There is still a long way to go in the harem. Tang Hao has not been able to find the best of all three solutions for the time being, so he decided to ignore the matter for the time being and just wait for a while. Anyway, everyone is still young and he has just passed. She is only twenty-one years old, and Asuna is even fifteen years old. What kind of love is there at this age? Studying is the way to go!

As for Yu Ji... Yu Ji is also very young, about the same age as Zimei.

If you really have to wait until you can no longer put it off, maybe you will just have to make do with it, can you still leave her?

So soon, Tang Hao put aside such annoying things and asked Kirito about serious matters, "Is there any recent news over Gu Aotian?"

Speaking of Gu Aotian, Kirito's expression suddenly became serious, but he couldn't say anything about Gu Aotian for the time being, because after the fusion of the two worlds, both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages. Aotian's advantage is that it is at full level, has a single force, carries the entire Great Tomb of Nazarick, and can observe the existence of Aincrad.

As for Aincrad, except for a few people such as Kirito Asuna and Kayaba Akihiko, no one knew that there was a terrifying force like Gu Aotian, and their per capita combat power was also very weak, but they It also has advantages that Gu Aotian does not have, which are the powerful growth space, the level-limiting barrier, and... the existence of GM.

There is a huge barrier outside Aincrad. This is not a thing set by the game, but the product of the fusion of the two worlds. It is obviously the interference of the world's will, probably to make the two worlds more Smooth integration may also be a mutual restriction of the two forces.

However, in Tang Hao's view, the latter situation is unlikely. After all, whether human players will defeat the alien species, or the alien species will eliminate humans, how can the will of the world have the time to care about such trivial matters. Even if there really were mutual constraints to allow the two forces to reach a relative balance, it would only be the chat room that would interfere.

Therefore, no matter what, the barrier protecting Aincrad will not last long. It will only last for more than three months at most. When the Great Tomb fully invades Aincrad, the barrier will inevitably disappear.

During this period of time, it was indeed impossible for Kirito and the others to understand the situation on Gu Aotian's side. After all, they were just ordinary players, and the information they could obtain was still too little.

"Actually, Kayaba Akihiko may have discovered something about this, because recently, as a guild consultant, he has often sent guild teams to the border of Aincrad to investigate, and occasionally asked you when you would come over, but Since you have been staying in the FGO world some time ago, I didn't mention it to you." Kirito said.

"I see. No wonder there aren't many people in the guild."

Tang Hao was chatting with Kirito while wandering around the guild. In more than two months, the "God of Strategy" guild has grown very strong. Even the first-line elite team has more than a hundred people, but Tang Hao has gone all the way. Come, the number of players seen is very limited, even the familiar Klein and others are busy.

"Well, it's not just this matter. In fact, in addition to conquering the level boss and investigating, we are also preparing for another matter recently."

"What's up?"

"Find someone."




Tang Hao suddenly stopped.

Of course, Yui is not Yui Aragaki, but the mhcp in sao, which is the mental management support program. It is responsible for managing the player's mental health consultation AI. It has human-like emotions and super learning ability, and can also use GM permissions. , it should have looked like this, but on the day of the game's public beta, she was forcibly blocked by the system. As a result, she, who was supposed to appear with the game's public beta, has not appeared so far.

Of course, the reason is actually very simple. It is nothing more than Kayaba Akihiko's manipulation.

His purpose is to create a death game. The existence of AI like Yui will have an impact on his plan to some extent. It is natural that he will block Yui. After watching Sword Art Online, it makes sense for Kirito and Asuna to want to get Yui back... Although in the story of Sword Art Online, Yui only appeared two years later, but who would Do you know, is she confused somewhere in the game now?

"Didn't you ask Kayaba to help with this matter?" Tang Hao asked.

Kirito shook his head, "Asuna and I have already asked him, and his answer is that he doesn't know, because Yui is not under his management authority. The only thing that is certain is that Yui is still there, but the specifics are His whereabouts cannot be determined.”

"Is that why you're trying to find her?"


"But this old guy Kayaba is very bad. Maybe he knows, but he just doesn't say it on purpose... Let's go and ask him." Tang Hao waved his hand and immediately quickened his pace. He was also very interested in Yui. Of course, it's not because the other person is a loli, he is not a lolita control.

Kayaba Akihiko doesn't like adventurous things. Essentially, he is still a researcher. Therefore, except for occasionally studying the wild monsters that crossed over from the Great Tomb and investigating the border, he stays in the guild most of the time. The base is doing its own research.

So it was not difficult to find Kayaba Akihiko. A few minutes later, Tang Hao saw him in the consultant's room.

Looking at the other party's white hexagram, Tang Hao suddenly thought that this guy might get along with Phoenix Academy Fierce Realm, and he and his assistant should also have common topics. It might be interesting to have three white hexagrams in a circle. It's a pity that the two novices, Assistant and Jiuzhen, are obviously very weak, but their interference value is horribly high. In a way, these two are also idlers.

"You're here, a little slower than I thought."

Regarding the arrival of Tang Hao, Kayaba Akihiko was very calm. After all, after Tang Hao left, he had always been managing the role of Tang Ritian. If the role suddenly changed, he naturally knew what was going on.

Tang Hao didn't mince words and said directly: "I want to ask you about Yui and the big tomb."

"Go straight to the point? Well, this style is quite good." Kayaba Akihiko put down the research materials in his hands, and then made a cup of tea. Just as Tang Hao reached out to pick it up, Kayaba Akihiko was holding the tea cup. He sat down in his seat and asked, "So, which one should I say first?"

Kirito's chuckle came from behind, and Tang Hao retracted his hand in mid-air in embarrassment.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Kirito said quickly: "President, let me make tea for you."

"No, I'm not here to drink tea. I can't get used to the old man's tea either." Tang Hao waved his hand indifferently and said to Kayaba Akihiko, "Let's talk about Yui first. Where did you hide her?"

"That's right, I didn't hide her."

"You're lying to me. She uses AI for consultation. If it wasn't you, how could she be blocked? And you must have contributed to her creation. How could you not know where she is?" Tang Hao obviously didn't believe it.

"Although you are half right, I am the one who created her and blocked her, but how can I say..." Kayaba Akihiko looked a little embarrassed, "I think it is difficult to explain such technical things to you. , even Kirito knows better than you."

Are you being looked down upon?

Well, he really doesn’t understand the things about programmers.

"So, you really don't know Yui's whereabouts?"

Kayaba Akihiko spread his hands, "I have no need to deceive you."

"Okay." Now that Kayaba Akihiko said so, Tang Hao couldn't doubt him anymore, "Then the second question, what new discoveries have you made about the Great Tomb?"

Kayaba Akihiko stood up, stretched out his hand and scratched in front of him, "See for yourselves."

Suddenly, a virtual image appeared in mid-air, which was the entire view of Aincrad that had been shrunk countless times. What could be seen was that a thin veil shrouded the outside of this giant tower that towered into the night sky.

"Is that layer the barrier?" Kirito asked.

"Yes." Kayaba Akihiko nodded, "This is the barrier that separates our world from the outside world, but now there is bad news. This barrier has become very thin. According to the game data It can also be seen that the monster that crossed over there has reached level 65. According to my calculations, this barrier will disappear in about a month."


Tang Hao was immediately shocked. He thought there were three months left, but actually... there was only one month left?

"It's normal." Kayaba Akihiko looked calm, "According to the information you gave, the two worlds are gradually merging. Then after the initial steps are completed, as long as you are a qualified programmer, the remaining steps will become It’s very simple, that is to say… the speed of fusion will be accelerated.”

"Of course, one month is just an estimate based on my own ability, and it may be longer, but in any case, if you don't want Aincrad to be wiped out, we should take action."

"How to act?" Kirito asked quickly.

"Intelligence, this is the most important thing. We must get enough intelligence on the Big Tomb, so someone must go there to investigate."

"Can our people get through?" Tang Hao was stunned.

Kayaba Akihiko suddenly looked at him like an idiot, "If the monster over there can come over, it means the two worlds are connected. There is no reason why we can't get through."

Well, you do have a point.

"Of course, according to what you said, the people over there at the Great Tomb are all level 100 strong men. Once our people come over and have a conflict with them, there is a nine-tenth chance that they will never come back. So there must be sufficient security... …”

Saying that, Kayaba Akihiko stretched out his hand again.

Next to the picture, a projection of a little girl appeared, it was Yui.

"I don't know how many GM rights Yui still has, and I don't know what kind of GM rights she can use after going to that world, but she is the only guarantee of safety... Find Yui and take her there. The world around us is our most important task now.”

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