You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 253 What Are You Pretending For!


Ao Wei laughed loudly, and then looked at Su Chen with cold eyes, "There is no need for my Dragon Clan to exist? By you? Or by your Xuandian?"

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and looked at Ao Wei calmly without saying a word.

Ao Wei sneered, "Boy, don't think that just because you are Su Yanche's son, you can be so arrogant."

Su Chen's face was expressionless, and then he slowly stretched out his right hand.

"Stinky Loach, what's wrong with my son being so arrogant?" But at this moment, Su Yanche suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen.

Looking at Su Yanche, Ao Wei's eyes flashed with solemnity.

He was still very afraid of Su Chen Yan Che. Legend has it that the Immortal Emperor was killed by Su Chen Che!

Kill the Immortal Emperor!

To be honest, even if he wants to kill an Immortal Emperor, it is basically impossible.

Immortal Emperor!

That being is already standing at the top of the entire fairy world. How could he be killed?

Even if the Immortal Emperor cannot defeat a strong enemy, he can still escape. It is easy for an Immortal Emperor to escape.

So you can imagine how difficult it is to kill an Immortal Emperor.

But Su Yanche did it!

This is shocking!

Therefore, facing Su Yanche, Ao Wei did not dare to be careless at all, and could only be deeply solemn.

Looking at Su Yanche's back, Su Chen silently retracted his right hand, and then asked: "Dad, weren't you fighting with the Xingchen Immortal Emperor? Why are you back?"

Hearing this, Su Yanche said helplessly: "There's nothing I can do. That stupid Star Emperor knew how to run away when he fought with me. Seeing that I managed to seriously injure him, and when I was about to kill him, this smelly loach appeared. , I was worried that something might happen to you, so I hurried back, and the Xingchen Immortal Emperor also took the opportunity to escape. "

After listening to Su Yanche's words, Su Chen looked helpless.

In fact, he really wanted to say, Dad, you don't have to come back, I can take care of this stinky loach.

Ao Wei suddenly said angrily: "Su Yanche, don't bully others too much! I am a fucking dragon! A dragon!"

At this moment, Ao Wei felt that he had been greatly humiliated.

In all his life, this is the first time someone has called him a stinky loach!

He couldn't stand it at all!

It’s hard not to be angry!

So fucking insulting!

Su Yanche looked serious and said, "Yes, I understand, you stinky loach."

Su Chen: "..."

Everyone in the field: "..."


Ao Wei couldn't bear it any longer, so he roared angrily, and the divine beast emperor's power swept out in an instant, directly annihilating all living things within millions of miles.

So scary!

Everyone's faces suddenly turned pale, and fear and despair surged into their hearts like a tide.

Su Yanche waved his hand, and the terrifying power contained in the roar disappeared instantly.

Everyone's expressions returned to normal at this time, and they let out a long breath, looking frightened.

The roar just now almost shocked them to death, it was so terrifying!

Su Yanche looked at Ao Wei gloomily, "Damn, what are you pretending to be in front of me?"

As he spoke, he spread his right hand, and a black spear appeared in his hand. The next moment, he killed Ao Wei directly!

Terrifying power looms between heaven and earth!

When Ao Wei saw Su Yanche coming towards him, a flash of hostility and rage flashed in his eyes. Then, he twisted his body and bit at Su Yanche!

Originally, he didn't want to fight Su Yanche. After all, he was still very afraid of Su Yanche's strength.

He wanted Su Chen to let the young man go and then leave.

As for Lin Fan...he didn't want to kill him either.

There was no way, Lin Fan was Su Chen's disciple, he wanted to kill him, but he couldn't!

If he takes action against Lin Fan, Su Chen will definitely take action. If Su Chen takes action, Su Yanche will take action as well.

So he couldn't kill Lin Fan at all!

But he never expected that Su Yanche would humiliate him in this way, which he couldn't bear anymore.

No matter whether he can beat him or not!

Let’s fight again!

Even if you can't beat him, just run away!


The battle between one man and one dragon was truly devastating, and the area soon began to collapse and die out because it could no longer bear their battle.


Everyone in the field was also affected by the battle. If Su Chen hadn't taken action in secret, no one in the field would have survived.

At this moment, everyone was attracted by the battle between Su Yanche and Ao Wei, and they didn't realize that anyone was helping them resist the terrifying aftereffects of the battle.

Only one person noticed!

That is Yan Qingwu!

Yan Qingwu's face was full of doubts.

Something is wrong. It stands to reason that we should not be able to withstand the aftermath of the battle between the two Immortal Emperors, but why are we okay until now?

Yan Qingwu frowned. At this moment, she noticed Su Chen standing in the distance with his hands behind his back.

Looking at Su Chen, she kept frowning, "Could it be him..."

Speaking of this, she didn't dare to say anything more, but showed a look of disbelief.

If it was really the residual power of the battle that he helped to resist, wouldn't he be the Immortal Emperor?

Damn it!


Yan Qingwu took a breath, her eyes filled with shock.

But if not, who can help us resist the residual power of the battle?

Thinking of this, Yan Qingwu's expression became confused, and she kept thinking in her mind.

At the same time, in order to protect everyone in Xuan Palace from the impact of the battle, Su Yanche deliberately showed weakness and ran away.

Ao Wei thought that Su Yanche couldn't beat him, so he was overjoyed, and then frantically chased Su Yanche.

Looking at the direction they were leaving, someone trembled: "Is this... is this the battle of the Immortal Emperor? How terrifying!"

Another person wondered: "Why do I feel that the palace master is at a disadvantage? It shouldn't be!"

A man replied: "The palace master is probably afraid that their battle will affect us, so he deliberately showed weakness and lured the Dragon Clan Immortal Emperor away."

Hearing this, the man suddenly realized, "That's it."


At this moment, the time and space of this world suddenly shattered, and then, a figure appeared in the field.

This figure was surrounded by wisps of clouds and mist, making it unclear whether it was a man or a woman. What was shocking was that this person was filled with the aura of the Immortal Emperor!

This is an Immortal Emperor!

The faces of everyone in the field changed drastically, and a sense of fear filled the air.

Yan Qingwu stared at that figure with solemn eyes. After thinking for a moment, she was shocked and said: "You are the Immortal Emperor of the Stars!"

Hearing this, the crowd instantly became excited.

"What the hell! Star Immortal Emperor? Wasn't he beaten away by the palace master? Why is he back again?"

"Isn't he just here to take action against us because the palace master is away?"

" can't be right? As an Immortal Emperor, he shouldn't be so despicable to bully us ants, right?"


Everyone in the field couldn't help but turn pale, and their eyes were full of fear.

At the same time, Xingchen Immortal Emperor's eyes fell on Yan Qingwu, "Interesting, how did you tell?"

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