You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 451 Peach K’s wedding, two brides and one groom

And just one day before the release of "The Thirteen Hairpins" and "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", photos of Wang Quan and Zhang Yimou drinking tea together in Los Angeles leaked out on the Internet. The two seemed to be chatting happily, and they were suspected of collaborating.

Zhang Weiping was furious in the office. In fact, he had long noticed that Zhang Yimou had someone outside, but the promotion of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" could not be without him.

Although the investment in "The Thirteen Beauties" was not as high as the rumored 600 million, he still felt that he would be worthy of his hard work only if the box office exceeded 1 billion, so he could only hold his nose and accept it for the time being, and then wait for an opportunity to deal with him. .

For this big-budget movie, Zhang Weiping can be said to have taken great pains. Before it was released, he forced the major theaters to increase their share ratio, "at least increase it by two points!"

The theater chain was also very stubborn, "I won't agree!"

The original Time and Space Cinema was not so stubborn, and finally agreed to Zhang Weiping's decision, but now they say, "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" did not increase the share, "Thirteen Hairpins" is based on wool. Do you, Mr. Zhang, think "Thirteen Hairpins" Can its box office surpass that of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"?"

Zhang Weiping could only brag that the box office exceeded 1 billion, but he would not dare to brag about more than 1 billion. After all, Zhang Yimou's previous best result was only 300 million.

But why Wang Quan didn't increase the film studio's share? Zhang Weiping knew it well. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he and his father controlled the two major theater chains in the country. Whether or not the box office share was increased would have little impact on them, so Wang Quan was not that big. power.

Although King Quan did not require theaters to increase their box office share, "Ghost Blowing Lamp" licensed the character image of Ghost Blowing Lamp to package popcorn for them and collected a lot of popcorn profits. By the end of the year, these theaters were still using Audio-Technica and The image of the exquisite queen is used for packaging.

In the end, the matter of increasing the share was dropped. After that, Zhang Weiping began to hype up the girl Ni Ni. He started to speculate after she worked as a substitute for Liu Yifei. Later, a high school classmate revealed that Ni Ni was a little girl in the past. Sister, some people say she is Ni Ping's niece or Ni Dahong's daughter.

Under Zhang Weiping's superb operation, the name "Ni Ni" instantly became popular inside and outside the industry. Because Heath Ledger still had a lot of work in Hollywood, and the original salary he was given only required him to be responsible for overseas promotion, so China only came once , so the domestic publicity point can only rely on Zhang Yimou and this charming girl.

When her neighbor Nazha saw the negative news about Ni Ni on the Internet, she defended her. "It is also said here that you have used others as lovers and preyed on others. It is really too much. Don't take it seriously, and don't worry about it."

At this time, the two of them were at Ni Ni's house. She grinned and said, "What am I worried about? This shows that I am popular. I am a student who did not graduate from one of the three major universities. If I can achieve my current popularity, my future will be bright." It’s much easier to go.”

"I still feel aggrieved~" Nazha hugged Ni Ni. Although she had a bit of a pretentious personality, she liked Ni Ni very much, a woman with a bright personality.

After being comforted by Nazha, Ni Ni smiled on her face, but she couldn't help but feel a little apologetic in her heart. This girl was too stupid and innocent. It was better not to let her know about the things that she and Director Quan had done behind her back for the time being, but they lived next door. , this cannot be hidden after all.

The longer this kind of thing is kept hidden, the greater the harm will be to her when the truth is revealed.

After thinking about it, Ni Ni decided to reveal something to Nazha first, "Actually, what is said on the Internet is correct. I am really the lover of a certain big shot."

"Ah!" Nazha looked shocked. Is this allowed to be said?

Ni Ni nodded, "Really, you won't look down on me because of this, right?"

"Ah, no, how could it be!" Nazha waved her hands quickly, and then began to digest the shocking news, and guessed that the big shot she was talking about was Director Yimou, right? !

When she thought of the wrinkles on Director Zhang's face, Nazha felt proud of her brother Quan, who was young, handsome and powerful, but when she thought of herself as a canary who could not see the light, she seemed to have nothing to be proud of.

It's just that I can't tell Ni Ni about this. I also have a brain, and I won't cause trouble to my brother.

It’s not surprising that Ni Ni is so popular. After all, her conditions are not a little bit better than those of the previous girl-hunting little yellow duck. She is so feminine. With the release of the movie, several magazine cover invitations have been handed to her. superior.

At the same time, another movie of the same period, "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", also became popular. It was not the actor Li Lianjie or the heroine Zhou Xun, but Chen Kun who played the villain.

Chen Kun was originally a front-line niche player in Mainland China, and his popularity this time just added another flower to his popularity, a flower from the factory.

"You ask me who the West Factory is? I'm telling you now, our West Factory will take care of things that your East Factory doesn't dare to take care of. We will kill those who your East Factory doesn't dare to kill. In a word, what the East Factory can take care of We manage, and we have to control what the East Factory cannot control. Cut it first and report it later, with the imperial power's permission! This is the West Factory, and it is not clear."

This line was edited separately by the film crew and posted on Youku, Tudou and other websites for promotion. Chen Kun's performance was both feminine and domineering, instantly capturing the hearts of a large number of movie fans, even though he was a eunuch.

Later, when he was interviewed by reporters to promote the film, Chen Kun made another move to add fuel to the fire.

When a reporter asked him what his work arrangements were after "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate".

He said, "I will go back to my hometown to make a movie next."

The reporter suddenly asked again, "Brother Kun, your hometown is a mountain city. I remember Director Quan said before that his new film will be shot in a mountain city. I wonder if there is any connection there?"

"Ah, this, it's inconvenient to reveal this. Sorry, let's talk about "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate"~" Chen Kun refused on the surface, but everyone could see the smile on his face.

This made other reporters say "wtf" in their hearts. This can't be true. Is Chen Kun going to play the leading role in King Quan's new film? !

This reporter was arranged by Wang Quan. This was regarded as a gift from Wang Quan to his next partner, Old Monster Xu. From now on, he would start promoting and hyping up his new film, the male protagonist Chen Kun.

Sure enough, the next day, the media broke the news that Chen Kun was suspected of starring in Wang Quan's third new film after returning to China. Director Quan especially favors mainland niche students!

From Liu Ye, to Deng Chao, to Chen Kun, they are indeed all popular niche players in the Mainland.

However, at this time, there was another popular niche player in the Mainland who was not as popular as them, and that was Huang Xiaoming from Huayi.

Originally, Deng Zhi starred in the movie "King Power", which made him very jealous. Who would have thought that even brother Kun from his class would get on the high-speed train of "King Power"? So who do I am? He is the only popular young man who has never acted in a movie about "King Power", right? Does it mean that you have fallen behind? !

Although Wu Yusen's new film "The Wheel" has his partner Song Hye Kyo as the male lead, how can Wu Yusen compare with Wang Quan? There is no comparison at all. Can he sell Chinese films to North America? His Hollywood movies can’t even be sold in North America, right?

However, Brother Xiao Ming will not hate Wang Quan for this. After all, Wang Quan selected him to star in another blockbuster film by Wang Dao, which is a very good resource. However, he still wants to star in Wang Quan's movie. He has never acted in Wang Quan's movie. I feel like my acting career is incomplete, as if there is something missing compared to the other three niche students.

If I could star in King Quan's movie, would I be able to launch a group of "four big and small students"?

There have been many similar versions of the Four Little Sisters before, but none of them are as popular as the classic version of "Four Little Flowers". Even Xu Jinglei, who is a bit behind among the four, now relies on the title of Four Little Flowers to enter the director circle. , the new film "Close Enemies" directed by him will be released soon, and it is very popular. The starring film "Love to the End" has a box office of over 200 million.

While Huang Xiaoming is longing for the honor of being one of the "Four Big Students", the new weekly box office rankings are released.

Although "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" had stronger box office momentum at the beginning due to its midnight show, the box office in the first four days was still slightly lower. "Thirteen Hairpins" had 143 million in the first week, and "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" had 134 million.

As for previous old movies, Li Rengang's "The Legend of Hongmen Banquet" was released for 20 days, with a total box office of 133 million.

Spielberg's "The Adventures of Tintin" has just exceeded 100 million at the box office, and the global box office is only 370 million U.S. dollars. It is still about 30 million U.S. dollars away from surpassing King Power's personal total box office. In addition, it has just been released in major markets such as Japan and South Korea. There may be hope for the future.

However, the Hollywood movies directed by Sri Lanka are not as good as the Chinese films of King Power. We can also see the global box office appeal of King Power. As a director, like Cameron, he already has the attributes of a star. His movies can make some fans think without thinking. , and he never disappoints.

There is also "Three Idiots", whose total box office exceeded 20 million, creating the best performance of an Indian film in China.

The two parts of "Sediq Bale" grossed a total of 35 million at the box office.

Both of these films took the word-of-mouth route and sparked a lot of discussion online.

Seeing that the box office of "The Thirteen Hairpins" did not meet his expectations and did not widen the gap with "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", Zhang Weiping became a little anxious, so he started to dig out old news about Zhang Yimou having a secret marriage and having a child, and even made Zhang Yimou The incident of being together with Gong Li behind his wife's back was also revealed.

Moreover, "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" must be mentioned in every draft, trying to add more hot topics outside of the movie.

This made Zhang Yimou very angry. He wanted to keep a low profile during the movie's release and wait until the movie was finished. Being photographed meeting Wang Quan in the United States was purely accidental. Unexpectedly, Zhang Weiping became more and more angry. .

So in an interview to promote the movie, when asked about his upcoming movie plans, he directly revealed, "I met with director Wang Quan in Los Angeles a while ago. We will have some cooperation in the future. You can look forward to it. But now we are promoting "Thirteen Hairpins", so I won't say much more."

Ni Ni on the side heard what Director Zhang Yimou said, and her heart beat wildly with excitement, ah, the fight is about to start!

Sure enough, as soon as the news came out, public opinion was in an uproar. As we all know, before Wang Quan grew into the super director he is today, Zhang Weiping had bad words for Wang Quan many times. Of course, director Wang Quan has a broad mind and has never had a direct conflict with Zhang Weiping. However, Mr. Kun has a bad temper and has angrily criticized Zhang Weiping several times in the media.

Because of the status of King Cinema, Zhang Weiping did not dare to say anything, but it was obvious that there was no basis for cooperation between King Dao and New Picture.

So what the Imperial Master means is that he is ready to cooperate with Wang Dao in his personal capacity? This is to prepare to get rid of the new picture and Zhang Weiping!

Public opinion was in an uproar for a while, and Zhang Yimou thought to himself, don't you want to hype it up? Well, now that you and I are popular enough, feel free to use whatever tricks you have!

Zhang Weiping knew that there was no possibility of reconciliation between him and Zhang Yimou, huh, but I do have a backup plan, just wait!

Zhang Weiping called Ni Ni and said, "Ni Ni, Director Zhang is not very obedient. For the sake of the company, it's your turn to take action. Tell me the password of those photos."

Ni Ni on the other end of the phone said coquettishly, "Boss, why don't we just forget it, it would be too irritating."

"Stop talking nonsense, he has already decided to settle down with that royal power. He was the first to be unkind, so don't blame me for being unjust!"

Ni Ni, "But I'm in the photo! I've just become famous, and I don't want to follow A Jiao's footsteps."

"Don't worry, I will code you, and I will publicize that you were forced!"

Ni Ni, "Someone must believe what you say. By then my reputation will be ruined. You can just hide me away and let me find someone to reason with."

"No, you still don't believe me. I've been in the business world for many years and my main focus is credibility. Otherwise, I'll give you a sum of money so that you can sit back and relax."

Ni Ni sneered inwardly, but still smiled and said, "Don't give me any money either. I deserve it. So, just terminate my contract."

"Ah, what do you mean?"

Ni Ni said seriously, "When the photos come out, my reputation will be over. Rather than being hidden by you, I might as well go out and make a career on my own. Maybe there are noble people willing to give me a way out."

"You, you, the trust between people!"

Ni Ni chuckled and said, "You are all big shots, and I don't want to be a victim of your struggle, so again, I will send you the password when the contract is terminated."

Zhang Weiping weighed it up and decided that after getting the photo, he could exploit Zhang Yimou. If he was less courageous, he might be able to keep him tied to him to make money for himself.

So it was totally worth sacrificing one Ni Ni, "Okay, let's do it."

Ni Ni said, "I will ask my assistant to go to the company to handle the contract termination. Once successful, I will give you the password."

One day later, Ni Ni excitedly called Wang Quan and said, "I'm free!"


Ni Ni smiled and said, "I terminated the contract and only spent 1 million as a termination fee."

This number is far lower than the number in the contract, which is equivalent to the meaning.

Wang Quan asked her how she did it.

Ni Ni told Wang Quan about his operation.

"Then what is in the document you gave him?"

Ni Ni, "Brothers Calabash~"

Wang Quan laughed, "But if you really have it, how can Zhang Weiping give up?"

Ni Ni said, "Sister Chu Ling asked someone to help me get the termination contract. There shouldn't be any loopholes. Moreover, it's during the movie's release. He shouldn't quarrel with me. But that won't necessarily happen after the movie is finished. There should be more Throw the dirty water over here."

She was showing weakness to the royal power and acting coquettishly.

Wang Quan smiled slightly, "Don't worry, the heroine of director Xu Ke's new film "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom" is yours."


This heroine is of course Qinglian, the wife of the mountain eagle. She is charming and even coquettish, which is what Ni Ni is good at.

It's just that the movie is still more than half a year away, and Wang Quan is also hesitating whether to let her play the heroine in his new movie. The heroine doesn't have many roles, and Wang Quan is not willing to fool Xianmi with such a flimsy heroine.

Hearing that Wang Quan had made arrangements for him, Ni Ni thanked him again and again, and then talked about his chat with Nazha a while ago, unable to hide his apology to Nazha in his tone.

Wang Quan sighed, "Let's find an opportunity to discuss this matter, and I believe she can understand it. She is a sensible and good child."

"Well, that's what I mean too. Director, what are you busy with?"

Wang Quan smiled and said, "Me, I'm going to attend the wedding~"


When Zhang Wei finished reviewing the entire "Calabash Brothers", he was so angry that he almost smashed the computer screen, "You little girl, you really thought I had nothing to do with you after we broke off the date, didn't you? Just wait for me , this matter is not over yet!”

But as Ni Ni said, he did not have an attack during the movie's release.

Seeing that Zhang Yimou directly revealed that he would cooperate with Wang Quan, Xu Ke could not sit still. In a promotion, he also revealed that he would be the producer of the new film "The Witch", written by Wang Quan and starring Liu Yifei.

"In addition, we are also preparing to shoot a movie of the same type in Hollywood. The script has been written. I am very much looking forward to this cooperation."

While the reporters were surprised, he once again promoted his restored old film "The Legend of Shushan 3D" which will be released on January 1st. "If the effect is good, I may re-shoot the Xianxia movie. It is still a royal investment. According to To create a series of movies like "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"."

This news has undoubtedly greatly aroused the enthusiasm of Xianxia fans. Most fans of online novels believe that Xu Ke is the best choice for filming Xianxia movies, even more suitable than Wang Quan.

If the Xianxia series between Xu Ke and Wang Dao is really successful, then Xu Ke may be completely tied to Wang Dao. This is undoubtedly bad news for Huayi Bona who still wants to use Xu Laoguai. Now How can there be so many directors who can make super commercial blockbusters?

Next Wang Dao told them that they don’t need to be very senior, just a new director.

Now that everyone has announced news about new films, Wang Dao simply announced the official launch information of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern 2: Yunnan Worm Valley".

The movie will start shooting in Yunnan in March 2012. Director Li Weiran even released a scheduled release trailer, directly targeting the 2013 summer release.

Of course, the filming of the new film has not started yet, so the preview uses scenes from the first film that were filmed but were not used, which can be regarded as new scenes, so fans will be satisfied.

As for the Iron Triangle at this time, Chen Minghao is playing the role of Lao Tao in Lai Shengchuan's "Love Land" tour, and Li Bingbing is cooperating with his old friend Xu Zheng in Chen Zhengdao's new film "The Hypnotist".

And "Hu Bayi" Liu Ye didn't film. It wasn't that he didn't have films to film. He was handed too many books to count, including many from Hollywood, but his wife was pregnant again.

When Nuo Yi was pregnant with a child, he didn't spend much time with his wife. This time he planned to spend time with them, so after filming Lu Chuan's "The King's Feast", he didn't take on any other roles. He only worked in "The Hunger Games" I made a cameo appearance for two days, and when the baby is born next year, I will join the crew to film "Ghost 2" after the full moon.

News of big productions are coming out one after another, and netizens feel overwhelmed. Good guys, good guys, those who like movies are in luck.

As if to take the excitement to a higher level, on the evening of the 20th, the famous grassroots actor Wang Baoqiang posted a long article on his scarf, announcing that he and his wife Ma Rong were divorcing. At the same time, he explained in the article that the reason for the divorce was because of his wife and himself. Her agent Song Jiji cheated on her. At the same time, Song Jiji also committed the crime of embezzling company property. He will file a lawsuit and fight for the custody of his two children.

As soon as this blog post came out, it stirred up waves. News about any movie had to give way. Weibo, which had not crashed for a long time, finally crashed again!

The great influence of this incident is first of all that Wang Baoqiang has become an artist with high national identity through works such as "Soldier Assault", "My Brother's Name is Shunliu", and "People on the Road", and he has an excellent reputation.

He is an undisputed true grassroots and the driving force behind countless drifters who have been drifting sideways and drifting north and south. In the entertainment industry for so many years, it is because of Wang Baoqiang that these grassroots extras feel that the upward path in the film and television industry has not been completely blocked. , I still have hope.

Then there is this earth-shattering way of handling things. In the past, regardless of whether you were cheating on someone else or being cheated on, it was usually handled in a low-key manner. It was naturally immoral to cheat on others, and the person being cheated on was also considered disgraceful. In the entertainment industry, face is too important.

But Wang Baoqiang spoke out so openly and honestly, and did not even reserve the details of what he discovered. When his wife was pregnant, he rushed to her side immediately after finishing work in China. He wanted to give his wife a surprise, but who knew that his wife and The manager was naked and gave herself a shock. You must know that she had an eight-month-old child in her belly at that time!

Finally, there is the adulterer, who turned out to be Baoqiang’s agent. This is terrible. One is his pillow, and the other is the most trusted person around him. He can easily make money, and the two of them together can even easily make money and harm. Life.

Wang Baoqiang dares to directly fight against these two people, which also shows his magnanimity. They are the people who know him best. If Baoqiang lets them catch any pigtails, Baoqiang will be so tough that he will hurt others and himself. Eight hundred.

Wang Quan, who was far away in Hawaii, also saw the news. Compared with Baoqiang's tragedy, he was attending a festive wedding.

Wang Quan couldn't help but sigh. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. It's better to find out late than to find out early. At least he can start a new life a few years earlier and maybe give birth to a third child.

Tomorrow, December 21st, is the day when the legendary Maya predicts the end of the world, and it is also the day when Dorothy and Little K get married.

Wang Quan came with the couple, while Wendy came earlier to be responsible for decorating the wedding scene of her daughter.

When Wang Quan finished filming "Game of Thrones" and Little K finished filming "The Hunger Games," they returned to Los Angeles together, and then Wang Quan took their wedding photos.

There is Taozi wearing a suit, little K wearing a wedding dress, little K wearing a suit, and some both wearing wedding dresses. When they get married tomorrow, they will also have a wedding dress, and both of them are brides.

Later, at Wang Quan's suggestion, they took another set of wedding photos without both of them wearing wedding dresses.

Of course, in order to reflect that it is a wedding photo, some wedding dress elements are still used, such as bouquets and veils.

Wang Quan’s photography skills are also at an award-winning level, especially the last set that took a whole day to shoot. Wang Quan was very attentive.

This set of photos was only for the three of them to see, and outsiders had no chance to appreciate it.

Although they are all in the entertainment industry, there is still a gap in consciousness between them and real artists. How can they be like Mr. Sanbao, whose wedding photos with his daughter-in-law showed them without clothes on? It's so artistic.

On the 20th, relatives and friends attending the wedding tomorrow have already arrived one after another.

The first is the family members of the two newcomers.

Dorothy's parents, Tao Weilong and Wendy, and the families behind them.

Although the Tao family is considered to be the number one person in Xiangjiang, Mr. Tao Daqi has a good hand and a kind heart, and has good personal relationships with many tycoons, but compared with the Greenberg family, they can only be regarded as an ordinary family.

This time not only Tao Zi's grandfather Tao Da Qi came, but Tao Zi's grandfather Tao Da Qi's Dinghai Shenzhen also came. The old chaebol did not despise Tao Da Qi and even asked him to take his pulse.

But compared to this big-nosed old man, Tao Daqi is obviously more interested in the bikini-clad Ocean Horse on the beach. Hey, there are also a few big stars.

He, who is in his eighty-sixth year this year, still wants to have a cross-border relationship. Seeing his enthusiasm, Wang Quan did not dare to neglect the health-preserving exercises taught to him by the old man.

Almost the entire Greenberg family was dispatched, and Wang Quan also saw Boss Hussein, with his daughter Dolly by his side.

They chatted affectionately for a while, mainly talking about the establishment of the first Dragon Head Paradise in the capital of China. He was an expert in this matter and was very interested. He would inevitably have to travel to China frequently.

Compared with the prosperity of the Dorothy family, Little K's family can only be regarded as a small family, so Little K's parents are very happy that their daughter can marry such a capable woman.

One of them is a TV producer and the other is a screenwriter, so it is not surprising that Little K can make his debut as a child star.

However, Little K's three brothers looked constipated, especially the two adopted brothers. Seeing their dear sister getting married, they had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Little K has been beautiful since childhood, and they are not related by blood. It is inevitable that they will have some ideas during adolescence, but in the end they can only be fantasies, and they can only watch little K marry and become a business woman.

But they are really rich. They bought a small island worth 200 million U.S. dollars right away. This is something they will never earn in their lifetime.

There are some things that, if you didn’t have them when you were born, you probably won’t have them in this life.

After introducing the families of the two brides, it was the turn of Wang Quan’s family.

He prepared hundreds of millions in gifts, and of course he wanted to eat them back, so his ex-girlfriend Gadot, his daughter Alice, and Wang Qiankun and Mei Yanqiu, who happened to come over to see their granddaughter, also came.

Mei Yanqiu started to taste the food when she arrived, and then shook her head, not as good as herself, while Lao Wang actively chatted with various Hollywood tycoons.

Some other close friends, such as Theron, Swift, Marling, Lily, Amanda Seyfried, Ana de Armas, Elizabeth Olsen, Alexandra Da Dario also came. As for Xianmi, they were unable to attend the wedding because they were filming in Hong Kong.

Of course, Daddario came as a member of the "Twilight Group". In addition to the late Little Wolfman, several young actors from the Twilight Saga are here, including Robert Pattinson and Ashley Greene. , Kaley Cuoco, Dou Xiao, they can also be regarded as little K’s natal family.

Wang Quan took a group photo of them and saw that everyone had left a place for the little werewolf tacitly. He couldn't help but sigh. It was the actors in "Twilight 1" who had the deepest feelings.

Wang Quan greeted visitors from all over like a half-master, and many of them came for Wendy on the surface, but in fact they came for him. The major financial groups or families gave them enough face. After all, if we have money, we can all make it together. .

There are also many directors or producers in the film industry, and it’s unclear whether it’s for the sake of his royal power or the sake of Dorothy.

Wang Quan shook hands with Spielberg, and the two looked at each other and smiled. Spielberg could not catch up with Wang Quan just by relying on "The Adventures of Tintin". There was still a gap of 10 to 20 million dollars.

But Lao Si smiled and said, "My new film "War Horse" will be released in two days~"

Damn, this old man doesn’t care about martial arts, yet he released two movies in one year! He is definitely going to overtake him now. I wonder if "Rich Second Generation", which has no overseas market, can come back?

Cameron is also here. Now he has a lot of free time. One "Avatar" has given him all he can eat, but Wang Quan still hopes to see the sequel of "Avatar" as soon as possible. He has the second and third parts in the film and television library. I’ve seen it, but there’s no fourth or fifth part in it, which is weird.

In addition, George Lucas is also here. The negotiations for Long Toutou to acquire Lucas have reached a critical moment. He can come today, which is obviously very satisfied with Long Toutou as the buyer.

I saw him shaking his wine glass and joking with Wang Quan, "If you are willing to continue making Star Wars, I can be the main seller now!"

Wang Quan laughed and said, "Then we'll have to wait until my hands are free. I have several projects here, haha."

He is not just perfunctory. After "The Rich Second Generation", he has at least three Chinese-language films in his hands. He doesn't know when they will be filmed. In addition, he has to keep an eye on the sequel of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". How can he really do that? I completely trust the new director.

On the night before the wedding, everyone had a great time on the beach. Wang Quan and Swift sang a song together. It felt like Swift's lyrics seemed like she was scolding herself.

They played until 12 o'clock before everyone dispersed with unfinished content. Wang Quan, Gadot, and Alice's family of three moved directly into Taozi and Little K's wedding villa, and according to Chinese tradition, baby Alice rolled the bed for them. , and received a big red envelope.

Wang Quan handed over his hands and said, "Okay, Alice, get out of here, and next year you can also hold a big fat boy~"

After Wang Quan's family left the room, Taozi and Little K looked at each other and smiled.

They were a little tired today and they didn't do any more exercise.

However, they were getting married in a few hours, and they were so excited that they couldn't sleep at all. Maybe they should do some exercise to fall asleep easily.

Little K suddenly said, "Dear, you said if the world ends when we get married, wouldn't you be miserable?"

"What's wrong with me?"

"You haven't even tasted what it's like to be a man."

Dorothy pinched her, "Who says I haven't tasted it? It's so hard to swallow."

"That's not what I'm talking about," Little K said with a smile, "Why don't you ask him to come over, I want to see it."

"What are you looking at?"

Little K bit his lip, "Look at how charming you are~"

Dorothy pretended to hit her, and Little K snorted, "Only you can watch, not me?"

At three o'clock in the morning, when Gadot and Alice were asleep, Wang Quan's eyes suddenly opened, and he seemed to hear his cell phone ringing.

I casually touched my phone. Well, it was not an illusion, there was really important news!

A very, very important summons. Wang Quan chuckled. It seemed that Taozi had figured it out...


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