You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 168 The shock caused by Forbes China Celebrity List (3, monthly vote 3200)

Cao Baoping believes that there are two difficulties in making a movie, one is to attract investment, and the other is to pass the review.

This is his third movie, and it is also the first time he has decided to use a star cast, so it is more difficult to attract investment. He originally did not intend to trouble the students, but Wang Quan unexpectedly took the initiative to ask.

"What, you want to invest?"

Wang Quan, "I do have this idea, and the book is good."

"Aren't you afraid of losing money?" Cao Baoping felt that his film was not commercial enough, and he was afraid that the market would not accept it very well.

Wang Quan, "In movies, it's normal to make losses and profits. If you lose money here, you can make it back in the United States."

Wang Quan's tone was relaxed, and he obviously didn't care about the losses and profits of domestic films. How much money could he make and how much money could he lose?

Seeing that Wang Quan had said this, Cao Baoping was a little moved, "Then as the producer of this movie, you won't tell me what to do, right?"

Wang Quan, "Teacher Cao, where do you plan to shoot?"

"Spring City."

Wang Quan spread his hands and said, "It's so far away, I can't even put my finger on it."

Cao Baoping chuckled, "That's true."

Wang Quan, "But I should be able to give some comments during the final editing."

Cao Baoping warned, "You want to take away my final editing rights?"

He knows that this kind of thing is normal abroad, where the producer is the biggest, but in China it is estimated that many directors cannot accept it. If there is a conflict between the director and the producer over the final cut rights, many directors would rather not sign their name.

Seeing Teacher Cao's attitude, Wang Quan simply said, "Okay, I won't say a word and you can create freely."

Seeing what Wang Quan said, Cao Baoping blushed slightly. Why did he still regard him as his student? It was true that he was his student, but now he was also likely to be his investor and producer. How could he Reasons to shut up investor dad.

What's more, Wang Quan is a talented director who has created box office miracles in Hollywood, and has more creative experience than himself.

"Xiao Wang, the teacher is joking. You should give your opinions anyway. I also welcome you to Spring City to guide our shooting work. It is all to make the film better."

Seeing that Teacher Cao had figured it out on his own, Wang Quan smiled and said, "Can I make a suggestion now?"

"You say it, you say it." Cao Baoping opened the book.

"Just a small suggestion," Wang Quan said, "How about changing the title of the film, Li Mi's Experience, to Li Mi's Conjecture."

"Li Mi's guess?"

"It's just a small suggestion. Teacher Cao, please think about it yourself. In the end, your opinion will be the main one." Wang Quan expressed full respect.

It was already dark, and Mimi was still waiting for her to eat. Wang Quan stood up to leave and left Chen Chuling's contact information. He could just leave the money to Chu Ling.

Outside the school, Yang Mi finally waited for Wang Quan, "Were you left by the principal and the others?"

Wang Quan, "No, I talked to Teacher Cao Baoping for a while."

Yang Mi took her arm and said, "Where should we go to eat?"

In March, the weather was still a little cold, “How about going to Donglaishun in Dashilan to eat hotpot?”

"Then we'll go to the King Cinema to watch a movie!" Yang Mi's arrangements were quite rich.

King Quan, “Are there any good movies now?”

It seems that around the Spring Festival is the off-season for movies.

Yang Mi thought for a while, "It seems to be the Disciples and the Wonderful Night at the Museum."

Wang Quan said, "I've seen all the old movies, why not listen to cross talk."

"You can also listen to cross talk. Deyun Club is quite popular now."

So the two stopped a car on the side of the road.

"Mimi, you are very popular now. I saw that several major portals have reported on your business." Wang Quan played with his mobile phone and smiled.

Yang Mi was a little embarrassed, "Oh, I'm not taking advantage of your popularity, otherwise those websites wouldn't be so respectful."

There is no hot entertainment news today. The biggest one is that Yang Mi and Rong Xinda terminated their contract and founded Power World Media with a registered capital of 10 million!

The termination of the contract is not a big deal. Yang Mi's current popularity is not as big a sensation as the termination of the contract between Huang Shengyi and Zhou Xingchi. However, after the contract was terminated, she founded her own company with a registered capital of 10 million. Even if it was not paid in, this is very It's fascinating.

A little star, what abilities does she have and what capital does she have to start her own company? Could it be that he was being taken care of by someone?

Subsequently, the article revealed that the filming of Power World Media's entrepreneurial film is about to begin, the heroine is Yang Mi, and the script idea comes from Oscar-winning director Wang Quan.

Many netizens think this is bragging. Nowadays, many film and television companies like to ride on Wang Quan's popularity, and Power World is not the first. Previously, there was a man named Deng Jianguo who claimed to have invited Wang Quan to direct the film version of "Kangxi Private Interview" , it is estimated that the investment will be 50 million yuan.

However, soon the media discovered that "Director Wang Quan and Yang Mi have a close relationship!" 》

First of all, the media found out that Wang Quan’s blog only followed eight people. In addition to bloggers like Han Han and Lao Xu, there was also Yang Mi who seemed very out of the blue. And from the earliest days, Yang Mi was on Wang Quan left a comment on Wang Quan's first blog post, and Wang Quan also left a comment on Yang Mi's first post. At that time, Yang Mi also replied to Wang Quan, "He took the photo."

It's just that neither of them was famous at the time, so no one paid attention to them.

Now I am re-architecting and thinking about the photos posted by Yang Mi. They are all at home, as if they were taken from the boyfriend's perspective. These photos were actually taken by Wang Quan, so what is their relationship?

Later, someone else broke the news on the Nortel student forum that Yang Mi and Wang Quan were actually childhood sweethearts who grew up, and the two families had even arranged to get married.

This revelation belongs to Yang Tianzhen's operation. Netizens' revelations are more likely to trigger other netizens' exploration and discussion than those involved themselves. Whether it is questioning or counter-questioning, the popularity will rise.

Yang Tianzhen is worthy of being one of the leaders with two years of marketing and publicity experience. In just one day, Wang Quan and Yang Mi's CP has a tendency to surpass Wang Quan and Liu Yifei.

Sprouter: Family, look what I found. In this photo of Yang Mi taken in the United States, the blue-haired woman with her arm around is one of Long Toutou’s bosses, Director Wang’s partner Dorothy Tao!

Ai Xiaozhan: So Mimi was able to thrive in Hollywood because of Director Wang’s relationship!

Not Disappeared: It’s true, Director Wang really loves Mimi. This is a friendship we have had since childhood!

Tiger on the Rhine: What do you mean by playing to the max?

The Winged Devil's Vest: What does this mean? Have you noticed this photo from the set of "The Warriors Su Qier"? There is a little boy wearing modern clothes and holding a pink water bottle. Look who he is!

Dugu Youqing in the world: Oh my God, this is Director Wang! I have been to Director Wang’s father’s cinema. This was Director Wang when he was a child!

Fengbo Wuhen: So, when Mimi was filming when she was a child, Director Wang accompanied her throughout the whole process! I love you, I treat Mimi like my little wife!

Tudoudou who loves strawberries: It seems that the child bride’s statement is very reliable. Fans of Liu Yifei should stop having delusions. This is the real CP!

Looking at these comments from netizens, Liu Yifei pouted, very happy.

Are childhood sweethearts so easy to tease?

What do children know about love? Shouldn’t this kind of affection that grows from childhood to adulthood be transformed into family affection in the end?

Even more unhappy than her is her mother Liu Xiaoli, "She also started her own company. It seems that it was paid by Wang Quan. She gets all the limelight by herself! Xiao Wang is too kind to her!"

The key point is that Yang Mi has been riding on Wang Quan's popularity all the way. Liu Xiaoli is very worried, worried that her daughter will not be able to capture Wang Quan's heart in the end. She is too naive and cannot compete with a veteran like Yang Mi.

"Sissi, would you like to call Xiao Wang and get in touch?"

"I sent QQ."

"What's the use of posting on QQ?" Liu Xiaoli asked with concern, "Then did he reply?"

After coughing on the phone, Liu Yifei picked up the phone and said, "Just got back."

"What did you say?"

"He said he was listening to cross talk with Mimi."

Liu Xiaoli frowned, the situation was not good, "Then what are you going to do after listening to the cross talk? Should you go back to your home or..."

"Oh Mommy, how can I ask this question?"

Liu Xiaoli sighed, "It's a dead thing, you can't count on it."

Now she is a little shaken, should she agree to star in Huayi's movie? If Xiao Wang is not reliable in the future, or Sissi cannot keep him, at least with this film by her side, it is not without hope to develop in Hollywood in the future.

But he was so stubborn before, but now he went to Wang Zhonglei to seek peace. He was not sure how he would be manipulated by them.

Just as he was worrying, Zhuzhu suddenly called and said in an excited tone, "Auntie, Forbes, the Forbes China Celebrity List has been announced!"

"Oh, so what?"

"Sister is on the list!"


In another villa in the capital, a girl with big eyes was reading the news about Yang Mi.

She had never paid much attention to Yang Mi before. In her mind, the only target she pursued was Liu Yifei.

Unexpectedly, Yang Mi suddenly emerged, suddenly became involved with Wang Quan, and founded her own company, becoming Liu Yifei's strongest competitor.

So she made a phone call, "Why don't you open a film and television company for me, and then you will only support me?"

"Tian Tian Guai, I have contacted the team in Xiangjiang, and we will start filming a movie starring you in a while."

"Ah, is it true? Who plays the role? Are there any of the Four Heavenly Kings? Is there Brother Cheng Longfa?"

"There will be, and there will definitely be in the future," the person on the other end of the phone replied, "But for the first part, there is no need to make too much noise. This time I asked Liu Jiahui and Ba Liangjin."

"What story is it about? Is it an action movie?"

"Action and thriller, the script is called "Anaconda"..."


At Fan Bingbing's home in Beijing, she was doing beauty treatments before going to bed while listening to the popular news events of the day.

The more she listened, the deeper her eyebrows furrowed. Why, it all belonged to Yang Mi, and she also founded her own company! !

At this time, the contract between Fan Bingbing and Huayi was about to expire, and she would not renew it. With Li Bingbing and Zhou Xun introduced, this Huayi could no longer give me warmth. Women still have to rely on themselves, so she I decided to set up my own studio and started preparations long ago.

This is the first of its kind among today's female stars. Unexpectedly, this first share was snatched away by a little girl!

You are trying to steal my personality!

From then on, Fan Bingbing had a Yang Mi in her heart, and she also had a royal power. Without the popularity brought by the royal power, no one would care about Yang Mi even if she opened a company, let alone opening a company.

Kingship, Kingship, when can we understand it in depth?


Not only strangers like Fan Bingbing think about it, but also childhood sweethearts like Mimi who have known each other for twenty years.

After coming out of Deyun Club, the two of them laughed so hard that their voices became hoarse. Yang Mi suggested, "Brother, let me go back to Beiying Community with you. It's too late. I'm afraid of disturbing Shanshan and the others."

Wang Quan soft-heartedly agreed, and then Mimi pushed further.

After entering the house, he said, "Brother, I smell like hot pot. I'm going to take a shower."

Just take a shower. Can you bring a change of clothes?

They had already gone in, took off their clothes, and suddenly opened the bathroom door, revealing a wet little head, "Brother, please help me get a change of clothes from the closet, I forgot to take them."

Did you really forget, or did you have ulterior motives?

Looking at the graceful body behind the frosted glass in the bathroom, Wang Quan really couldn't bear it anymore. Mimi, you are guilty of intentional seduction and you will be whipped!

After handing over the clothes, the door finally closed, and then Wang Quan left a note on the bedside and left alone.

After leaving the unit, Wang Quan called Ana de Armas directly, "Your vacation is over, get ready to go to work now! Buy a ticket to China~"

King Quan has had enough of living alone in his empty house, but to attack Mimi, the girl he has watched grow up, it is really embarrassing to attack her, and it will also cause a lot of trouble, so it is better to find a personal assistant to put out the fire. , and let her learn Chinese skills by the way.

The brothers in the dormitory did not expect that Wang Quan would return to the dormitory to live. Everyone knew that he had a house in the Beiying Community.

"Don't I care about you and how your scripts are going?"

Logically speaking, this script should be completed before the start of school, and the actual filming will begin a few months after the start of school.

But what Wang Quan said today, especially when the creative fund came out, everyone is trying hard to get A-level, so they basically go back to the drawing board and strive for excellence.

Wang Quan shook his head, "There is not much time left for you to shoot. If you want to catch up with Cannes, it must be completed within two months."

At this time, Wu Qian in the dormitory asked, "Monitor, have you finished writing the script?"

Wang Quan shook his head, "I haven't written it yet."

It’s not that I don’t have any ideas, it’s that I have too many ideas. Some are original ideas, some are “borrowed” from film and television libraries, and I don’t know which ones to fix.

Umekawa Hideo said, "I've got mine done. Monitor, I don't ask too much, just give me a C grade."

"I said this, but it doesn't count." Wang Quan took it and looked at it. It was a bit richer than the initial creative stage. The funds required were indeed not much, and it was probably mainly the travel expenses to Jinling.

"What do you think about the actor?" Wang Quan asked him.

"How about letting Lu Fangsheng, who was grade 02, play the role? Although he is Chinese, he basically grew up in Neon. He has that flavor and is the right age." Umekawa Hideo said.

Wang Quan nodded. Lu Fangsheng is the oldest student in Liu Yifei's class, 9 years older than her. He immigrated to Neon with his parents since he was a child. He graduated from the Economics and Management Department of the famous Chiba University and was later discovered by a talent scout on the streets of Tokyo. Tao and discovered his love for acting.

So he resolutely returned to China, and first became classmates with Huang Bo in Nortel's advanced training class. Later, with his excellent grades and the advantage of being a foreigner, he was admitted to the 02-level undergraduate class, and now he is admitted to the graduate school.

It can be said that unless there is a neon actor who can speak Chinese, Lu Fangsheng is the best choice for this short film.

"As for you, if you have a semi-finished script, you can let me read it." Wang Quan sacrificed his time to sleep with the girl today and took the initiative to help his classmates solve their problems. He can be said to be their reborn father.

"Oops!" Liu Chang, who was playing with his mobile phone, suddenly slapped his thigh, "This senior sister Yi Fei is too strong. She ranks fifth among Forbes celebrities and first among female artists!"

(ps: I’ve been worrying about Fugui’s graduation short film all morning, and it’s even later. Sorry, do you have any good recommendations~)

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