You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 35: Damn! He Is The Dean’S Son!

Before he had time to think about what was going on, he looked up into the void and shouted angrily: "What are you looking at? Why don't you save me!"


Above the void, the surrounding space suddenly shattered, and then, terrifying auras poured out of the void like a tide!

The next moment, nine figures instantly surrounded Su Chen. One of them stared at Su Chen and said coldly: "Let him go, and we will save you from death!"

When the people around him saw this, they looked at Su Chen.

This man is finished!


At this time, Su Chen laughed loudly, "Interesting, really interesting!"

He really finds it interesting. Isn't it interesting to be threatened by his own power?

Everyone frowned.

What does he mean?


Or were you frightened?

Su Chen glanced at the nine people, and then used his right hand hard!


Song Jingshan's neck was pinched and exploded!

Seeing this scene, everyone looked in disbelief.

Do you really dare to kill him?


"you wanna die!"

After the nine people reacted, they suddenly became furious, a terrifying aura erupted from their bodies, and then they all took action!

The whole world suddenly shook, like a big earthquake, shocking!

Su Chen looked calm. He looked up at the sky and said helplessly: "Mom, if you don't come out, it will be very difficult for me!"


Hearing this, everyone frowned, not understanding what Su Chen meant.

"Haha, I just saw you kill a Saint King in seconds. I thought you could defeat them, so you didn't come out." At this moment, a gentle and moving voice sounded.

Hearing this voice, the nine masters seemed to realize something, and then suddenly stopped.

At this time, a terrifying aura that destroyed the heaven and earth came over like mountains toppling over, and the entire space boiled at this moment!


Except for Su Chen, everyone was overwhelmed by this terrifying aura and fell to the ground.

Everyone was confused.

Damn it!

what happened?

The world shattered suddenly, and then a woman walked out. The woman was wearing a long gold dress, with an unparalleled appearance, eyebrows like moths, red lips and white teeth. Her temperament is elegant and noble, making people unable to take their eyes away.

And the woman is none other than Su Chen’s mother, Qin An!


The academy disciples recognized Qin An's identity and exclaimed.

At this moment, everyone recalled what Su Chen said before.


Damn it!

Isn't that person the dean's child?

Everyone's eyes opened wide, and their whole bodies turned to stone, like sculptures.

They also didn't expect that Su Chen's identity was so outrageous, that he was actually the dean's child!

Who can compare to this background?

Damn it!

In the distance, Xia Qingan clenched her fists, with a complicated look on her face, and a surge of regret.

If...if I had just been on his side, wouldn't it be...

Thinking of this, she held her hands tighter.


She really regrets it!

The nine masters felt uneasiness and fear in their hearts at this moment.

How smart are they?

The moment Qin An's voice sounded, they knew Su Chen's identity.

Qin An looked at Su Chen, smiled slightly, and said softly: "I didn't expect that in just more than ten years, you would be able to kill a Saint King in an instant. Not bad, not bad, he deserves to be my son!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was like a thunderbolt, and they froze in place.

They had doubts before, but now, they were completely convinced that Su Chen was their dean's child!

Su Chen shrugged, "Just good luck."

Everyone: "..."

God damn luck!

Holy King!

That is a holy king!

Can you defeat it just by being lucky?

Are you kidding me?

Qin An shook his head and smiled, "You kid."

Then, he glanced at the nine masters.

The nine masters trembled all over, knelt down quickly, and shouted in a trembling voice: "The director of the hospital!"

Qin An did not speak, but looked at Su Chen and said with a smile: "Watch them and deal with them. After they are dealt with, you come to me and we can have a chat."

Su Chen nodded and said: "Okay!"

Qin An smiled sweetly, and then disappeared from the spot.

Su Chen looked at the nine masters.

The nine masters quickly shouted: "Young Master!"

At this moment, they were trembling all over and feeling uneasy.

Su Chen said calmly: "I'll give you two choices. One, you commit suicide and I won't hold your family responsible. Two, you resist and then you will be slaughtered together with the nine clans."

Hearing this, the faces of the nine masters instantly turned pale, without any color at all.

The people around him fell silent after hearing what Su Chen said.

This dean’s kid is so cruel!

One master was unwilling and said in a deep voice: "Young Master, if we die, who will teach the disciples in the academy?"

Su Chen glanced at him lightly and said nothing.


The sword light flashed and instantly penetrated the master's brow. The master's eyes widened, and then he lost his breath.


Seeing this scene, everyone swallowed their saliva and felt horrified.

They didn't expect that Su Chen would take action directly after a disagreement.


So scary!

Su Chen calmly shouted: "Here comes someone!"


A figure suddenly flew out of the cabinet of Yingtian Academy. This figure stayed in front of Su Chen. He was an old man.

The old man was bent over with a frown on his face. Even so, the terrifying aura exuding from his body made everyone present feel suffocated.

The old man lowered his head and shouted respectfully: "Young Master!"

Su Chen said calmly: "There is no need for the family behind him to exist."

The old man nodded, turned and left.


Su Chen shouted at this time.

The old man paused and turned to look at Su Chen.

Su Chen pointed at Song Jingshan's body and said, "There is no need for the family named Song to exist."

The old man nodded and disappeared.

At this moment, everyone around them did not dare to breathe, and minimized their presence, for fear of making Su Chen uncomfortable and killing the family behind them.

no way!

Su Chen's sense of oppression is too strong!

Su Chen looked at the remaining eight masters and said nothing.

The eight masters were silent. Originally, they wanted to beg for mercy, but they saw the fate of the one in front of them.


They sighed in their hearts, then looked firmly, stopped talking nonsense, raised their right hands, and then slapped them between their eyebrows.


They directly wiped out their own souls!

In the end, they chose to commit suicide.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt a chill and looked at Su Chen in horror, with respect deep in their eyes.

On the spot, Su Chen whispered: "Should we kill the family behind them as well?"

Although the voice was very small, everyone around him still heard it, and they looked in disbelief.

Damn it!

People have committed suicide, and they are still unwilling to let the family members go!

He...he's the devil, right?

At this moment, they decided in their hearts that they must take a detour when they see Su Chen in the future!

Su Chen thought for a while, then shook his head, "That's all, after all, they are teaching here at my mother's house, so there is no credit but hard work."

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