You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 25 Seize The Body!

In the Ziyun Mountains, a figure continued to shuttle among them. After a long time, the figure stopped, and when she stopped, her face was clearly seen.

Nangong Guyue!

Nangong Gu Yue suddenly fell to her knees, her eyes were red, she looked at the night sky, and roared: "Why... why is he so strong!"

In fact, she had been in the Star Holy Land before. When she saw Jiang Yi being killed instantly, she was stunned. He never expected that Su Chen was so terrifying.

And at that moment, she suddenly felt something was not good and ran away in advance, and did not stop until here.

Nangong Gu Yue roared, a sense of regret filling her heart.

If...if I had let go of the arrogance in my heart, would the result have been different?

She lowered her head and kept asking herself.

But where are there so many ifs in the world?

Nangong Guyue laughed, tears streaked down her cheeks and fell to the ground.

"Jie Jie Jie."

At this moment, a strange laughter sounded.


Nangong Gu Yue suddenly raised her head and looked around, feeling secretly vigilant in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, little girl, I can help you." The strange voice sounded again.

Nangong Guyue narrowed her eyes slightly and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

"Jie Jie Jie, you will know when you come here." That strange voice seemed mysterious.

At this time, a red light loomed in the void, seeming to be leading the way for Nangong Gu Yue.

Nangong Gu Yue was silent on the spot, not knowing what she was thinking. After a long time, she seemed to have made some decision. She took steps and followed the red light, but she still maintained a high degree of vigilance in her heart.

After walking for almost a quarter of an hour, the red light led Nangong Guyue to a cave. There was a sinister wind inside the cave, which was strange and gloomy.

As he continued to go deeper, Nangong Guyue's expression became more solemn.

After walking for a while, the red light suddenly disappeared, and there was an altar in front of Nangong Gu Yue. The altar was carved with various dense runes.

Next to the altar, there is a coffin, which is also engraved with inscriptions.

"Jie Jie Jie, you're here." The strange sound sounded again, coming from inside the coffin.

Nangong Guyue stared at the coffin and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

A strange voice said: "Jiejiejie, who am I? I can't remember it clearly, but everyone in the world calls me the evil god."

Nangong Gu Yue recalled it, and there was no memory of the evil god in her memory. She then asked, "What did you mean by what you said before?"

The Evil God said: "I can see that you are troubled, but when you have a power that can destroy everything, then you will no longer have troubles in the world."

Nangong Guyue narrowed her eyes slightly, "What do you mean?"

The evil god said confidently: "I can give you power!"

Nangong Guyue sneered, "Can you give me power? I'm afraid it's not that simple, right?"

She still believed what the evil god said, because her intuition told her that the evil god was not simple.

The Evil God said: "You little girl is quite smart, yes. If you want power, you must agree to one condition."

Nangong Guyue asked: "What are the conditions?"

The evil god said: "As long as you surrender to me for three hundred years! You have to do things for me during these three hundred years, and you can leave after three hundred years."

Nangong Guyue was silent and did not speak.

Of course she didn't believe this evil god's lies, but what could she do now?

The evil god was right. If she had enough strength, even if she wanted to be the leader of the Nangong clan, who would dare to object?

Nangong Guyue suddenly said: "How much power can you give me?"

"Jie Jie Jie."

The evil god laughed, but the sound was so low that Nangong Guyue didn't hear it.

He said: "This power can allow you to dominate the fairy world!"

Nangong Gu Yue was stunned, "Are you sure you're not crazy?"

Obviously, she doesn't believe it, but it's not surprising that she doesn't believe it. You know, there are countless terrifying beings in the fairy world. These terrifying beings don't dare to claim to dominate the fairy world. How dare he, the evil god?

The evil god smiled and said: "Little girl, you have to open up the pattern. In this fairy world, the person you think is the strongest is trash in my eyes."

Nangong Gu Yue said nothing, just stared at the coffin.

The evil god said at this time: "It's useless if I tell you too much. After all, your vision is too low, so it's normal not to believe it."

Nangong Guyue: "..."

This is the first time someone has said that she has low vision.

The evil god continued: "In a word, do you want this power?"

Nangong Guyue was silent, and she was also very confused at this moment.

Time passed by, and the evil god was not in a hurry, quietly waiting for Nangong Guyue's answer.

At this moment, Nangong Gu Yue seemed to have made a decision in her heart. She took a deep breath and said, "Okay!"

"Hahaha! Okay!"

The Evil God laughed loudly, and then said: "Go and sit cross-legged on the altar."

Nangong Guyue looked at the altar, walked up without hesitation, and then sat cross-legged.

Evil God said: "Relax, don't be nervous, it will be quick."

The words have fallen!

The altar suddenly erupted with a dazzling red light, and then, the runes on the ground and the runes on the coffin suddenly lit up.

At this moment, mysterious power surged out from the coffin, and then this power surged towards Nangong Gu Yue.


As soon as the mysterious power entered the body, Nangong Guyue burst out with the power of the Holy Realm!

She broke through!

Nangong Gu Yue's aura became more and more powerful, and in just a moment, her realm reached the critical point again.

The next moment, power that did not belong to the holy realm burst out from her body!

She broke through again!

And this is not over yet, her aura is still getting stronger!

At this moment, the coffin was suddenly opened, and then a red light rushed directly into the center of Nangong Gu Yue's eyebrows.

Nangong Guyue suddenly opened her eyes at this moment. Her eyes were red, her face was distorted, and she roared: "You want to take my body away!"


The Evil God laughed loudly, "It's too late now!"


Nangong Guyue suddenly screamed and fell to the ground with a ferocious face. At this moment, she only felt that her soul was being cut bit by bit with a knife!

She had never experienced this kind of pain, and she couldn't help but roar wildly in pain, and her whole body was shaking violently.

This lasted for half an hour before she sat up suddenly and roared: "How can I let you occupy my body?"

After finishing her words, she quickly formed seals with her hands.

next moment!

The muscles and bones in her body suddenly erupted with an extremely frightening cold air, and her blood boiled!

At this moment, an ice phoenix suddenly flew out of her body!

The ice phoenix screamed, then opened her noble ice feathers, and then directly wrapped Nangong Guyue.

And at this moment, Nangong Guyue's pain eased a little, and she even began to counteract the power of the evil god!

"You actually possess the Ice Phoenix Divine Body!"

The evil god was shocked and spoke. He never expected that Nangong Guyue actually had a special physique!

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