortcomings...

Yukinoshita: But I remember that people who eat devil fruits can't touch water. Does this water only refer to sea water? Or is ordinary water included? If it's the latter, wouldn't it mean that you can't even take a shower?

Megumi Sage: Yes, I have some impression of this. Although the setting only states that the side effect is being unable to swim, the reality in the comics is much more than that. Even ordinary water will render power users powerless... In other words, the world of One Piece is only sea water? Doesn’t fresh water exist at all?

Hiyori Kazuki: Mr. Zoro, do you know?

The Name of the Swordsman: Ha, how could I know about that kind of thing? I'm not a capable person.

Yukinoshita: But aren't there a lot of people with abilities on your ship? Even if Luffy can't explain it, Robin and Chopper should know it.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Actually, I can answer this question for you.

The name of the swordsman: Oh, then there is no need for me to ask.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Devil Fruit is also known as the incarnation of the Devil of the Sea. There is a devil in each fruit. Of course, this is just a relatively fantasy statement. In fact, Devil Fruit is just a manifestation of the rules of that world. , very similar to the ability development in Academy City. This means that each person can only develop one ability. Only the first person to hear the Devil Fruit can gain its power, and there is no possibility of eating the second one. possible.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Of course, someone is outside the scope of this discussion, but the phenomenon of being unable to be widely mass-produced is not within the scope of discussion.

Seventeen-year-old girl: And the reason why people with abilities are afraid of water is not actually water, but the power in the sea. All things are interdependent, and if there is a strong poison, there must be an antidote within seven steps, and the same is true for devil fruits. The power of the sea can restrain Devil Fruits, and more than 90% of the world's area is the sea, making the power of the sea almost everywhere in the world. Even ordinary water or hot springs may bring the power of the sea. This This is also the reason why the setting and the actual situation seem to be different.

Seventeen-year-old girl: But actually we don’t need to worry about this problem, because to put it bluntly, the abandonment of devil fruits by the sea is a curse, a punishment for those who gain power for free. People in that world cannot resolve this curse, no It means that there are no other worlds... Of course, if the normal curse removal method is used, the ability may also be removed, but if the chat room takes action, then only the side effects will be removed.

Sage Hui: You mean, chat rooms can make people with abilities not afraid of sea water?

Seventeen-year-old girl: Yes, this has been confirmed a long time ago. When the chat room reaches level 2, you don't have to worry about the side effects of Devil Fruit at all.

The chat room has been upgraded to lv2, which is not too far away, only four heads are missing.

Miaomori: So, how do we get the Devil Fruit?

Devil fruits are only produced in the world of One Piece. Although in the middle and later stages of the manga, fruit-powered users have become as worthless as street vendors, with as many abilities as dogs, and domineering little ones running around the streets, but that is from the perspective of the protagonist after all. The characters that appear in comics, even the most insignificant sidekicks, have their own value. But in terms of probability, the possibility of ordinary people getting devil fruits can only depend on fate.

At any time, it was a rare item in that world.

Once it is born, it will almost quickly fall into the hands of the world government or other major forces.

And even if they follow Luffy and the others on their adventures...this comic has been around for more than ten years, and apart from the one after Ace's death, they have never encountered a second ownerless devil fruit!

To this, Yakumo Murasaki did not refute.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Well, it is indeed difficult to obtain Devil Fruits. If it were me, I would reach out directly to the Chambord Islands, the residence of the Celestial Dragons. They would feed Devil Fruits to slaves just for fun. , there must be a lot of inventory in hand, robbery...

Seventeen-year-old girl: Well, if you can search for abducts by the way, you should be able to get a lot.

Hey, you just said robbery, right?

Everyone was speechless for a while, but with Yakumo Murasaki's strength, there seems to be no difference between Tianlong and ordinary people, right? Can even a Celestial Dragon at the level of the Five Old Stars be able to withstand even one move from Yakumo Murasaki?

Seventeen-year-old girl: Of course, as I said just now, it is a curse for people with abilities to be afraid of the sea. It is a punishment from that world to those who gain power for free. I actually agree with this rule. Everything has two sides. Sex, if you want to gain something, you have to give something, so... at least before the war, I will never take action against it.

The Name of the Swordsman: Fighting the War? Although I don’t know what this is, but...hey, please don’t spoil it!

Seventeen-year-old girl: Don’t worry, I won’t say unnecessary words. Anyway, you will probably cry and beg us to spoil it.

The Name of the Swordsman: Tsk, what’s the point of taking an adventure if you know the outcome.

Zoro disagreed with this statement, but others deeply recognized it.

In fact, there is no need to wait for the top war. When the Straw Hat Pirates arrive at the Shampoo Islands, Zoro will definitely ask for help in the chat room, because that place will usher in the first "annihilation" of their pirate group.

Sauron will not bow to anyone for mercy for himself, but for the sake of his companions, he can give up his dignity and kneel down to others. Therefore, when the team is in danger of being wiped out, he has no reason not to seek help from the chat room.

Therefore, there is no need to mention the matter of war and Ace.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Well, let’s go back to the topic we just talked about. It may be a bit strict, but I still mean it. Count on me to help you obtain Devil Fruit. This possibility does not exist yet. If you want it, just do it. Rely on your own efforts.

Xiaowu Loli: It’s really strict, but is this possible? If you ask these ordinary people to go to the world of One Piece to snatch Devil Fruits, there is no chance of success at all.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Why not? Just because we don't take action doesn't mean we won't provide assistance. At least for now, I think Enelu's Thunder Fruit is quite fun.

The Name of the Swordsman: Wait, do I need to retreat?

Seventeen-year-old girl: Well, what follows may contain some spoilers, so please log off first.

Sauron decisively chose to log off.


Hiyori Kazuki: Isn’t it? Are you asking us to grab the fruits of Enelu? Let’s not talk about how strong that guy is, and he has already obtained the power of the fruit. Unless he is killed, there is nothing we can do, right?

Seventeen-year-old girl: No, there is a way.

Seventeen-year-old girl: During the War, after Whitebeard died in battle, Blackbeard absorbed the power of the Shock Fruit from his corpse. In other words, the power of the Devil Fruit can be forcibly transferred.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Actually, I have been studying this for a while. Although I am not sure how Blackbeard did it, in the final analysis, it is nothing more than the theft of ability. This kind of thing is not impossible for high-end ability users to copy. For example, in the world of "Hunter", the leader of the Phantom Troupe is best at stealing other people's telekinesis abilities.

Seventeen-year-old girl: My method is actually closer to that of the leader of the Phantom Troupe. It can steal abilities directly from a living body. Although the effect of the stolen abilities will be discounted, it will also be affected depending on the strength of the opponent. The success rate of stealing is high, but once it is successfully stolen, there will be no other side effects other than the characteristics of the ability itself.

Everyone was suddenly shocked, isn't this invincible?

Xiaowu Loli: How come I didn’t know you still had this ability? So can you steal my abilities?

Seventeen-year-old girl: Almost impossible, because this ability is just a derivative application of my realm. It is still in the experimental stage, but the success rate for ordinary people is still quite high. I have now made it into a symbol. Card……

Seventeen-year-old girl: So, the question now is, if anyone is interested in Enel’s fruit power, they can start signing up.

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