You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 247 I Don’T Like Raising My Head To Talk!

The old man in blue robe said solemnly: "It can be said that the Star Palace back then was one of the most powerful forces in the entire human domain!"


The old man in plain robes looked confused, "Shouldn't it be the strongest? How could it be one of them? Was there any other force stronger than the Star Palace at that time?"

The blue-robed old man nodded solemnly, "Yes, there was a taboo force stronger than the Star Palace at that time!"

The old man in plain robe was shocked and asked: "Which one is it?"

The old man in blue robe solemnly said: "Xuan Palace!"


The old man in plain robes frowned and kept thinking in his mind, "Why haven't I heard of this force?"

The old man in blue robe said: "Because this force is very mysterious and low-key, it rarely appears in people's sight. If it weren't for the Xuan Palace not wanting to fight for it, then that position in the Star Palace would not be available."

The old man in plain robes was stunned, "Is this Xuan Palace so awesome?"

The old man in blue robe nodded, and then said seriously: "You are so awesome, let me tell you, as early as I don't know how many thousands of years ago, there was a strong Immortal Emperor who killed the people of Xuandian, guess what happened next? "

The old man in plain robes said anxiously: "Stop showing off! Speak quickly!"

The old man in blue robe did not hesitate and continued: "Later, Xuandian learned about this incident, and that night, the Immortal Emperor and the taboo forces behind him were all slaughtered!"


Hearing this, the old man in plain robes widened his eyes, full of shock. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it. Finally, he slowly uttered two words, "Awesome!"

The old man in blue robe said: "Although there was no evidence at that time to prove that Xuandian did it, everyone knows that the slaughter of the Immortal Emperor and the forces behind him is absolutely inseparable from Xuandian!"

At the same time, the young man was looking at Su Chen carefully, his eyes solemn.

Although Su Chen was just suspended in mid-air and did nothing, the pressure emanating from his body made the young man's heart beat faster.

Something's wrong!

The young man's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, he was sure that Su Chen was definitely not simple, but he didn't panic at all.

There is no other reason, just because he is an immortal saint!

He didn't believe that Su Chen could be stronger than him!

On the other side, Su Chen hugged Lin Fan and walked to the ground step by step.

Looking at this scene, someone said: "Isn't this person too calm? Moreover, he doesn't seem to take that person seriously at all."

Another person said: "I'm afraid this person is not as simple as we thought. He is definitely a big shot, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm!"

A man said in a deep voice: "What if he is just faking it?"

A woman replied: "You are pretending to be awesome. When facing that guy, how about you pretend to be awesome?"

The man was immediately struck speechless.


The young man just looked at Su Chen quietly and did not rush to take action.

Su Chen placed Lin Fan on the ground, and then pointed a finger between Lin Fan's eyebrows. In an instant, an extremely strong life force surged into Lin Fan's body.

Lin Fan's injuries and the hole in his chest recovered instantly.


"What method is this?"

"This young man suffered such a serious injury, but he was able to heal it in an instant. It's incredible!"

"This person may really be a big boss!"


Everyone in the venue was excited, with a look of shock on everyone's face.

The two old men were also shocked and speechless.

You must know that Lin Fan's injury is very serious. Even with the help of elixir, it is difficult to heal quickly, at least it will take several years.

However, Su Chen was able to heal Lin Fan's injuries in an instant, which was really outrageous.

The young man's face was solemn at this moment, and he was equally shocked in his heart.

He knew the extent of Lin Fan's injury best, and it was possible to cure it in a short time, but the method Su Chen used really shocked him.

He has never seen such a method!

At this moment, he did not dare to show any contempt and looked at Su Chen with extremely serious eyes.

He knew that Su Chen was probably more complicated than he imagined!

Although Lin Fan's injuries had recovered at the moment, he did not wake up immediately, probably because he was too tired.

Su Chen glanced at Lin Fan, shook his head slightly, and then turned to look at the young man in the air.

When the young man saw Su Chen looking at him, he couldn't help but tighten the spear held in his right hand. At the same time, a chill filled his heart.

Su Chen looked at the young man and said calmly: "I don't like to raise my head and talk to people, so please kneel down."


As the last word fell, the young man suddenly felt hundreds of millions of stars pressing on him. His body fell from the void, and then he knelt heavily on the ground.

Damn it!

The young man was completely stunned as if he had been struck by lightning.

And everyone in the venue was dumbfounded.

The young man actually knelt down!

Kneel down!

Without the ability to resist, just kneel down!

At this moment, everyone's faces were filled with disbelief.

They had seen how powerful the young man was, but at this moment, he was suppressed at will!

If someone asks him to kneel down, he will do so!

Damn it!

It’s outrageous!

The old man in blue robe trembled and said: "I...I'm so crazy...he...does he be more outrageous?"

Everyone was looking at Su Chen now, their eyes full of fear and apprehension.

The young man could not recover from his confusion for a long time.

Su Chen was really frightened by him.

It directly shattered his cognition!

You know, he is an immortal saint!

Still a dragon!

However, Su Chen just said a casual word, and he knelt down without any resistance!

No resistance!

Just like ants!

But how is this possible!

If you want to suppress him instantly, even the Immortal Lord cannot do it!

Could it be... could he be the Immortal Emperor?

Thinking of this, the young man took a deep breath and turned pale.

It was hard for him not to believe that Su Chen was the Immortal Emperor. If he wasn't the Immortal Emperor, how could Su Chen suppress him at will?

So Su Chen must be a powerful person in the Immortal Emperor Realm!

But if Su Chen is really the Immortal Emperor, then he is definitely doomed.

It’s over!

The young man's eyes were full of despair, and he looked at Su Chen cautiously. His body was trembling, and fear almost filled his heart.

He is scared!


He had never been so scared before, Su Chen was really scary.

He has never seen such an outrageous person!

At the same time, Su Chen looked at the people watching in the distance and said, "Kneel down, too."


An invisible terrifying pressure instantly suppressed everyone present to the ground!


At this moment, the world was as silent as death.

Everyone was struck by thunder and turned to stone.

who are we?

What the fuck is wrong with us?

Damn it!

At this moment, everyone's faces were full of fear.

Endless fear!

Just let them kneel down!

Who wouldn't be afraid?


It's really scary!

Horrible enough to make them despair!

The original understanding of the world of immortality was completely overturned at this moment!

To be honest, they really feel like ants at this moment, who can be wiped out at will, and their lives don't belong to them.



Guess what kind of power Xuandian is?

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