You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 299 Break your own record! (2, both ordered 6700)

Sophie Marceau is two years younger than Monica Bellucci. Although she has two children, she has never been married. Her parents' failed marriage made her resist marriage.

Wang Quan knew that with her rich life experience, it would be difficult for him to get into her heart, so he settled for the next best thing and walked into what he could.

This night we only talk about romance.

French is actually very beautiful. As the birthplace of film, French films play an important role in the film industry. When studying film, French films are inescapable. Wang Quan has watched at least a hundred French films, including Sophie Those masterpieces.

So when Sophie used some French words and short sentences to express her emotions, Wang Quan could basically receive it, so he became more enthusiastic.

Later, Sophie also sang the French folk song "La Vie en Rose" for Wang Quan, which was almost equal to China's "Jasmine". Wang Quan heard Sophie Marceau's singing voice five years in advance, without having to wait for the Spring Festival Gala.

However, Wang Quan did not spend the night at Sophie's place. After she fell asleep, he quietly returned to his room, waited for a good sleep, and as soon as it was dawn, he pretended that nothing had happened.

Wang Quan is also worried that he will not be able to resist the romance of the French. If Sophie's user experience is too good, she directly announces that she is breaking up with her boyfriend, and then officially announces that she is having an affair with Wang Quan, it will be embarrassing.

Back in her room, with some wine, Dorothy went to bed early, but she went too far and threw her clothes on his bed, so she didn't know how to sleep.

The more Wang Quan thought about it, the angrier he became, and then he threw his clothes on his bed, but he got into Dorothy's bed instead.

The royal power at this time was harmless to Dorothy. After the two fierce battles, he would not have any distracting thoughts for at least six hours.

Five and a half hours later, Dorothy woke up first and found that Wang Quan didn't pay much attention to him behind her. She even turned around and nuzzled him. Not to mention, it was quite comfortable.

When she felt that Wang Quan was also awake, Dorothy told him, "Monica came to see you last night, and I said you went to find Emma."


"Then Emma also came to see you, and I said you went to see Monica."

"Okay," Wang Quan praised, "it was handled very well." This at least did not involve Sophie Marceau.

She asked, "What about you and Sophie last night?"

Wang Quan, "I stayed in her room for the night and talked about movies all night. We had a lot in common."

"Get out!" Faced with such nonsense, Dorothy raised her leg and kicked her.

Then Wang Quan grabbed the painful foot, oh, jade foot!

The two of them were playing around in bed when Dorothy's phone rang. It was Jacob's.

"After our discussion, your request was approved, but we also have a condition. We hope that Director Wang Quan can attend the awards night."

Dorothy, "No problem, Chairman Jacob, you are so courageous!"

As soon as Dorothy praised him, only Jacob knew how much resistance he faced. Those people almost scolded him for kneeling down to Hollywood. But without the support of Hollywood, how can you ensure the global status of Cannes, the world's number one film festival? Do you think you can support yourself only by relying on European literary and artistic talents?

Wang Quan, "Are you going to agree for me now?"

Dorothy, "I've done the math for you. During the closing ceremony, you will be coming to France to promote "Twilight 3". You have to go to France anyway."


At this time, King Quan had passed the sage time and became dangerous again. Dorothy also felt it. She tightened her pajamas and didn't know where to put her hands. "Let's get up, we have to catch a plane."

"We're chartering a flight back, so there's no need to rush." ​​Wang Quan was still holding Dorothy's waist, "Isn't it time to talk about what happened to Fan Bingbing yesterday?"

"Why are you so petty? I have nothing to do with her, and I don't know what kind of relationship you have. I'm not like you, seducing the second sister-in-law." Dorothy's voice became lower and lower.

Wang Quan was anxious, "When did I seduce little K? It's obvious that she has been seducing me. I feel that I am already great. Except for that time when I entered by mistake, I have withstood the test at other times!"

"You are amazing and noble, so don't point your gun at me!"


While the two were bickering, Cannes officials released news that they had decided to use "Inception" and "The Secret Love Story of Chanel" as the closing films of this year's Cannes Film Festival.

"The Secret Love Story of Chanel" is the work of French director Jan Gaunen. It was originally scheduled to close the film. Dorothy proposed to make "Inception" the closing film. Although Jacob accepted this condition, he did not cancel "Chanel". The identity of the closing film of "Secret Love History" will be double closing films when the time comes.

It's not unprecedented, but this is the first time that a movie is both the opening film and the closing film.

As soon as the news came out, everyone was in an uproar. Is "Inception" so good that Cannes could change the rules for it?

After Clara heard the news, she hesitated to watch it again.

Jiang Shuying first saw the media's overwhelming praise for "Inception" and then saw the news of the closing film. He regretted it. He should have mentioned it one day if he had known it. If he wanted to watch "Inception" again, he would have to wait another ten days. Yes, food and accommodation in Cannes are quite expensive during this time.

Wang Sicong, who lives in the youth hostel, and his classmates unanimously decided to wait until the closing ceremony to watch it again!

They talked about it, and they all said that the dreams they had the night after watching "Inception" were all colorful. This feeling was so amazing that they wanted to do it again.

Among the directors and producers of other works in the main competition, some are envious, some are jealous, some are making sarcastic remarks, and some are lamenting the talent of the king. But one thing is the consensus, that is, this non-competition film has obviously become The most watched film at this year's Cannes Film Festival is also the center of conversation.

Wang Quan and the others will go back next, and Monica and Sophie will sell films at the film festival. Emma wants to take the opportunity to go back to her hometown in London to visit her father.

Wang Quan left a message to say goodbye to Fan Bingbing, Sophie Marceau and others, and also met with his father. He was a little embarrassed and said that he was bragging.

Wang Quan said, "Then I can only try to sell more movies so that your words don't fall to the ground."

"Hehe, he must be my son and be ambitious!"

Wang Quan asked again, "How is the domestic announcement of "Twilight 3" going?"

"It's done pretty well. I think 300 million won't be a big problem."

He really didn’t brag this time. The number of theaters and screens this year has increased significantly compared to last year. Coupled with the increase in national consumption power, as of May, seven movies worth over 100 million yuan have been produced!

Non-blockbuster movies like "Slumdog" have received 238 million, and various data indicate that this year's box office data will make a leap.

Moreover, the movie channel is also playing a supporting role. Twilight 1 and 2 have been aired three times in the past month, so those who have not seen it will watch it again, and then there will be no obstacles to watching 3.

The only problem is the schedule, May 15, there is no holiday or holiday, and it is not summer vacation. This is likely to become an important factor limiting the total box office of "Twilight 3" in the mainland.

Xiao Lizi didn't sleep in the hotel yesterday. He came back around noon. When he saw Wang Quan, he winked at him and said, "How was your life last night~"

"It's pretty good," Wang Quan looked at Little Plum, who had two big black circles under his eyes, as if he only had half a life left, "You..."

"You don't need to thank me. I hope we can have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future." Xiao Lizi touched Wang Quan's shoulder.

What does he mean?

At this time, Wang Quan's cell phone rang. It was an unknown number. He answered it, and the first thing he heard was "Oppa~"

It was Clara. Wang Quan looked at the phone and then at Xiao Lizi, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

He remembered that when the premiere ended yesterday, DiCaprio also hugged him and said he wished him a good night. At that time, he had the opportunity to touch his pocket.

What a Clara, no wonder she was a little startled when she saw herself, but it passed by in a flash. This woman is decisive in doing things and has some courage.

"What's the matter~" Wang Quan asked.

Clara said with some anxiety, "Director David, I want you to help me find a job, a job where I can be by your side, is that okay?"

Wang Quan, "I'm at the Majestic Barrier Hotel. If you can arrive at 12 o'clock, you can go back to the United States with me."

"Okay, I'll leave right away!" Clara said excitedly.

"One more thing," Wang Quan said, "I hope you can look your best, dress up radiantly, and appear in front of me with charm. You must be more beautiful than when we first met. .”

"Yes, I will!"

Everyone had arrived, but Wang Quan did not leave. He said he had to wait for someone until almost 12 o'clock. Clara appeared in the hotel wearing high heels and a short skirt that revealed her figure, bright and gorgeous.

Wang Quan then stood up and said, "You can go."

Xiao Lizi blinked, this, couldn't this be the Korean girl who stuffed her room card last night? She, she is so beautiful!

He does prefer white beauties, but it doesn’t matter that this top-notch white one is yellow. He actually gave it to King David!

At this moment, Clara didn’t even look at Little Li Zi, she only saw royal power.

Dorothy asked sourly, "Who is she?"

Wang Quan said loudly, "Let me introduce to you, this is my assistant in charge of Kimchi Country affairs, Clara."

"Ah, assistant?" Clara herself was a little confused, but she still greeted everyone with a sweet smile. Assistants can be assistants, just stay close to them.

Dorothy touched Wang Quan and said, "Your assistants are divided into different areas~"

"How fresh. If I go to Kimchi Country and I'm not familiar with the place, it will be much more convenient to have a local assistant."

King Quan will also accompany the global promotion of "Twilight 3" this time, and the Kimchi Country market must be won. This will be King Quan's first trip to Kimchi Country, and it will also prepare for the subsequent global promotion of "Inception".

Although Kimchi Country is small, its film market is not much worse than that in China, and the current ceiling is even higher.

A movie ticket in Kimchi Country is equivalent to about 50 RMB, and their most watched movie "Hanjiang Monster" is 13 million, which is 650 million RMB.

In addition, "The King's Man", "Flowing Sun Flag" and "Siwei Island" also had more than 10 million moviegoers, and each movie mobilized one-fifth of the country's people.

However, the market with a population of 50 million is still too small, which greatly limits the room for growth of Kimchi Country movies. It is estimated that there will not be a movie with 20 million viewers, but a Chinese-language film can achieve 100 million viewers!

After getting on the bus and rushing to the airport in Nice, Wang Quan and Dorothy sat together in the car and whispered, asking her not to tell Gadot about Clara.

"You still know how to save face!" Dorothy used her heels to know that these two people were not innocent.

"After she goes back, let her undergo company training first, and then I will ask her to return to China and stay on standby. She will not stay in the United States." He did not want such a person to cause trouble for her in front of Gadot.

When they got on the plane, Wang Quan and Clara entered the bathroom. Wang Quan also made it clear to her, "After a period of training, you will go to China to learn Chinese. Because I will spend most of my time in China in the future, your language must pass the test."

"Ah, why?" She couldn't understand why Wang Quan wanted to leave China's development after Hollywood retreated.

While Wang Quan was making inappropriate movements, he said seriously, "Because, that is, my motherland!"

Clara was shocked, what a powerful patriotic sentiment!

Looking in the direction of the bathroom, Xiao Lizi felt regretful. Although he got three girls who were comparable to supermodels last night, he missed the mysterious oriental scenery.

After landing in Los Angeles, Dorothy pulled Wang Quan and asked in a low voice, "Did you really buy a G650? It costs 70 million dollars!"

Wang Quan said, "After I return to China, it will be more convenient to have a plane like this to travel back and forth."

Dorothy looked disappointed. It seemed that she really couldn't stop him. The company was making great strides and gaining momentum. What did you say you were going to do?

Back in China, it’s hard for your movie to break $200 million. Do you really think your Chinese-language film will be accepted internationally?

Of course Wang Quan knew it couldn't be done, at least it wouldn't be so easily accepted, but making a Chinese-language film and telling stories in Chinese has been his long-cherished wish since childhood, and now that the time is ripe, the mainland will soon have a single film worth $200 million.

If a movie can have a box office of 200 million U.S. dollars in the Mainland, he will have the courage to spend 100 million U.S. dollars to produce the movie, and he can cultivate and promote hundreds of high-quality behind-the-scenes film talents.

Next year, 2010, it's time to do these things!

Li Xian was responsible for training Clara and arranging her food and accommodation. Wang Quan rubbed Dorothy's body, covered Clara's with her perfume, and then went home.

However, Gadot was not at home. Wang Quan quickly took a shower and changed clothes, then lay in bed and waited for Gadot to be lucky. The wait lasted until the next morning.

Gadot came back early, but seeing that he was sleeping soundly, he fell asleep next door.

The next day, Wang Quan kissed Gadoduo wildly on her face, waking her up, and then took her to watch a movie. She hadn't watched "Twilight 3" yet.

Just like "Twilight 2", it is very difficult to sell even daytime shows, and there is no online ticket sales website in the United States. I have to queue up, and then follow the crowd into the screening room, eat popcorn, drink Coke, and enjoy a relaxing Two hours.

The next day, the first-day box office results for "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" were shocking.

The first-day box office and single-day box office of 71 million set a new record of 63.5 million for "Twilight 2"!

Two days later, the first-week box office was announced, with a score of 172 million, once again breaking the box office record in film history!

The box office appeal of the "Twilight" series is still strong. Wang Quan has proved it with real data: My record can only be broken by myself!

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