You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 276 I Gave It To You!

The next moment!

The sky suddenly cracked, and then a giant palm slapped out from the crack of time and space!

Chen Wuhen's hair stood up immediately, and he dared not be careless. He raised his hand and swung a sword!

As soon as this sword came out, the whole time and space trembled!


The moment the giant palm touched the long sword, a terrible shock wave broke out.


The sword intent was broken!

Chen Wuhen felt that he was hit by an irresistible force, and his body was like a kite with a broken string, and was slapped away by the giant palm.

During the flight, his internal organs were directly shattered, and then he spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood was mixed with various pieces of meat.

He flew a million miles before he barely stopped. After stopping, he spit out blood again, and his face turned pale.

After all, the Immortal King Realm cannot defeat the Immortal Saint Realm.

The gap in strength!

Chen Wuhen looked a little ugly, but he quickly regained his composure, and then he killed Cao Zhihong again!

Since the decision to start a war has been made, there is no reason to think about anything else.

Just do it!


Jianxin hesitated for a moment, then looked at Su Chen, "Master, I want to help."

Su Chen glanced at Jianxin, then shook his head, "Leave it to me."

Hearing this, Jianxin smiled, "Okay."

With Su Chen's words, he felt relieved.


Cao Zhihong looked at Chen Wuhen who was coming to kill him, and said coldly: "You don't know whether to live or die!"

After saying this, he slowly raised his right hand.

The next moment!

Powerful forces suddenly emerged from all directions.

At this moment, Cao Zhihong clenched his right hand fiercely, and then the forces from all directions rushed towards Chen Wuhen like a tide.

Everywhere he passed, he was swallowed up!

It was extremely terrifying!

Chen Wuhen's pupils suddenly shrank, and then he shouted angrily and slashed with a sword!

The sword blade cut through the sky with endless power, as if it was going to split the whole world in half.

At this moment, Chen Wuhen's momentum reached its peak!

Because he had a feeling that if he didn't use his full strength, he would die!

So, he swung the sword with all his strength!


The terrifying shock wave, carrying unparalleled power, spread in all directions, and in an instant it spread to millions of miles away!


But at this moment, Chen Wuhen's sword intent suddenly shattered, and then, the terrifying power from all directions instantly swallowed him up!


His body exploded on the spot!

Only a soul was left in place.

At this moment, everyone stopped fighting and looked at Chen Wuhen, who only had a soul left.

All the disciples of the Sword Sect had red eyes and unwillingness in their eyes.

They knew that they had lost!

The Sword Sect was finished!

Millions of cultivators smiled with pride and ridicule on their faces.

Chen Wuhen looked at his body, shook his head helplessly and smiled, "Is this the gap between the Immortal Lord Realm and the Immortal Saint Realm?"

Cao Zhihong looked at Chen Wuhen coldly, "I really don't know who gave you the courage to fight me."

"I gave it to you." Suddenly, a calm voice resounded in everyone's ears.

Everyone in the field looked at the sound.

I saw a man in white, stepping on the void.

He had snow-white silver hair, a handsome and perfect face, and a unique temperament.

Looking at this man in white, except for those who knew Su Chen, everyone else looked confused and curious.

"Who is he?"

"I don't know, but judging from his temperament, he should be extraordinary."

"Haha, what's so unusual? I think he's just a young boy who doesn't know how to live or die."


Millions of monks were discussing and looking at Su Chen with disdain.

An assessment disciple below said: "Elder Su Chen has taken action!"

Another person said: "These people are finished, Elder Su Chen is very strong!"

One man said: "Yes, a snap of the fingers can have such great power, even Cao Zhihong can't do it, right?"


Looking at Su Chen, Chen Wuhen and all the elders had smiles on their faces, and at the same time, they felt relieved in their hearts.

Fortunately, Su Chen took action. If he hadn't taken action, the entire Sword Sect would have been doomed!

Chen Wuhen's pressure is the one with the greatest pressure.

Because it was his decision from the beginning to the end. If Su Chen didn't take action, the entire Sword Sect would be destroyed.

Then he will become a sinner for the ages!

But fortunately, he made the right bet!

Cao Zhihong looked at Su Chen, frowned, and said coldly: "What did you just say?"

Su Chen looked at Cao Zhihong, "Are you deaf?"

Hearing this, Cao Zhihong narrowed his eyes with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, but he did not take action immediately.

If Su Chen dared to talk to him like this, he wouldn't believe it if he didn't have any confidence.

Could it be that there is someone behind him?

Thinking of this, Cao Zhihong thought he had guessed correctly, and a smile appeared on his face, "Call the people behind you to come out."

Su Chen raised his eyebrows, "Are you stupid?"


Veins popped up on Cao Zhihong's forehead, and a terrifying aura continued to pour out of his body.

For a long time!

He hasn't been scolded like this for a long time!

very angry!

He is really angry!

Su Chen said calmly: "Just listen to me scolding you, why are you still so impatient?"


Cao Zhihong couldn't bear it anymore and immediately shouted angrily, then made a hand seal.

next moment!

The world is changing, the situation is changing!

Countless terrifying thunders resounded between heaven and earth, extremely terrifying!

At this moment, a statue of a god suddenly appeared behind Cao Zhihong.

The statue is solemn and solemn, tens of thousands of feet tall, clad in golden armor, shining brightly, and awe-inspiring.

Feeling the aura of the statue, everyone stopped breathing and fear filled their hearts.

"Die to me!"

Cao Zhihong's expression turned ferocious, and then he slapped Su Chen with his palm!

At the same time, the statue slowly raised its right hand and slapped it towards Su Chen.

The palm of the statue contained the power to destroy the heaven and the earth. The space of millions of miles around was suddenly shattered and then shattered.

So scary!

Seeing this terrifying palm, everyone in the scene felt only despair.


Horrible enough to make them despair and collapse!

Even Chen Wuhen and the elders doubted whether Su Chen could withstand this palm.

At this time, Su Chen only had calmness on his face, and no emotion could be seen.


As the words fell, the statue suddenly stopped in place, motionless.

Just when everyone was confused, the statue suddenly exploded and completely disappeared between the sky and the earth.

At this moment, there was no sound in the field, only the heartbeat could be heard, and nothing else could be heard. The world was as silent as death.

Everyone froze in place, their eyes were dull, and their eyes were full of disbelief.


It’s just gone!

The idol that made them despair was just gone!

Damn it!



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