You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 234 Kneel Down And Talk To Me!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then looked around after hearing the sound.

I saw a man with silver hair standing in the void, who was extremely handsome, dressed upright, and holding a little fox in his arms.

Looking at the man, everyone's eyes flashed with surprise and their expressions were solemn.

Although Su Chen just stood there, the sense of oppression on his body was so strong that it made them feel an inexplicable sense of fear.

They knew that this silver-haired man was definitely no ordinary person, he must be a big shot!

Therefore, they looked at Su Chen with curiosity, solemnity and awe.

Ye Lingxi looked at Su Chen with a sweet smile on his face, "Brother!"

Su Chen looked down at Ye Lingxi and smiled slightly, "Lingxi is awesome."

Ye Lingxi chuckled, "It's okay, it's just..."

As she said that, she looked up at Mr. Shi, "But I can't beat this old man."

Su Chen raised his head, looked at Mr. Shi in the distance, and said calmly: "It's okay, just leave him to brother, and you can just watch from the side."

Ye Lingxi nodded heavily, "Yeah!"

At this moment, Shi Lao was staring at Su Chen with his brows furrowed, and his heart couldn't help but feel heavy.

Because he saw peace in Su Chen's eyes, incomparable peace!

He is not stupid. People who can remain calm in front of him are definitely not simple. They either have background or strength.

In fact, he believed in the former more. Su Chen was too young and he didn't believe that Su Chen was very strong.

He has no strength, but he can be so calm in front of Shi Lao, which shows that Su Chen definitely has a background!

And this background may be very strong!

After a moment of silence, Mr. Shi said in a deep voice: "Boy, don't think that because you have some background, you can talk nonsense."

Su Chen ignored Mr. Shi and turned to look at the Immortal Sect, "Zi Mansion Holy Land, Royal Family, Purple Thunder Sect."


As the words fell, two terrifying auras suddenly surged out of the Immortal Sect, and then, two figures flew out of the Immortal Sect.

One of the middle-aged men is none other than Ouyang Zhengchu, the Holy Lord of Zifu Holy Land!

The other one is Wang Yuanwu, the patriarch of the royal family!

Looking at the two of them, Mr. Shi's expression changed, "Why are you two here?"

Wang Yuanwu just glanced at Mr. Shi, and then his eyes fell on Su Chen. Looking at Su Chen, he frowned.

When Wang Xi and his brother returned to the clan, they told them about Su Chen.

What the two siblings said was outrageous.

How could one sword kill two Immortal Lord stone statues instantly?

Or something that kills Shi Po instantly with one sword.

That’s outrageous!

Anyway, he didn't believe it, he just thought it was an excuse for the two siblings not bringing back the God-Slaying Flying Knife.

The god-killing flying knife is extremely important, so Wang Yuanwu decided to come to the fairy world in person, find Su Chen, and then take back the god-killing flying knife.

But he didn't expect that he would meet Su Chen as soon as he arrived in the Lower Immortal Realm.

As for why he knew the silver-haired man was Su Chen, it was because Wang Xi used spiritual energy to condense Su Chen's face, so he recognized it.

When he saw Su Chen for the first time, he was sure in his heart that Wang Xi and his brother were definitely lying.

Because he felt that Su Chen had nothing worth mentioning except that he was good-looking.

Anyway, he didn't believe that Su Chen had that ability.

At this moment, Ouyang Zhengchu suddenly disappeared and when he appeared, he was already in front of Su Chen.

Without hesitation, he bent down directly, and then clasped his hands in his fists, "I in the Zifu Holy Land have absolutely no intention of becoming an enemy of your senior."

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned.

"What's going on? Is this boss scared?"

"Damn it! Who is this silver-haired man? Is he so proud?"

"I'm sure this silver-haired man is no ordinary person!"

"Do you even need to say this?"


Wang Yuanwu looked at Ouyang Zhengchu, his eyes full of confusion and solemnity.

Ouyang Zhengchu, like him, is an Immortal King!

But at this moment, Ouyang Zhengchu was so respectful to a young man.

has a problem!

There is definitely a problem!

At this moment, he did not dare to look down on Su Chen anymore, but looked at Su Chen again.

But Mr. Shi's face froze at this moment, looking at this scene in disbelief.

what's the situation!

The Holy Lord of Zifu Holy Land actually has such respect for this person!

Damn it!

Could this be some big shot?

Thinking of this, Mr. Shi's face suddenly turned pale, and he was completely panicked.

If Su Chen is really a big shot, then he will definitely not see the sun tomorrow!

Su Chen looked at Ouyang Zhengchu and said calmly: "I'm very angry now. Kneel down and talk to me."

The sound wasn't very loud, but everyone in the room heard it!


"He's so awesome! He actually wants this strong man from the immortal world to kneel down before him! How awesome!"


Wang Yuanwu frowned and looked at Su Chen, "This kid has gone too far. He dares to let Ouyang Zhengchu kneel down for him. How arrogant!"

At this moment, Mr. Shi's face was full of excitement.

He didn't expect that Su Chen could be so stupid. When people salute you with fists in front of you, you go too far and ask them to kneel down. Do you really think they are easy to bully?

You are an immortal!

How is it possible to kneel down?

How ridiculous!

At this moment, after thinking for a few seconds, Ouyang Zhengchu knelt down in front of everyone's eyes!

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions instantly froze.

There was silence between heaven and earth, and only the faint sound of the breeze could be heard.

At this moment, everyone was stupid.

Kneel down!

Ouyang Zhengchu actually knelt down!

Damn it!


Wang Yuanwu was silent and looked very calm, but his slightly trembling body betrayed him.

His heart was not at peace, but a huge wave!

He never expected that Ouyang Zhengchu would actually kneel down!

Really kneeling down!

Damn it!

At this moment, he was dumbfounded.

He couldn't figure out why Ouyang Zhengchu would kneel down to Su Chen.

You know, Ouyang Zhengchu is a strong man in the Immortal King Realm!

If a powerful Immortal Lord Realm kneel down to someone, or to a young man, who would believe it?

Who believes it!

But, this is true!


Shi Lao looked at this scene, his breathing suddenly stopped, his head was buzzing, and he was a little confused.

When he reacted, his legs couldn't stop shaking. Finally, he couldn't hold on any longer and he collapsed directly to the ground.

He knew he was finished!

It’s really over!

It’s over!

He definitely provoked a big boss he couldn't afford!

It’s over!

His face was ashen, there was no trace of blood on his face, only endless despair!

Su Chen looked at Ouyang Zhengchu who was kneeling and raised the corners of his mouth, "Yes, you are very obedient. Get up."

Ouyang Zhengchu nodded, then stood up carefully, and then stood next to Su Chen.

During the whole process, he did not show any dissatisfaction. As for why, it was because he knew Su Chen's strength.

Two words.


Off the charts!

Since then, he has been restless all day, and even when he was practicing, he almost went crazy.

Su Chen left an unforgettable shadow in his heart!

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