You don't understand the happiness of the director

Chapter 125 Welcome Director Wang! (2, Qianliu are all ordered and updated)

Lily is even more surprised than Charlize Theron, how could it be her, a top Hollywood actress, winner of Oscars, Golden Globes, and Berlin Film Festival!

And Lily has seen Theron more than once at her mother's party. She is really tall and beautiful, and she looks so beautiful in ordinary clothes, shining like gold in a Dior commercial.

Wang Quan was not that surprised. After all, the address Anne gave him also had Ms. Theron's related words on it. He had made this guess on the way.

Today’s situation is interesting. There is a Snow White and a Snow White stepmother, but they are not in the same dimension. Theron’s Snow White is still waiting to be filmed in Twilight.

Theron invited the two of them in first, and the family hired a team of nannies to take care of the baby. There were three people in total. The child was handed over to them. Anne and his wife had signed an adoption agreement with Theron before.

"The director of "Juno" and the heroine?" Theron expressed his doubts.

Kingship, "Yes."

"What's the relationship between the child and you?" Theron looked at Wang Quan, she already had a guess.

But she guessed wrong, "We are friends with the child's mother, Lily is, and so am I. I drew a lot from her experience when I wrote the script."

"Oh my God, so this baby is the prototype of "Juno". I'm looking forward to this movie." Theron was surprised. Although the movie hasn't been released yet, it seems to be already very famous.

"She doesn't want to know who you are, so to speak, so let's send the kid over."

"Oh, that's right," Theron worried, "but I'm afraid I can't hide my adoption of a baby girl from reporters, and she will definitely make suspicions by then."

Wang Quan said, "Yes, I'm afraid it's too late to say that you gave birth to it yourself. By the way, why didn't you give birth to it yourself?"

Theron glanced at her boyfriend, as if she didn't want to say anything. Wang Quan apologized, "I'm sorry, I was too talkative."

He just felt it was a pity that Theron had such good genes and it would be a pity not to give birth to a child by himself. Naomi Watts is older, but she is also working hard to have a baby.

He checked the film and television library and found that until 2025, Theron was fifty years old and had not married or had children, but he did have the experience of adopting children.

"What's her name?" Theron asked, changing the subject.

Lily finally got a chance to interject, "I haven't picked a name yet, I'm afraid I won't be able to send him away after I pick a name."

King Quan, "Just like little animals, little animals without names are not considered family members."

Theron looked around the baby and said, "How about calling her Juno."

Lily glanced at Wang Quan and asked, "Will this make it easier for her to guess?"

Wang Quan said, "Actually, it doesn't matter if you guessed it. She is a smart girl. She knows that the child is better off with you than with her. She will only bless her."

Theron looked at the pink baby girl and said, "I hope so. Even if she wants it, I won't give it back to her. I have put a lot of effort into this child."

She was referring to the preliminary preparations, including persuading her boyfriend.

"Of course." Wang Quan looked at Lily, "If there's nothing else, we'll leave."

Theron glanced at her boyfriend Stuart Townsend and motioned for him to say a few words. The guy barely spoke from beginning to end, as if adopting Juno had nothing to do with him.

But it really doesn't matter, they are not married, and if they break up in the future, this child will have nothing to do with him.

Finally, Theron picked up the phone and said, "Let's leave our contact information, Director David. If we have any questions about the children, we can communicate in time."

This reason is a bit far-fetched. I'm not the child's father. Why should you communicate with me?

However, a person with such a powerful connection as the Oscar-winning actress would not turn a blind eye, and expected to be able to vote for him when the time came, so he happily exchanged contact information.

In fact, Theron also wants to get acquainted with Wang Quan. His two movies have been so successful. If the third literary film can still be successful, then Hollywood will definitely have a place for him.

In fact, Theron is not doing very well now. Although she has won an Oscar and has top Hollywood beauty, the key point is that she is still young, only 31 years old. It is when her energy and appearance are at their peak, but the Oscar The emperor and empress also have a curse.

After "The Devil Wears Prada", she acted in several literary films, but the response was not great. Last year's "Warrior" was a hit at the box office and in word-of-mouth, which brought her career to the bottom.

Moreover, now that her boyfriend wants to be a director and film his own movies, she has to use her own resources to help him and play a role herself.

She actually hoped that her boyfriend would ask Wang Quan, the new director, for advice, but out of inexplicable pride, he seemed to not want to say a word.

If they really ask Wang Quan for advice, Wang Quan may persuade them to think twice before they act. Dude, your movie has a box office of hundreds of thousands of dollars worldwide. In addition to your girlfriend, you also have celebrities like Woody Harrelson and Channing Tatum. Why? It looks like everything is down the drain.

After leaving Theron's house, Lily said to Wang Quan, "Why do I feel that Theron's boyfriend is unreliable?"

King Quan, "Why is it so unreliable?"

"It felt like he didn't care about Juno."

Wang Quan smiled, "As long as he doesn't have any other feelings for the little girl, it's okay if he doesn't care."

He just said this jokingly, but Wang Quan suddenly became vigilant. No, it seems that he will have more contact with Ms. Theron in the future, and visit Juno often, so that if something bad happens to this child, his heart will be alienated. There are not many people in this world who are as upright and kind as me.

They returned to the car, and Lily noticed that Julie's eyes were red. She sighed. It seemed that she still cried after they left. It was right to cry. The flesh that fell from her body had been gestating in her belly for so long. , how could it be possible to feel nothing.

Lily hugged Julie and said, "Okay, let's go."

Wang Quan started the car and started going home. When he arrived at the house, Julie ignored anyone and went straight back to his bedroom, so Wang Quan didn't bother him.

When he parted with Lily, Wang Quan told her, "Don't forget, we are leaving for Tokyo in two days. Remember to ask for leave from the school."

Before leaving Los Angeles, the box office for the fifth week of "Escape Room" was released. Unfortunately, it was stuck in the ninth week. The total box office in North America reached 99.3 million US dollars. We have to wait for another day or two to enjoy the glory of breaking 100 million US dollars in North America.

And this time he went to Tokyo with another mission: to attend the neon premiere of "Escape Room". This movie will be officially released in Japan after the East Film Festival.

This time, in addition to Wang Quan, Lily and Ma Ling, the company's marketing director Suter Green will also go together, responsible for marketing the overseas copyright of "Juno".

On October 20, the Tokyo International Film Festival opened, and Wang Quan and the others arrived on the first day.

The film festival lasted for ten days. Wang Quan told them on the plane, "I am going to go back to China after the opening ceremony."

After all, Tokyo is quite close to the Magic City. It can be reached by plane in a few hours. He wanted to visit the crew of "The Stewardess"

Suter said, "It depends on which day the organizing committee arranges the premiere of our film. If it is in the middle, do you still have to run back and forth? It is better to go home after it is completely over."

Wang Quan nodded, "That makes sense."

Although each main competition film will have several screenings, there is only one premiere, and as a director, he cannot miss it.

"And this time there should be a movie from your country. Don't you plan to support your compatriots?" Suter said again. He just wanted to tie the royal power to Tokyo for these ten days. Now Director Wang has begun to show his prominence internationally. With him around, my work will be much easier to carry out.

Wang Quan thought for a while and asked, "What movies are shortlisted this time? I only know "Little Miss Sunshine"."

And this film is also regarded by Wang Quan as its biggest competitor, not only at the Eastern Film Festival, but also at the Oscars.

They are not all the top seeds for Best Picture, but they are the top two seeds for original screenplay.

Suter Green has done a lot of preparations. "There are 16 films shortlisted for this year's main competition. From China, there are Lule's "Thirteen Paulownia Trees", Pu Jian's "Examination", and Zheng Baorui's "Dog Eat Dog". "."

Lule is a famous Nortel student of grade 1978, majoring in photography. He is a classmate with Zhang Yimou, Gu Changwei, Zhang Li and Zhang Huijun.

Cheng Baorui is the director of Xiangjiang. The protagonist of this movie is the now famous and purple Chen Guanxi.

As for the director of "Exam", I am completely unfamiliar with him. I checked the film and television library and still don't recognize him.

Suter added, "In addition to the main competition section, there are other Chinese-language films participating in the exhibition, such as "Father and Son", "The Four Heavenly Kings", "Isabella", "Aunt's Postmodern Life" and so on. Director Wang, you have Very busy."

Wang Quan sighed, "It seems like we can't leave, so let's get to know the city of Tokyo well. Su Te, I know you are busy with work, so let Lily and Ma Ling accompany me."

Suter: "..."

Ma Ling, "There are so many movies every day, how can I have time to play with you?"

Lily said, "I heard that there are many red light districts in Tokyo? You don't want to take me to visit that kind of place, do you?"

Wang Quan, "Who do you think I am? Besides, there's no way you can bring your own dry food when you go to a place like that."

Lily, "?"

Wang Quan, "Forget it, if you don't want to come with me, I don't want to take you with me. It's not like I don't have friends in Tokyo."

He planned to call Satoshi Kon as soon as he got off the plane. As a local snake, you must entertain him.

But when he got off the plane and was about to leave the airport, Wang Quan was restrained. What happened? Are you here to pick me up?

I saw dozens of young people surrounding me outside, holding banners in their hands, still in Chinese, "Welcome Director Wang Quan to Japan!"

Wang Quan asked about it and found out that he was a Chinese student from Neon who claimed to be his fan.

Wang Quan glanced at Suter, was this a recharge? Suter shook his head, "Your flight information is no longer a secret in Neon."

So Wang Quan pulled them to a place out of the way, and enthusiastically chatted with the group of international students and took photos.

It turns out that I already have a fan club in Neon, and these international students are particularly proud of their royal power. They are all international students, and they have already made blockbusters in Hollywood, but they can only watch movies in Tokyo, and they can't even take pictures. What a failure.

Wang Quan encouraged them to study hard, but this slogan could easily cause ambiguity, so he suggested changing it next time.

Wang Quan also asked them to send representatives to communicate with Suter, and then they could give them tickets for the premiere of "Juno".

After taking a taxi and leaving, Wang Quan was satisfied. He never thought that a director could encounter such a thing as being picked up at the airport.

Suter said, "You may be the most popular and most talked about director this year."

Lily was puzzled, "Why?"

Suter, "a Chinese, represents the United States in the Neon competition, and he is still a college student, but he has achieved achievements in the United States that many directors cannot achieve in their lifetime. If this is not enough, then he has been greatly praised. Marco Müller, the chairman of the Venice Film Festival, is a judge of this year’s East Film Festival. Isn’t this enough?”

Hearing this, Wang Quan said "fuck" directly, "Mueller is a judge of the East Film Festival?"


"Isn't this a bit condescending?"

Suter laughed and said, "Some people say that he became this judge to help your "Juno" win the award, but in fact he had already agreed to this job before the Venice Film Festival. It can only be said to be such a coincidence."

As an important participant in "Juno", Ma Ling had a rare mood swing, "So are we sure of this award?"

Suter poured cold water on it, "You can't think of it that way. The awards at the film festival are mainly based on the will of the jury chairman. After all, Mueller is not the chairman of the jury."

"Then who is it?" Lily asked hurriedly.

Suter, "Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Frenchman, director of Amélie."

"Oh~" Everyone said, this French film is very famous in the United States. It is the French film with the highest box office in the United States and ranks fifth on the list of foreign language films in North America.

The first crouching tiger, the third hero.

While talking, we arrived at the hotel, with three rooms for four people.

Two girls share a room. Wang Quan is determined not to share a room with Suter. It is too inconvenient for two grown men to live together. Suter thinks so too.

It was already dark, and the girls and Suter were all jet-lagged. Wang Quan lay in bed and couldn't sleep, so he contacted Kon Satoshi and told him that he had arrived in Tokyo. "I will visit Kon after attending the opening ceremony of the East Film Festival tomorrow." Minjun."

Wang Quan felt that Jin Min must be drinking, and said with a hint of drunkenness in his tone, "I can't wait any longer. There are a few friends here who are just in time to introduce them to Wang Jun. Why don't we come now."

Wang Quan is not a person with the attributes of a social cow. It is quite difficult to drink with a group of foreigners who may not understand the language.

He wanted to decline politely and find another opportunity to visit Kon Satoshi's studio, but he heard a voice with a Japanese accent and broken Chinese, "Monitor, are you monitor?"

Wang Quan was stunned for a moment, "Umekawa Hideo?"

The voice on the other side laughed and said, "Monitor, you'd better get used to calling me naked."

"When did you return to Tokyo?"

"Haha, it's a long story. Come over and talk about it."

This Umekawa Hideo is an international student in Wang Quan's class. As the number one film school in Asia, Nortel has many international students every year. There are five Japanese and Korean students in their small director class, and Umekawa Hideo is one of them.

With an acquaintance present, Wang Quan had no worries and took a taxi there immediately.

When he arrived at the place, he opened the door and saw a group of middle-aged men drinking and masturbating. Kon Satoshi stood up to greet him, and Umekawa Hideo introduced him, "Monitor, this is director Katsuhiro Otomo, this is the manga artist Junji Ito, and this is a manga The old thief Iefu Ken Yoshihiro..."

(The next chapter will have to wait until after 0 o'clock, sorry~)

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