You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

305 Tang Ritian frowned and realized that something seemed wrong.

If we look at time alone, Tang Hao has not been away from Aincrad for too long, just over two months. However, when combined with his experiences during this period, it does seem that a long time has passed... Moreover, the Great Tomb of Nazarick only had half a year to fully invade Aincrad. Now that the deadline was almost halfway over, he really should go back and take a look.

Thinking like this, Tang Hao agreed to Asuna's request. Anyway, there was nothing important on his side for the time being.

Then there was a swish, and with just a flicker of vision, Tang Hao came to a strange place.

After treating time travel as an indispensable means of transportation in daily life, Tang Hao has become more and more accustomed to this kind of thing. At first, he would feel a little nauseous and palpitation, but now he basically has no adverse reactions, probably like It's like motion sickness, you get used to it.

The scenery of the place in front of me is pretty good, surrounded by green mountains, and you can see lakes and waterfalls not far away. It is really a good place for a leisurely vacation. The only flaw is...

"Fuck! What is this?"

Not long after Tang Hao opened his eyes, he saw two huge pigmen rushing towards him with sticks... They looked like pigs, but they walked upright like humans. The sticks in their hands looked like It was made of stone, big and thick, stained with blood, and looked sinister.

Tang Hao glanced lightly... lv55!

After coming to this world, Tang Hao knew that he had merged with the game data that had been left in this world, because with just a thought, his own game panel appeared in front of him. In the past two months, Kayaba Akihiko seems to have really developed the function of automatically spawning monsters, and his character level has also risen to level 40, which is 5 levels higher than when he left.

However, the pig demon in front of me is level 55, which is a full 15 levels of level suppression.

"Asuna, save me!"

Tang Hao had no shame and shouted out immediately.

"President, don't panic, I'm coming!"

When Tang Hao's voice shouted, Asuna's figure passed by like a fairy, and the clothes on her body suddenly turned into the usual knight's battle uniform. As she waved her rapier, silver light shone. , a white light instantly enveloped the two pig demons, and then they saw their bodies freezing.

Although they are not completely frozen into ice sculptures, a thick layer of frost has appeared on the surface of their bodies, which seriously affects their movements.

Then Asuna did not go up to touch up the wound. Instead, she quickly turned around and stretched out her hand towards Tang Hao, "President, the monsters here are very strong. Let's leave first while they are frozen."

"Oh...oh." Tang Hao didn't have time to think about it. He took Asuna's hand and quickly left the area.

During the period of pretending to be girlfriends, in order to act as realistically as possible in front of family and relatives, although the two did not cross the line, they still had the occasional intimate gestures, such as hugging each other or holding hands, so at this moment Holding Asuna's hand, Tang Hao didn't feel anything special, as if he was used to it.

But he's still a little weird

"Why did you choose such a place to travel through?"

When group members use shuttle value to go to the known world, because there is no substitute to help handle affairs in this world, where they start from is where they will be when they come back, so they usually choose a place with few people and safe. In order to avoid unexpected situations, this is written in the group announcement.

But the place Asuna chose was not really safe.

"This is my leveling area." Asuna replied.

"Leveling area? What level are you at now?"


"Oh" Tang Hao nodded. It is indeed normal for level 58 players to level up in the level 55 monster area. Although the experience income is not the highest, due to a certain level suppression, a lot of risks can be reduced, and the comprehensive benefits can be said to be the highest. stable. And even with three levels of level suppression, players with relatively unfamiliar experience and skills will still choose to team up for leveling. After all, this level suppression is often evened out by ordinary players' mistakes, and as the level gets higher, players will continue to level up. The possibility of defeating monsters of the same level one by one will be lower. If you accidentally encounter an elite monster, it will be a narrow escape.

But it's wrong

Asuna is not an ordinary player. She and Kirito can be regarded as the peerless duo in SAO. Regardless of level of skill or strength, they are both the leaders with Kirito, not to mention that she is an elf now. Zhong's job change is the fusion of an ice magician. Ordinary players don't dare to fight monsters of the same level alone. She doesn't have such a problem. Even if she faces elite monsters alone, she has a great chance of winning. Just two ordinary ones. It's just a pig demon, there's no need to run away.

Moreover, if the pig demon here was so powerful that she didn't even dare to level it up alone, why would she come here specifically to level up?

Tang Hao was confused and couldn't help but look at her face. He saw Asuna's face turned slightly red and explained: "Isn't there a president here? Your level is too low. I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of you then." You, so...for safety reasons..."

"Oh, that's it." Tang Hao suddenly realized, "Indeed, safety comes first."

After a while, the two came to the safe area. Currently, most of the players in this game are still around level 50. These are still relatively high-level players, and those who are more experienced are even lower, so level 55 It is basically difficult to meet other players in the leveling area.

Tang Hao looked around and saw that he and Asuna were the only two people here.

However, it was not once or twice that the two of them were alone together, and they did not have any special emotions. Now that he came to SAO, Tang Hao couldn't help but care about his role and asked: "My role seems to have been promoted." What level is it? Has Kayaba developed automatic monster spawning?"

"Well, almost a month ago."

"One month...then the level is rising too slowly, right?"

"It's intentional. Kayaba said that the elf's job transfer has the highest benefits at level 40. All attributes can get ideal growth. After level 40, the growth rate of attributes will decrease. Although it is definitely Due to lack of skills, most players can only change jobs at level 45 or even 50, with only about 90% of the perfect attributes, but for you, he hopes you will change jobs at level 40."

"I see."

After Asuna said this, Tang Hao suddenly understood that his character had probably reached level 40 a long time ago, but during that time he happened to be fishing in the FGO world, and it was also the Chinese New Year after he came back, so he couldn't spare the time, so Ya Sina never mentioned it, right?

"So, when you asked me to come here this time, did you also have this intention?"

"Okay... so be it." Asuna's face turned red and she looked away calmly.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tang Hao always felt that Asuna was shy more often. Sure enough, it was because of pretending to be her girlfriend. Hasn't the embarrassment completely disappeared?

While Tang Hao was thinking about it, messages from other players came from the character information.

When he opened it, he saw that it was Kirito.

[President, I just heard from Kayaba Akihiko that your role has been transferred. Is it you? 】

【It's me, I'm back. 】

When he replied to this sentence, Tang Hao felt very domineering, as if a master had returned to the novice village to torture vegetables... But if he thought about it carefully, Asuna was already level 58, Kirito would only be higher, and he was pitiful At level 40, it seems like he is the one?

I opened the guild information and saw that, as expected, Kirito was level 60.

Except for Kirito and Asuna, the other players in the guild are all level 50 and above of Qing Yisui, and most of them have completed the job transfer from elves. However, he, the guild leader, is the most rubbish.

Then, Kirito replied again.

[Great, where are you now? Do you want me to pick you up? 】

[No need to go to such trouble, Asuna and I are together.

[Oh oh oh, President, you came back with Asuna. Well, let's meet in the guild later. Everyone misses you. 】

[Okay, we'll be there soon. 】

When Tang Hao was exchanging information with Kirito, Asuna was watching from the side. After the two ended the exchange, Asuna immediately said: "Then let's go back to the guild now."


With the teleportation array, it wouldn't be much trouble to return to the guild base on the tenth floor, and it would only take less than five minutes. However, during this time, Tang Hao felt a little tangled.

Mainly about Kirito and Asuna...

Although in the exchange of information just now, Kirito was still the same as before, and there seemed to be no change, but now that he was with Asuna, he always felt like he was poaching. Although the thing about pretending to be his girlfriend was fake, But think about it from another angle, if Asuna is his Tang Ritian's girlfriend, and then a man asks Asuna to pretend to be his girlfriend for a few days, he Tang Ritian will never agree.

Although Kirito and Asuna didn't seem to be in a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, his conscience was still a little bit reproached.

Well, let's explain it to Kirito when we meet later. It's better not to cause any conflicts.

Tang Hao thought like this, and unknowingly returned to the guild base.

Looking up, there were several figures standing at the entrance of the guild. One of them, wearing a black windbreaker, was the most conspicuous, and it was Kirito.

And next to him...

Eh? Why are there so many girls?

There were three girls standing next to Kirito. The one with black hair and a shy face was Sachi whom he had met before. The other one had short pink hair and big breasts. Based on the memory of "Sword Art Online", Tang Hao judged that this girl should be the blacksmith Lisbeth, who also liked Kirito in the story of Sword Art Online.

The last one is a little loli with twin ponytails. She looks to be only about twelve or thirteen years old. There is a baby dragon standing on her shoulders.

There is no doubt that this should be Silica.

The three girls, Sachi, Lisbeth, and Silica, were all surrounding Kirito at this moment.


What's happening here?

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