You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 336 Breaking the record of Titanic, Cameron surrendered! (2, both ordered 8200)

When "Folding Capital" reached 9 million, the host Ke Lan became a little uneasy. Could it be that an auction item worth tens of millions will be born today?

In order to raise the price even higher, Ke Lan was ready to say something, to incite, "Director Wang Quan is not only a very powerful director, he is also very accomplished in art. Although he is not a professional painter, I think he is not inferior to professional painters at all." , and this painting incorporates all the landmark buildings of the old Beijing in the 1990s. It is also very difficult to create, and the collection value is still very high. Is there anyone who wants to continue bidding?"

The strange man was full of confidence, and the stars all felt sorry for him. Although they admired Director Wang and wanted to have something to do with him, tens of millions of dollars of art was really not something they could afford. Now purely You can’t make so much money in a year while filming!

Yang Mi was even more distressed and felt a sense of humiliation. She had promised to buy her brother's painting, but because of the sky-high price, she didn't even have the courage to bid. Previously, she had set her sights on a 10 million villa, but in the end it was too expensive. If you are not willing to buy it, 10 million will really cost you money.

So she was even more determined that she must make money in the future, make a lot of money, and prevent herself from being in this predicament again.

After Ke Lan's words, the other big bosses had not yet responded. Liu Jiang, the boss of the fashion group, raised his sign, "10 million!"

"Harper's Bazaar", which is holding a charity dinner today, is a magazine under his company. In addition, his company also has more than a dozen high-end magazines such as "Men's Wear", "Esquire" and "Chinese Geography". He is considered a fashion tycoon and has a deep understanding of the fashion industry. He has a very big say. Su Mang seems to be very powerful in his bluffing, but it doesn't matter if he does it in front of him.

Born in the capital, he has a deep affection for this land. This painting of Wang Quan is very suitable for him, and the high price of tens of millions will also help promote the Harper's Bazaar Charity Night and expand the influence of Harper's Bazaar.

Prince Long contacted his buddy Wang Shuo urgently and asked him if he wanted more. The price was too high.

After Zhou Xun broke up with his ex Daqi, he was quickly spotted by Wang Shuo. Now the two have just gotten together and are in love. Men in love are the easiest to fall for.

So Prince Long raised his sign, "11 million!"

The man who shouted out 9 million also sent a text message to the girl on the other end of the phone. After receiving the reply, he raised his sign and said, "12 million."

Liu Jiang scratched his head, Ma De, you are not giving me, the host, any face today!

While he was hesitating, Jiang Yiyan, who had been keeping a low profile before, suddenly raised her sign, "12.5 million."

Liu Yifei looked at her classmate in disbelief. Where did she get so much money?

Of course she didn't, but she had just told boss Luo from Holiland about the painting King Quan. Boss Luo showed strong interest and decided to let her help raise the placard, but Jiang Yiyan didn't say that she was holding the placard for someone else. , she wants to monopolize this honor.

Yang Mi didn't know about this relationship and thought that Senior Sister Jiang was showing off. She thought that other big guys would definitely compete, so she just called her just for fun?

How about I do this too? Yang Mi was a little moved, but what if it really hit her hand?

While she was hesitating, Shi Yuzhu, who had been silent, raised the sign, "15 million."

At this moment, there was silence. Yang Mi completely gave up the idea of ​​playing cards and sincerely admired Mr. Shi's aesthetics. If you buy this painting for 15 million, it will definitely be worth it!

No one has held up placards since Shi Yu's stay. In terms of financial resources, no one here is his opponent. He has a net worth of tens of billions, will he be afraid of you?

So tonight's Biao Wang was born. Su Mang excitedly said that the donations raised tonight were as high as 47 million. "Thank you to every guest here tonight. Let's take a photo later."

Oh ho, it’s the classic photo session again. Yang Mi, who participated for the first time, felt uneasy. She didn’t buy anything and was just watching the excitement. The C position was definitely out of the question, but as long as Liu Yifei didn’t occupy the C position, everything would be fine.

However, the worst situation still occurred. Liu Yifei was invited by Su Mang to sit in the C position. The bosses did not take photos. The ones who took photos were all celebrities, especially female stars. Liu Yifei's position was definitely not as good as Shuangbing Weekly News, but The most expensive auction item tonight was provided by her boyfriend. To a certain extent, she is the spokesperson of the royal power, so it is reasonable to give her some preferential treatment.

Even though the other three top actresses felt a little unhappy, they still held their noses and admitted it. Only Yang Mi was holding back her internal injuries.

However, after taking the photo, Liu Yifei found Yang Mi and said, "Wait for me after the show."

"What's going on?"

"I think that evening dress is more suitable for you. I'll get it for you later."

Yang Mi was surprised, "Did you buy it for me?"

Liu Yifei touched Yang Mi's head with an innocent look on her face, "Yes, you should like it~"

Yang Mi suppressed the emotion in her heart and thought, don't think that I will recognize you as my sister-in-law! Small favors are of no use to me!

She suddenly touched Liu Yifei's face and said, "Thank you, Sissy, but I don't want the clothes~"

Yang Mi: Don’t try to corrupt me with sugar-coated bullets! Don't even think about it!

Liu Yifei did not give out the gift that eased the relationship between the two, and then Wang Qiankun also approached her and asked her to move the red sandalwood architectural model back to her and Wang Quan's home.

"Uncle, this is too expensive, I can't have it." She refused at first.

Wang Qiankun was unhappy, "Although you call me uncle, I have already regarded you as my daughter. How do you say that? I dare not refuse the gift from the elders. I will be unhappy if you don't accept it." .”

Seeing what he said, Liu Yifei had no choice but to accept it. After returning home, Liu Xiaoli was extremely happy, feeling that her daughter's marriage to Wang Quan was basically stable.

Liu Yifei told Wang Quan about this matter, and of course she also mentioned the sensation caused by his painting. When she talked about it, there were little stars in her eyes, which was the admiration for her boyfriend.

Wang Quan didn't expect that it would sell for such a high price. He thought it would eventually reach more than one million, and he would be close to it after letting Mimi bid for it.

So after hanging up the phone with Liu Yifei, he called Mimi again and said directly, "Your home address hasn't changed, right? I'll mail you something later."

"What?" Yang Mi had just finished taking the pregnancy test, but unfortunately, her efforts that night had no results.

Wang Quan, "Another painting of mine is about the same size as "The Folding Capital"."

Yang Mi's eyes suddenly became moist, "Brother, that's a painting worth more than 10 million yuan!"

Wang Quan, "If it's too cheap, I'd be embarrassed to give it away. That's it. You will treasure it well later and don't attract thieves."

"Thank you, brother, you are so kind to me~" Yang Mi held the pregnancy test stick and vowed to give birth to a baby for Brother Quan!

From that night to the next day, news about Bazaar Charity Night dominated all entertainment sections, and the most popular of these news was undoubtedly the painting of King Power, which was sold by Shi Yuzhu for a sky-high price of 15 million, although the highest and second highest prices were All the auction items were taken down by Shi Yuzhu, but the most discussed item was the royal power.

Everyone is discussing whether his paintings are worth 15 million, and whether they praise him too highly. There are quite a few people who support this view. They feel that as a non-professional painter, Wang Quan, even less than a zero, is considered a great face.

Until someone posted "Sisters in the Garden" worth 7.8 million and "Folding Capital" worth 15 million respectively, netizens were immediately confused.

A well-known Weibo internet celebrity said, "If "Sisters in the Garden" is worth 7.8 million, then I think "Folding Capital" is worth even 100 million."

The contrast between the two paintings is too severe. No matter how profound the artist thinks "Sisters in the Garden" is, what ordinary netizens see is that one looks like it was drawn by a child, while the other is wild and unconstrained, with astonishing brushstrokes. From then on, no one said that Wang Quan’s paintings were not worth 15 million.

For this reason, Wang Quan also posted a post on Weibo to thank boss Shi Yuzhu for his support of charity.

This matter has been lively in China for several days, but not many people in the United States paid attention to it, but soon the royal power became the focus of heated discussion among the people because of one incident.

On this day, the North American box office of "Inception" reached 601 million, not 600 million, not 610 million, but just 601 million, because the previous box office champion in North American film history was "Titanic" in 1997 with 600.6 million!

After 12 years, this box office record, which was previously considered impossible to surpass, has finally been broken. Countless phenomenal movies have tried to break this record, but the closest ones were less than 500 million!

Now "Inception" has accomplished this feat. This is a big event in the hearts of movie lovers across the United States and even around the world!

King David, the new king is on the throne!

Countless media outlets wanted to find Wang Quan and ask him to give a speech, but he hid in the "Twilight" crew, indifferent to the disturbances from the outside world, and concentrated on his creation.

So the media could only harass Dorothy. Of course, Dorothy was enjoying it. Just by becoming the box office champion in North American film history, Tianlong's stock price soared a lot.

James Cameron has long been prepared for this day. After all, according to the box office trend of "Inception", 600 million is simply unstoppable.

So on the day he was surpassed, he expressed his congratulations and appreciation for the kingship through the media, and of course, there was a celebratory poster.

This is a tradition in Hollywood. When a new box office king is born, the "predecessor" will make a celebratory poster to pass on this "honor". This tradition dates back to 1977.

In 1975, Spielberg's "Jaws" broke the record for the highest-grossing North American movie box office of "The Godfather", reaching $260 million.

This record stood for two years and was surpassed by George Lucas' "Star Wars" in 1977 with 307 million. Spielberg made a celebratory poster for his friend Lucas.

In 1982, Spielberg regained the box-office crown with "E.T.", which cost 359 million in North America, and George Lucas responded with a poster.

In 1997, the remake of "Star Wars" was released, taking away more than 100 million in box office in North America, surpassing "E.T." at the box office. Spielgerber responded with another poster.

Before that, this tradition was basically a game between Spielberg and Lucas. Until the emergence of that big ship in 1997, no one else had any chance to play. The box office of 600 million in North America made it difficult for all movies to compare. , 12 years have passed, and no new celebration posters have appeared.

James Cameron is also very good at painting. He had been holding back this day for a long time. He originally thought he would give himself a painting, but that would be a bit embarrassing. Fortunately, King Quan came out and brought this movie. He also liked it very much. "Inception", and coincidentally, the leading actors in both movies are DiCaprio.

This made DiCaprio extremely happy. For a time, he was the most popular. He was ranked number one and number two in North American film history. He was even surpassed by all the famous actors and actresses.

Talking about this poster, Cameron drew it by hand. He drew a sinking Titanic, and the middle-aged Jack with a vicissitudes of life was actually Cobb standing on the iceberg next to him, holding an iceberg in his hand. The top is only spinning. If you look carefully, you can still see young Jack and Roux on the bow, with two butterflies flying next to them.

This painting was very meticulous and full of details. Not only was it published online, the original manuscript was also sent to Wang Quan's home by Cameron and signed by Gadot.

Of course, Wang Quan now expressed his gratitude. He posted a framed photo of the original manuscript on Twitter, expressed his love for "Titanic" and his respect for Cameron, and thanked him for his comments on 3D. support and guidance.

"Avatar" will be released in a few months, and King Quan has begun preparing celebratory posters.

This incident has also been spread back to China. The fact that "Inception" has become the number one box office film in North American box office history has greatly touched the Chinese people, and they feel a sense of pride.

The celebratory poster was also widely shared by netizens, and some netizens hypothesized, "If this picture was sent to Harper's Bazaar Charity Night, how much would it fetch?"

This hypothesis triggered extensive discussions among netizens. Everyone felt that such a celebratory poster appeared only in 12 years, which was of great significance. It started with at least 10 million.

Han Sanping couldn't sit still when he saw this news. This tradition is good!

A few days ago, the box office of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" surpassed that of "October Siege", and October Siege did not express any response. Our Chinese-language films are passed down from generation to generation, and each generation is getting better and better. Isn't it worth celebrating!

Seeing no response from "October Siege", Han Sanping had no choice but to take the initiative to call Wang Quan. On the surface, he was reporting that the situation was great, with "The Founding of a Republic" already having a box office of 330 million, but in reality he was inviting Wang Quan to paint.

Wang Quan understands, but "October Siege" was not directed by me. Whoever directed it can go to you!

Of course, you couldn't say that, so Wang Quan called Director Chen Desen and asked him to arrange a celebration poster.

In addition, Wang Quan discussed the new film plan with him. Everyone was very happy to cooperate with "October Siege". However, Chen Desen's next film after "October Siege" will have to wait until "One Man's Martial Arts" in 2014. , Wang Quan felt that it was too slow, and it was a waste of life, so he decided to add more burdens to him.

"I have a story idea here. It is a modern commercial film that needs to gather filmmakers from Mainland China, Hong Kong, and even Japan and South Korea. I think you, Director Chen, are a suitable director. Do you want to challenge me~"

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