You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 54 Even A Great Emperor Has To Kneel!

Three days later, Su Chen and Ye Lingxi were walking on the road.

Ye Lingxi said at this time: "Brother, where are we going now?"

Su Chen said calmly: "The Forbidden Land of the Netherworld."

The Forbidden Land of the Netherworld!

This is a forbidden land that has existed since the birth of the Immortal World. Rumor has it that as long as anyone dares to step into the Netherworld Forbidden Land, they will never be able to come back, even the Great Emperor is no exception!

Ye Lingxi was stunned. She had seen this forbidden place in the underworld before in ancient books. She asked curiously: "What are you doing there?"

Su Chen replied: "You have just fought a real battle now, but it is not enough. I heard that there is a fun gadget in the Netherworld Forbidden Land. That gadget can help you improve your fighting awareness."

Ye Lingxi nodded, "Oh."

She didn't seem to be worried at all about the consequences of entering the Netherworld.

No way, who told her to have an invincible brother?

Not afraid at all!

Soon, Su Chen and the two came to the Netherworld Forbidden Land. The Netherworld Forbidden Land was a forest with tall trees. The place was filled with gloom and weirdness. If they looked carefully, it was pitch black inside with no light at all.

Su Chen took Ye Lingxi into the Forbidden Land of the Netherworld. The moment they entered, a dark wind blew. There seemed to be a pair of invisible eyes peering at the two of them, with coldness, emptiness and endless terror. .

Ye Lingxi swallowed, a little scared. After all, she had little experience, so it was normal to be scared. When she took Su Chen's hand, the fear in her heart disappeared.

My brother is here, what are you afraid of?

The two walked for a long time, and the surroundings became increasingly weird.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying force instantly locked Su Chen and the two of them, and then, above the void, a strange giant hand struck towards the two of Su Chen.

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and looked calm. He only glanced at the giant hand lightly.


That giant hand was shattered in an instant!


A voice of doubt came, and the next moment, a man appeared in the void. This man had purple hair, wore a black robe, and looked weird all over his body.

The man stared at Su Chen, a little surprised, but he didn't say anything. The terrifying imperial power contained a strange force that swept away from him.

next moment!

The other person disappeared directly, and when he appeared, he was already in front of Su Chen. Then, he punched out, and the terrifying fist intention surged out from his fist, shattering the world in an instant!

Su Chen looked calm and slowly raised his hand.


The terrifying shock wave immediately spread to all directions, and the surrounding giant trees were instantly shattered.

The man's pupils shrank suddenly, because Su Chen was holding his hand at the moment! He didn't have time to think too much and wanted to withdraw his right hand, but it didn't move at all.

There was a trace of anger in his eyes, and then he used his left palm as a knife to cut off his right hand. At this moment, his figure quickly retreated and distanced himself from Su Chen.

He glanced at his empty right shoulder, and then looked at Su Chen, with solemnity in his eyes.

Who is this person?

How terrible!

Not daring to be careless, he turned around and ran away, but the moment he turned around, a terrifying force instantly enveloped him, making it impossible for him to take a step forward. His heart was heavy, but he did not speak.

Su Chen and the two came to the man. Just as Su Chen was about to speak, the power in the man's body boiled instantly, and then his body bulged into a ball.


There was only a loud noise, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared between the sky and the earth, which was extremely terrifying.

The man's self-destruction did not hurt Su Chen or the other two at all!

Su Chen's eyes were as calm as water. He could stop the man from self-destructing, but he didn't think it was necessary. What could he say to someone who could directly choose to self-destruct?

Su Chen took Ye Lingxi and continued walking deeper. On the way, Su Chen met many people who looked like the man before, but they were all killed by Su Chen.

These are all minions, he can just go to the boss directly.

Soon, Su Chen came to the deepest part of the Netherworld Forbidden Land. There was a hall here. The hall was as dark as ink and extremely strange.

"Interesting, is there another person who is desperate for his life?" At this time, a hair-raising voice came from the hall.

At this moment, the door of the main hall was opened, and a woman walked out. The woman was dressed in black. The black clothes showed off her exquisite figure to the extreme. Her beautiful face revealed a hint of enchantment, and she was surrounded by... Mysterious power.

The woman looked at Su Chen and raised the corners of her mouth slightly, "Hey, why are you so handsome? Then you can stay with your sister!"

As she spoke, a terrifying black power suddenly surged out of her body. This black power was extremely strange and terrifying. The woman stretched out her hand and squeezed it.

The next moment, the black mysterious power in her body instantly condensed into a giant hand, and then it was grabbed at Su Chen. The terrifying aura exuded by the giant hand was even more terrifying than the peak half-emperor ninth level!

Su Chen calmly spoke out one word slowly.


As soon as the word fell, the giant palm dissipated in an instant!

The woman raised her eyebrows and stared at Su Chen, "Interesting."

As soon as she finished speaking, a black long sword floated in front of her. At this moment, she also realized that Su Chen was not simple, so she didn't dare to be careless, directly held the long sword, and then slashed at Su Chen!

A sword of ten thousand feet was slashed towards Su Chen. This sword contained that mysterious power. Thousands of galaxies were shattered in an instant under the cover of this sword of power!

The power of one sword sweeps across millions of miles!


No matter how terrifying the sword intent was, it still dissipated after the word fell.

In the distance, the woman's brows were furrowed and her expression was solemn. At this moment, a terrifying imperial power surged out of the woman. As soon as this imperial power appeared, a million miles around began to boil!

She is a great emperor!

The woman appeared in the void. She stepped on the Three Thousand Avenues, her expression was indifferent, and her terrifying pressure was extremely frightening.

She raised her right hand and pointed it at Su Chen. Then, millions of sword intentions appeared behind her. Each sword intention was enough to kill any half-emperor in an instant!


Just listen to a harsh sound, millions of swords vibrated, and then poured down like a sudden rain, with a huge force, giving people an unstoppable feeling of powerlessness!


Another word fell, and millions of sword intentions dissipated in the sky!

The woman's pupils shrank suddenly, feeling horrified.

How could this man be so terrifying?



The woman suddenly fell from the void and fell to the ground heavily on her knees.

Even a great emperor has to kneel down to Su Chen!

Damn it!

The woman was stunned. At this moment, she only felt that tens of thousands of stars were pressing on her back, unable to move. At the same time, a mysterious and terrifying force locked her tightly. If she dared to resist, that force would Erase her instantly!

The woman swallowed, her whole body seemed to have been struck by lightning, her eyes revealed incredulity.

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