You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 317 Staying at Yi Fei’s house overnight, Aunt Liu was shocked (2, both ordered 7500)

Many people had no idea about the new era of 3D before. 3D movies have been available before, including "Ice Age 3" which was just released a while ago. Understand, it turns out that 3D can be so shocking!

After being praised so highly by Cameron, these people came to a consensus that the world of the film industry was about to change! This could very well start a visual revolution!

There were also several cinema practitioners present, and they were smiling from ear to ear. The emergence of a cross-generational 3D movie like "Inception" will make more viewers realize the importance of cinemas and help them connect with TV series and home theaters. Steal the audience.

Next, actors such as Cheng Long, Li Lianjie, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, Matt Damon, Bale, Da Ben and other actors expressed their opinions on the movie. At this moment, I just hate that there are too few beautiful words in my mind, not enough to express my love for this movie.

This is a movie that is satisfying in terms of special effects, story, and rhythm, and what they say most is that they hope to cooperate with Wang Quan.

Several of the actresses looked at Wang Quan with such ardent eyes that they seemed to melt him, but it was difficult to show it too obviously because there were Wang Quan's ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend present.

If these two people are not here, this movie can hit the hearts of these people hard and make King Quan's personality soar. Tonight, King Quan and Nicole and Naomi's best friends team up, or Nicole and Theron Oscar A combination of movie queens, or a combination of singers like Taylor Swift and Shakira. It’s probably not difficult to arrange and combine them in any way. Geniuses should be treated like geniuses!

It's a pity that both Duo Fei and Wang Quan are here today, and there is only one combination for Wang Quan.

The film critics at the scene were also very excited. They felt that today's hard work was not contrary to their wishes at all. They just need to write according to their true thoughts. Looking back, we can review this movie truthfully and fairly!

After the grand movie premiere, there were some social activities, but Gadot did not attend. She went home alone. Liu Yifei accompanied Wang Quan to get to know a circle of celebrity directors, and received a circle of praise, including praise for the movie. , and also praised her as King Power’s new girlfriend.

Liu Yifei suddenly felt that this feeling was so similar to that of Zhang Ziyi, who was pretending to be a tiger. She was very ashamed. Fortunately, it was over soon, and Wang Quan was ready to take her home.

But when she got into Wang Quan's car, Wang Quan asked her, "Would you like to go and sit at Gadot's place?"

Liu Yifei: Is it coming? Is it really coming?

In her heart, she couldn't get over her own hurdle. It was too shameful and limitless, and she didn't know Gadot very well. If it were Mimi...

Oops, what are you thinking about? Mimi can’t do it either!

"I, can I not go? You can do it alone~" Liu Yifei took a step back, because Wang Quan has not officially returned to the country. If you two want to relive your old dream, I can pretend that I didn't see it, but there is no need. Pull yourself up.

Wang Quan said, "How can that be done? You're a melon and plum blossom. I have to take you with me to prove your innocence."

Liu Yifei: Are you proving your innocence? Are you trying to destroy my innocence?

Wang Quan no longer consulted Liu Yifei for her opinion and asked Xiao Wei to drive directly to Gadot.

Liu Yifei closed her eyes in despair. She had never even watched the relevant film and television works in this situation. Will Gadot kiss herself by then? Do the two women also have to interact?

She was not feeling well now, as if she was sick, and her whole body was hot.

When they got out of the car, Wang Quan found that her legs were weak, "What's wrong, Sissi, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Well, I feel uncomfortable!" Forget about today's three-person party.

"Then let me carry you in." After saying that, Wang Quan carried Liu Yifei into Fugui Manor.

Ah, you must accomplish this today!

Gadot had already put on her pajamas and was reading a magazine when she saw Wang Quan carrying Liu Yifei in, "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Wang Quan, "I guess she wore high heels for too long and her legs are not comfortable. Just let her take a break."

The maid quickly brought her soft slippers to put on.

"Hello Gadot." Liu Yifei slapped Wang Quan on the arm and asked him to put her down.

Wang Quan put her on the sofa and said, "This is the first time I've come back here since I broke up with Gadot. I went upstairs to get some clothes. I guess you didn't have a good time chatting in the cinema, so you guys chat first."

After saying that, Wang Quan patted Gadot on the shoulder and went upstairs.

Liu Yifei: What are you saying, tell Gadot to be gentle later?

Liu Yifei scratched her head in embarrassment, leaving a public place like a movie theater and not knowing what to say.

"Gadot, thank you for helping me." After holding back for a long time, Liu Yifei finally spoke.

Gadot sat down next to her, "I just want to fulfill him, but he brought you here today probably because he wanted you to know a secret."

"What secret?"

Gadot took Liu Yifei's hand and placed it on her belly, "You touched something."

Liu Yifei's hand seemed to have been burned. Was she asking me to caress her?

"You mean abdominal muscles?" Liu Yifei asked cautiously.

Gadot, "is a little life."


Half an hour later, Wang Quan packed up a bag of seasonal clothes that he usually wore and went downstairs. The exchange between the two was over.

Wang Quan asked Liu Yifei, "Sissi, do you still need me to hold you?"

Liu Yifei quickly stood up and said, "No, I can leave by myself."

Putting back on her high heels, she nodded to Gadot, "Then let's go first. We'll come see you when we have the chance."

Wang Quan even leaned over and kissed Gadot before leaving, but Liu Yifei didn't mean to be jealous at all, but felt guilty instead.

Liu Yifei didn't say a word in the car. After all, there was Xiao Wei.

When he returned to his home, Wang Quan pushed Liu Yifei against the wall, "Gadot has already told you, what do you think?"

Liu Yifei wanted to say how could you be such a scumbag, but then she thought, if he wasn't a scumbag, how could she have the chance to be scumbag by him.

Finally, she choked out, "I, I can give birth too!"

Wang Quan smiled, "Aren't you afraid that I will abandon you when you are pregnant?"

"Gadot has already said that it's not that you abandoned her, it's that she knew she couldn't keep you, so she just let you go. But I definitely won't do that. If I get pregnant and you dare to break up with me, I will, I will..."

"What do you do?"

"I won't let the baby call you daddy!" Liu Yifei threatened the royal power very seriously.

Wang Quan kissed her, "Then do you want a baby now? I can give you one."

Liu Yifei nodded excitedly, then shook her head violently, "No, no, I still have to film "Fireworks in the World". It will take a year. During this period, my figure cannot be out of shape."

"Wow, you are so dedicated!" Wang Quan teased.

"Of course, I have a good reputation. The actors and directors who have worked with me all praise me as a natural actor." Liu Yifei said proudly.

Wang Quan hugged the person and said, "Then let this director try your acting skills!"

The next day, newspapers and online media such as the Los Angeles Times, the New York Post, the New York Observer, Hollywood Deadline, and Rotten Tomatoes published overwhelmingly non-spoiler reviews of "Inception."

Because there are still a few days until the official release, no spoilers are allowed. Film critics from all walks of life can only praise the special effects, film scheduling, and significance to the film industry without any bottom line. Directors and actors who attended the premiere have to go back. Later, they also expressed their opinions on the movie on social networks.

Even if it is out of politeness and politeness, netizens feel that the praise is too harsh. Is it really so beautiful?

Whether it will be good or not will be known in a few days. Now Wang Quan and Liu Yifei are preparing to return to China. Of course, they are also accompanied by the main creative actors of "Inception". The country is already prepared. This time it is still a charter flight.

When they arrived in the capital, it was getting late, and the actors and their staff were all arranged at the hotel. Wang Quan and Liu Yifei returned to her home, and met her parents by the way.

But when they were about to get home, Wang Quan said to Liu Yifei, "Can you tell me I won't leave tonight?"

Liu Yifei immediately blushed, "No, no, my mother is still here!"

Wang Quan deceived, "You sleep in the same room with your mother? She doesn't know what we are doing~"

"This~" Liu Yifei is really excited. In the past few days, she has adapted to sharing the bed with Wang Quan. There is a man sleeping next to her. She can hold her arms and pillows. He is strong and warm. It feels pretty good.

When they arrived at Liu Yifei's house, Laifu first ran to the door to greet her. Liu Xiaoli, who heard the noise, followed closely behind. She had long been looking forward to seeing her uncle.

"Xiao Wang, Sissi, you are finally back. I won't be able to sleep until I see you arrive home."

Wang Quan hugged Liu Xiaoli and said, "Auntie, I've delayed your beauty sleep. Oh, why are you younger than the last time we met!"

Liu Xiaoli covered her mouth and smiled, "People are in high spirits when happy events happen. Auntie is really happy that you two can come together!"

After Liu Yifei put down her luggage, the lion cat Egg White that Wang Quan had given her slowly walked over and sniffed the luggage, looking very elegant.

However, Wang Quan stretched out his hand to touch it, but it ran away, looking like we were unfamiliar with it.

Wang Quan laughed and ignored it, sitting on the sofa and chatting with Liu Xiaoli. Liu Yifei took the opportunity to go upstairs to check if there was anything shameful in her bedroom and quickly put it away.

Liu Xiaoli took Wang Quan's hand and patted it gently, "Xiao Wang, our Sissi has a simple temper and has not had much contact with society. You must treat her well and don't let her down that she has liked you for so many years."

Wang Quan held Aunt Liu's hand, "Don't worry, I will protect her for the rest of my life and will not let her suffer any injustice!"

Liu Xiaoli: That’s nice to say.

Liu Xiaoli, “That’s so well said!”

Liu Xiaoli has also gone through a lot of ups and downs. She doesn't know how deceitful a man's mouth is. If Wang Quan can break up with Gadot, he can break up with Sissi.

But Wang Quan is still willing to devote so much energy to deceiving himself, which shows that he still cares about Sissi at this moment. They are now deeply affectionate. If they can take the opportunity to take the relationship further, Sissi's future will be guaranteed. , after all, I can't accompany her for the rest of her life. The only thing that can accompany her for the rest of her life is money.

Liu Yifei was sure that her room was clean and pure, just like her.

"Mommy, it's already 11 o'clock, why don't we take a rest?"

"Oh, okay, okay, let's talk slowly tomorrow~" Liu Xiaoli smiled.

Wang Quan took his luggage and said obediently, "Auntie, where is the guest room?"

Liu Xiaoli, "Which guest room should I sleep in? The guest room is not cleaned very much, so just sleep in Sissy's room."

"Ah, this is inappropriate." Wang Quan quickly refused.

Liu Yifei also said, "Mom, why don't you prepare a room for others? How can you be so hospitable to guests?"

Liu Xiaoli said confidently, "Because I don't treat Xiao Wang as a guest at all. This is our relative!"

Wang Quan and Liu Yifei declined hypocritically for a few minutes, and then reluctantly entered a room.

"Hey, this is your boudoir, Sissi!" The room is not small, and Wang Quan looked at it very carefully, especially her bookshelves. Good guys, they are all world famous books, and they are all new. My Sissi really loves reading.

Liu Yifei hooked Wang Quan's shoulder and said, "Why don't we come tonight? You're going to be very tired from flying."

"If you are tired, just say you are tired. I am in good condition." Wang Quan said unwillingly.

"Okay, okay, you are amazing," Liu Yifei, "That's not possible, my house is not soundproofed very well, and my mother is in the next room."

"That's it~" Wang Quan lowered his voice, "Okay then, I'll give you a day off today."

Next door, Liu Xiaoli listened against the wall for a long time, but unfortunately she heard nothing. However, she still had trouble sleeping. In the second half of the night, she always felt like she heard something. She must have been hallucinating.

Early the next morning, the housekeeping aunt prepared breakfast. This time there was no need to trouble Liu Yifei, and it was true that she couldn't get up because she was tired.

Last night she agreed not to come, but she couldn't hold it back and made Wang Quan anxious. As a result, she had to cover her mouth.

Aunt Liu, you have such a good ear!

Liu Xiaoli waited until they woke up naturally and went downstairs before inviting them to eat.

"Breakfast is a bit simple. Don't be offended, Xiao Wang. Auntie will arrange a good meal for you at noon." Liu Xiaoli said with a smile.

"This is already very rich, thank you, auntie," Wang Quan said with a smile, "But I'll treat you to lunch. Let's go out to eat."

Liu Xiaoli rolled her eyes, "Okay, okay, let's go out to eat!"

It would be best if the paparazzi on the roadside take pictures of Xiao Wang inviting his girlfriend and future mother-in-law to dinner. He is serious about dating and is not afraid of being photographed at all!

Their villa was a bit remote, so they entered the city at noon. Wang Quan took them to Ziyu Villa for a simple meal.

Liu Xiaoli looked at this park-like place and asked, "This seems to be a community, right?"

Wang Quan, "Yes, it's a villa community. I have a house here. Why don't we go take a look after dinner~"

Wang Quan made money during the subprime mortgage crisis and bought a large flat and a villa in the capital. The flat is already occupied, but the villa has only been renovated and has not been moved in yet.

Liu Yifei was a little surprised that Wang Quan had a home here. Was this to introduce them to the family?

When Liu Xiaoli saw the mansion in front of her, she began to feel uneasy. How much money can this guy make? This villa is too luxurious!

Wang Quan told her, "This is the building king of this community. Come on, go in and have a look~"

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