You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 280 Su Chen Is The Immortal Emperor?

At this moment!

He was numb!

Although he had just been possessed by the demon, he knew everything that happened!

The silver-haired man in front of him was outrageous!

A strong breath of death enveloped him.

He was scared!

Really scared!

He was afraid of death!

He didn't want to die yet!

Cao Zhihong's face was as pale as paper, his body trembled involuntarily, his breathing stopped, and only the fear of death remained in his eyes, "Spare my life, spare my life! I don't want to die yet, I don't want to..."


The sword flashed, Cao Zhihong's voice stopped abruptly, his expression froze at this moment, his eyes were full of unwillingness, fear of death and regret.


His head slid from his body, and his breath of life completely disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the field was full of excitement.

"Good! Good kill!"

"Colluding with the demons, damn it!"

"If I can, I really want to cut him into pieces!"

"Those human ancestors used up their lives to exchange for the stability and tranquility of the human domain today, but now someone betrays the human race, damn it!"


At this moment, everyone was extremely excited and angry.

Chen Wuhen stared at Cao Zhihong's body, frowning, with a solemn expression.

An elder asked: "Master, what's wrong?"

Chen Wuhen shook his head, "Nothing."

Seeing this, the elder nodded and said nothing more.

And Chen Wuhen's eyes were still solemn.

For some reason, he always felt that things were not that simple.

After a moment, he shook his head and said: "These things should be managed by those big guys, why should I care about these?"

At the same time, Su Chen turned his head and looked at the million cultivators.

Seeing Su Chen's look, the million cultivators were shocked, their faces turned pale, their foreheads were covered with beads of sweat, and their expressions became tense.

However, Su Chen only glanced at them and then looked away.

Seeing this, millions of cultivators breathed a sigh of relief, their tense nerves gradually relaxed, and their eyes were full of gratitude.

Grateful that Su Chen did not argue with them, grateful that Su Chen did not kill them.

And they did not hesitate, turned around and ran.

No one in the field stopped them.

Chen Wuhen appeared in front of Su Chen at this time, looking at Su Chen, he was full of respect, clasped his fists and bowed, saying: "Thank you, Elder Su Chen, for killing the traitor of the human race."

Su Chen shook his head and said nothing.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Chen Wuhen said: "Elder Su Chen, I think the identity of the elder is still unfair to you, why don't you be the ancestor of the Sword Sect, and we will call you the ancestor of the Sword Sect in the future."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the field.

"Oh my god, the ancestor of the Sword Sect? Sure, sure, I agree!"

"I agree too!"

"Me too!"


Listening to the voices around him, Su Chen stretched out two fingers and rubbed his eyebrows, feeling a little headache, "What are you doing?"

Chen Wuhen smiled, "Really, the elder has wronged you too much, the ancestor is worthy of your status."

Su Chen looked at Chen Wuhen deeply and said speechlessly, "Just the little abacus in your heart, don't think I can't see it."

Hearing this, Chen Wuhen showed an embarrassed look on his face.

The reason why he wanted Su Chen to be the ancestor of the Sword Sect was because he wanted to take the relationship between Su Chen and the Sword Sect to a step further.


If he could hold such a thigh, his Sword Sect would be invincible!

If anyone dares to bully the Sword Sect in the future, just shout, go and invite the ancestor Su Chen!

At that time, let's see who dares to bully his Sword Sect!

It's just that his little abacus was discovered by Su Chen.


Playing tricks in front of such a big guy, am I crazy?

Chen Wuhen sighed and cursed himself in his heart.

Su Chen suddenly said: "Ancestor? Not bad, after all, I have never been an ancestor."

Hearing this, Chen Wuhen's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Do you agree?"

Su Chen nodded and said: "Just be an ancestor for fun."

Although this was very rude, it made Chen Wuhen extremely happy and excited.



Our sword sect can also hold it on our lap!

After the excitement, Chen Wuhen didn't hesitate at all. He immediately knelt down on one knee and said respectfully: "Greetings to the ancestor!"

Seeing this scene, all the elders and disciples in the field did not hesitate and knelt down on one knee.

"Greetings to the ancestor!"

They shouted in unison, like thunder, shaking the whole world!

Jian Xin looked at Su Chen, his eyes full of admiration. At the same time, he became more determined to become a being like Su Chen.

He clenched his fists and said with firm eyes, "I will work harder in the future."

Su Chen shook his head and smiled. At this moment, he actually regretted becoming the ancestor. However, since he had already become the ancestor, how could there be any reason to regret it?

Smiling, he said: "Since you all recognize me as your ancestor, I can't help but express my gratitude. Let's just let each of you advance to a small level."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers.



next moment!

The auras of everyone in the field surged wildly, and then, they all broke through!

It's everyone!

Including Chen Wuhen and a group of elders!

And Chen Wuhen broke through to the Immortal Holy Realm on the spot!

At this moment, everyone in the venue was stunned!

Damn it!


Just such a breakthrough?

Damn it!

Damn it!

Everyone who reacted was like boiling water, boiling instantly. One or two people were full of excitement and disbelief.

In an instant, everyone's realm was elevated!

Holy shit!


That’s awesome!

Chen Wuhen was still confused at this moment.

He did not expect that he, who had been trapped at the ninth level of the Immortal Lord Realm for tens of thousands of years, would break through at this moment!

Immortal Saint!

His lifelong wish was fulfilled!

At this moment, he felt like he was dreaming.

Not just him, everyone in the venue felt like they were dreaming!

It's really incredible.

In an instant, the realm of everyone present was elevated.

This is outrageous!

Unnatural means!

Can the Immortal Emperor do it?


It is impossible for the Immortal Emperor to do it!

Immortal Emperor?


Immortal Emperor!

Only the Immortal Emperor may be able to do it!

Su Chen is the Immortal Emperor!

Thinking of this, everyone in the venue looked at Su Chen and trembled all over.

Trembling with excitement!

They actually have an ancestor from the Immortal Emperor Realm!

Damn it!


The more they thought about it, the more excited they became!

Immortal Emperor!

The most pinnacle existence in the entire fairy world!

But at this moment, they recognized an Immortal Emperor as their ancestor!

Damn it!

Who dares to mess with us from now on?

Just become invincible!

The most excited person in the field should be Chen Wuhen.

Because of his decision, the entire Sword Sect instantly stood at the pinnacle of the immortal world!

Therefore, he is really excited now, so excited that his body can't stop shaking.

Wang Teng's heart was pounding, as if his heart was about to jump out. He looked at Jian Xin, "Why didn't you tell me earlier that your master is the Immortal Emperor?"

Kenshin smiled bitterly, "I didn't know Master was the Immortal Emperor either!"

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