You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 196 was released in the first week, second in history! (1, guaranteed)

The three girls were cursing each other and were extremely depressed. Because they had not watched the finale, one of the biggest suspenses remained unresolved, which was that Bella asked Edward to bite her, turning her into a vampire like Edward. In the end, did Edward bite her or not? ?

The three of them looked at each other. How about going to the cinema to watch a movie tomorrow?


In Beijing, Wang Qiankun called his nephew Zhou Peng and thanked him for his contribution to network anti-theft work during this period.

"Second uncle, what are you talking about? You're a stranger~" In addition to being a programmer, he was also involved in the hacker circle when he was in college.

When he discovered that pirated videos of "Twilight" appeared one after another on the Internet, the angry Wang Qiankun thought of his nephew.

This is the first time that such a large-scale movie pirated leak has occurred on the domestic Internet. In the past, pirated discs usually started to leak out a week or two after the release, but "Twilight" is very different this time.

The reason is that it is still too popular, especially since I heard that it is selling like crazy abroad. Domestic audiences definitely want to watch it, but conditions really don’t allow it.

Economic reasons are only one aspect, but the bigger reason is that objective conditions do not allow it.

The scale of the film's distribution this time is not small, with 400 copies and some digital copies. However, there are now 1,400 cinemas and more than 3,000 screens across the country. With a total of more than 500 copies, it is difficult to cover the whole country.

The usual approach is to put it in big cities for a period of time, then copy it and circulate it downwards, to second-tier cities, and finally to third-tier cities.

Some third-tier cities and most fourth- and fifth-tier cities do not have movie theaters at all, leaving those who are eager for movies to watch pirated versions.

The pirates also saw that the discussion about Twilight on the Internet was too hot and it was obviously profitable. In addition, the development of the Internet has matured, so they did not wait for higher-definition resources, and directly skipped the pirated disc manufacturers and built websites. Distribute resources, and then get some advertisements for pornographic gambling to earn some high advertising fees.

"Twilight" is a beginning, and it will be much more convenient for netizens to watch pirated versions in the future.

But Wang Qiankun definitely wouldn't agree. This is all my son's hard-earned money, so he asked Zhou Peng to post a reward on a hacker forum and set up an army to raid pirated websites. Anyone found would be punished to death. It's not a regular website anyway. , if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. This is called cleaning up the Internet environment.

Zhou Peng, who was working overtime late at night, glanced at the college classmate and direct leader next to him, "Yi Ming, why don't you get off work yet?"

Zhang Yiming looked at the time and said, "Okay, that's it for today."


King Quan heard some of these domestic situations from Lao Wang, but he didn't pay much attention to them. This is an inevitable stage in the development of things, and there is no solution.

In a few years, even if pirated resources are released online, no one will watch them. Either they have lost interest in movies or they have a higher pursuit of picture quality, and their pockets are bulging, so there is no shortage of money.

It was daytime on Wang Quan's side. He called Feng Tianming and consulted him on which special effects company would be suitable if he wanted to make a special effects giant wolf. He hoped that the technology would be better.

For the second and third films, he planned to invest all the money he could save by signing actors in advance on the special effects of the film, striving to expand the audience of the film from teenagers to those who like blockbusters. The most important part of the second film is the werewolf transformation.

Feng Tianming first congratulated Wang Quan on the success of his movie, "My girlfriend and I watched your "Twilight" and she liked it very much. You should be preparing for the second part "The Werewolf Family".


"I think Method studios have an advantage in terms of creature effects. They made "Men in Black", and the price is not as high as our Industrial Light \u0026 Magic. You can consider it, oh, by the way, their character technology. Director Zhou Mingquan is also from China and is very nice.”

This company later also participated in well-known works such as "Black Panther", "Wonder Woman" and "Aquaman". Although it is not well-known internationally, it is also one of the industry giants in the American film and television special effects industry.

Wang Quan nodded and took note. At that time, there may be more than one company to cooperate with. Many Hollywood blockbusters are jointly participated by multiple special effects companies. After all, everyone has their own strengths. For example, "Avatar" has brought together almost all the special effects companies in the world. It's used.

The budgets for the two sequels of "The Twilight Saga" 2 and 3 exceeded 100 million U.S. dollars, and King Power expects to invest no less than half of the money on special effects.

Although Long Toutou signed follow-up contracts with the main actors before "Twilight" became popular, the actors were not angry or depressed about it.

It doesn't matter if they get less salary, the salary is only a few dollars, and the other benefits brought to them by the popularity of "Twilight" are simply too much, especially for the male and female protagonists.

The media now affectionately call them Twilight Man and Twilight Woman, and their agents have already been approached with movie offers and advertising endorsements, and the movie has only been released for two days.

The agency estimates that these two new stars can earn tens of millions of dollars conservatively. The key is that this movie ignited their acting careers and gave them more choices.

And there are still people who have gained love.

Although Robert Pattinson did not find love, he was very happy when he faced the media interviews.

Although it was hard for him to swallow when he read the original work, he felt less uncomfortable after watching the finished film by Director Wang. Director Wang is worthy of being Director Wang, and his superb film art allowed him to temporarily ignore the bloody plot.

And he has already received the scripts for the next two films.

In the second part, he had very little plot, and the protagonists almost became Bella and Little Wolf. From this part on, King Power gradually became significantly different from the original work.

It became even more obvious in the third film. Robert even told his agent, "The script is much better than the original work!"

The excellent script and reliable director have alleviated Robert's resistance to this series a lot. He is afraid that if the directors of the next few films are changed, both he and the fans' confidence in this series will be affected.

Let Director Wang continue to guide us!

However, he was still a little unwilling. Why did Little K refuse to call him?

At this time, Little K was on the phone with Dorothy. The power was very strong and a little numb.

"What are you looking at, Darling?" Little K hugged Boss Tao from behind after coming out of the shower.

Boss Tao sat at the computer desk, "I was looking for the program we recorded, oh, I found it!"

She found the latest issue of "Interviews with Yang Lan", which showed her and little K climbing the Great Wall.

Many domestic viewers are also watching this program.

For example, the Mayo family, even Mei Xi, who is about to take the high school entrance examination, is allowed to watch TV. However, she has some objections to her brother-in-law Wang Quan. Why should Zhang Liangying sing the promotional song for "Twilight" instead of Chunchun? The song of spring is also great!

So much so that she didn't dare to speak out among the fans after watching "The Twilight Saga". According to their principles, they could not support their opponents' works by default. The other super girls back then were all rivals, especially Zhou Bi Sang and Zhang Liangying.

Therefore, films that have been supported by Zhang Liangying’s promotional songs cannot be blatantly supported.

After the host and the two guests appeared, Mayo smiled and said, "This is the first time I have seen an outdoor interview with Yang Lan. I feel that this model is very novel and can be promoted."

Wife Xu Yi said, "This seems to be Quan Er's suggestion. Only with his great dignity can the program change the rules."

Mayo, "Yes, I heard from my classmates in the United States that the most popular movie this year is probably The Twilight Saga. The movie also boosted the sales of the original book and went straight to the top of the New York Times bestseller list. The popularity of Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean is inferior to it, especially among teenagers, who are obsessed with it. Quan'er has become a god this time."

Mei Xi hurriedly said, "Who doesn't want to have a boyfriend who will never grow old, is handsome, and has super powers? This setting is simply invincible."

Xu Yi smiled at her, "And he's still old, right? Edward is over a hundred years old."

Mei Xi paused for a moment, then pointed at the TV and asked her mother, "Which one of them do you think is good-looking?"

Dorothy and Twilight Girl said with Xu Yi's eyes, "I prefer girls like Twilight Girl who look good. You see how quiet she is, but she is a little thinner."

Mei Xi, "I like Boss Tao. He's so handsome and his hair is nice. I even want to have short hair."

Mayo thought to himself that of course Yang Lan was the prettiest, but he didn't dare to say that he still wanted a second child.

Xu Yi advised, "Your head and face shape are not suitable for short hair. Unlike my mother, she looks good with any hairstyle."

Mei Xi rolled her eyes directly, while Mayo rolled his eyes covertly.

Seeing later, when Boss Tao said that if Wang Quan chooses to return to China, as long as he is happy, Xu Yi couldn't help but ask, "Da'ao, hasn't Quan'er applied for a green card yet?"

"No, he graduated and now has a work visa."

"That's so troublesome. Talents like him should be what the United States longs for."

"It's hard to leave your homeland, and that kid has sentiments. I heard from my uncle that Quan'er is determined to return to China to develop his career. He will probably come back after filming this series."

"Ah, I will make a lot less money." Xu Yi felt a little regretful about this.

Mayo, "It's okay. The company has his shares. If the company can make money, he will always make money."

After the show was broadcast, the discussion about whether Wang Quan should return to China caused huge controversy on the Chinese Internet.

Some people feel that Wang Quan's purpose of making movies abroad is to win glory for the country and to export a good and positive image of China. This is much greater than his return to China. The domestic mud will only waste his talent. It is best for him to keep filming in Hollywood. Go down and take a picture of Spielgerber's status.

Another group of people believe that no matter how many movies you make in the United States, it will only add glory to the country. Only by returning to China can you truly promote the film industry of the motherland. These domestic directors who are useless can no longer produce good works. They strongly hope that Director Wang Return to China as soon as possible to save domestic entertainment!

For this reason, netizens divided into two camps and established two post bars respectively.

One said, "Director Wang, please stay in the United States." The other said, "Director Wang, please come back quickly."

There was a computer in Mei Xi's room, and Mayo deliberately cultivated her interest in this area. After watching the show, she had nothing to do, and she happened to see these two newly built forums, both of which had hundreds of people.

Now there are more people staying in the United States, so Meixi has joined. Come back quickly and balance it out.

Later, there were more and more people here. I am among you, and you are among me.

When someone posted "Director Wang, please come back soon", the box office data of "The Twilight Saga" in the Mainland was posted. Half a day later, someone from the post bar next door would come over and post the box office situation in North America.

The domestic box office in the first week was 39 million. The impact of piracy did not shake its rising box office figures. It was 11 million on the first day and jumped to 15 million on Saturday.

However, compared with overseas, it is far behind.

After taking in more than $36 million at the box office on the first day, the momentum weakened somewhat on the second day, with a box office of $26.6 million, and further weakened on the third day, with a box office of only $23.05 million.

The three-day box office of the first weekend reached an astonishing $85.75 million!

The original version only has less than 70 million, and the version of King Power has a better reputation. Although there are some controversies, the score can still be maintained at more than seven points on IMDb. However, as the audience increases, there is a downward trend.

This result is second only to "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" (93 million) in June movie opening data, ranking second in history. Moreover, this is June during the summer season, and it is more valuable than September. , the cold season in February is much higher.

As for the other superhero blockbuster "Fantastic Four 2" in the same period, the first day it opened was less than 20 million, and its reputation collapsed. Many fans of the first movie even shouted, "I would rather watch it if I had the money." "Twilight" doesn't want to see this shit either!

So there were only 13 million left on the second day, only 10 million on the third day, and the first weekend box office was 43.2 million. Fortunately, it was almost doubled by "The Twilight Saga". Such first-week box office and reputation, in the end It’s hard to say whether North America can exceed 100 million.

Such results can almost declare that there will be no more "Fantastic Four" movies. At least it is impossible for this team to make a third movie.

Jessica Alba has lost an important role in her acting career. This is a huge blow to her in her prime. Investors will therefore doubt her box office appeal.

For this reason, she even called Wang Quan and complained, "It's all your fault, so you must come when "Lucky Chuck" premieres."

The movie, written by Wang Quan, has already started to promote it. Taking advantage of the popularity of Wang Quan, it has gained a lot of momentum. "We will talk about next month next month, but I am really sorry to cause you to lose your job."

Jessica sighed, "Netizens say you are the real version of Lucky Chuck. Of course, not through having sex, but because actresses who play your role will have good luck, like Megan Fox, Gal Gadot, Not only has it become popular, but I have also received good projects, and Lily Collins and Kristen Stewart are also very popular. I don’t know if I will be able to change my career by then, after all, I just acted in a movie written by you.”

Wang Quan smiled slightly, "Jessica, how do you know that their current good luck is not through having sex~"

There was a sudden silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, and then Jessica asked, "Have I ever left a piece of underwear in your car before?"

"Yes, I said I would send it back to you, but you said no need."

"Then do you still keep it?"

I had thrown it away a long time ago, "Of course, I have always treasured it."

Jessica, “So, can I go to your house to get it back?”

Wang Quan, "Of course, you should have come a long time ago~"

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