You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 38 Then I Will Let You Be The Emperor!

Su Chen nodded and said with a smile: "Okay!"

Afterwards, he appeared to be hesitant to speak.

Qin An also noticed it and said with a smile: "You came to see my mother this time. Something must have happened, right?"

Su Chen nodded awkwardly.

Qin An smiled and said, "Just tell me."

Su Chen hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Mom, have you arranged a marriage for me?"

Qin An was stunned for a moment, and then she understood something instantly. She smiled and said, "Do you want to break off the engagement?"

Su Chen nodded and said nothing.

Qin An sighed helplessly, "You are really not young anymore, it's time to get married."

Su Chen said: "But I don't want to get married yet."

Qin An shook his head and said helplessly: "It's up to you."

Su Chen was overjoyed, "Mom, do you agree to my breaking off the engagement?"

Qin An rolled his eyes, "What else? If you don't want to get married, can mother force you to do it?"

Su Chen laughed, "Mom is so kind!"

Qin An shook his head and said, "I'm not good. I just want to hold my grandson now."

Su Chen's face froze, he was silent for a moment, and said: "I promise mother, if I meet a woman who makes my heart beat, I will get married to her immediately!"

Hearing this, Qin An finally showed a smile on his face, "It's good if you think so."

After that, she continued: "You have to cancel the engagement yourself, so you can go and talk to the emperor of the Great Xia Empire yourself."

Su Chen smiled slightly, "As long as mother agrees, then the emperor of the Great Xia Empire will definitely agree too!"

Qin An shook his head and smiled, and said: "Okay, okay, you can stay here with me for a few days this time, and we'll talk about the rest later!"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Okay!"


Time flies quickly, and six days pass in the blink of an eye. On this day, Su Chen said goodbye to Qin An, and then headed to the Daxia Empire. After four days of traveling, Su Chen finally arrived at the capital of the Daxia Empire.

The bustling capital city of the Great Xia Empire is dizzying. The streets and alleys are bustling with people, the shouts of various businesses are rising and falling, and the literati in the restaurant are writing poems and writing poems, and they are so happy.

Su Chen was sitting on the second floor of the restaurant, sipping wine and looking at the scenery outside, wondering what he was thinking.

Not far away from him, there were several little girls, their faces flushed, staring at Su Chen intently.

Da da da......

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps coming from the stairs, and a vague fragrance floated in the air. In response to the sound, I saw a woman walking slowly to the second floor.

The woman's skin is as smooth as jade, smooth and delicate, and her pair of long and slender jade legs make people feel restless.

Everyone on the second floor looked at her with straight eyes. Even so, no one dared to go up and strike up a conversation, because they knew that this woman was definitely not an ordinary person and was not someone they could mess with.

The woman walked towards Su Chen, a smile gradually appeared on her face. Soon, she came to Su Chen and sat down opposite Su Chen naturally.

The woman smiled and said, "What? I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you miss me?"

Speaking of this, she said with a slightly resentful tone: "You didn't tell me that you were here? Do you still think of me as your fiancée?"

Su Chen glanced at Ji Ningbing lightly, "Guess what I'm here for?"

Ji Ningbing blinked, "Aren't you here to find me?"

The corner of Su Chen's mouth raised slightly, "Looking for you? You're overthinking it. I'm here to break off the engagement this time!"

Ji Ningbing's smile froze. After a long time, she whispered: "Your mother agreed?"

Su Chen took a sip of wine, then nodded without saying anything.

Ji Ningbing was silent. She thought Su Chen came to see her specially.

There was a hint of bitterness in her heart for some reason.

She stared at Su Chen, "Am I not worthy of being your wife?"

Su Chen shook his head, put down his wine glass, and said, "Not really."

Ji Ningbing asked: "Then why?"

Su Chen said: "What else could it be because of? It must be because I didn't play enough!"

These words were so direct that Ji Ningbing was stunned.

Su Chen continued: "Besides, I have only met you a few times, and I have no feelings for you. If you look like this... you won't fall in love with me, right?"

Ji Ningbing was silent for a moment, and then said: "My father already knows what you did in Yingtian Academy, and the Xia clan has been ordered to kill the nine other clans by my father!"

She did not answer Su Chen's question.

Su Chen acted very calmly, "What does it have to do with me?"

Ji Ningbing stared at Su Chen and said, "They took a fancy to your talent and background. Do you know what that means?"

Su Chen took a sip of the wine in his glass and said nothing.

Ji Ningbing continued: "It means that they can't agree to your breaking off the engagement. Your talent and background are too terrible, and they are afraid of it. At the same time, they are very lucky to have you marry me in the first place. If you want to break off the engagement now, they will never agree!"

Su Chen smiled slightly and looked at Ji Ningbing, "Do you know why I came here to break off the engagement with you?"

Ji Ningbing frowned and asked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Su Chen said: "I came to break off the engagement, just to give my mother face. Do you think I am giving face to your Daxia Empire? I told your father to break off the engagement, how dare he disagree? If he dares not agree, I don't mind letting your empire Change the emperor!"

After listening to Su Chen's words, Ji Ningbing fell silent.

Yes, how dare the Great Xia Empire not agree to break off the engagement?

Although what Su Chen said was arrogant, he had the capital to be arrogant!

The Su Clan, Yingtian Academy and the Qin Clan, with such a huge background, why would the Great Xia Empire dare to disagree!

If she really made Su Chen unhappy, she couldn't even imagine how terrible the consequences would be!

After thinking about this, Ji Ningbing looked at Su Chen and begged: "If my father and the others don't agree, can you just suppress them instead of killing them?"

She knew that her father would definitely not agree to Su Chen's breakup of the engagement, so she was very afraid that she would offend Su Chen and make the entire Great Xia doomed!

Su Chen did not speak, but ate the cake.

Seeing this, Ji Ningbing's face showed uneasiness, her heart was pounding, and her whole body was tense.

Suddenly, Su Chen smiled and looked at Ji Ningbing, "Why are you so nervous?"

Ji Ningbing: "..."

Why do you think I'm nervous?

She was speechless for a while.

Su Chen said at this time: "Don't worry, I will not destroy your Daxia Empire. If your father is ignorant, then I will let you be the emperor of Daxia!"

After listening to the first half of Su Chen's words, Ji Ningbing breathed a sigh of relief, but when she heard the second half, her heart became anxious again. She hesitated, and then said: "My father..."

Before she finished speaking, Su Chen suddenly said, "If you keep doing this, I won't give you face."

The tone was a little cold.

Feeling the chill around her, Ji Ningbing sighed in her heart and said nothing more.

She also realized that she had indeed gone too far.

She sighed again in her heart.

Father, I tried my best!

If you seek death in the future, then I will have no choice but to take over the throne with tears in my eyes!

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