You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 240 About The Immortal Realm!

Seeing the fallen heart flames surrounding his body, Lin Fan looked excited and excited. Then, he clenched his right fist and thought.

next moment.

The terrifying strange fire actually enveloped Lin Fan's fist.

Lin Fan looked up and without any hesitation, he punched out!


In an instant, countless fist intentions carrying terrifying strange fires emerged from the fist light.


With a loud noise, the entire sky was directly exploded by this punch, and the terrifying strange fire spread quickly to the surroundings, and the entire space and time was melted in an instant!


Looking at this scene, the excitement in Lin Fan's eyes almost overflowed, and his body was trembling with excitement, "This... this strange fire is so strong!"

Just now, he just wanted to test the power of the Fallen Heart Flame wrapped in his fist, but he never expected that the power of this punch would be so strong!

If he didn't wrap the Fallen Heart Flame and just punched it, it would definitely not be so powerful.

A punch wrapped with Fallen Heart Flame is dozens of times stronger than without it!

It's enough to instantly kill any monk below the fifth level of the True Immortal Realm!

To be honest, this is really a bit outrageous.

Which good person can kill any monk below the fifth level of the True Immortal Realm with one punch just after breaking through to the True Immortal Realm?

Needless to say, Lin Fan is indeed the son of luck!

Same as cheating.

Of course, if you want to say that the person who cheats the most is Su Chen.

That’s outrageous!

Liu Mengli suddenly said: "This Fallen Heart Flame is ranked 20th on the Alien Fire Ranking. Of course it is strong!"

Hearing this, Lin Fan was stunned, and then his eyes widened, "Such an awesome alien fire is only ranked 20th? How awesome would it be if it were the first, second, or third ranked alien fire?"

After saying that, he became excited.


Liu Mengli sneered, "I know what you are thinking now, but let me tell you, your idea is unlikely to be realized."

Lin Fan frowned, "Why?"

Liu Mengli said: "The second-ranked strange fire belongs to my eldest sister, and the first and third-ranked strange fires, even I have only heard about them but have never seen them. So, you want to get the top three. Alien fire is unlikely."

After listening to Liu Mengli's words, Lin Fan's eyes flashed with disappointment, "Oh, so that's how it is."

Liu Mengli said again at this time: "However, I do know where there is a strange fire, and this strange fire is still ranked ninth."

Hearing this, the disappointment in Lin Fan's eyes disappeared, and he excitedly said: "Where is it!"

Liu Mengli said: "You are still too weak now. I will tell you when you are stronger."

Lin Fan curled his lips and said, "Okay."

Liu Mengli said speechlessly: "Aren't you happy? Let me tell you, looking for that strange fire with your current strength is tantamount to seeking death! Moreover, you haven't even thoroughly studied the strange fire of Fallen Heart Flame, so you just think about other things. The strange fire, to be honest, I really want to punch you in the head right now!"

After being scolded by Liu Mengli, Lin Fan didn't dare to refute, so he could only smile awkwardly, "I...I understand, stop scolding, it's my problem, I shouldn't be so hasty, I should take my time."

Liu Mengli said coldly: "You still know, I thought you didn't know."

Lin Fan forced an awkward smile on his face, and then fell silent.

Because he also realized that he was a little bloated and anxious. If he hadn't been awakened by Liu Mengli, he would probably still be in that state now.

After a long time, Lin Fan suddenly asked: "Senior, can you tell me about the immortal world?"

Liu Mengli said: "Well, now that you have broken through to the True Immortal Realm, I can indeed tell you about the Upper Immortal Realm. The Upper Immortal Realm is divided into five realms, namely the human realm, the demon realm, the demon realm, the spiritual realm and the divine realm."

"The human realm is in the east, the demon realm is in the west, the demon realm is in the south, the spiritual realm is in the north, and the divine realm is in the middle of the four realms. Among the five realms, the divine realm is the strongest, followed by the spiritual realm. The demon realm and the demon realm are about the same strength. , only your human realm is the weakest.”

"Our human domain?"

Lin Fan was stunned, and then asked: "Senior, aren't you from the human realm?"

Liu Mengli was silent for a moment, and then said: "I am from the spiritual realm."

"Spiritual realm?"

Lin Fan frowned, "Is there any difference between the spiritual realm and our human realm?"

Liu Mengli said: "The creatures in the spiritual realm are not humans."

Hearing this, Lin Fan wondered: "What is it if it's not a human being?"

Liu Mengli said speechlessly: "Why do you have so many questions?"

Lin Fan smiled awkwardly, "It's a bit much, but aren't I curious? I always thought that senior was a human being like me, but I didn't expect that he wasn't. So, senior, can you answer the question I just asked?"

Liu Mengli said: "If you want to know, go to the spiritual realm and find out for yourself."

For some reason, Lin Fan heard sadness in Liu Mengli's tone.

This made him immediately know what happened between Liu Mengli and Lingyu, so he didn't want to say more.

Lin Fan also realized what was going on and didn't ask any more questions.


At this moment, the space shattered and the Immortal Sect appeared!

Lin Fan frowned and looked up, "Is this the fairy gate leading to the fairy world?"

Liu Mengli said: "Yes, but the exit of the fairy gate in the upper fairy world is controlled by someone."

Hearing this, Lin Fan was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Liu Mengli did not sell it, but directly told the situation of the Immortal Sect.

After listening to what Liu Mengli said, Lin Fan's expression became serious, "Then wouldn't it be dangerous for me to enter the Immortal Sect?"

Liu Mengli said: "It is quite dangerous, but if it is dangerous, you can only go through the Immortal Gate, because with your current strength, it is impossible to forcefully break through the barrier and go to the Upper Immortal Realm."

Lin Fan was silent. After a moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "I don't care about life and death. If you don't accept it, I'll do it!"

After saying that, he stamped his right foot violently, and his whole body turned into a sword light and flew into the immortal gate.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was in the center of a huge square. The entire square was extremely huge, covering hundreds of thousands of square meters.

At this moment, there was no one in the square, but it gave off a strange and heavy atmosphere.

Looking at the empty square, Lin Fan frowned, with solemnity and vigilance in his eyes, "Senior, where are those people you mentioned?"

Liu Mengli was silent for a moment, and then said: "I don't know either."

Lin Fan had a solemn look on his face and didn't ask any more questions. He opened his palms and the bloodthirsty sword appeared in his palms.

His intuition told him that the calmer it was, the more dangerous it was, so he was extra cautious at this moment.

Lin Fan walked cautiously, and the sense of crisis in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He was already sure that there must be something wrong here!

It's definitely not as peaceful as it appears!


At this moment, the space suddenly shattered, and the next moment, hundreds of thousands of figures flew out of the cracks in time and space!

Hundreds of thousands of people stood in the sky, each person's aura was extremely terrifying, and the entire time and space was boiling.

These people are all truly powerful people from the Immortal Realm!

Hundreds of thousands of true fairyland experts!

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