You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 431 Asia is boiling, and the new royal comedy film has been released for the first time!

China is a hospitable nation, and whatever good things are available at home must be eaten and used first by the guests.

Wang Quan first held a grand banquet at Meifu Banquet, invited Theron and Little K, and also asked several actors from Ghost Blowing Lantern to accompany them.

Theron also said that he was flattered after watching Liu Ye's "Dark Matter".

She also expressed her affirmation of Li Bingbing's performance in "Snowflake and the Secret Fan".

Finally, I saw Naza praising her performance in "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". It was not only beautiful, but also very oppressive. She was worthy of being a villain across a series.

Jing Tian wanted to say, me, me, I have also performed in "Ex Machina" and "Resident Evil 4"!

Then Theron jumped over her and looked at Wang Quan, "Congratulations, you have made another masterpiece. I believe this movie will definitely be a hit in North America."

Hearing this, Liu Ye and other main creators were very excited. If it can sell well in North America, will they become international stars directly without filming in Hollywood?

If you don't want to be a superstar, at least the next few movies will be successful.

Wang Quan is not as optimistic as Theron. She is a professional filmmaker and can understand European literary films with subtitles, let alone a smooth adventure commercial film.

But ordinary audiences have a threshold for accepting things from unfamiliar cultures. Let’s take the elderly audiences in domestic towns and villages. Let them watch foreign language films, let alone subtitles. Even with dubbing, it is difficult to watch. Either they can’t understand it or they don’t understand it. , or unwilling to take the trouble to understand.

The only thing Wang Quan can bet on is its box office appeal. As long as they are willing to understand it, they may like it, and then it will be considered a victory.

After a meal at the Meifu Banquet, Wang Quan asked Theron, Little K and his second uncle to take a photo together. Little K was already familiar with the scene. Every time he came to the capital to promote Twilight, he would have a meal here. It's not the same every time, but this is Theron's first time.

However, as a hospitable Chinese, Wang Quan still felt that he was not considerate enough, so he simply spared himself.

Mimi, Nini, Zaza, and Bingbing can only stand aside first, and let the guests from far away taste the good things first!

When Wang Quan was in Little K's room, she also made an overseas phone call to Dorothy. She suppressed her happiness and told Tao Zi about today's experience in a calm tone.

When Dorothy asked her, "Where's David, aren't you together?"

"Oh, he, he's at Theron's next door, ah."

Dorothy: Huh, do you think I will believe it?

Imagining the situation of her girlfriend and good brother at this time, Dorothy's face became increasingly red. She was so excited that she couldn't bear to hang up the phone.

And when Wang Quan actually went to Theron's place next door, Little K called Wang Quan again, causing Theron to cover his mouth and not dare to say too loudly.

After Wang Quan hung up the phone, Theron asked Wang Quan, "What does it feel like to sleep with Lala."

Wang Quan, "How do I know? You are not La."

"Humph, you're just pretending, you smell like Little K's perfume."

Wang Quan chuckled, "Why, I can't deal with you alone. Do you want another one?"

"Ah, did she attack?"

Wang Quan thought for a while, "She can't attack in front of me and Boss Tao, but it's hard to say to others. Why, you really have an idea. How about I help you communicate."

Theron smiled and shook his head, "You know, Universal asked me to star in a Snow White-themed movie. I was originally cast as the stepmother and little K played Snow White."

"Oh, you actually still have such a fate?"

Theron, "But because I was going to star in "Gravity" and K. was going to star in "The Fault in Our Stars," I missed it. Universal found Angelina Jolie and Elle Fanning to star in it. "

Wang Quan was even more surprised. "Snow White and the Huntsman" used the cast of "Maleficent".

So is "Maleficent" okay... After all, Sleeping Beauty is a public copyright and anyone can make it. King Quan also produced a comic book called "Frozen" before.

Wang Quan looked at Queen Theron in his arms and thought of little K next door. It would be quite interesting to make them into a mother and daughter pair, hehe.

During the two days when Wang Quan slept with his guests, some reviews of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" had begun to leak out. After all, there were hundreds of viewers on the premiere day, and most of them were industry insiders, including filmmakers and film critics.

No one was allowed to comment that day, so the audience that day flocked to various platforms to express their opinions. At this time, Douban could already comment, but the rating was not displayed.

Ye Jiuwei: Five Stars, the most enjoyable Chinese-language blockbuster ever! I think it’s better than the Twilight series!

Tian★yu: We in China also have our own Indiana Jones, Hu Bayi is awesome! The fat man is mighty! Shirley Yang is so cool! The most surprising thing was Brother Cheng Long, I cried when I saw him! It’s full of memories! Oh, I give it four stars. For me, this is the limit of commercial coolness!

Murong Yanyu Lang Tianya: Five-star review, when the movie first started, I thought it was the wrong movie, hahaha, Director Wang is so good!

Love at first sight: At first, I was worried that Director Quan would not adapt to Chinese-language films, but I didn’t expect the film to be so good. The sense of age was captured and very immersive. Five stars, five stars!

The well-known Lao Wang: It’s so exciting to think that I can watch several such awesome movies!

Black and White Gray 2222: It has to be Director Quan. I think if it were another director, even if he was given so much money, he wouldn't be able to make it. Director Quan is really a master of rhythm. This is his talent. It's so smooth!

No more seeds: Watching it once is not enough. Unfortunately, there is no midnight show. I really want to watch it again late at night. I have to say, it was quite scary at first.

At the movie box office, netizens have also begun to predict the box office of this movie based on leaked reviews. Some think it will be as low as 9, some think it will easily exceed 1 billion, and some think that the mainland film history record of "Inception" will soon be broken. Save.

Along with the unanimous praise, there was also news that there would be no midnight show. Die-hard fans of Throne were very disappointed. If there were a midnight show, it would definitely smash the record of "Twilight 5".

But if you can't watch the midnight show, try to watch it on the first day. Although Friday is a working day, it does not affect the enthusiasm of die-hard fans.

Maoyan’s ticket sales now account for more than 50%, and most viewers purchased tickets in advance through this platform.

In addition, the Guevara Online Life Network in Shanghai has also started selling tickets online, with Shanda’s investment behind it, but it is only popular in Shanghai.

In order to expand his influence, Guevara wanted to start a price war with Maoyan, so the ticket price was relatively cheap. The ticket price of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" in the magic city can be as low as 30 yuan.

Generally, there is a minimum release price for movie distribution, and theaters are required to sell tickets at no lower than this price, otherwise the theater or theater chain will have to make up the difference.

Usually the lowest distribution price for ordinary 2D movies is 20 yuan/person, while for 3D movies it is 25 yuan/person, which is the recommended price of the distributor.

Although "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" has a lot of aura, it is not special. The recommended price is 25 yuan/person.

Of course, most theaters do not accept this suggestion, especially in first-tier cities. For a ticket price of more than 40 yuan, a good movie has no problem selling, and "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" is still 3D and long enough.

Therefore, the pricing of cinemas is usually around 40 yuan. Each cinema has certain adjustment rights according to its own conditions. For example, the IMAX giant screen is definitely higher. In the end, the film studio also divides the accounts according to the pricing of the cinema.

If Guevara wants to sell a ticket for 30 yuan, he has to subsidize nearly 10 yuan for each ticket. Of course, if he wants to get such a low price, the user must register, verify his mobile phone number and become a member to enjoy it.

Through this method of throwing money, Guevara quickly opened up the situation in Shanghai. However, Maoyan did not start a price war with the opponent because of this, and still followed its own pace.

Because the Magic City is expected to bring nearly 3 million viewers to Ghost Blowing Lantern. If Guevara wanted to eat up all this market, he would have to pay a cost of almost 3,000. He couldn't afford it. If he could eat a third of it, he would be considered powerful. .

There cannot be only one Maoyan in the market. Having one competitor is not necessarily a bad thing, and Wang Quan has no intention of monopolizing Maoyan. When a full-scale price war begins, it will need to introduce reliable partners.

Xiao Jin is a student at the Magic City Electronic Vocational and Technical School. He is a freshman and stayed in Magic City to work during the summer vacation. He bought cheap tickets through Guevara and was going to the cinema to watch "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" at nine in the morning.

He is a huge fan of novels about tomb robbers. He has read Ghost Blowing the Lamp and Notes on Grave Robbers. He has also read basically Wang Quan's works. He knows that this is an international director, a super rich man, and a national idol. Some of his female classmates mentioned this This name is directly related to Gaochao.

Humph, isn't it just that he is extremely rich and handsome? What's more, he may never experience the happiness of having no money in his life.

For this kind of movie with some horror elements, Xiao Jin originally thought that only boys would watch it, but he didn't expect that there would be a large proportion of girls, and some of them are very beautiful!

"Reba, here!"

"Chu Xi!"

It's summer vacation. Instead of returning to her hometown, Dilraba is filming "33 Days of Love" in Shanghai. She plays a very important female supporting role and has to imitate sister Zhiling's accent all day long.

There was no drama for her today, so she shouted in the class group whoever was in Shanghai wanted to watch "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", and got responses from Zhong Chuxi and Yuan Bingyan.

After waiting for a while, Yuan Bingyan also arrived. Three classmates entered the theater hand in hand. Xiao Jin followed with blank eyes. What a coincidence, it was the same theater, and what was even more coincidental was that three beautiful girls were right in front of him. a row!

Xiao Jin stretched his neck and heard the topic of filming. Oh my god, these little girls are actually celebrities. I heard that exotic girl said that she should also know the big star Yang Mi!

Xiao Jin, who originally wanted to strike up a conversation, immediately shrank his neck in inferiority. Soon the theater was almost full, the lights were turned off, and the trailer began to play on the screen.

These movies that bought the trailers of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" are all major events in the future, and they must attract the audience in the shortest possible time.

In the few-minute trailer, Xiao Jin saw Zhang Yimou's "The Thirteen Hairpins", but only the backs of the male protagonists Heath Ledger and Thirteen Hairpins were shown, and the heroine still did not appear.

He also saw Xu Laoguai's "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", with Li Lianjie, Chen Kun, and Zhou Xun playing very dazzlingly.

Both movies were released during the Lunar New Year period.

After that, there are two National Day movies, "The Legend of White Snake" and "Painting on the Wall".

Oh, there is another movie by Yang Mi called "Love Is Not Blind". The beautiful girl Reba in the front said excitedly to the classmates next to her, "This is it. I didn't expect that the trailer has been released before the filming is finished!" "

That is, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is expected to radiate 30 million theater audiences. These audiences are genuine movie audiences who will spend money. This wave of advertising must not be missed.

Not only "33 Days of Love", but also trailers for "New World", "Twelve Citizens", "Thunderbolt Beibei" and "Horror Live". Surprisingly, Xu Ke's "The Legend of Shushan" will be re-released on January 1 next year , re-edited by Wang Quan and converted into 3D format!

But the most surprising thing is the last trailer. There are no actors, no plot, just an empty shot of an ancient village, with a lively soundtrack, and then the subtitles: King Quan's new film "Rich Second Generation", 2012 , a surprise release on New Year’s Day!

The entire audience, including Xiao Jin, let out an "ah" sound.

Many people know that Wang Quan is preparing to make a comedy for his second film after returning to China, and it is suspected that Deng Chao will star in it. They don’t know anything else. They didn’t expect that the release date and title of the film would be revealed today, "Rich Second Generation"? What is this acting for?

Before they had time to think about it carefully, the dragon logo came out, and the audience immediately put on 3D glasses. The only opening titles were Wangdao, Qiankun, China Film and Power World, and the others appeared in text form.

Both Zhong Chuxi and Yuan Bingyan are envious. Being backed by Power World is equivalent to being backed by Wang Dao. Maybe they will have the opportunity to star in the works of director Wang Quan in the future.

At the beginning of the main film, Xiao Jin looked at the 4:3 aspect ratio on the screen in surprise. Is that right?

Today's movie frames are becoming more and more slender, basically 2.35:1, and the ratio of the frame in front of you is more like that of old movies.

And with the appearance of the first scene, this feeling became even stronger. The setting, the painting style, and the picture quality seemed like an old Hong Kong film.

When the much younger Jackie Chan appeared, Xiao Jin laughed in surprise. This was very similar to the texture of Cheng Long's early movies he watched when he was a child, and even the dubbing style was similar.

The key point is that the style of this old movie still uses 3D effects. When the Paper Bride appeared, it really shocked people. This is the first domestic horror movie to use 3D effects.

And with this style of painting, people suddenly think of the deceased Uncle Ying, as well as the fantasy kung fu movies created by Hong Jinbao and others.

Wang Quan paid great attention to the aging process and used a lot of techniques to present it so perfectly. It can instantly bring people with some movie-watching experience back to that era.

The clip is less than three minutes long, and Jing Tian appears for just over a minute, but it immediately captures the audience's attention. Until the protagonist Hu Bayi appears, the audience is brought back to his days as a soldier. The frame has also returned to normal size.

But soon after Hu Bayi's narration, Hu Guohua, played by Cheng Long, appeared again. This time with him was a mouse with superb acting skills that was difficult to distinguish between real and fake.

The hair on the mouse's body was replaced with the hair of the special effects staff, so that it could be so lifelike. Unfortunately, the mouse was killed by a jealous neighbor in the end, and Hu Guohua injured someone and left his hometown.

"What happened next?" The big man played by Jin Song was fascinated and continued to ask.

So Hu Bayi, played by Liu Ye, told the last story, about how his grandfather accidentally met the master played by Liu Jiahui after serving in the army and obtained half of the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret".

As we talked, three big black characters "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" appeared on the screen. The memories ended and the dinner began.

Three legendary stories whose authenticity is difficult to distinguish define the strange style of the film. Some young viewers who were a little sleepy because they woke up too early suddenly became energetic and stared for fear of missing any minute.

In North America, "Harry Potter: The Finale" was released last week, with a box office of $169 million in its first week in North America, not as good as the "Twilight Saga" finale.

This week, "Captain America", a very important movie in Marvel's Avengers plan, was released on the same day as "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", starring King Quan's friend Chris Evans.

But the film won't hit Asian markets until next week.

Therefore, in the three Asian countries of Singapore, Philippines, and Thailand where "The Ghost Blows Out" was released on this day, "The Ghost Blows Out" had no rivals and received a film schedule comparable to that of "Harry Potter: The Finale."

Singapore has a population of 5 million, of which more than 3 million are Chinese. It is considered the country with the strongest issuing capacity of Jiahe.

Among the three major theater chains in Singapore, Golden Harvest, Shaw Brothers, and Cathay Pacific, Golden Harvest currently has the greatest momentum, swallowing up all the smaller theater chains and occupying half of Singapore's market share.

Singaporeans used to watch Hong Kong movies, but now they mainly watch Hollywood. Although they are not that familiar with Liu Ye and Li Bingbing, they are familiar with Wang Quan's name.

On the first day "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" was released, most of them came because of him, and some of them came because Jiahe's advertisements were very tempting.

When the first batch of Singaporean audiences saw Cheng Long in the first ten minutes of the film, they said it was worth the price of admission. The last time they saw Cheng Long's movie was "Zodiac", it was indeed very hard-working, but it was no longer the same as before.

Wang Quan uses the old-style painting of Cheng Long to introduce the real protagonist later on. With such a transition process, it will be very comfortable for foreign audiences who like Cheng Long, and it will be easier to get into the drama later on.

And within half an hour, the protagonist and his comrades encountered the first crisis, the Kunlun Mountain Fire Ladybug.

Creatures like fire ladybugs are very suitable for 3D filming, so Wang Quan came directly to this link, cutting off a lot of plots in the past, which is called getting the upper hand.

Because Hu Bayi had learned the "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Feng Shui Secret Technique", he guessed in advance that they had encountered a large tomb, and while protecting himself, he also saved many comrades. This secret technique arouses interest and speculation about the protagonist's subsequent experiences.

Moreover, many of the audience at the scene can understand Chinese, so it seems to be more fluent and there are fewer obstacles.

Three countries, including Singapore and the Philippines, are in the same time zone as China, and they saw "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" almost at the same time.

Thailand is in the East Seventh District and is an hour later.

In order to support their boss's movie, the crew of "Manslaughter" took a half-day off and planned to go to the nearby Jiahe Cinema to watch "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", and Chen Sicheng paid for it.

Chen Sicheng asked deputy director Xiao Yang to be responsible for communicating about booking the venue. Xiao Yang was not only the deputy director, but also played two small roles with his partner Wang Taili.

However, because Xiao Yang contacted the cinema too late, and the movie was very popular, he was not able to book the venue. However, the cast members' tickets were still bought, and they just wanted to watch it with the local audience.

Chen Sicheng was not very happy at first. He wanted to take a photo of the movie theater and post it on Weibo to claim credit. However, when he saw several pretty Thai girls in short skirts in the same theater, his bad mood was instantly wiped away. null.

Seeing Chen Sicheng staring at the most beautiful one, Xiao Yang reminded him, "How are you sure she is a woman?"


Chen Sicheng shuddered. This kid reminded him in time. After all, this is Thailand!

Devika Horne is 19 years old this year. She is of mixed Thai and Belgian descent. She is 175cm tall and very beautiful. She was noticed by the agency early. She is now a model and also acts. Today I came to watch a movie with my best friend and saw such a person. I just bought a ticket for a new film directed by King David.

Because this place is close to Chinatown, most of them are Chinese. She was stared at by a greasy Chinese man just now, but her attention was quickly diverted.

She pulled her best friend, who is also an actor, and pointed to the front, "Is that director Panzhuang Bisindagnagang in front!"

My best friend took a look and said in surprise, "Ah, it's really him!"

Devika Honey said with emotion, "He is indeed the most powerful director in Hollywood. Even Panjang Bisindanagun was the first to watch his new film."

My best friend said, "I heard that this movie is very scary. Director Banzhuang may have done it for this reason."

The promotion point of "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" in Thailand is horror. The posters are specially customized and highlight the horror elements. The effect is very good, but it is definitely far behind compared with Thai horror movies. Thai horror is really It's scary, bloody, and gruesome.

Just take the director Banjang Bisindagnagang in front of them. He is a master of making horror films. Although he is only 32 years old this year, he filmed his first film "Ghost" seven years ago, and later Several blockbuster horror films have been released.

Last year, his film "Hello, Stranger" created a box office success of 125 million baht, winning the annual box office championship of local films.

Although 125 million baht is only 25 million RMB, it is already very high. In the same year, there was a movie "A Little Thing About First Love" that Chinese people are very familiar with. It ranked second among local films in the year, with a box office of 80 million baht.

After the movie officially started, Chen Sicheng was filled with envy. The guest stars were all Cheng Long. When will I be able to fight such a rich fight?

And he understood Wang Quan's little thoughts at once. Cheng Long from an old movie suddenly hit the hearts of the sentimental party. Didn't he see that several elderly Chinese people on the scene started to cheer?

Moreover, the paper bride played by the girl named Jing Tian was indeed scary enough. This kind of oriental horror appealed to the audience, and Banzhuang Bisinda Nagang's expression became solemn.

It's a pity that the horror of this kind of ghost did not last too long. Although there were monsters in the cemetery and the tomb later, which were very thrilling, this method of expression did not scare him at all.

But it must also be said that this movie is highly commercialized and looks more enjoyable than a Hollywood blockbuster. At least from his perspective, it is more appealing to him than Transformers and Harry Potter a while ago.

In fact, as the rich and powerful king of Thailand, he didn’t want to be in such a hurry to watch the movie of the Chinese Banzhuang Pisinda Nagang, but his agency said that Wang Quan would come to Thailand in a few days to promote the movie, and he specifically wanted to invite him by name. He was so happy that Banzhuang Bisinda was so happy that he immediately bought a ticket for the first show on the first day to watch it in advance, hoping to get some advice from King Quan.

By the time the Thai audience had watched half of it, the first show in Mainland China had already finished.

Xiao Jin walked out of the theater in a daze, and excitedly took out his mobile phone to take a selfie of himself and the Iron Triangle figure stand. From the moment he walked out, he knew that he would probably have to continue watching it in the next few years. Well, as long as this series continues to be made, it doesn’t require the quality of the first one, but as long as it has half the quality, it will be worth spending money on.

At this time, the girls like Dilireba passed by him. They were so beautiful!

Just as she was thinking about it, Dilraba took the initiative and said, "Hello, could you please take a photo for us?"

"Ah, me? Okay!" Xiao Jin took the phone tremblingly and took a photo of Reba and the others posing with the Audio-Technica.

When Xiaojin returned to his residence, he immediately searched for "Reba" on the Internet. He heard her classmates call her that. Not to mention, he actually found it, and she already had hundreds of thousands of fans, and was certified as a power generation. Signed artist, currently in theater and studying.

What a future star!

He immediately followed it, and soon saw Reba posting the photo he helped take, and Xiao Jin felt sweet in his heart.

At the same time, Mr. Zhou, who was wearing gold-rimmed glasses, took a bus from Xiangjiang to Shenzhen Town. He packed lightly and went straight to the best movie theater nearby.

Mr. Zhou is a die-hard fan of King Quan, but now he is very angry. Why? Why is "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" released one day later in Hong Kong than in the mainland? It's too much!

Originally, he only thought about it for a day and could bear it for a while. However, after the first screening of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" ended, and after the praises and praises came out, he couldn't bear it anymore.

These positive reviews are not just domestic. Because of his work, he has many friends in Southeast Asia. Audiences in Singapore and the Philippines also spoke highly of the movie on the Internet and said that the attendance rate in their local areas was extremely high.

It was so good that a mainland Chinese film could arouse such great popularity overseas, so Mr. Zhou no longer hesitated and went directly to the Shenzhen Town next door.

And the result did not disappoint him. The emotion in the first ten minutes was not over yet. Then the fire ladybugs rushed towards his face, and there were all kinds of big scenes later. This was definitely a Hollywood-level special effect. Apart from the royal power, who else in the country could do it? It can be photographed so well.

Mr. Zhou returned to Xiangjiang directly after watching it. His Mandarin is average, so he plans to watch a version with traditional Chinese subtitles tomorrow.

The major movie theaters in Hong Kong have reserved the best spots for the posters of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp". Director Wang Quan's name is bigger than that of the leading actors combined. Only Cheng Long can compete with him.


On the first day of the release, Wang Quan was not idle at all and took the main creator to several cinemas in the capital.

And that night he led the team to the next city for promotion.

It was already 0 o'clock in the morning when he arrived at the International Village. Because he was so tired, Li Bingbing fell asleep in his room without even doing anything with him.

Wang Quan was okay, his agent Clara relieved him from the fatigue of the day.

At two o'clock in the morning, his cousin Zhou Peng, who was also working overtime, sent him the first-day box office data of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".

Without the midnight show, a total of 136 million was collected!

This data is still very good, but unfortunately it does not exceed the 162 million of "The Twilight Saga 5". That is the finale and the sensational effect caused by the death of the male protagonist, and the combat effectiveness of the audience of Ghost Blower is not as explosive as the audience of Mary Sue.

Moreover, under the pressure of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", the box office of "Transformers 3" was severely cut in half, and is now less than 10 million. It could easily exceed 1 billion, but now there is some suspense.

It's a pity that Zhou Peng can't get the box office of the three countries in Singapore. This can only wait for local news reports.

Early the next morning, good news came from overseas. In Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" took the first place in the local single-day box office!

Although the combined box office of the three No. 1 films is only a fraction of the mainland's 136 million, this is great news for Chinese people who are increasingly eager to be recognized by the outside world.

After receiving the news in the office, Han Sanping exclaimed, "Good news, good news!"

This news also inspired the promotion staff of Golden Harvest Company. The film will be released in Hong Kong, Wanwan and several countries in the Middle East today, and they are even more motivated.

Mr. Zhou brought several friends to the theater this time to support him.

The next day, I saw the news that "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" took away HK$5 million at the box office in Hong Kong on its first day, ranking first in a single day. "Harry Potter: The Final Chapter" also had to avoid the spotlight for the time being.

It will be released soon in Indonesia and Malaysia, and the whole of Asia is excited because of this new film by director Wang Quan. This has made movie fans in Neon and Kimchi countries not far away anxious.

What do you mean, you can watch it in July, but we have to wait until September! What's the truth? Is it because our money doesn't taste good?

King Power also has a large number of fans in these two countries, and their markets are mature and large enough.

Although helpless, most movie fans can only wait helplessly, and those who have the conditions are already preparing to go to tourist cities such as Hong Kong and Singapore to have some fun and watch a movie by the way.

Not only Japan and South Korea think so, King Power's die-hard fans in North America are also preparing to leave for Xiangjiang. They don't want to wait until next month to watch it.

Three days later, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" had a good start, breaking the mainland first-week box office record with a box office of 426 million!

This result soon appeared in Hollywood reports. 426 million is equivalent to 66 million US dollars.

The North American box office of "Captain America", which has high hopes from Marvel and Disney, was 65 million in its first week!

In this round, the ghost blows out the lantern and wins!

Hollywood calls King David invincible. In a single market, his Chinese-language film actually defeated Hollywood blockbusters. And because "Captain America" ​​only landed in North America in its first week, "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" won the global box office this week. champion!

This is the first time for a Chinese-language film!

(List of Throne Hollywood works, 10)

(Devika Honey, the heroine of the billion-baht movie "Ghost Husband")

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