You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

335 Everyone sit down, this is normal operation

Tang Hao felt that he was not wrong. After all, he was handsome, young and rich, and he had at least two of the richest and handsomest men. He also had a gentle personality, was warm to others, had a sense of humor, and was a partner of justice. It was like this It is a matter of course that men will be liked by girls.

So being popular can never be a fault.

Well, it's certainly not his fault that Asuna likes him. Taking Asuna home for the New Year, pretending to be his girlfriend, and even sleeping in the same bed was obviously not a mistake. Even if he said it in front of Akuko, it was something he felt no shame about, so Tang Hao's Very stable at heart.

However, after all, women still have times when they are unreasonable, and at such times, it doesn't seem to matter whether they are correct or not.

Therefore, when Akuko and Asuna stood face to face, looking at each other without saying a word, and the whole atmosphere fell into a mysterious silence, Tang Hao couldn't help but feel a little tingling in his scalp.

Asuna knew about Akuhiko, although what happened between him and Akuhiko in that room was not broadcast live, and he never sent dog food in the chat room. After all, showing affection makes them break up quickly, and it seems that they are also not broadcast live. It's not too affectionate, but at least the relationship between confidants is certain. In this case, Asuna still likes him... No, no, no, according to Kirito and Asuna's own attitude, she likes him He must have been before Kazuko, but before he had time to express his feelings, Kazuko suddenly appeared out of nowhere, putting him in an extremely bad situation.

Wait, why does it sound a bit like the rhythm of The White Album?

If Akuko and Asuna really become replicas of Tosan Sprite, wouldn't he become Brother Haru?

Not long ago, he warned Kirito not to imitate Brother Chun, a scumbag. He never expected that these words would fall on him... Okay, let's put this aside for now.

In short, Asuna did not bury her feelings after knowing about Akuko's existence, which means that she had the idea of ​​​​competition. After all, Tang Hao and Akuko were not married, so even if they were, it would be fine. As for Li, and if you really want to count, Asuna came first. Since Asuna didn't give up, the competition with Akuko was inevitable.

But where did Akuko know about Asuna?

Although no one spoke at the moment, Akubeko looked at Asuna with a look that was obviously a bit of a love rival, which meant that not only did she know about Asuna's existence, but she might even know more than she thought. More to come...

Roman, it must be Roman!

Tang Hao gritted his teeth secretly. Kazuko had no way to contact the chat room. Apart from herself, the only channel through which she could contact the chat room was Roman... Of course, Kaguya was also possible.

But he couldn't beat Kaguya, and Roman was a bit of a novice. Of course, he had to pick the weak ones. This is human nature.

"Um..." After nearly half a minute of silence, Tang Hao finally couldn't bear the dull atmosphere. He subconsciously took out two slices of watermelon and handed them to the two of them, "Would you like some melon?"

"What are you eating? What are you eating? There's something wrong with you, isn't it!" Before Kazuko and Asuna could react, Kaguya jumped over and pinched Tang Hao's neck, shaking him hard, "This In this situation, would you die if you just look at the atmosphere? They are obviously about to fight, and you even show your broken melon, I really want to slap you and strangle you to death!"

While Kaguya pinched Tang Hao's neck, she quietly turned around to observe Akuko and Asuna, her eyes sparkling as if to say: Tear it apart, tear it up louder, I'm very interested. Woolen cloth!

However, no matter how you look at it, Akuko and Asuna are fighting, this is an extremely unscientific thing.

Appearing in the form of Kazuko is to reduce her sense of existence and avoid too much contact with others. Even if Yu Ji's identity is exposed in the story, she will not verbally quarrel with anyone. Well... rather, with her character, quarreling and other things are completely unnecessary. When it comes to fighting, she just takes action directly.

Although Asuna is not as violent as Akuko, she is also an action person. Whether it is ridiculing or attacking the opponent through words, it is not something she can do.

So, following Kaguya's interruption, both of them came to their senses from the enigmatic look at each other, and then smiled slightly. Kazuko took the lead in reaching out her hand and greeted: "Hello, my name is Kazuya. Hinako.”

"Hello, my name is Asuna."

Asuna also smiled, and the two held their hands lightly in mid-air.

Kaguya stared with wide eyes, and even Tang Hao couldn't help but look at the hands they were holding. After all, according to the classic routine of anime, at this time, both of them would secretly exert their strength to steal the show. Just like Aladdin and Lian Hongyu in "The Magic Flute". On the surface, they smiled and talked about turning enemies into friends, but when they shook hands, they kept pinching each other. Although they pinched each other later, it seemed that they were expressing feelings?

But unfortunately... or what makes people relieved is that the two did not follow the classic animation routine. They really just shook hands gently and separated quickly. There was no trace of hostility on the expressions on their faces. , but seemed very sincere.

However, the more this happened, the more uneasy Tang Hao became.

Who is Kazuko? As we all know, she is a notoriously irritable old lady. Her attitude towards humans is not to mention the worst, but at least she is full of hostility. Even after Asuna completed the job transfer of the elves, she can no longer be regarded as a pure person. The blood human is half human and half elf, but this elf is different from Akubeko's elf after all. It is impossible to gain her favor in a short period of time.

Therefore, although both of them were smiling, Tang Hao always felt like there was an undercurrent.

Didn’t Brother Xun also say that the dawn before the storm is extremely calm!

Tang Hao was afraid that this excessive harmony would bring about a bigger storm.

"Eh? Don't tear it apart? That's really boring." Kaguya found that the two of them couldn't pinch each other for a while, and suddenly felt a little bored. She casually let go of Tang Hao's neck and snatched two slices of watermelon from him, casually Start eating.

"Don't tell me, this broken melon is really sweet."


Kaguya had only taken two bites when a loud voice suddenly came from her ears.

But it was a girl wearing lantern trousers who rushed over like a man. She may have drunk too much, her face was a little flushed, her steps were a little swaying, but her eyes were unusually clear, as if they were burning like a flame.

"What, who did I think it was? It turned out to be a turkey in the bamboo forest." Kaguya raised her long sleeves and covered her mouth, with a slight smile on her lips, and there was a hint of ridicule in her words.

The person who came was none other than Fujiwara Meihong.

Fujiwara Meiko was originally a human being and was born into the Fujiwara family, the origin of all things. More than 1,300 years ago, when Kaguya was just demoted to the earth, she stayed in the home of an old couple. Because of her beautiful appearance, she attracted countless nobles to propose marriage proposals, including Fujiwara Meihong's father. However, these proposals None of them got what they wanted, but were humiliated by Kaguya's five problems. This is also the famous Japanese legend of the Taketori Story.

Fujiwara Meihong was hostile to Kaguya because of this, but she was just an ordinary person. Let alone revenge, she couldn't even get close to Kaguya. Until she accidentally took Kaguya's Horai medicine and got She became immortal, and she has been pursuing Kaguya's figure ever since.

How she came to Gensokyo, no one knows. Although she has lived a secluded life like a monster for a long time, she can often be seen in the human world recently. She has also formed a vigilante group to protect the human world. The humans in the group avoid being attacked by monsters when they go out... although she is the only member of the group.

Of course, the scope of the vigilante group is only in the Lost Bamboo Forest, and there may be a discount if you go to Eternity-tei. I am afraid this is also an excuse for her to find Kaguya.

After all, generally speaking, Kaguya stays close to home. Even if banquets are popular in Gensokyo, she rarely shows up. All matters big and small are basically handled by Yachi Eirin. Fujiwara Meiko wants to surpass Yachi Naga. Lin went to Kaguya directly, which was a bit difficult. After all, Sandaba is still your boss. So being a guard is a good way. Although you don't get to see Kaguya every time you go to Eternal-tei, but as long as you go to Eternal-Tei more often, there will always be times when you can seize the opportunity to fight when Yashi Eirin is not around.

At this moment, it was rare that Kaguya was present at the banquet. Fujiwara Meihong naturally would not miss such an opportunity, and rushed directly to take advantage of the wine.

"Turkey? Today I will beat you into a turkey!"

Fujiwara Meiko roared like a man, and in an instant, her body was on fire. The intense firelight illuminated the entire sunflower field and swept towards Kaguya.

"A turkey is a turkey, but it's still so unsightly."

At the same time, Kaguya rolled up her sleeves and attacked the opponent.

Kaguya originally wanted to watch Akuko and Asuna have sex, but now it was better, she had sex first instead.

Logically speaking, Kaguya should be considered a mage, but now she chooses to fight Fujiwara Meihong hand to hand. The sound of her fists hitting the flesh is simply more domineering than a man.

"What? Did someone start a fight?"

"Why is there a fight all of a sudden?"

The commotion here naturally quickly attracted people at the banquet. Many people came to Gensokyo for the first time. They were not sure about the relationship between Kaguya and Meihong. Seeing this fierce battle, they couldn't help but feel a little panicked. They thought something was going on. What a conflict.

"Ahem..." Tang Hao took a look, coughed twice, stretched out his hands to comfort everyone, and shouted: "Sit down, everyone, sit down, this is normal operation."

And everyone in Gensokyo has become accustomed to it, especially those guys like Ibuki Suika and Tianzi who are afraid of the world being in chaos. They make loud noises under the influence of wine.

"Okay! Good fight! You can be harder!"

"Wonderful, hit me hard!"

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