You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

300 Bring a “girlfriend” home for the New Year

Roman was shocked. Although he introduced himself, he didn't even tell the Chaldeans about Solomon's identity, let alone the chat room where they first contacted him, but the other party seemed to know his identity very well. What was going on? ?

And when it comes to quitting the group, there is no option to quit this chat room.

Dr. Roman: Do you know me? Who are you?

After thinking about it, Roman decided to continue the exchange.

Of course, after a lot of effort, such a silly newcomer finally came to the group. Kaguya and the others would not miss such a good opportunity. As a way to vent their failure in the bet, they teased Roman to their heart's content, sometimes telling the truth and sometimes telling lies. , and threw him around. In the end, except for the kind-hearted girls Kato Eseria and Miyamori Aoi, everyone else also joined the team of bullying Roman, and the entire chat room was suddenly filled with people. Cheerful air.

At the same time, Tang Hao was sitting on the special car heading to his hometown. Although he turned on his mobile phone, he did not log into the chat room and did not know that Roman was being bullied.

But this kind of thing doesn't matter. Even if he is really there, it is more likely that he is colluding with Kaguya and the others.

As for why he didn't log into the chat room, Tang Hao planned to be quiet.

Thinking back carefully, he seems to have never had any free time since joining the chat room. Although he does not hate this fulfilling life and is even full of passion, sometimes he should slow down and let his brain Take it easy with your body.

So taking advantage of the upcoming Chinese New Year, he decided to ignore the existence of the chat room for the time being... for three days, just three days! He will never log into the chat room within these three days, otherwise the three characters "Tang Ritian" will be written upside down!

However, since you don’t log in to the chat room, you can only play games. FGO has been out of business for a long time. Since I have been fishing in Daqin and Yu Ji, I haven’t even caught up with the Christmas activities, and the long-term grassroots period at the end of the year is also not available. Nothing fun...forget it, let's play a few rounds of mahjong.

Sparrow Soul, activate!

Hey, is there a new character? Koshimizu Ami's maid? I like it, blast it!

Drawing cards with krypton gold, full of favor, and lightning contracts, you are a hero in the sow world of krypton gold!

Put on the new portrait, enter the battlefield and start killing!

The dealer in the east, the fairy starts his hand, seven patrols, one color, four, three times, full of draw cards! Okay, this one can fly to three houses!

"Rong, Duan Yaojiu, 1000 points!"

I'm beating your horse!

Forget it, let's go into the chat room and have a look. It's boring to be idle anyway.

In the end, Tang Hao couldn't bear the boring car ride and logged into the chat room.

As soon as I entered the chat room, the scrolling screen was like snowflakes. There were not only 99+ messages, but 999+ messages. I didn’t know what this stupid netizen was discussing, but they were chatting so intensely.

Da Ben Dan: What are you doing?

Her Royal Highness: Wow, you are finally online!

Her Royal Highness: This princess thought that as soon as you returned to your own world, you would immediately log into the chat room to ask for bets from us. Tell me, did you prepare any dirty ideas during this period?

Da Bendan: You don’t want to slander people and accuse people of their innocence out of thin air. I don’t have any dirty thoughts. I’m going back to my hometown to celebrate the New Year.

Her Royal Highness: Ah, you are dead!

Dabendan: What do you mean?

Her Royal Highness: You can even tell the forbidden flag of returning to your hometown. Do you think you are dead? I bet you'll be in a car accident within five minutes!

Da Bendan: Nervous! Going back to your hometown to get married is a forbidden flag, but going back to your hometown doesn't count. I think you are cursing me.

Dr. Roman: Ah ah ah, Tang Hao!

At this time, a very loud message suddenly jumped out.

Da Ben Dan: It's a doctor. Why do you feel like you're crying?

The person who joined the chat room was Roman. Tang Hao was not surprised. Rather, no matter which one of the four people entered the chat room, he was already prepared. However, Roman's tone seemed a little strange. It always felt like It's a child who was bullied.

Dr. Roman: You don’t know, you group members are all very bad, they just fooled me around. If they hadn’t had enough fun, they would probably still hide it from me now, saying that you are not in this group.

Da Bendan: Oh, that's it. That's a pity. If I had known that you would be bullied as soon as you entered the group, I should have logged in earlier.

Dr. Roman: Help me?

Da Bendan: Idiot, of course I am bullying you with them!

Dr. Roman: Ahhhh, I’m done with my friends!

Roman immediately made an angry expression, and Tang Hao smiled knowingly. It seemed that although Roman had only joined the chat room for a short time, he had already naturally integrated into the atmosphere of the group. Sure enough... he was worthy of it. He is a boy who chases Internet celebrities.

Dr. Roman: Speaking of which, is it already Chinese New Year time over there?

Da Bendan: Yes, that’s why I’m planning to go back to my hometown. Is there anyone else celebrating the New Year together?

Her Royal Highness: Spring in Gensokyo hasn't even passed yet, what kind of year is it going to be?

Sage Hui: I still have some time before the Chinese New Year.

Phoenix Academy Fierce Master: It’s the same here, it’s still early.

Tang Hao looked around and found that no one was preparing to celebrate the New Year except him.

Dabendan: Alas, everyone’s time is different, so I can’t share the joy with you.

Yukinoshita: Are you happy about the New Year? Not only do I have to face all kinds of social interactions, but I also have to be nagged by my family, which is far less relaxed and free than usual days.

Da Ben Dan: You are just suffering from the second disease.

Da Bendan: Hey, wait!

Da Bendan: After hearing what you said, I suddenly remembered something, that... Which girl in the group can accompany me home for the New Year?

Seventeen-year-old girl: Do you still want someone to accompany you during the Chinese New Year?

Da Bendan: You are not accompanying me, you are accompanying me to put on a show. You don’t know, what can I say about the situation here... It was fine when you were studying, but as soon as you enter the society, the elders in the family will nag you to find a girlfriend as soon as possible, start a family and start a career as soon as possible, especially me. I go home once a year. I can imagine sitting at the dining table and the elders asking questions like "Have you found a girlfriend yet?"

Dabendan: So what I mean is, if any of you are free, how about accompanying me home for the Chinese New Year and pretending to be my girlfriend?

Yukinoshita: Not interested at all!

Dabendan: You were too decisive in refusing.

Dr. Roman: If you want to find a girlfriend, can't you ask Akuko?

Da Bendan: It’s worth interfering, brother!

Dr. Roman: Oh, yes, your world seems to be an ordinary world without any mysterious power. We can't go there, and of course Akuko cannot go there, so you can only find ordinary people.

Miao Sen: Don’t you have money? You can just hire anyone. They’re fake anyway.

Da Bendan: I just remembered this, and at this point in time, tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. Where can I hire someone? Besides, can people hired from outside be as beautiful as you? Even if you are beautiful, can you be reliable? If you don't use the high-end resources right in front of you, there is no reason to sacrifice the near for the distant.

Yukinoshita: I think what you said is very problematic. You talk about high-end resources as if we are goods.

Da Ben Dan: Of course it’s just a metaphor, so this is not the point. I’m just asking, does anyone agree? As long as you help me with this small favor, I will be richly rewarded every day in the future!

After sending it, Tang Hao paid attention to the movement on the screen.

In his world, the interference value is very restricted. Only those with a value below 10 can enter. Basically, all kinds of monsters and monsters are rejected. Only ordinary people, even ordinary people like Makise Kurisu and Risu, cannot enter.

Therefore, there are actually only five people: Megumi Kato, Yukinoshita Yukino, Hiyori Ichiki, Aoi Miyamori and Asuna.

In fact, Asuna is no longer an ordinary person. She is of elven descent and is fused with a magician. She is gradually approaching the non-human realm. However, because the game world she is in has not yet completely stabilized, she The interference value has not changed, it is still 5.

Of course, the most embarrassing thing is Tang Hao’s 4.

Dabendan: Kato?

Saint Hui: Sorry, I think this kind of deception is not good.

Dabendan: Hiyori?

Hiyori Kazuki: Well, it’s not convenient for me, right?

Da Ben Dan: Meow Sen? I am your investor.

Miaomori: Well...I've been a little busy with work recently, so I can't spare the time.

Dabendan: Asuna?

Asuna: President... I actually want to help you, but...

Just what?

After asking around, no one was willing to take on this task. Tang Hao couldn't help but secretly lamented that he was not very popular among ordinary people, so he had to use a big weapon.

Da Bendan: Alas, you guys are usually better at teasing each other. Now I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend, and you won’t be able to say anything. Okay, then I’ll make it clear first, who If you do me this favor, the bet between me and her will be canceled!

Yukinoshita: Well, actually it’s not like I can’t help you with this.

Miao Sen: I'll arrange my work now, and I should be able to squeeze in some time tomorrow.

Sage Hui: In fact, white lies are not impossible.

Asuna: Hey? ? ?

Several girls who lost to Tang Hao in a bet and had to kiss him immediately changed their tone, leaving Tang Hao dumbfounded for a moment. It was so real. Even Asuna's speech was a bit strange, and I didn't know what was going on. What?

Of course, some people are dissatisfied with this.

Her Royal Highness: Damn it! Tang Ritian, you are threatening with a bet, this is so dirty!

Da Ben Dan: What kind of threat? This is a serious deal!

Da Bendan: But having said that, four people seems to be a bit too much. If I really want to take the four of you home to celebrate the New Year, I may be in greater trouble, and it will also affect my innocent reputation...

Yukinoshita: What should we do?

Da Bendan: No matter what, this is a monogamous society, so you can only bring one...roll.

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