You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 65 Can't You Kneel Down For Me?

Su Chen smiled and said, "You can do it, kid. I haven't seen you for two years and you have provoked so many forces. I am impressed by you."

Lin Fan scratched his head and said sheepishly: "Oh, I can't help it. There are too many idiots looking for trouble. If I don't kill them, I will feel very uncomfortable."

Su Chen shook his head and smiled, but said nothing.

He is worthy of being a child of luck. If he doesn't like someone, he will kill him immediately regardless of his background.

Lin Fan hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Master, I fell in love with a woman in a secret realm before."


Su Chen showed a surprised expression.

The heroine of Luck appears so soon?

Su Chen stared at Lin Fan and smiled: "How far has it progressed? Have you reached bed?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan's face turned red and he said a little shyly: "Master, can you be more serious? How can you be so fast?"


Su Chen laughed, "Are you still shy?"

Lin Fan lowered his head and remained silent. At this moment, his face was visibly red.

Master is really not serious at all.

Who is not shy when you ask such a question?

Su Chen smiled and said, "When will I bring it to my master?"

Lin Fan raised his head and looked at Su Chen, with some hesitation in his eyes, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Su Chen immediately hit Lin Fan on the head with his finger. Lin Fan quickly covered his head in pain and took a breath of cold air.

Why does Master's finger hit me so painfully?

Su Chen smiled and said, "If you fart, just let it go, it's your mother-in-law's fault."

Lin Fan smiled awkwardly, took a deep breath, and said seriously: "Her family thinks that I have no strength and no background, so they don't agree with me being with her."

After listening, Su Chen suddenly realized.

The Son of Luck at the beginning has very low strength and background, while the heroine of Luck has a demonic talent and a monstrous background.

Well... he is indeed a child of luck!

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan and smiled: "Since you like that woman, you must show enough talent. Let me ask you, do you have the confidence to defeat the younger generation?"

Lin Fan nodded without hesitation, "Yes!"

This word is full of confidence!

Su Chen smiled and said, "Okay, then you can take me to her family now."

Lin Fan hesitated and then said, "Her family is really extraordinary."

Su Chen smiled, "Don't worry, as long as you have the confidence to defeat the younger generation, I will be your background!"

Hearing this, Lin Fan showed a smile on his face, "Okay!"


On this day, Su Chen and the two came to a mountain top. Su Chen smiled slightly and then pointed out!


A terrifying force directly shattered the world, and a secret realm appeared in front of the two of them.

"Be bold!"

At this time, countless terrifying auras surged from the secret realm. Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of terrifying strong men flew out from the secret realm. They stood in the void, filled with terrifying aura. At this moment, they stared angrily at Su Chen and two others.

The leader said angrily: "Who are you? How dare you run wild in my Shangguan clan's place!"

Su Chen looked at the man and said calmly: "Call your clan leader to come out. I have something to discuss with him."


The leader said disdainfully: "Who are you, that you are worthy of meeting the clan leader?"

When Lin Fan heard this, a surge of anger surged into his heart. He turned his head and looked at Su Chen. Seeing Su Chen's calm face, most of the anger in his heart immediately disappeared, and he sighed helplessly.

Alas, I still have to learn from Master. Even if I am looked down upon by others, I will still be as calm as water. I will still continue to work hard!

At this time, an extremely terrifying and powerful aura spread from Su Chen's body, and with the emergence of this coercion, the whole world was trembling, as if in fear!

Not only that, the pressure was so strong that the expressions of everyone present changed. At this moment, they could no longer bear the terrifying pressure and knelt down on the spot.

No one can resist!

Including Lin Fan!

At this moment, everyone just felt that countless stars were pressing on their backs. Even if they released their powerful power, it was still useless. As time passed, they could not even think of resisting in their hearts.

At this moment, everyone looked at Su Chen with shock and fear in their eyes.

Who the hell is this boss?

Just the coercion emanating from them left them with no ability to resist!

So scary!

The leader's face suddenly turned bitter, and deep regret surged into his heart.


He knew that he had definitely provoked a terrifying boss. Even if Su Chen was willing to let him go, the Shangguan clan would not!

At this time, more than a dozen terrifying imperial powers erupted from the secret realm. However, when this imperial power came into contact with the terrifying aura emanating from Su Chen, it was instantly shaken away!

Seeing this scene, countless strong men's pupils shrank suddenly, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

Even the half-emperor can't resist this terrifying pressure?

Damn it!

It’s over!

This is really a boss!

Everyone stared at Su Chen with fear on their faces.

"Su Shenzi, please don't be angry. This time it is indeed my Shangguan clan who is at fault. I apologize to Su Shenzi!" At this time, more than a dozen half-emperors walked out of the secret realm. The leader was a middle-aged man. The young man was wearing a green robe. Even though he was middle-aged, he was still handsome.

Shangguan Jingang, the chief of the Shangguan clan!

Behind him were the elders of the Shangguan clan. These elders were all half-emperors and extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Shangguan Jingang and all the elders looked solemn.

Su Chen glanced at Shangguan Jingang and others and spoke softly.

"Kneel down!"


As the two words fell, Shangguan Jingang and the elders knelt down directly.

Damn it!

At this moment, everyone's minds were blank and they were all frightened!

Even the Half-Emperor is kneeling when he comes?

Shangguan Jingang looked at Su Chen with a look of horror on his face and was extremely shocked in his heart.

He never expected that Su Chen would make him kneel down directly!

That’s fucking outrageous!

As if remembering something, he was even more shocked.

Isn't this Su Chen the Great Emperor?

Damn it!

No way?

This thought startled him as soon as it appeared.

Su Chen is the Great Emperor?

How can this be!

How old is he?

Moreover, the imperial path has not yet been opened, how can he become emperor?

Shangguan Jingang was thinking about whether Su Chen was the emperor at this moment.

If so, that would be really outrageous!

Su Chen stared at the powerful man from the Shangguan clan with an expressionless face.

Lin Fan pulled at the corner of Su Chen's clothes and said awkwardly: "Master, I'm still kneeling."

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Lin Fan and said with a smile: "Sorry, I forgot that you exist."

Lin Fan: "..."


Am I still your disciple?

Don't I want to lose face?

Lin Fan hesitated and said, "Can you dispel the pressure on me?"

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan and said, "What? You are my disciple, why don't you kneel down for me? If you are so anxious, you don't regard me as your master, right?"

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