You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 269 The Paranoia And Stubbornness Of A Sword Cultivator!

Wang Teng reacted and looked up at Jian Xin. Looking at Jian Xin, his eyes suddenly turned red and he said, "Good brother, although I don't know why you are here, I really thank you. Otherwise, I would have died just now." "

Kenshin shook his head, "Don't say such things."

As he spoke, he stared solemnly at the ferocious beast in the Golden Fairy Realm, "How did you provoke this ferocious beast?"

Hearing this, Wang Teng was silent for a moment, and then said in annoyance: "I was greedy yesterday and happened to see an egg. I didn't care so much at the time. I just baked the egg and ate it. Just when I could eat it. , this ferocious beast appeared, and then...then I was chased all the way..."

After listening to Wang Teng's words, Jian Xin covered his forehead and said, "You are so greedy, you dare to eat any eggs."

Wang Teng smiled bitterly and said: "If I knew that this was an egg laid by a ferocious beast in the Golden Fairy Realm, I would not dare to eat it even to death! Even if...even if I eat it, I will take it to a far away place to eat it."

Kenshin said speechlessly: "My child, you are invincible and completely hopeless."

At the same time, the ferocious beast from the Golden Fairy Realm suddenly set its sights on Jian Xin.


It roared, thousands of mountains collapsed, and time and space boiled like boiling water, which was extremely terrifying.

This roar was full of violence and anger, which showed how angry the beast was at this moment.

It’s no wonder people are so angry. Who wouldn’t be angry if their child was eaten? The beast is no exception.

Wang Teng was frightened by the roar, his eyes were full of fear, and he quickly hid behind Jian Xin, "Jian...Brother Jian, save me!"

Jian Xin's mouth twitched, feeling helpless in his heart. He shook his head. He looked at the ferocious beast and said in a deep voice: "You are not weak in intelligence. I know you can understand what I say..."


Before he could finish his words, the ferocious beast roared again, with overwhelming anger and murderous intent in its eyes. Obviously, it didn't want to listen to Kenshin's nonsense.


Kenshin let out a long sigh and his expression became serious.

In this case, he has no choice but to fight!

At this moment, the ferocious beast suddenly spread out its limbs and rushed towards Kenshin and the others. On the way, it opened its huge mouth and a stream of blazing blue flames spurted out like a torrent.

The terrifying blue flame carries the power to destroy everything. Everything it passes by is ignited and melted. It's so terrifying!

Jian Xin's face changed drastically, he grabbed Wang Teng, who was paralyzed by fear, and ran away to the left.

As soon as their front legs left, the blue flame from their back legs hit the spot where they were just now.

A huge hole was burned there instantly!

If Kenshin had been that late, he would have been burned to ashes.

Jian Xin steadied his body, his eyes full of solemnity, and he did not dare to hesitate anymore. He threw Wang Teng aside and took a step forward.


A terrifying sword intent shook from his body, and the sword light shone between heaven and earth!

At this time, Jian Xin suddenly slashed at the ferocious beast in the Golden Fairy Realm in the distance!

With this sword strike, time and space were directly torn apart, and the sword intent instantly reached the top of the beast!

The ferocious beast's eyes flashed with ferocity, without any fear in its eyes, and it actually hit the sword with its own body!


The world shook, and the terrifying shock wave spread millions of miles away in an instant!

And after the fierce sword strike, the beast's skin only suffered a slight injury, which is completely negligible!

Kenshin stared at the ferocious beast, his eyes full of shock!

He didn't expect that this beast's defense was so powerful!

Only he knew how terrifying that sword strike just now was, but no matter how powerful his sword strike was, it only caused a little superficial wound to the ferocious beast.

At this moment, the ferocious beast suddenly struck the sword's heart with a palm. The terrifying palm carried monstrous power and was extremely terrifying!

The sword's heart looked solemn, and then, a sword thrust out!


The sword heart instantly retreated tens of thousands of feet away, and at this moment, the ferocious beast actually hit him!

Jian Xin had no time to dodge. In desperation, he grasped the light mark sword tightly, and then thrust out with all his strength!




There was a loud noise in the sky and the earth, and the sword intention was shattered at this moment!

The beast's huge body hit Kenshin hard!

Kenshin vomited a mouthful of blood on the spot, and then his whole body was directly knocked out. He flew a million miles before he reluctantly stopped!

Stabilizing his body, he spit out a mouthful of blood again, his face turned pale, and no trace of blood could be seen.

That collision directly severely damaged all the internal organs in his body!

This is not bad. If it were any other monk, he would probably be killed on the spot!

The sword that was still in the center of the sword withstood most of the damage, otherwise it wouldn't have been just a serious injury to the internal organs, and the physical body would have been lost!

The ferocious beasts in the Golden Fairy Realm also seemed shocked that Kenshin was able to block his own collision, so they did not continue to attack.

Seeing this scene, Wang Teng was dumbfounded, with a look of disbelief on his face. Jian Xin could actually fight against the ferocious beasts of the Golden Fairy Realm?

Damn it!


You know, Kenshin is only in the heavenly realm!

He has never seen such a defiant person in the fight between Heavenly Immortal Realm and Golden Immortal Realm!

It was at this moment that he understood what it means to be a true evil genius!

At the same time, the ferocious beast from the Golden Fairy Realm rushed towards Jian Xin again. Every time he took a step, the ground would tremble violently and then crack.

Kenshin took a deep breath, not daring to show any carelessness in his eyes, because he knew that if he dared to be careless, he would be dead in an instant!

Looking at the ferocious beast that was heading towards him, he slowly closed his eyes. Then, he took a step, opened his palms, and a sword intent shot into the sky from his palms.


This sword struck hard on the huge body of the ferocious beast, but in an instant, the sword began to crack and then shatter!

But at this time, Kenshin struck out with another sword.

If one sword doesn't work, then use another sword!


This sword hit the beast's body again, but it only caused a little superficial injury to it.

At this moment, Kenshin suddenly disappeared from where he was.


A harsh sword sound resounded between heaven and earth.

next moment!

I saw Jian Xin holding the light mark sword tightly with both hands, and then swung it hard towards the head of the ferocious beast in the Golden Fairy Realm!

Invisible sword!

This time, he poured all the power in his body into this sword.

Because he knew that it was impossible for ordinary attacks to cause harm to the ferocious beasts in the Golden Fairy Realm.

A blow with all your strength might just have the slightest chance of causing any damage to it.

In fact, he could have asked Su Chen to help, but he didn't because he felt that he had to solve the cause and effect himself.

If Su Chen were to help, what would it be?

So even if he died in battle, he would not ask Su Chen to help.

Perhaps this is the paranoia and stubbornness of a swordsman.

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