You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 237 I Will Kill Him!

Ouyang Zhengchu on the side sneered: "Look at your little ability, is it necessary to be so excited?" Hearing this, Wang Yuanwu's face was full of black lines, and he snorted coldly, "I don't know who just knelt down in excitement." Ouyang Zhengchu's face froze, and his face gradually became gloomy, "You are looking for trouble, right?" "Hehe." Wang Yuanwu sneered, "I don't know who started it first." Ouyang Zhengchu wanted to say something, but Su Chen suddenly said: "You two try to quarrel again." Hearing this, Ouyang Zhengchu held back what he wanted to say. He glanced at Wang Yuanwu coldly and then turned his head. Wang Yuanwu shook his head and said: "Childish." "You!" Ouyang Zhengchu was immediately furious. Boom! But at this moment, a desperate and terrifying pressure suddenly surged in the field. This pressure instantly pressed on Ouyang Zhengchu and Wang Yuanwu. The two had no ability to resist and knelt down on the spot! Not only the two of them, but also passers-by tens of millions of miles away were pinned to the ground by this pressure, unable to move.

At this moment, everyone was stunned!


What's going on!

And Ouyang Zhengchu and Wang Yuanwu were even more shocked.

The two who reacted suddenly looked at Su Chen, and fear surged into their hearts like a tide.


They were really numb!

The pressure released alone suppressed the two immortal saints.



How awesome must someone be to do this?

At this moment, the two felt like ants, and the joy of breaking through the immortal saint just now was swept away.

Are immortal saints... also ant-like existences?

The two were confused.

Su Chen stared at the two and said coldly, "I think you two have become arrogant after breaking through to the Immortal Saint."

Hearing this, the two hurriedly shook their heads, "No, no! We dare not!"

Su Chen sneered, "Don't dare? You ignore what I say and still don't dare?"

As he spoke, a suffocating murderous intent spread from Su Chen.

Feeling this terrible murderous intent, the two of them suddenly felt their hair stand on end, and the fear in their eyes almost condensed into substance.

Ouyang Zhengchu said with tears and snot, "I was wrong, senior, I will never dare to do it again! Please spare my life!"

He was really scared!

Afraid of death!

Wang Yuanwu looked at Su Chen with a cold face and trembled, "Senior...Senior..."

He wanted to say something, but fear made him unable to speak at all.

At this moment, he was desperate!

No, not only he was desperate, Ouyang Zhengchu was also desperate!

You know, they just broke through to the Immortal Saint!

Just broke through!

But now, they might die!

How can they be willing to accept this?

I am not willing to accept this!

I don’t want to die!

They don’t want to die!

They really don’t want to die!

But looking at Su Chen’s eyes without any emotion, they instantly became disheartened and accepted their fate of dying.

Because Su Chen’s eyes without any emotion really made them extremely desperate!

There is no hope of living at all!


Su Chen snorted coldly at this time, “If you two dare to be presumptuous next time, I will kill you!”

Hearing this, Ouyang Zhengchu and Wang Yuanwu looked happy.

"No more! We will never do it again!"

"Thank you, thank you senior for not killing me!"

The two of them were extremely excited.

No need to die!

No need to die!


At this moment, tears of excitement appeared in the corners of their eyes.

Just now, just now they thought they were dead!

But they never expected that the surprise would come so suddenly!

Su Chen glanced at the two of them coldly, "Go ahead. I hope you can complete the task I gave you. If not..."

Having said this, he stopped talking, but narrowed his eyes slightly, with a chill in his eyes.

The two of them trembled violently.

Ouyang Zhengchu said quickly: "Senior, please don't worry, we will definitely let the two young masters know what despair means!"

Wang Yuanwu nodded heavily, "Yes, senior, please don't worry!"

At this moment, the two people's awe for Su Chen reached its peak!

Damn it!

Who wouldn't be in awe of being able to suppress two powerful men from the Immortal Saint Realm in an instant?


Who dares not to be in awe?

But to be honest, the two of them really felt that Su Chen was outrageous enough.

They had never seen, or even heard of, such a heaven-defying thing that could make a person break through to the Immortal Saint level with just a raise of his hand!

So they were sure that Su Chen was definitely a big shot!

Maybe even an Immortal Emperor from the game world!

The two of them were shocked as soon as the idea came up.

But if you think about it carefully, Su Chen is probably really the Immortal Emperor!

If it weren't for the Immortal Emperor, how could he have such a heaven-defying method?

Only the Immortal Emperor can help people improve their realm!

The two looked at Su Chen with unprecedented respect, awe and fear in their eyes.

Su Chen frowned, "Are you two crazy? Are you still not leaving? Do you need me to send you off?"

"No, no, senior! Take your leave!"

The two of them shook their heads quickly, then bowed respectfully to Su Chen, and finally turned and left.

Looking at the two people leaving, Ye Lingxi said: "Brother, have you accepted another disciple?"

In fact, she had wanted to ask before, but never had the chance.

Su Chen turned to look at her, "Well, I just collected it recently."

A smile appeared on Ye Lingxi's face, "Hey, I have to meet him after that."

Su Chen nodded and said: "Of course, no problem. He is currently in the Sword Sect in the Immortal Realm. If you have time, you can go and see him."

Ye Lingxi nodded, "Yeah!"

Then, she hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Brother, are you too cruel to them?"

Su Chen said: "If you don't be cruel, how can you stimulate their potential? Just like you just did, if I don't be cruel to you, how can you improve so much?"

After listening to Su Chen's words, Ye Lingxi fell silent. After a moment, she nodded, "I understand."

Su Chen smiled and said, "Just understand."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Mr. Shi who had woken up in the distance.

Shi Lao suddenly trembled all over, his face full of fear.


He felt a strong sense of death!

But he doesn’t want to die!

With the last glimmer of hope, he shouted loudly: "Sect Master, save me!"


Suddenly, this space directly shattered, and then, a terrifying aura emerged.

Feeling this terrifying aura, everyone present acted very calmly.

Compared with Su Chen's aura, this aura was no different from the aura emitted by ants.

And even if they are not compared to Su Chen, the auras emitted by Ouyang Zhengchu and Wang Yuanwu are hundreds of times stronger than this.

So what’s so shocking about this garbage smell?

At this moment, an old man walked out of the Immortal Sect. The old man had red hair and was surrounded by thunder. He looked extremely terrifying.

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