

The emperor's power swept through the sky, and the two figures retreated tens of thousands of meters away at the same time. Ye Meng stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and Lei Yuning did the same in the distance!

Lei Yuning stared at Ye Meng, "How about we give it 50-50 for this fairy mine?"

Ye Meng said coldly: "Fifty-fifty? I want the whole fairy mine!"

Hearing this, Lei Yuning's face suddenly darkened, and he said ferociously: "Then fight!"


The two fought together again. Lei Yuning's face was ferocious. He suddenly appeared above Ye Meng's head, and then a terrifying power surged out of his body. Then, he clasped his hands together and slammed down.

Thousands of mountains and rivers began to shake!


At this moment, a sword cry resounded through the sky, and thousands of sword intentions surrounded Ye Meng. Ye Meng's expression was cold, and then he slashed with his sword!

The power of a sword is so terrifying!


The terrifying shock wave swept away in all directions, and everything in the world was shattered to pieces in an instant!

Seeing this, everyone gasped and fear appeared on their faces.

The battle between these two is simply terrifying!

Wang Xuanzhi and the three others had solemn expressions at this moment, and at the same time they were extremely shocked.

If they faced Ye Meng and Lei Yuning, they would probably be beaten instantly on the spot.

They felt bitter in their hearts. They were both half-emperors, so why was there such a big gap?


Terrifying explosions rang out in the sky. Ye Meng and Ye Meng didn't give in to anyone. They seemed to be on top of each other, and they all used their strongest cards.

In the crowd, Su Chen shook his head.

He had no interest in continuing to watch children fighting. He slowly walked towards the Fairy Mine.

Someone noticed Su Chen and frowned.

Is this person crazy?

Didn't you see the two half-emperors fighting? How dare you go there.


He is very good-looking, but unfortunately he is a fool.

Soon, Su Chen was getting closer and closer to the Fairy Mine, and because of this, more and more people noticed him. Everyone was puzzled by Su Chen's behavior.

"court death!"

At this moment, Ye Meng and the two men who were fighting also noticed Su Chen, and they suddenly became furious.

There are actually ants that dare to covet the fairy mine!

Should be killed!

The two of them shot towards Su Chen at the same time, with overwhelming murderous intent.

Su Chen stopped and looked at the two people who were heading towards him with a calm expression. He put one hand behind his back, slowly raised the other hand, and then pressed it down again.

"Kneel down!"


Not only Ye Meng and the two, but also everyone watching the battle from a distance, as these two words fell, they suddenly felt a sense of suffocation, and then, a mysterious supreme power instantly crushed them to the ground.

At this moment, the sky quietly became quiet.

Everyone held their breath, their faces full of confusion and disbelief.

What happened?

At this moment, they were all confused.

Ye Meng and Lei Yuning were like five thunders hitting their heads at this moment. They stood there blankly, as if they were petrified.

Kneel down... Their strong men at the ninth level of the Half-Emperor kneel down like this!

How can this be!

They looked at Su Chen, and their hearts were filled with turmoil. At this moment, their whole bodies trembled.

The only one who can make them resistless is the Great Emperor!

The man in front of me is a great emperor!

The breath of death made the two of them breathless.

The world is very quiet, only the sound of the wind can be heard.

At this moment, a sense of fear surged into everyone's hearts. Their eyes widened and they wanted to take a breath of cold air, but fear was stuck in their throats and they could not take a breath.

Damn it!

Who the hell is this boss?

You told them to kneel down and they knelt down?


It’s so outrageous that it’s even at grandma’s house!

At this time, Su Chen looked at Ye Meng and Lei Ningyu.

Ye Meng and the two men suddenly felt that the breath of death was getting closer and closer to them. They hurriedly trembled: "Senior...Senior Rao Ping!"

At this moment, the two of them felt extremely bitter.

In fact, with the strength of the two of them, they can walk sideways in the immortal world, because they are at the ninth level of the Half-Emperor Realm and are invincible existences in the entire immortal world!

However, they never expected that they would meet a big boss as soon as they came out.

Oh shit!

Damn unlucky!


Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and said calmly: "There are ten taboo forces in total. Which one are you?"

"I'm from the Leaf Clan!"

"I'm from ThunderClan!"

Ye Meng and Lei Yuning did not dare to hesitate and spoke quickly.

Su Chen nodded and continued: "Let's go."

As soon as the words fell, the mysterious power pressing on the two of them disappeared.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Ye Meng and Ye Meng were stunned, "Do you really want to let us go?"

The two of them were a little confused. They thought they were dead, but they didn't expect Su Chen to let them go?


Su Chen raised his eyebrows, and Ye Meng and the others trembled.

"Let's leave now!"

"Senior, say goodbye!"

With that said, their figures disappeared directly.

Su Chen raised his head and looked at the horizon without speaking.

The reason why he let them go was not because he was afraid of their backgrounds, but because he could have lost two enemies, so why provoke two enemies? Although he is not afraid, he does not want to have ants constantly trouble him in the future.

At this time, Su Chen glanced at the people in the distance. Everyone trembled, held their breath, and did not dare to speak.

Only the three half-emperors Wang Xuan forcibly calmed down the fear in their hearts, then clasped their fists and shouted respectfully: "Senior!"

They are half-emperors, and their state of mind is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary monks.

Su Chen withdrew his gaze and then looked at the Immortal Mine. Then, with a wave of his hand, the entire Immortal Mine was brought into the system space by him.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened, their mouths opened wide, with expressions of disbelief.

This...what operation is this?

Where's the Fairy Mine?


That first mine is hundreds of thousands of feet long!

The result is just like that?


Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and turned to leave.

Looking at Su Chen's leaving figure, everyone felt in awe and did not dare to show any disrespect.

The woman then spoke: "Who is this senior? Why do I have no memory of him?"

Wang Xuanzhi shook his head and said: "There are countless powerful people in the immortal world, how can we know about them?"

The middle-aged man said nothing, turned and left.

On the spot, Wang Xuanzhi and the woman lowered their heads, their minds constantly recalling the scenes that had happened before, and their hearts were extremely heavy.

What happened this time had a big impact on them. They originally thought that they were already at the top of the immortal world, but they didn't expect that there were so many strong people in this vast immortal world. This also makes their Taoist minds somewhat unstable.


Wang Xuanzhi let out a long sigh, "It seems that it's better to keep a low profile in the future. Let's go."

After that, he disappeared directly on the spot

The woman's expression was gloomy. After a while, she stopped thinking about it and disappeared.


Outside a secret realm.

At this moment, a battle was taking place above the void. At this moment, Yang Xiao suddenly appeared in front of the Demon Lord, and then, he punched the Demon Lord in the chest.

The Demon Lord flew out on the spot, spurting out a mouthful of blood on the way. At this moment, Zhou Qian suddenly appeared behind him. He glared hard, gathered terrifying power in his right palm, and then struck out with a palm!

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