You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 164 Cousin and classmate are big guys (2, monthly ticket 2900)

The phone line was busy, so Liu Xiaoli had no choice but to send a text message.

Wang Quan told Liu Yifei not to worry, "Then you should go back quickly and take a look. If you can't solve anything, come to me anytime."

"OK, all right."

After hanging up the phone, people began to enter the yard outside. Wang Quan immediately went down to greet his relatives.

Although he is closer to relatives on his mother's side, he is no stranger to relatives on his father's hometown. His father attaches great importance to family ties. Not only did Wang Quan come back many times, his uncles and aunts also visited the capital several times.

Lao Wang pulled Wang Quan and pointed at a bespectacled man wearing a plaid shirt and said, "This is your aunt's cousin Zhou Peng. Remember, you haven't seen each other for a while."

Wang Quan, "Remember, Brother Peng went to college in Jinmen, right? If we are in the capital, we can meet him often."

Zhou Peng pushed up his glasses and said, "Well, I'm from Nankai."

Lao Wang said, "Pengpeng is studying computer science, and he is very good at it."

Wang Quan asked again, "Where is Brother Peng currently employed?"

"I can't talk about Gao. I work for a travel search website called Kuxun. I don't know if you have heard of it."

Wang Quan had never heard of it, "Oh, I heard something."

Seeing that Wang Quan had heard about it, Zhou Peng was very happy, "Our company still has great potential. It is considered No. 1 among similar products. Many venture capital companies are interested in us. It..."

Just as he was talking, Zhou Peng's phone rang, "Sorry, it's about work."

"Hey, Yiming, what's wrong? Ah, it crashed. Don't worry, computer. I'll see where I can find the computer..."

Wang Quan took the initiative and said, "Brother Peng, I brought my laptop."

Zhou Peng said to the phone, "I found the computer, it will be ready soon."

Then he and Wang Quan went upstairs to get the computer. Zhou Peng explained, "He was my college classmate just now and was also my boss in the company. We joined the company together, but he is already a senior manager and is very powerful."

It seems that Brother Peng admires his classmate very much. Wang Quan opened the notebook and asked, "Do I need to change it to the Chinese version?"

"No, no, no." Zhou Peng used it very smoothly, and the Internet speed here was also good. The programming software was quickly downloaded. When Wang Quan saw him coding, Wang Quan did not disturb him and just leaned on the bed and watched the movie.

After Zhou Peng finished his work, Lao Wang below also called them to eat.

The aunt and sister-in-law's family also came, but Chen Chuling had to work for Wang Quan and returned to the company early. Several high school and junior high school students also started school early. The younger generation only had Wang Quan and Zhou Peng, and Zhou Peng still Because I was on duty at the company during the Chinese New Year, I moved my vacation to the 15th day of the year.

While eating, Wang Quan was still worried about Liu Yifei, so he sent QQ to ask, but received no response.


Liu family, at this time Liu Xiaoli was preparing to tell Liu Yifei a great happy event.

"Are you going to remarry?"

Liu Xiaoli was stunned for a moment, "What are you talking about! What are you talking about! I'm telling you something serious! Sure enough, after hanging out with those monsters and monsters for so long, you are no longer serious!"

Liu Xiaoli sighed sadly, was this the fairy she had painstakingly cultivated? Sure enough, it was not easy to learn well, but she slipped away when she learned badly!

Liu Yifei, "Then what can be called a huge happy event?"

Liu Xiaoli calmed down and continued, "You must know Cheng Long and Li Lianjie."

"I'm not stupid." She also saw Cheng Long.

Liu Xiaoli, "Now, Hollywood's Lionsgate Pictures is asking the two of them to co-produce a movie, a super blockbuster with an international team. The director is Rob Minkoff, the director of "The Lion King". The script has been written. The project has already been approved, and they found Huayi from the mainland to cooperate, and now Huayi has found me!"

Liu Yifei understood immediately, "They asked you to borrow money? Mom, our money is all used for charity, you can't..."

"Listen to me!" Liu Xiaoli angrily slapped Liu Yifei on the butt, "They are still short of a heroine, and they intend to invite you to star."


"That's right, this heroine is a chivalrous woman in her 20s, she has a lot of action scenes, and she also needs to be proficient in English!" Liu Xiaoli said excitedly, "This role is tailor-made for you. How about it? Do you want to try it?" try."

"Of course!" Liu Yifei nodded without hesitation. As long as you are an actor, who can not be moved by hearing such a lineup? Even if you play a supporting role, Cheng Long and Li Lienjie are collaborating for the first time, and the director of "The Lion King"... …

"Wait, the director of "The Lion King"? Is he a cartoonist?" Liu Yifei asked.

"What's wrong with the cartoons? Can cartoons deny the status of "The Lion King" in film history?"

It is indeed undeniable that this 1994 movie grossed $760 million at the global box office, beating out blockbusters such as "Forrest Gump" and "True Lies".

Liu Yifei asked again, "This must be a big production. We are not related to Huayi. Why did they choose me?"

Liu Xiaoli clasped her fingers and said, "First, because you are popular enough, and second, because you are suitable. Who else in China can be worthy of this heroine except you? I counted the actresses in Huayi, old Old and young, none of them can fight."

Unless Huayi takes Huang Shengyi in now, Liu Yifei is indeed the best candidate in the country.

Just as Liu Yifei was about to nod in agreement, her mother suddenly changed her mind and said, "But, they also put forward a small condition."


Liu Xiaoli, "Huayi hopes to sign your management contract for another eight years."

"Ah, mom, did you agree?"

"How could I agree? After eight years, the heroine of a movie has been replaced by my daughter for eight years. It's too beautiful to think."

Liu Yifei nodded. She heard that the Wang brothers were not getting along well with Uncle Kun before the king. If they restrict themselves and prevent her from starring in Wang Quan's movies, she will never accept it.

"Then let's push it away." Liu Yifei made the decision heartbrokenly, she really couldn't bear to part with it.

"Why are you pushing it," Liu Xiaoli said, "I'm thinking of verbally agreeing first, but I can find reasons to delay not signing the contract until you get the contract for the movie and the movie is started."

"Ah!" Liu Yifei was surprised, "This, this is not good, is it?"

Liu Xiaoli, "Who told them to go so far? They have been here for eight years since you opened your mouth, and they still treat you as a newcomer to the industry. I said you would sign for one year first, but they were still not happy."

I really can't be happy about it. It's been a year and the movie probably hasn't even been released yet, and I won't get any dividends. Who can agree?

"But it's not bad to lie to people, right?" Liu Yifei was still a little worried.

Liu Xiaoli, "It's okay. It's not like you have no escape route. You offended King Huayi. There are also former King Kun and King David."

Thinking of the royal power, Liu Yifei thought she could discuss it with him, so she went upstairs to the room and called him to tell him about the movie tentatively titled "Double J Project".

"The director said he was the director of "The Lion King," but I don't know if that's true or not?" she said thoughtfully.

"Rob Minkoff not only has "The Lion King" but also the "Ratman" series, which is a combination of live-action and CG animation movies."

"So I'm still an animation director. Now I ask him to make an oriental fantasy movie. I don't know if he can make it well. I want to reject it."

"Rob Minkoff's wife is Chinese, and she may have a longing for Eastern culture, and it is indeed easy to fail to grasp the charm of the East, but it would be a bit funny to reject the movie because of this. Even a bad movie like this is It’s worth photographing.”

Well, it seems that it is indeed a bad movie, with a bad reputation, and it is difficult to make back the money at the box office compared to the cost, but Wang Quan has not said that it is not allowed to make it.

This level of pie is falling from the sky. Unless Wang Quan makes a commercial blockbuster in the United States with a Chinese heroine, even if he returns to China to make a Chinese-language film, this future movie called "The King of Kung Fu" will not have any impact on domestic actors. attraction.

Liu Yifei sighed. It seemed that Wang Quan also suggested that she take this drama, so she expressed her second concern, "But Huayi's condition is for me to sign to their company. Neither my mother nor I are willing. Mom wants to I just agreed temporarily and filmed the movie first, and then dragged Huayi away..."

Hearing Liu Yifei's words, Wang Quan was happy. He didn't expect Aunt Liu to have such a cunning side, but did she regard Huayi as a good gentleman? If you play tricks on them like this, they will make you get good results?

"Then what do you think?" Wang Quan asked.

Liu Yifei, "I am very reluctant to give up this movie, but I also have some concerns about my mother's proposal."

"so what?"

Liu Yifei, "So can you help me make a decision? I know it's timid. I'm twenty years old and can't make my own decision, but I really don't know what to choose. I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life if I make the wrong choice."

Wang Quan heard the hesitation and helplessness in her tone, and he comforted her gently, "Sissi, I can't help you make this decision, but I can promise that even if you give up this opportunity, I can give it to you in the future. Provide better opportunities, and on the contrary, I can also promise that even if we are targeted by Huayi in the future because of this matter, it will not affect our friendship."

Wang Quan's words made Liu Yifei's eyes wet with emotion, "Bastard, you are so good to me, what will I do without you in the future!"

Liu Yifei wiped her eyes and said, "Okay, I know what to do."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Yifei went downstairs and said to her mother, "Mommy, I've thought about it. If Huayi must pay for the contract, then I won't make this movie."

"What, are you stupid? You know how rare this opportunity is. Cheng Long and Li Lianjie are already the same age, and they haven't had many years to fight. This may be their only collaboration. It's a surefire success!"

Liu Yifei, "My attitude is very clear, then you should find a way to get them to withdraw the idea of ​​signing the contract. Also, even if I don't film this movie, I will have better opportunities in the future."

"what chance?"

Liu Yifei blushed, "I won't tell you, hey, I won't tell you."

Seeing her death, Liu Xiaoli understood, oh, it must be Xiao Wang!

The royal power is now not only the confidence of Liu Yifei, but also the confidence of Liu Xiaoli.

So Liu Xiaoli decisively called Wang Zhonglei back and expressed her attitude, "We really hope to work together, but Sissi is planning to go to Hollywood for development. In the future, she plans to cooperate with the five major Hollywood agencies for global contracts, so I am really sorry. Mr. Wang, see if you can take a step back."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Zhonglei slapped the coffee table hard. His brother Wang Zhongjun looked at the authentic work of Li Keran he had just bought on the wall. He was very calm and said, "Were you rejected by that woman?"

Wang Zhonglei, "This is a bit too disrespectful. The heroine with such a big investment doesn't even let her mother sleep with her, and she's not even willing to sign a management contract. Damn it, why don't I change her!"

"Oh, who should I change?"

Wang Zhonglei thought about the remaining people in the company. It would be great if Fan Bingbing was still there, but she had already agreed that she would go it alone when her contract expired in June and would not renew it.

"I don't know if this movie can make Bingbing change her mind," Wang Zhonglei said.

"What if we use this Bingbing and the other Bingbing, and ask her to play the second female lead, will she agree? She is almost ten years older than that Bingbing, and she is not willing to be second to others."

"What about Xiao Huo?"

"They have big breasts and brains, but they are all smart. Their fame and status cannot match those of Cheng Long and Li Lianjie. And don't forget, Cheng Long ordered Liu Yifei himself."

"It doesn't count. I just mentioned it and said it was suitable for filming action scenes." Wang Zhonglei waved his hands in annoyance, "I didn't agree to Liu Xiaoli's request. Let the two of them leave it alone. Maybe they will ask in return in a few days. We, I don’t believe that anyone can be unmoved by such a lineup!”


The uncle was drunk today, and the younger uncle has to go to work tomorrow, so he is still sober. The two uncles also drank a lot. In the past year, Wang Quan has gained a lot of face for the family. The younger uncle said, "I'll go out and talk." In business, when it comes to my nephew Quan'er, people look up to me."

Wang Quan laughed along with him, "Little uncle, Lingling has been very helpful to me in the capital. From now on, she will be my right-hand man."

The younger uncle sighed, "I knew I would have more children, so that you would have three heads and six arms."


The moon in the sky is really round, but it’s also time for people to part ways.

Wang Quan and Lao Wang sent their relatives away one by one, and the last one was left, the uncle's granddaughter, seven-year-old Niuniu. She was playing upstairs just now. Now that the adults have gone, she is the only one left, and she doesn't cry. No fuss.

So Wang Quan and Lao Wang sent her back together. Lao Wang was worried that Wang Quan would not be able to find the way at night.

When they arrived at the uncle's house, the family didn't realize that a little girl was missing.

Little Niuniu was very angry, and then went to play with the dog, and even took her Uncle Quan with her.

"The dog has given birth to a baby, and it looks so chubby and beautiful!"

Wang Quan went over and took a look, "This must be a pine tree."

Little Niuniu didn't understand this, so her cousin came over and said, "Yes, my Chow Chow is humane, but these five puppies are mixed."

"Where are you hanging out?"

"German Shepherd." My cousin said, "The German Shepherd is also a police dog. It was adopted by my uncle after he retired. He usually lives in the city. Once he brought it back to his hometown, and then he fell in love with our little Huang. As soon as we saw it, we had this litter of cubs.”

The pups are no longer young and can be weaned. Wang Quan picked up one and said, "Well, our Chow Chow genes are strong enough. We can't tell you are German Shepherd at all."

"You can still tell the dark color of this one," my cousin said, "What do you think, do you want to keep one for fun?"

Wang Quan also likes to play with cats and dogs, but his energy is limited. He waved his hand and said, "I have trouble taking care of myself. I'm afraid I can't take good care of myself."

On the way back, Yang Mi called, her tone full of excitement, "Brother, what gift did you prepare for me?"

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