The Pleiades is a battle maid group in Nazarick. There are seven members in total. Except for the youngest sister, the others are composed of inhuman aliens. The average level is between 50 and 60, because all members are women. , so it is also called the Seven Sisters cluster.

Of course, whenever he mentions this name, Tang Hao will think of the Seven Sisters chili sauce that is essential for cooking, just like when he mentions Yatogami Juxiang, he will think of Wang Shouyi's Thirteen Incense.

Yuri Alpha, she is the eldest daughter of the Seven Sisters Cluster. She has a strict character and relatively normal values. This can be seen from her justice value. However, in Nazarick, everyone is absolutely loyal to Gu Aotian. Yes, even if it is Nazarick's conscience, the old man Sebas at the door with a justice value of 400, as long as Gu Aotian gives the order, he will never be merciless no matter who he faces.

Therefore, just look at the values ​​such as justice value and camp, there is no need to take them too seriously.

What really shocked Tang Hao was that he and Ye invaded the first floor. This floor was managed by Xia Tiya, the True Ancestor of the Fake Breasts. She originally stayed on the ninth floor to take care of Gu Aotian's daily life. The maid group should not be here at all. Why is this happening?

"She's coming over."

While Tang Hao was thinking about it, Ye's voice came from beside him. He looked up and saw Yuri Alpha walking slowly towards this side.

Tang Hao couldn't help but frown. There were almost no places to hide in this passage. If the other party kept going forward, they would definitely be discovered. Has the fact of their invasion been exposed?

"Do you want to kill her?" Ye asked in a low voice, without the slightest hesitation in his tone.

Tang Hao thought for a while, shook his head and said, "There's no rush. We're here mainly for investigation. We'll avoid fighting if we can. Of course, if we really can't avoid it, we'll have to take action... Let's wait."

The two of them stayed quietly in the corner, motionless. Soon, the distance between the two sides was less than thirty meters. Suddenly, Yuri's alpha lenses wearing glasses flashed and she looked towards where the two were hiding, "Who is there?" There?"

Discovered? !

Tang Hao was suddenly shocked, how could this be possible! He didn't ask Yui to withdraw the counter-reconnaissance. A level 50 battle maid shouldn't have such high perception!

Has the counter-reconnaissance failed?

Inexplicably, Tang Hao had a bad feeling.

But at this moment, Ye quickly walked out, bowed slightly to Yuri Alpha who was not far away, and said calmly: "It's me."

"Huh? Are you...?" Yuri Alpha was stunned for a moment, looking at Ye with a thoughtful expression.

Tang Hao immediately understood Ye's intention, maid!

Ye's attire has not changed in any way from when she was in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. She has short silver hair and is wearing a blue and white maid outfit. Although this outfit is slightly different from the maids in Nazarick, Nazarick is also There are many ordinary maids, and they may not be able to get by with cuteness.

There are 41 ordinary maids in Nazarick, all of whom are artificial humans, level 1, and have almost no combat effectiveness.

Sure enough, even Yuri Alpha didn't seem to recognize her for a moment. She thought Ye was an ordinary maid in Nazarick. She glared and asked, "Why are you here? Have you finished your work?"

Ye lowered her head, looking frightened, "I'm sorry, I am following the orders of the Supreme Being..."

On the way here, Ye had already heard about the general distribution of Nazarick's personnel from Tang Hao. He knew that Gu Aotian's status was absolute, so he didn't feel the slightest sense of violation when he lied about it at this moment.

"I see, this is Lord Ainz's order... Come with me."


Ye followed Yuri Alpha out. Looking at the two people leaving, Tang Hao breathed a sigh of relief, but he was still a little uneasy and immediately asked Yui. In any case, meeting Yuri Alpha on this first floor would eventually end. Still too weird.

Yui nodded and opened the full map view again to conduct reconnaissance of the entire Nazarick.

Tang Hao looked closely and found that Yui's face looked a little unnatural. Sometimes he frowned and sometimes showed a painful expression. He couldn't help but feel a little worried... Could it be that things were not going well?

A few minutes later, Yui opened her eyes, with a little sweat on her forehead.

Tang Hao quickly asked: "How is it?"

Yui's eyes flickered, looking a little confused, and asked: "Brother Ritian, this Great Tomb of Nazarick is an underground facility. When we come down from above, we should arrive at the underground level, right?"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

"But, we seem to have the ninth floor now..."


Tang Hao was stunned. "This is impossible. We did not use the teleportation function, but came down from the entrance of the passage. How could we reach the ninth floor directly?"

"I didn't find it before, but after reconnaissance, I found that there is some kind of protection here, which happened to conflict with my GM authority, causing the space to be displaced, so we went directly to the ninth floor... "

Some force protects the Great Tomb?

Tang Hao was slightly stunned. He had never heard of such a thing. Could it be the barrier set up by Gu Aotian and the others? No, even if Gu Aotian and the guardian are both level 100 bosses, the barriers they set up will hardly have any effect on Yui, the GM, unless it's a game... huh?

Tang Hao suddenly thought of something.

In the story of Overlord, Shalltia was attacked by the world-class item "Qingguoqingcheng" and turned into a wild monster without a camp. She was defeated and killed in a duel with Gu Aotian, and later gained gold coins. Resurrection.

Resurrection is a very common thing in this world. Not to mention Gu Aotian and the others, even some high-level magicians among humans can do it, but that is through the power of magic, and the method used to resurrect Shalltia is Gold coins, this is obviously the game setting!

In other words, the power of play still exists in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Although the integration of the two game worlds has reached the mid-to-late stage, they are not completely integrated after all, and the two games use completely different systems. Although Yui's GM permissions are perfectly suitable for the world of sao , but what about this game played by Gu Aotian?

The Big Tomb is also protected by the game system. Its judgment is obviously higher than Yui's GM, and the two programs are incompatible with each other. Therefore, after entering the Big Tomb, Yui's authority is hindered and even weakened...

etc! Thus?

"Also, my counter-reconnaissance doesn't seem to be effective enough...I'm sorry." Yui looked apologetic, as if she was about to cry.

"This has nothing to do with you, it's just that I took it for granted."

Tang Hao comforted him, but his heart gradually became uneasy.

Perhaps because the experience during this period was too smooth, the chat room survived the crisis of disbandment, the world heritage mission was easily and smoothly completed, and even the adventure in the FGO world, the whole process can be said to be a surprise. The danger caused him to gradually gain a little more confidence and relax a little. This kind of problem that he should have noticed a long time ago has never been thought about at all.

Sure enough, you shouldn't be too reckless. This is the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Any guardian has the power to kill him instantly!

Of course, now is not the time to blame yourself, the top priority...

"If counterreconnaissance didn't seal the deal, then didn't our invasion?"

"This is no problem." Yui immediately shook her head, "Although my GM authority has indeed been violated, it has not completely disappeared. Neither players nor NPCs can sense my existence. As long as Brother Ritian doesn't face them face to face. , you won’t be discovered when you are with me, it’s just..."

"Just what?"

"Sister Ye is not a player, my power may..."

Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed, Ye... was in danger!

"Let's go!" Tang Hao immediately ran towards the exit of the passage.

"This doesn't seem like a place to work?"

At the same time, Ye was brought to a hall by Yuri Alpha. The hall was empty except for the throne high above.

Ye frowned and looked at the calm expression on Yuli Alpha's face next to him, realizing that he might have fallen into a trap.

Sure enough, at this moment, Yuri Alpha knelt down on one knee.

"Lord Ainz, O Supreme Being, the intruder has been brought."


Almost instantly, a tall skeleton appeared on the throne. Black magic power visible to the naked eye overflowed from his body. His whole body exuded terrifying majesty. Even the air in the hall seemed to be frozen. .

"Oh, oh, is this an intruder? He even dressed up as a maid, do you think he can deceive us?"

"What a bold mouse."

"It should be punished by death!"

"But if you look closely, it's quite cute. I just don't know how strong it is?"

"Hmph, you dare to invade the Great Tomb of Nazarick. Needless to say the outcome."

"This has crossed the line. Lord Ainz should give orders on how to deal with her."

At this time, several figures slowly walked into the hall while chatting as if no one was around.

They were a demon-like mature woman with horns on her head, a petite girl holding a black umbrella, almost identical twins, a silver-white humanoid beetle, and a long-tailed man in a suit with eyes.


Ye suddenly had a sharp look in her eyes, and with Tang Hao's explanation, she immediately judged from their appearance who these inhuman-looking guys were. Each of them was a guardian of the hierarchy, an NPC with a comprehensive level of 100.

Can't win.

Just from the auras they exuded, Ye knew that he had no chance of winning against such a group of masters.

"Fantasy world!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Ye shouted.

In an instant, the entire hall was frozen in time.

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