You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 550 The six major Chinese reshuffles, the top eight are in place during the Spring Festival

Reba was intoxicated when she smelled the traditional Xijiang barbecue flavor, but it was a pity that she didn't have Piyazi.

"I can't eat so much, let's go together." Yang Mi asked her to sit down.

"Sister Mi, why do you think of eating roast lamb?"

"I didn't order it, it was your brother-in-law who ordered a whole roasted lamb. I think there's a small half here."

Reba kept smiling until she saw the "Guli Guli" logo on the package, and was extremely shocked: Can Guli Guli be ordered for takeout? I always thought they only dine in!

After being shocked by this, she began to worry about Gulinazha. Was this ordered by Director Quan, or was it given by Nazha on her own initiative?

The former is okay, but if it's the latter, isn't it deliberately provoking Sister Mi?

She doesn't want to mess around!

In fact, since Wang Quan was present in person when Guli Guli opened, Reba probably guessed the secret behind it, and Naza didn't seem to want to hide it.

Reba quickly changed the topic from the roasted whole lamb, "Sister Mi, I just saw Sister Jiang leaving with a cardboard box, saying she was going to our branch. How come we have another branch in this life? "

Yang Mi wiped the corners of her sexy mouth, "I saw that you didn't follow Jiang Yilei. Oh, now I want to call her Papi Jiang. Her Weibo fans are second only to you, Zhao Liying and Zhang Tianai among the company's female artists. You do you know?"

"Ah, I don't make it!"

Not counting Yang Mi, there are over twenty female artists in the company. She and Zhao Liying are the most popular, and then there is Zhang Tianai, the director's assistant, who has attracted much attention because of his ability to announce matters related to royal power.

The other female celebrities are also pretty good, and they all feel better than Jiang Yilei.

Yang Mi told her: "Papi has been posting funny dubbing videos on Weibo and has become popular in this way for several months. The income from an advertisement has almost caught up with yours, and she believes that Internet celebrities can be cultivated. Yes, since she is so confident in the self-media track, I will cooperate with her to establish a new company."

Reba said that she would take a good look at Sister Papi’s Weibo to learn from it later.

"You don't have to learn that, Reba, you know what I expect from you is to be the next Yang Mi." Yang Mi said sincerely when she was full.

These words made Reba temporarily put down the mutton in her hands and listened carefully.

"Although "Mermaid" will not be released until the Spring Festival next year, the company will not stop cultivating you this year. In addition to "Running Man" to help you gain popularity, there will be no shortage of TV series and movies. By the way, Qian Kun and Our power generation recently invested in a movie called "Unexpectedly", and the heroine was appointed to be you."

Reba was greatly moved: "Sister Mi, I will definitely live up to the expectations of the company and you!"

"As long as you know what's going on, I'll go to Xiangjiang to ring the bell in a while. You can join us."

"Yes!" Reba nodded vigorously, feeling a sense of pride in her heart that "the company is my home, and Sister Mi is my mother."

On the other side, after Zhang Tianai returned upstairs, he saw Xiaotian's face was red and he was wiping the corners of his mouth with a tissue.

Wang Quan called her, "Come on, let's get started."

Zhang Tianai didn't know what happened, and there was no familiar smell in the office.

What were these two people doing while I was away?

In fact, it was nothing. Wang Quan just held the mutton in his hands and fed it to Xiaotian several times, and she cleaned it for him every time.

From raw to skilled, the seeds of ambiguity have been planted.

After dinner, Wang Quan asked Xiaotian and Xiaoai to clean up the scene. After washing, he went downstairs to find Yang Mi to put out the fire.

Reba had already finished eating and left Yang Mi's office. She hesitated for a long time and finally decided to call Nazha to remind her in a subtle way not to overly stimulate Sister Mi. After all, she was the real wife.

If this kind of thing spreads, men can usually become invisible. It is your reputation, Nazha, that will be hurt.

At this time, Nazha had just sent Alan away. Alan was very happy with the meal and even had the idea of ​​opening a Tibetan yak barbecue restaurant.

After receiving Reba's call, Nazha raised her eyebrows indifferently.

Who told Yang Mi to marry her brother? Since she chose marriage, she had to be mentally prepared to be a cuckold.

"Reba, I know you care about me, but it would be better for you to worry less about our affairs. How do you know that your boss Yang is not enjoying it? Maybe she is even more excited."

"How could it be possible? There is no such person." If Sister Mi were that kind of person, I would have been given to Director Quan to warm the bed by her.

Nazahahehe: "Why not? Have you ever heard of the Innate Cuckold Sacred Body~"


In the office of the CEO of the Power World, the royal power and the innate cuckold body have come to an end.

In the past, there was only one bathroom in Yang Mi's office, but now even a bathroom is arranged to cope with this situation.

After they were done, they took a shower, and Yang Mi complained to him, "I know it will delay my business. I will have to get off work in two hours. I haven't finished a lot of things."

"I'm just giving you extra food to save you from having enough to eat when Sissi competes with you in the evening." Wang Quan then sat on Yang Mi's boss chair and asked her to sit on his lap.

When she made her first public appearance after giving birth, she lost weight to less than 100 pounds, making it easy to hold her baby.

Yang Mi's computer is now full of various forms. She regrets that she didn't take the Qinghua exam, otherwise she would have been able to understand them easily.

"I do have a Qinghua guy there, why don't I call him down to help you."

"Then pull her down, I guess I'm better than her." Yang Mi said disdainfully.

"Leave professional matters to professionals. As a Wall Street stock god, I am actually half-assed." Wang Quan comforted her.

"So you are a god!"

Wang Quan waved his hand and then asked: "What are your plans for the funds raised from the IPO?"

Yang Mi thought for a while: "We definitely need to expand our business territory. I'm thinking about buying a theater chain. I think Huayi and Bona seem to have plans in this regard. Even Xing Ye has a theater chain. These days Without a movie theater, I feel like I’m not a film and television giant.”

Wang Quan shook his head. It has been 15 years. Cinemas have had good times for a few years, and the costs may not have been recovered. A disaster is coming for the cinema industry.

"Actually, this is really unnecessary. Jiahe + Dawang has already surpassed Wanda as the largest force in domestic cinema chains. Moreover, without its own self-operated cinemas, the cinema chain's energy is actually very limited, but cinemas are not as heavy assets as they are now. If you can afford it in this world, you might as well invest in more promising industries."

"What industry?"

Wang Quan: "The Internet, or games~"

Then Wang Quan told Yang Mi about the interactive gameplay of film, television, animation and games.

"Xu Laoguai's "Zhu Xian" will simultaneously develop a Zhu Xian movie version game based on your image. If the box office cannot recover the money, the game may be able to recover some losses and even achieve profitability. I think your company's "Hua Xian" "Thousand Bones" can also be played in this way, as well as those novels from Qidian. It is a little difficult to adapt film and television dramas, but anime and games are just right. The users are very overlapping, and a crop of leeks is cut in turn."

Hearing what Wang Quan said, Yang Mi felt a little sorry for these little leeks, but she was more moved.

Games are indeed very profitable. Didn’t Chen Tianqiao, the richest man in China at that time, rely on games to reach the top?

"Well, your idea is good, I have to think about it."

While she was thinking about it, Wang Quan's WeChat message rang, and Lao Wang sent him a message.

"Something big happened, look at the six groups!"

Yang Mi also saw it, picked up her mobile phone at the same time, and asked doubtfully: "What's the big deal?"

Although Mi Shi is not a member of the six YYDS members, Yang Mi is also in this group as Mrs. Wang Quan.

There are already 99+ messages, and they started with the first one today.

It turned out that Mr. Qin Hongqin from Xingmei invited Ye Ning from Wanda Film and Television to join the group and announced an news.

Xingmei sold its company's production business to Wanda Film and Television, and will focus on the theater business and no longer release films, so it will also withdraw from the YYDS permanent director.

In short, Wanda has successfully taken over, and the top six Chinese majors have been reshuffled!

Tan Hongyan said: "Investments have not been very successful in recent years. I will make one film and lose the other. Forget it, let's not compete anymore. From now on, it will all depend on my brothers."

At this moment, Chen Kexin and Lu Chuan should feel lucky. Although they are the ones who hollowed out Xingmei, the last straw for Xingmei is probably that the infamy will fall on Xu Anhua and her "Golden Age", just like when Michael Plum blossom to Wu Yusen.

However, the decline of Xingmei may have started when someone was investigated in the human world in 10 years.

The actual controller of Xingmei should be Tan Hong's brother Tan Hui, who sounds similar to Qin Hui.

Tan Hui has many listed companies under his name and is known as the Zhuojing family. Xingmei is just one of his many industries.

What happened in 2010 was equivalent to removing the platform for his business relationships, which showed that he could no longer control the situation. The decline of Xingmei is not surprising.

He has been living overseas these years and is a businessman walking in a gray area. But is he really safe even in the United States? I'm afraid not.

In fact, even if Wanda does not buy StarMedia, it is already the top film company in China.

In addition to expanding my production capabilities, I bought Xingmei mainly because I wanted to occupy a legitimate position.

When YYDS was founded, it was said that there were only six permanent directors. The purchase of StarMedia also bought this seat. From now on, Wanda Film and Television can legitimately participate in the formulation of rules for the domestic film industry.

YYDS Six is ​​not just a name, but can really promote the formulation and reform of industry rules.

For example, at the beginning of 2014, YYDS led the upgrade of the national and theater sides of the "National Movie Ticketing Comprehensive Information System" (referred to as the data platform), which technically prevented box office theft and concealment, making box office data more open, transparent and timely. precise.

After this upgrade, as long as you purchase tickets on Maoyan, Hello, Taopiaopiao, Wanda and other platforms, there will be no box office theft.

Even if the name of another movie is typed, it doesn't matter, because the money goes directly into the official account and is finally distributed according to the background data.

Of course, the same is true at the counter. Everyone uses a system. As long as it is a normal ticket, you can use the QR code on the ticket to check which movie the ticket money belongs to. This cannot be faked.

Just be wary of handwritten tickets.

There are also many movie theaters that YYDS has investigated and punished. Depending on the severity, they may be fined or added to the industry blacklist.

As long as it enters YYDS's industry blacklist, the cinema will be considered useless and the only way out is to sell it and change owners.

When Wang Quan and Yang Mi saw the end, Tan Hong chatted with a few people and then sadly quit the group. From now on, Xingmei will only be a theater company.

At this time, Wang Quan noticed that Yang Mi's eyes were glowing.

"what are you thinking."

Yang Mi: "I'm thinking about the remaining six, which one can we replace in the next generation?"

She also wants to become Liu Liu Da!

Wang Quan lightly patted her buttocks and said, "Don't think about it if my husband and father-in-law are seated together."

"Who do you think I am? Besides, Wang Dao and Qian Kun are the strongest. I won't bite such hard bones."

Yang Mi thinks Huayi and Wanda are also tough, but Guangguang and Bona seem to be easier to bully.

At this time, Guangguang has been listed on the market. It was listed in Shenzhen with a market value of more than 20 billion.

Bona has not yet been listed on the market. Bona mainly works as a second-tier dealer in Hong Kong films. Its production strength is slightly weak, but it recently has the idea of ​​​​entering the theater industry.

Just as I was thinking about it, Wanda’s Ye Ning @thanked Wang Quan for playing “Tang Detective”.

Ye Ning: Based on this momentum, Wanda’s first billion-dollar movie will probably be born.

Wang Zhonglei: Mr. Ye, don’t be so optimistic, "The Hobbit 3" is coming soon.

Wang Changtian: There is also a bear and a sheep.

There are still several strong new films before the Spring Festival, and Wang Dao's "Hello, Madman" is also on this schedule.

It seems that Wulaoxing is a bit repulsive to newcomers. After being poured down by several basins of cold water, Ye Ning awkwardly changed the topic to this year's Spring Festival.

Ye Ning: This year’s Spring Festival is still so lively, with more blockbusters, but it’s a pity that there are no new works directed by Quan.

Wang Zhonglei: Director Quan is not here. This time we are cooperating with Kun Ye. I don’t know if we can get the first place.

Yaolai + Huayi + Qiankun, "Lion from the Sky" starring Cheng Long is undoubtedly the most championship-worthy movie in this Spring Festival.

Although Wang Dao's "Legend of the Shark Pearl" also stars Cheng Long, the progress is relatively fast, and the director Li Weiran is too junior to be considered the second seed.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qiankun came out to cause trouble: No, no, no, no, actually I prefer Jiang Wen's "One Step Away".

In many people's minds, "One Step Away" is considered the first or second seed.

Ye Ning: Thank you Mr. Kun for being considerate.

The main producers of "One Step Away" are Yinghuang and Buyihu, and Wanda is the co-producer and distributor. Wanda also wants to use this film to build up the momentum of Wanda Film and Television.

If "Tang Detective" can't break one billion, then "One Step Away" will definitely break the one billion mark.

Wang Qiankun continued to stir up trouble: Of course, Xiaoye, don't be too proud. Bona's "Omen 2" also has the look of a champion. Shen Tong is too popular now.

Only the first, second and last episodes of "Happy Comedian" were painful, and these three episodes also had the highest ratings and online click-through rates of this program, one level higher than the other episodes.

So Yu Dong actually wants to try to see if he can win the Spring Festival championship.

As for "Rising to the Sky" released by Enlight, "Where Are We Going, Dad 2" produced by Power World, a movie version of a TV series and a movie version of a variety show, neither have the strength to compete for the championship.

However, Enlight also jointly released a 3D blockbuster with special effects of gods and demons, "Zhong Kui Conquers the Demon: Snow Demon Spirit" with companies such as China Film and Television, starring Jin Chengwu and Shu Qi. The director is Oscar cinematographer Bao Dexi, with a claimed investment of 200 million.

This movie is regarded as the main rival of "The Legend of the Shark Pearl", and everyone is a little curious about the quality of this movie.

Wang Quan was not curious. He looked bad at first sight, with a bit of oriental fantasy style. The big boss special effects were modeled using Western monster models. Wang Quan didn't let Li Bingbing take over, and later Chen Kun didn't take over, so he escaped a disaster.

Everyone was chatting about these seven movies, selectively forgetting "Wolf Totem" led by China Film Group, and seemed not to pay attention to this movie that looked like an art film.

At first, everyone was guessing whose family would win the Spring Festival championship. While chatting, they also talked about whose family would win the 2015 annual championship.

Yu Dong: This year is really rare. Director Quan has no blockbuster films.

Ye Ning: Indeed, from 2009 to 2014, Director Quan won the annual championship for six years. This year, art films cannot also win the championship, right?

Wang Quan said modestly: That's not the case, as long as it can be released.

Yang Mi glanced at him, "Is the scale so big?"

Wang Quan nodded: "It took me a long time to edit the large-scale scenes between Fan Bingbing and Li Ming before I could barely show them to people."

Yang Mi's interest in this movie suddenly increased.

However, she was worried about Wang Quan again, "It's okay if you don't win the annual crown, but Wang Dao, as a banner of Chinese films, has to win it. I hope "Ghost Blowing the Lantern 3" can win the title~"

They were chatting in the group, and they could already see the news on Weibo that Xingmei's production department was sold to Wanda, and that Wanda became a permanent director of YYDS.

The hot search term "Six major Chinese reshuffles" ranks first!

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