The story of the FGO world ends here for the time being. The protagonist will leave in the next chapter. Let me first talk about the original intention of writing this volume.

In fact, the reason at the beginning was very simple. I just wanted Yu Ji, so I opened the Da Qin volume. It can be said that it was a very selfish idea. I originally thought that I would face many problems, such as possible bugs when returning to Da Qin. And it may be that too much self-exaggeration may cause discomfort to readers, thus causing a decline in performance. However, when I actually wrote it down, I found that these are not problems.

Yu Ji's popularity seems to be higher than I thought. From the 1,300 follow-up orders for Da Qin Juan to the current 2,200 follow-up orders, it has almost doubled, which makes me feel unreal.

This reminds me of the master book I wrote on a certain website (I can’t mention the website, it may be blocked). The results were very average at the beginning, and then I wrote about Shatiao Love Song in one volume, and the results exploded instantly, rising by almost two. Double the follow-up order.

Therefore, I still agree with that sentence. The story written by the author must first make me happy, and then the readers can also be happy. If the author himself doesn’t like it, how can he make the readers like it?

And a heroine with personality is an important factor for excitement. Because I like Yu Ji, I was very careful and careful when writing her, and described the character in detail, although there may be some confusion in the process. phenomenon, but it is precisely because of investment that you can write well. Then whether you have written well or not, subscriptions and reader reviews are the most intuitive feedback.

Although some readers feel that this volume is too long because they have no interest in FGO, this is not a problem, because in the past, readers who wrote about swords, magic, DNF, and Gensokyo have expressed their dislike... After all, the essence This is a comprehensive comic, and everyone is interested in it. Some people don’t like this world, and some people don’t like that world. These are all normal phenomena, and I can’t satisfy everyone’s needs.

So, at least for now, I shouldn’t have a bad record.

Then let’s talk about a few issues that you may be concerned about.

Question 1: What will happen to Yu Ji in the future?

Don’t worry, the designated heroine can’t run away!

Question 2: Where is the Shura Field? Will there be one?

Don’t worry, it will happen. When did your brother Tang lie to you?

Question 3: Can you drive?

This... is really a bit difficult. My former Shaoqi and Food Chain got 404 for driving too hard. Although I have been released from prison now, I am really scared, so please understand that the current market situation is really inconvenient. Driving, it's too slippery. Of course, I can guarantee that the protagonist will not have sex until the end. I think it is better to let things take their own course. When the feelings are in place, then you can do it. After all, it is still too early now.

Question 4: Are there any other heroines?

This is forbidden, I have to keep a bit of mystery, but I can tell you one thing: Kurumi is my wife!

Question five... there should be no more five, right?

Well, since there is no more five, let me finally ask for a subscription and a monthly pass.

This month's monthly pass is pretty good, and it seems like I can get rewards. Please give me a helping hand and help me stabilize my advantage. I also hope that friends who have not subscribed can come to to subscribe. Now the book is priced at 3600, which is not far from 4000. If it reaches 4000, I will add more updates, and then every time it increases by 100, I will add more updates, okay? ?

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