You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 245 The Fate Is Over!

At this moment, Liu Mengli did not suffer any injuries, but her body became more and more transparent.

The young man stared at Liu Mengli and said in disbelief: "You are just a soul, how can you resist my two shots? Who are you!"

To be honest, the young man felt extremely shocked and heavy at this moment.

What was shocking was that Liu Mengli was able to block two of his shots without being destroyed!

You know, Liu Mengli is just a divine soul!

And the young man is a real strong man in the Immortal Saint Realm!

Logically speaking, he only needed one shot to kill Liu Mengli's soul, but he used two shots without killing Liu Mengli!

This shocked him.

The heavy thing is that Liu Mengli was able to block two of his shots, which shows that Liu Mengli was definitely a terrifying and strong man during his lifetime!

It may be an existence even stronger than the Immortal Saint Realm!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to block the young man's two shots with just one soul!

At this moment, the young man's eyes were solemn as never before.

Liu Mengli ignored the young man's words and swung out his sword. The bloodthirsty sword immediately slashed out a red crescent moon.

The red crescent moon gradually grew larger, and in the blink of an eye it ballooned to a size of tens of thousands of feet!

Looking at the red crescent moon, the young man stopped thinking and stabbed out decisively!


With a loud noise, the red crescent moon was directly destroyed by the young man's shot!

And at this moment, Liu Mengli appeared on top of the young man's head. Then she slashed at the young man's head with her sword!

The young man was not afraid at all, and immediately shouted angrily. In an instant, a dazzling golden light burst out from his whole body.


The bloodthirsty sword struck the young man's head hard!

However, this sword attack only made a very shallow crack in the young man's head.

At this moment, the young man smiled evilly and stabbed Liu Mengli with a spear. With this shot, he used all his strength!

He wanted to kill Liu Mengli with one blow!

Liu Mengli was shocked and did not dare to be careless. She took advantage of the situation and blocked the bloodthirsty sword in front of her.


Countless spear intentions crisscrossed the sky and the earth, and Liu Mengli also flew out at this moment. As she flew, her body became more transparent!

But she quickly stabilized her body and glanced at the increasingly transparent body, with a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at the young man and then disappeared.

The same goes for young people!

The two continued to fight in the air, but as time went by, Liu Mengli gradually became a little struggling.

There was nothing that could be done about it, she was just a spirit. It was incredible to be able to fight an immortal saint for so long, but to defeat the young man, it was probably impossible.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Lin Fan saw the right moment and punched the old man in blue robe beside him. The punch hit the old man in blue robe like a mountain.

The old man in blue robe was shocked and did not dare to be careless. He also punched out!

Although it is a left fist, the power of this punch cannot be underestimated!


The world exploded, and Lin Fan and the old man in blue robe flew out at the same time.

While Lin Fan was flying, Lin Fan suddenly felt his hair stand on end and felt a sense of crisis coming over him.

His face was distorted, he turned around suddenly and swung his right fist at the same time.


A terrible shock wave swept away immediately, and Lin Fan flew out again, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned a little pale.

Apparently, he was seriously injured.

The old man in plain robes couldn't help but curse: "You can react to sneak attacks, you're so damn perverted!"

Lin Fan knelt down on one knee, covered in blood, and his own aura was extremely weak.

Even so, he still maintained his energy, because he knew that if he dared to relax, he would say goodbye to this world in the next second.


Just at this moment, a loud noise came from a distance.

Lin Fan, the two old men, and everyone looked over.

In the void, Liu Mengli's figure was falling rapidly, and finally fell heavily to the ground!


Lin Fan's eyes were red, and he hurried to Liu Mengli.

Liu Mengli was no different from a transparent person at this moment, as if she would completely merge with the air and disappear in the next second.

Looking at Liu Mengli at this moment, Lin Fan's body trembled, and tears unconsciously slid down his eyes.

He knew that if Liu Mengli wanted to escape, she would definitely be able to escape, but she didn't, and still chose to fight with the young man in the state of spirit. The reason for this was entirely because of him!


He knelt in front of Liu Mengli and said in a trembling voice: "Senior...Senior..."

Liu Mengli opened her eyes with difficulty, and what came into view was Lin Fan's tearful face.

Looking at Lin Fan, she forced a smile on her face, "It seems that our fate has ended here."

Lin Fan's body trembled, and he shook his head quickly, "No, no! Senior, nothing will happen!"

Liu Mengli shook his head slightly, "I know my body myself, I won't exist for long."

Lin Fan's face was full of tears at this moment, and his eyes were red, "No, senior, don't worry, I won't let you die, Master! Yes! Find Master, Master must have a way!"

Liu Mengli said weakly: "In the future... Don't be arrogant... Keep a low profile... It's better..."

After saying the last word, her body completely dissipated in this world.

Lin Fan stared blankly at the place where Liu Mengli disappeared, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.


At this time, he suddenly roared.

This roar contained emotions such as sadness, pain, unwillingness, etc.


And at this moment, Lin Fan suddenly erupted with an extremely terrifying force, and his hair turned red at this moment!

Everyone looked at this scene, and their faces changed.

Because at this moment, Lin Fan's momentum reached an unprecedented peak, extremely terrifying, and everyone was frightened.

Lin Fan picked up the bloodthirsty sword beside him, then slowly stood up, and then turned to look at the young man in the distance.

His eyes were red, with blood and tears, and the murderous intent in his eyes condensed into substance.

Looking at Lin Fan's eyes, the young man was shocked.

Lin Fan was really too scary at this moment, and the monstrous murderous intent emanating from his body enveloped the entire world.


At this moment, Lin Fan suddenly disappeared!

On the way, his body began to burn, followed by his soul!

His breath became more terrifying at this moment!

His face was hideous, with madness in his eyes, and then he stabbed the young man with a sword!

Return to one!

This sword contains all the power in Lin Fan's body!

It's all!

He has not a drop left!

He only wants to kill the young man now, even if he has no power after using this sword, he will not hesitate!

You know, if there is no immortal energy in the body, it is a terrible thing. At that time, even an ordinary person can kill Lin Fan!

So Lin Fan is really crazy this time!

He completely disregards all consequences!



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