You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 301 One mother-in-law and two daughters-in-law (1, please give me a monthly ticket for guara

Hearing Wang Quan's words, Liu Yifei was a little embarrassed. Staying at Wang Quan's house was very different from staying at Wang Quan's mother's house.

Yang Mi didn't care. Living with Aunt Mei was a common thing for her. "Auntie, do you still have the pajamas I left here when I was a child?"

"It's long gone." Mei Yanqiu covered her cheeks with a sad look on her face.

"Then I'll use Brother Quan's."

King Quan, "Take three pieces, one for each person."

Liu Yifei stared blankly as they arranged things, and then secretly sent a message to her mother. She was fine when she came out, and she couldn't go back.

Mei Yanqiu started to rummage through the boxes, and Wang Quan went in to help, "Mom, are you unhappy?"

Mei Yanqiu threw her pajamas on him, "I'm warning you, with my ability, I can only serve you for a month at a time. Please be considerate of me, I want to live a few more years."

"Mom, what are you talking about? Our relationship is very pure." They will not be allowed to have confinement at the same time.

"The best thing is, I will keep an eye on you!" Mei Yanqiu must not let her son make mistakes under her nose.

"Sissi, I have prepared the ingredients for you. Let me handle them together with you." Mei Yanqiu warned as she handed the pajamas to Liu Yifei.

"Okay auntie."

"Mimi is here too, let's start a fight."

While the pot was simmering in the kitchen, Mei Yanqiu watched the two girls enter Wang Quan's room, and then made sure her son entered the guest room before returning to the house.

After entering the room, everything Liu Yifei saw was new, especially the photos from Wang Quan's junior high school and high school years, which she had never seen before.

Yang Mi said, "Brother Quan lived here in high school. If you look for it, you might even find the love letter he wrote to Zhang Zilin."

Liu Yifei really stared at the bookshelf, "Let's see what books he has read before."

She casually pulled out a foreign novel and flipped through it. Something fell out and she quickly picked it up.

"What, a love letter?" Yang Mi was excited.

After Liu Yifei saw it clearly, she said to Yang Mi, "It's your photo."

Yang Mi took a look and saw that it was a photo taken at the beach when she was in junior high school. The photographer was Wang Quan. At that time, her physical development was only average and there were not many highlights, but she was small, exquisite, sunny and cute.

"My brother really loves me and uses my photo as a bookmark!"

Liu Yifei glanced at the title of the book, "Lolita", "Maybe it's not just a bookmark."

Yang Mi also noticed it, and then she became even more excited. Huh, she really started to have ideas for me very early! Still pretending~

Yang Mi reminded Liu Yifei, "Do you smell the strange smell in that book? Forget it, you don't understand even if I tell you."

Liu Yifei smelled it and said, "Isn't it the smell of heather? No."

Yang Mi narrowed her eyes and looked at Liu Yifei, "When did it happen?"

Liu Yifei put the book back and smiled proudly, "Whatever happened, I don't even know what you are talking about."

You still pretended to me, but I didn’t expect that this little girl had caught up with her own progress. She thought she was the only one who could do such a shameless thing. Liu Yifei, are you virtuous? My brother Quan has a girlfriend!

At this time, Yang Mi's cell phone rang, and she chuckled, "Brother Quan sent me a message."

Liu Yifei touched her mobile phone, but there was no response.

"what did he say?"

Yang Mi, "Brother said he wanted to watch the dog."

"Where are the dogs here?" Liu Yifei wondered, maybe she was talking about herself? Does licking a dog count?

Yang Mi rolled her eyes and said, "Do you understand Tongjia~"

As she said this, she pulled down her pajamas, took a picture and sent it without showing her face, and replied: Take it to marinate.

Liu Yifei: WTF!

If you do this, the Dog Protection Association will blast you!

Just as Liu Yifei was thinking about it, she also received a message on her mobile phone.

Yang Mi hurriedly asked, "Is it Brother Quan?"

Liu Yifei, "It's a mobile phone. It reminds me that I don't have enough phone credit. I have to go to the bathroom to recharge my phone credit."

"The bathroom is not a place for flushing the toilet, how can I still charge my phone bill!" Yang Mi, you are fooling a fool! "I want to go with you too!"

Liu Yifei, "Mimi, you can't do this. One monk has water to drink, but two monks have no water to drink. Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

Yang Mi, "I don't have to drink water, as long as you are thirsty like me."

"You, you harm others without benefiting yourself!"

"It's the first day you met me~"

Liu Yifei was so angry that she threw herself at Yang Mi and started attacking her vital parts as soon as she was wrapped in quilt.

A sweet babbling sound soon came from the room. Mei Yanqiu, who was keen, immediately opened the door, and then saw Wang Quan collecting water in the living room, with an innocent look on his face, "Mom, I didn't do anything."

She looked at the second bedroom again.

Wang Quan, "My best friend is having fun, please go to bed early."

Mei Yanqiu said, "Then you should go to bed early, it's been a tiring day."

As soon as his mother entered, Wang Quan immediately got into the guest room without turning on the light, and then sent a message to Liu Yifei and Yang Mi at the same time: Don't you wash up before going to bed?

The two women had had enough trouble on the bed. Yang Mi picked up her phone and said, "No, I'm going to bed. I'm going to wash up."

Liu Yifei watched Yang Mi enter the guest room and heard the click of the lock. She felt relieved and went to the kitchen to take a look. Then she returned to the room and picked up her phone, only to see Wang Quan's message.

Oops, I fell into a trap!

Half an hour later, Yang Mi came back, clean and smellless, but Liu Yifei could feel that some internal changes had occurred in her.

When Liu Yifei came to the guest room, there was no one inside. Alas, she was beaten first again!

In fact, Wang Quan and Mimi didn't do anything. The child was not interested, and if he really tried to do anything, I would definitely alarm my mother, so they forced Mimi to use other methods. Anyway, she was already familiar with it.

As for Sissi, just wait a little longer, it’s been like this for half a year anyway.

If it weren't for the tight time and heavy tasks, Wang Quan would really like to stay in the capital for two more days to spend time with them.

Early in the morning, Liu Yifei was the first to wake up and began to prepare a loving breakfast for Wang Quan, braised shark's fin, and two sea cucumbers to replenish the body. I heard that the national football team was eating it, which was a great tonic!

"Wow, whose beautiful little cook is this~" Wang Quan also appeared in the kitchen at six o'clock.

As soon as Liu Yifei, who was wearing an apron, turned around, she heard a "click", which was recorded by Wang Quan.

Unfortunately, Wang Quan could not post this photo on his Weibo.

Liu Yifei looked shy, "Are you hungry?"

Although she is no longer a girl, after all, for just that one time, Sissi's girlish temperament is still outstanding, unlike Mimi, who has completely let go. She was the one who took the initiative in the bathroom last night.

"I was aroused by the scent."

"But it will be more than an hour before we can eat it."

Wang Quan approached her, hugged Liu Yifei from behind, and pressed her ear against her ear, "Then can I eat something else to cushion my stomach first~"

Liu Yifei quickly twisted her body to get away from him, "Don't make trouble, Auntie may get up at any time!"

Wang Quan, "This is why you don't understand my mother. When I was in high school, she never got up to cook for me. Because those who work in restaurants usually have to wait until after ten o'clock in the evening, so she usually cooks at nine in the morning." I won’t open my eyes until after 10 o’clock, get up after 10 o’clock, and start eating breakfast at 11 o’clock… Ah, Mom!”

Wang Quan was startled and quickly let Liu Yifei go. Liu Yifei was so frightened that she didn't know what to do. Her ears were red and her heels were red. She didn't know what to do next and could only lower her head. Unfortunately, she was not Yang Mi, so there was no place for her to bury her head.

Mei Yanqiu, who had a headache, had to make a gentle gesture, "I just don't trust Sissy, so I got up and took a look. You can go out. You don't understand the kitchen."

Wang Quan: Actually, I understand a little bit~

But he still obediently gave up the space in the kitchen and let Mei Yanqiu guide Liu Yifei and experience the way of getting along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in advance.

Then Wang Quan moved into his bedroom step by step. At this time, Yang Mi was still sleeping with her belly exposed.

How could this be done? How could a Chinese sleep with her belly exposed? He immediately covered her belly button with his palm.

"Brother~" Yang Mi opened her eyes in a daze.

Wang Quan, "It's still early, let's sleep a little longer."

Yang Mi, "Where is Sissi?"

King Quan, "She went to cook."

"Oh," Yang Mi touched Wang Quan's face, "We will eat ready-made food then."

"Okay, my mother is also here to guide you." Wang Quan said again.

"What!" Yang Mi sat up directly, ready to make a move.

"What are you doing~" Wang Quan said amusedly, "Do you want to show your hard work and ability in front of my mother?"

"I've always been hard-working and capable, but I'm just not good at cooking," Yang Mi stood up and said, "But it's okay to get started."

Mimi also left, and Wang Quan lay on his bed where the two of them were still warm, covering his stomach with a quilt and catching up on his sleep.

Around eight o'clock, the aroma entered the room and dinner was ready!

"How do you like it?" Liu Yifei looked at Wang Quan expectantly. For today, Sister Li has already eaten eight meals of braised shark's fin.

Wang Quan took a bite of the shark's fin first and said, "Yes, not bad. It's soft and waxy, with a very mellow and fresh taste. This dish is tough!"

Liu Yifei was so excited that she poured some for herself.

Yang Mi hurriedly said, "You should also try this ham. I selected and cut it myself!"

Wang Quan took a bite and said, "Well, yes, this ham is really ham!"

Yang Mi, "..."

Mei Yanqiu also took a bite. Although it was due to her own guidance, Liu Yifei had been immersed in the Meifu banquet kitchen for so long and had obviously acquired three tastes of cooking. This dish was at least seven times as good as the wife of his eldest apprentice, the second brother. Successful.

Wang Quan took another bite of sea cucumber and said to Liu Yifei, "Since you are so good at cooking, Wang Dao has a project recently. You can be the heroine."

Liu Yifei, "Huh?"

Yang Mi was even more nervous than Liu Yifei, "What project is it, a movie or a TV series? Who is the director? What is it about?"

Wang Quan, "I wrote the outline of the script for the movie. The script was written by Huo Jianqi and Su Xiaowei after they went to the countryside for half a year to experience it. The director is naturally Huo Jianqi."

Director Huo's wife, Teacher Su Xiaowei, is a famous screenwriter with the pen name Siwu. In addition to being the screenwriter for almost all of Huo Jianqi's works, she also adapted Feng Xiaogang's "Tangshan Earthquake".

When she heard it was Director Huo, Yang Mi became anxious, "I know Director Huo well. He also praised me for my acting skills and said that when I grow up and have the opportunity, I must cooperate!"

They had collaborated in the movie "Singer" before, when Yang Mi was only 10 years old.

Wang Quan laughed, "You take people's polite remarks seriously, and this role is not suitable for you. You need to play a village girl."

Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, I'm playing a village girl. That's true. I'm such an urban beauty, so Sissi is suitable."

Liu Yifei, "Okay, I'll play."

Wang Quan, "You don't want to ask about the plot?"

Liu Yifei shook her head, "Since you asked me to act, it must be suitable for me."

"Then it's such a happy decision," Wang Quan, "Let me tell you this story again. You play an urban girl who returns to her hometown to heal. In fact, she was also a country girl when she was a child, but she has not set foot in her hometown for more than ten years. Afterwards, you will cook a lot of delicious food, discover a lot of scenery, and meet a lot of interesting people.”

"Little Forest" is beautiful, but it has almost no plot and is very literary. "Fireworks in the World" is not completely reduced to a display of food and scenery, as well as the conflict between rural and urban areas.

Huo Jianqi has made several films with local themes, such as "That Man, That Mountain, That Dog" and "Warm", but they were all jointly created by him and his wife before. This time Wang Quan pointed him in a direction and provided far more funds than before. , giving him the possibility to go further.

Wang Quan also told Liu Yifei, "The movie will start filming in July and will be shot in Wuyuan, Gan Province. The filming will take about a year. You can go there in advance to experience life."

"What, one year of filming!" Yang Mi was dumbfounded. Fortunately, she didn't argue just now.

Wang Quan, "I definitely don't stay there all year round. I shoot for about a month in each season. From summer to spring, I shoot a cycle of four seasons."

"Wuyuan, Zhuzhu belongs to Wuyuan!" Liu Yifei didn't care about the shooting time at all. She said excitedly, "I can go directly to her home to experience life. She often tells me that her hometown is very beautiful!"

"That's great. There's still more than a month left, which is enough time for you to get grounded."

Liu Yifei, "Then please send me the script quickly, I want to read it."


"Brother," Yang Mi began to act coquettishly, "when you wrote the script for her, didn't you think about me~"

Wang Quan, "No."

Yang Mi, "..."

Wang Quan laughed, "But I bought the rights to a TV series from Kimchi Country, which will be adapted into a domestic drama. This movie will be a collaboration between Power World and Qiankun, and you will be the heroine."

"Oh, what kind of movie is it? It's great?"

Wang Quan, "It should be pretty good, and it will test your acting skills. You need to perform two completely different states."


"No, it's rebirth."

After a meal, Wang Quan made all the arrangements for Liu Yifei and Yang Mi's work.

Mei Yanqiuxin said, you are good at handling a bowl of water, but the Civil Affairs Bureau doesn't care about you! Oh, how sad!

Although his son was worried about others, he was still reluctant to let him go.

Wang Quan and the "Twilight 3" crew will go to Seoul to promote at noon today.

On the plane, Wang Quan was checking the box office situation of Kimchi Country, while Little K was chattering beside her. For publicity, she and the two men ran across most of the capital after the fan meeting, but they were very tired, but her uncle didn't understand pity. She refused to give her legs a squeeze. She was wearing a short skirt and crossed her legs, swaying in front of Wang Quan~

(There’s still half a day left, please vote for me. If you don’t vote, it will be a waste!)

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