Asuna was defeated.

Defeated without any doubt.

No matter how talented she is, no matter how huge her room for growth is, with her current strength, it is impossible for her to be Yu Ji's opponent. She was completely defeated in less than ten minutes, and this was still Yu Ji. The result of Ji showing mercy.

Although Asuna was a little disappointed, she had already thought of such a result. She had tried her best in this battle and used all her abilities, but she couldn't beat her, just like that It was the same thing, she lost at the starting line from the beginning, only because she didn't work hard enough, and she had nothing to blame.

If you lose this time, you will work harder in the future and win back next time.

After all, she had always done this, but before, she had followed her parents' plans, but now she took the initiative to set a goal for herself.

"Thank you for your advice." Arriving in front of Yu Ji, Asuna stretched out her hand again and smiled.

Yu Ji looked at her, and she couldn't help but be startled by the sincerity reflected in the other person's clear eyes. In the long years she has experienced, although there are many people with noble qualities, more human beings are still full of black Desire makes people feel disgusted. This is the fundamental reason why she cannot change her views on human beings.

This was the first time she met Asuna, and she also knew that Asuna had an unclear relationship with Tang Hao. Although to her, some ethics in human society were not important, but she had no grudges in her heart. It's impossible, so he also has a subtle hostility toward Asuna.

What's more, the other party took the initiative to challenge me. It was probably impossible to say that he didn't have the idea of ​​competing with her.

Therefore, even though she was merciful in the battle just now, Asuna still suffered a lot. She originally thought that the other party would be completely angry. Even if she could still smile on her face, she would be unwilling to accept it and even give birth to more anger in her heart. So much hostility, after all...this is human beings.

But at this moment, from Asuna's clear eyes, she didn't see these negative emotions at all. The other party was sincerely thanking her without any pretense.

Is it because that's who she is, or has she become more mature through this battle?

Yu Ji didn't know, but no matter what the reason, she couldn't admit that the other party did have greater courage than herself.

"You're welcome, you're not bad." Yu Ji reached out and gently shook Asuna's hand. With her status and attitude, being able to say "you're not bad" is already a considerable recognition of Asuna. .

"Miss Kazuya... no, maybe I should call you Miss Yu Ji." Asuna smiled slightly, "I learned a lot through the battle with you just now. Although I lost this time, if I have the chance in the future, If so, I will ask you for advice again. Also... I know that you are very hostile to humans, but I think it is possible for us to become friends."


"Well, I think it's definitely possible." Asuna nodded heavily, but then she suddenly leaned into Yu Ji's ear and whispered, "Of course, I will still fight for what should be fought for. After all, I I have made up my mind since that day, so even if we become friends, we are still rivals. When the time comes, I hope you will not show mercy."


Then, before Yu Ji came back to her senses, she quickly stepped back and smiled casually, "Then, that's all I want to say. I've spent a lot of energy just now. I'm going to eat something first. See you later."

After finishing speaking, Asuna quickly ran to where Kato Megumi and others were, chatting and laughing with them as if nothing was wrong.

Even Yu Ji blinked in a daze.

Tang Hao, who had been watching the battle, was filled with questions. He was worried that the two of them would accidentally hit each other and cause a bigger conflict, so he never dared to leave, in case something really happened. Sometimes he could stop it in time, but from beginning to end, except for a little excitement during the battle, he could hardly smell the smell of gunpowder.

As for the excitement of the battle, it was only because of the style of the two.

In other words, nothing happened?

Tang Hao was a little confused. Logically speaking, Asuna liked him and Yu Ji also liked him, and both of them knew that the other liked them. No matter how broad-minded they were and how elegant they pretended to be, since The fight has already started, and there will be some overt and covert fighting, but why is the final result so harmonious, and even whispering?

Could it be that Yu Ji and Asuna have reached a consensus and are ready to be his wings?

No, no, no, this is impossible no matter how you think about it!

Or is it that Asuna suddenly fell in love with Yu Ji?

But that's not right. Neither Asuna nor Yuji have the attributes of Lily.

"Is this... the end?"

Tang Hao couldn't figure it out no matter how hard he thought about it, so he couldn't help but ask.

Yu Ji turned around and glared at him, "Are you still thinking about what happened?"

"Well, of course it's best if nothing happens." Tang Hao scratched his head and smiled. Then when Yu Ji came to his side, he immediately asked, "By the way, Asuna said something in your ear just now. What?"

"She said..." Yu Ji suddenly lengthened her voice.


Tang Hao was raising his ears and preparing to listen, but Yu Ji stuck out her tongue, "I won't tell you!"

Hey, you're not kind enough. Didn't we agree that we have no secrets from each other?

Well, that's not easy to say.

Tang Hao's curiosity aroused was not resolved, and he was scratching his head for a while. He was about to think of how to get Asuna's words out of Yu Ji's mouth, but he found that Yu Ji had already stopped. Keep walking towards behind him, he quickly turned around, but there was no one else behind him, so he couldn't help but ask: "Where are you going?"

Yu Ji stopped and turned her head to look at him, "This is called Gensokyo. I heard Roman say that this is a paradise for monsters. No matter what kind of monsters and aliens they are, they can live freely here, so I want to look around, do you... want to go for a walk with me?"

"That's it..." Tang Hao looked back and saw that the fighting over there was still continuing and getting more intense. However, Lingmeng was here anyway, so there was no need for him to meddle in his own business, so he nodded and said, "Okay. ah."

Afterwards, the two of them walked out side by side until they walked out of the sunflower field.

"Hey, where are Senior Tang Hao and Miss Jie?" Soon after the two left, Ma Xiu looked around and asked suddenly.

"They left just now, do you have anything to ask them about?" Fujimaru Ritsuka said.

"It's nothing, but I suddenly found that they were missing..." Matthew shook his head, "Wait a minute, did Senior Tang Hao and Miss Aji leave together? Is there anyone else?"

"I just saw the two of them."

"Ah, there are only two people..." Ma Xiu seemed to have thought of something, and his face turned slightly red.

"Matthew, what's wrong with you?" Roman came over holding a piece of strawberry cake. Seeing Matthew's flushed face, he asked with concern, "Did you catch a cold? Well, the wind here is quite strong."

"No, no... I don't have a cold!" Mashu shook his head repeatedly, but his face became even redder.

At the same time, Tang Hao and Yu Ji were sitting on the grass.

This is a hillside near the sunflower field. The terrain is slightly higher. Looking forward from here, you can just see the huge magic forest, full of the atmosphere of nature. You can also see some traces of Monster Mountain further away. , shrouded in a mysterious mist.

"Actually, I am a very stingy woman..."

Yu Ji was admiring the scenery in the distance, and suddenly said something carelessly.

Tang Hao didn't understand what she meant, so he had to close his mouth and listen to her silently.

"Although I hate war and don't like fighting with others, maybe my personality is too violent. Once I am provoked, I want to fight back. If I am bullied, I will definitely find a way to retaliate, especially for humans. I I will fight back without hesitation... Although I stay in Chaldea, a human rights protection organization, in fact, to me, human rights are not important. If human beings are really extinct, it may be a problem for me. It’s a good thing, after all, it’s impossible to win against seven billion humans with the power of one person.”


"So I am stingy, narrow-minded, and will retaliate for all my flaws. Then..." Yu Ji suddenly lowered her head, her eyes flickering slightly, "What I want to say is... will you always like such a stingy woman?"

Tang Hao stared at her face, looked up and down for a while, and said seriously: "The face is very beautiful, the figure is also great, and I am just a face control who has not escaped from vulgar taste, so personality and other things are trivial. La."


Yu Ji punched him on the shoulder, neither lightly nor hard, "I'm serious!"

"I'm serious too... Okay." Seeing that Yu Ji was about to get angry, Tang Hao quickly corrected his expression, "Although I don't know why you suddenly raised such a question, but since you said it, I will answer it seriously. How to put it... give me an example that may not be appropriate."

"Take Joan of Arc for example. She is a saint with noble character and no negative presence. She always puts the safety of others before herself at any time. On the premise that only one person can survive. , even when faced with the bishop who once burned her to death, she would give up her way of life to him and let herself fall into death... I sincerely admire her for this character. I think such a person is extremely great, but If she were my girlfriend, I would never let her do this. Let alone one person, even if there were hundreds of people, if I had to choose one of them to survive between them and my girlfriend, I don’t care. I will always choose the latter without frowning."

As he said that, Tang Hao smiled slightly, "So, I am also very stingy."

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