You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 359 The King’s Stars and the Sea Movie Project (2, monthly ticket 1600)

Chapter 359 The King's Way·Stars and Sea Movie Project (2, monthly ticket 1600)

"White Rabbit Candy?" Huang Jianxin was stunned. "Are you going to film the story of the company White Rabbit Candy? That is the memory of our generation."

Wang Quan laughed, "Director Huang reminded me well, Mr. Chen, we can communicate with White Rabbit's company about this film to see if they are willing to do a joint placement. Maybe the production cost can be saved."

Then he began to introduce the project, "This is a neon comic of the same name. It is also a project of the Dragon Head Tokyo branch this year. It tells the story of a 27-year-old single man living with his 7-year-old aunt."

It's my aunt, not my sister-in-law.

Wang Quan, "I think the story is good and the production cost is not high, so I bought the domestic copyright and prepared to give it to newcomers to practice."

With that said, Wang Quan looked at Bai Xue, "Bai Xue, are you interested?"

Bai Xue was surprised when her name was called by Wang Quan. She had only graduated three years ago and could become a director. Did success come too quickly?

She forced herself to calm down and stood up to reply.

King Quan, "Sit down and talk, just like in class."

"Okay," Bai Xue sat down, "I know this comic, the aunt is not the real aunt, and in the end the male protagonist and the aunt got together."

Oops! My dear and beautiful aunt!

The other people at the scene had subtle expressions after hearing this. The plot was indeed very neon.

Wang Quan smiled and said, "You are talking about the comic plot. We must adapt it. It should not be so complicated. The emotions can be simpler. Sometimes the original work does not need to be too restored."

Bai Xue nodded in agreement, "Thanks to the monitor's trust, I will take this job."

In her mind, this was a simple and heart-warming story about a character, and it shouldn't cost too much. If it were a movie of the level of "Ghost Blowing the Lamp", she would be afraid to accept it even to death.

Bai Xue is second only to him in talent in the King Quan class, and deserves to be well cultivated and matured in advance.

Taking advantage of this excuse, Wang Quan announced something, "The company is ready to sign directors. It is aimed at young directors who have few works and lack opportunities and opportunities. After signing the contract, you will receive a salary every month, as well as five insurances and one housing fund." , what the contracted director has to do is to create, write the script himself or bring in a familiar screenwriter to create together, and then through the company's green light system, the company can equip experienced producers and invite a suitable cast, and the company will provide You take care of a series of tasks including funding, team building and publicity, and the director only needs to rest assured and create.”

Hearing this, Yang Qing's face lit up, wondering if he also had a chance to become a king!

In fact, Wang Quan's decision to sign the director was largely due to him.

After "Crazy Supermarket", Yang Qing was like a rootless duckweed. There was no competent producer to help him check the script of his second work, and the filming team was also very unprofessional, so that the finished product was sparse and almost finished. A promising young director was ruined.

I heard that Starlight Company also plans to invite him to direct their company's new film "Warring States". If he accepts this film, he will either turn it into a magical one and become a god, or it will be completely destroyed, but the latter is more likely.

So let the company help young directors before they mature. Signing them also means being responsible for them.

Wang Quan continued to tell Bai Xue, "I'll sign another contract later, and I will be Wang Dao's first contracted director from now on."

"Okay." Bai Xue didn't ask about the salary issue at all. There was no way the monitor could cheat him in this regard.

Yang Qing hurriedly asked, "Director, I also want to sign a contract with the company. Can you bring me one?"

Chen Zhengdao said hurriedly, "Me too."

Wang Quan laughed and said, "The matter of signing a contract with a company is not necessarily related to the opportunity to direct "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" later, and you must think clearly that signing a contract with a director is similar to signing a contract with an artist. Although we do not restrict accepting films from other companies, the company But you have to take a commission.”

Of course, there are also benefits to signing a contract, which are reflected in the contract.

Yang Qing still agreed, but Chen Zhengdao was more cautious, "Director, I want to see the contract first."

Wang Quan nodded, "Xiao Yang, please read the contract first before making a decision. We will discuss this after the meeting is over."

After speaking, he glanced at Chen Chuling, who said, "In order to help young directors build momentum and form a publicity matrix, we have named the young directors and directors' works signed by the company the King of Stars and the Sea Film Project, and the company will devote more resources to it. , and director Wang Quan will also follow up on your works from the script level. Bai Xue’s "White Rabbit Candy" is the first work of the Stars and Sea Project."

"Our journey is the sea of ​​stars" is a sentence from the novel "Legend of the Galaxy Heroes". The second generation is passionate and passionate. Wang Quan hopes that they will always have the passion and sincerity for movies and never stop pursuing their dreams.

Recently, Youku and China Film launched the 11th Degree Youth Project, which is also aimed at cultivating new directors. However, it was a short film, while Stars and Sea started as a theatrical film.

Hearing that his work was going to be the first work of the Stars and Sea Project, Bai Xue felt more pressure on his shoulders, and he had to make a good start.

In fact, it would be great if she could come up with an original work at this time. Unfortunately, she has not yet written a script that satisfies her enough to be released in theaters. I really envy the monitor's brain.

After talking about the Stars and Sea project, Wang Quan returned to the topic, "My second project proposal is a domestic adaptation of the Hollywood classic film "Twelve Angry Men."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked again. It was "Twelve Angry Men"! An undisputed absolute classic in the history of film, it is still one of the top ten works rated by IMDB, and it is also a work that everyone who studies directing and screenwriting will learn.

It's a bit bold to adapt such a classic, and the judicial systems of China and the United States are also different. The plot of "12 Angry Men" is not tenable in China.

Wang Quan smiled and said, "I have already bought the copyright. I suggest you find a drama director and recruit a group of veteran drama actors to perform it. It has been a long time since I have seen an amazing performance on the big screen."

This project can be considered as a chance to show off for those unknown veteran actors in the drama industry. Their salary is not high, and the movie is shot in a room. The cost is minimal, and even if they lose money, they will not make much money.

Yu Feihong is somewhat interested in this project. If no one from the company takes over, she will be willing to be the producer of this movie after she finishes "To Youth".

Then Wang Quan talked about the third project, "Have you ever heard of the four major haunted houses in Beijing?"

Some shook their heads, others nodded. Wang Quan explained, "When we were young, we lived in Lazhu Hutong. There was a Huguang Guild Hall in the nearby Hufang Bridge. It is said that a massacre occurred there during the Republic of China. Some people claimed to have heard crying and saw people there. Survive the will-o'-the-wisp."

Huang Jianxin said with a smile, "To say that the four most haunted houses have to be Chaonei No. 81. It has been abandoned since the Republic of China. During this period, strange things happened constantly. A few years ago, some developers wanted to build the building, but they gave up halfway. It is said that several Workers disappeared inexplicably.”

Wang Quan continued, "What Director Huang didn't know was that No. 81 was finally torn down and a commercial office building was built. Later, it was bought by a businessman named Wang and renamed Wangdao Building."

"Yeah!" The scene was filled with cheers.

Wang Quan Huang Jianxin laughed, "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously, that place is in Dongcheng, not Chaoyang."

Yu Feihong felt a little cold, and the brat scared her sister to death.

Wang Quan smiled and said, "I definitely don't believe in ghosts, but horror movies are also an indispensable part of movie classification. Although horror movies are greatly restricted under our censorship system and it is difficult to break through at the box office, if horror movies and 3D When combined, will there be any unexpected effects?”

This is an issue that King Power considered when filming "Inception". In addition to aliens and dreams, horror and erotic films are also genres that are very suitable for 3D expressions. Don't even think about erotic movies in China, but horror movies are still Can save it.

So he came up with the idea of ​​​​the four major haunted houses in Beijing, hoping to make a 3D horror film based on them to explore how big the market for horror films is in China.

The three projects proposed by Wang Quan are not big-budget, but they all have their own significance. "White Rabbit Candy" is for the Stars and Sea Project, to cultivate new director Bai Xue, and "Twelve Angry Men" is for veteran actors to show their talents. On the stage, "Four Haunted Houses" combines 3D and horror, trying to find a new way out for horror films. In the United States, the company is also preparing to test the waters of 3D horror films.

Of course, even if it is a project proposed by Wang Quan, the script must be greenlit before it can be filmed. This is not a privilege except for his own directorial works.

Wang Quan spread his hands and said, "Now it's your turn. Please come up with any projects. I hope our 2011 will be a year in which a hundred flowers bloom."

Starting with the leadership, Wang Quan asked Chen Chuling to say first, "Is there any?"

"It's true," Chen Chuling said confidently, "I met a lot of classmates at Nortel, some of whom I admire very much. My proposals all came from them. The first one was from Xin (Xin), grade 08, Department of Photography, Nortel. Yu Kun, he is a fierce man, there are many mines in his hometown, his story is related to the mines, I feel it has the temperament of "Blind Shaft"."

Most of the people at the scene had never heard of this name, but Cao Baoping knew it. Although this kid was in the photography department's advanced class, he often asked him for advice on script writing. He knew that Xin Yukun wanted to become a director.

Wang Quan also knew about him, but he didn't expect that his second work would be written earlier than his debut "Heart Labyrinth", and until 2025 he would only have three works in total, and Wang Quan admired it very much.

So Director Wang really wants to say: Please join my team!

But he was very calm on the surface, "Well, do you have a script outline?"

"Yes." Chen Chuling was already prepared.

Wang Quan took a look and found that the current appearance was still much different from the final version of "The Silence". The male protagonist's setting had not yet been changed to mute, and his current name was "Evil Man".

Wang Quan, "Let him continue to revise and improve the script. If he is willing, he can join the Stars and Sea Project."

Ah, now it’s time to join the Stars and Sea Project. Is it so easy?

It's easy to join, but hard to get out. If he can't write better than the original version, Wang Quan won't let him pass.

Wang Quan admired his recommendation, and Chen Chuling kept up his efforts, "The second project I recommended was proposed by a classmate in our class. He also attended the conference just now. Didn't our company buy the animated film "The Adventures of Li Xianji" 》The adaptation rights, he wants to direct this story.”

"The Adventures of Li Xianji" is an original animated short film that became popular on the Internet at the end of last year. It was even more popular than "Hit a Big Watermelon" and once set off a wave of original animations on the Internet.

Naturally, Chen Chuling's classmate is Guo Fan. He studied law as an undergraduate and management as a graduate student. He has never studied directing and has worked in TV programs, advertising and other industries before.

Chen Chuling was a little uneasy. As a classmate, she really had no qualifications.

And Wang Quan said without any surprise, "Do not pass, next one."

Chen Chuling still has stocks in stock, "I have contacted a photographer named Qu Jiangtao. He has currently written a book called "Grandson Comes from the United States", which tells the story of an old Chinese man and his grandson of mixed Chinese and American descent."

Hearing this name, several people at the scene couldn't hold back their laughter. This name is very easy to associate with others.

Wang Quan knew this person. When he participated in the Oscars for the first time, a Chinese documentary "Children of Yingzhou" won the Oscar for Best Documentary. Qu Jiangtao was the photographer of this film.

He snorted and said, "I suggest you recommend this book to Qiankun Culture. I think Mr. Wang will be more interested in it."

Everyone who was originally laughing secretly laughed wildly. After Gadot gives birth, Lao Wang might actually be able to stage a story about his grandson coming from the United States. It is really a movie that has come into reality.

Next is Huang Jianxin's proposal, "On October 31 last year, Mr. Qian Xuesen, the founder of our country's aerospace industry, passed away at the age of 98. I think it is very meaningful to make a biographical film for him. Of course, Many state-owned film studios are fighting over this matter, and if we make a proposal, we may also have to cooperate with state-owned film studios."

The movie he was talking about, Wang Quan, had seen it, starring Chen Kun. How should I put it, it was just mediocre.

The director is the veteran director Zhang Jianya, who has filmed "The Wandering Story of San Mao" and "Love Call Transfer". He definitely has the ability, but maybe because he is shooting this kind of biographical movie with the main theme, he does not dare to express himself freely and can only act within the box. Anyway, Wang Quan is not very satisfied with it. It is far worse than the "Turn Out" from many years ago.

But he agreed with what Huang Jianxin said. Mr. Qian Xuesen deserves an excellent biographical film to let the people across the country remember his great deeds, so he agreed to this project. It doesn't matter whether it makes money or not, but it must be filmed well, and it cannot be filmed and left behind. It’s the same as filming. First, the company will find a screenwriter to collect information to create a script, and then apply for cooperation with relevant departments.

Huang Jianxin was very pleased and then made a second proposal, "I think everyone has watched "Thunderbolt Beibei"."

Except for Chen Zhengdao, everyone else nodded. Some of them were smiling, probably thinking of something happy.

"Thunderbolt Beibei" is a long science fiction novel written by Zhang Zhilu. Its original name is "Electric Beibei". He also has another work "Crazy Rabbit", which many people must have read, and it can be called a shadow of childhood.

"Thunderbolt Beibei" was produced by Children's Film Studio in 1988, which happened to be the childhood of Wang Quan and his generation.

However, children's movies are declining now, and no decent works have been produced in many years. Huang Jianxin suggested that "Thunderbolt Beibei" should be remade, with a comprehensive upgrade in science fiction scenes, and create a family movie.

This idea is very bold, and the scene is enhanced. This is knocking on the door of Chinese science fiction movies, but science fiction + children's movies are losing money no matter how you look at them.

But the door to Chinese science fiction movies has to be opened. To test the waters with a children's movie that has a mass base, Wang Quan thought it was feasible and "passed."

Again, come up with the script first, and then shoot once it gets the green light.

Huang Jianxin continues to work hard, and he has a third proposal, "Last year's "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" was very successful at the box office and word-of-mouth. China Film plans to launch the same series of works "The Founding of the Party"."

Wang Quan originally thought he was going to invest in "The Founding of the Party", but what he said was, "Because the Founding of the People's Republic of China was so successful, the main shares of this series of works have been taken over by China Film, Movie Channel, Shanghai Film Studio, Jiangsu Radio and Television, Several state-owned enterprises such as Hunan Broadcasting and Television have taken over, leaving us with not much, and it is of little significance. But I think that the main theme movie can also be a box office hit. I believe no one will doubt it anymore, so I suggest a remake of the classic red movie " "Take Weihu Mountain Outwitly"!

(Yesterday’s chapter and more, please vote for me!)

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