You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 231 I Don’T Mind Destroying Them!

"Hmph!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, his face became a little gloomy, "Want to die? Grant you!" As soon as he finished speaking, a big knife appeared in front of him. Without hesitation, he grabbed the handle of the knife with his right hand. The moment he held the big knife, thousands of knife intentions surged out in an instant! The next moment! His face turned ferocious, and then he chopped with a knife! Bang! Crack! The sword intention was broken, and Ye Lingxi was directly shaken away. However, the middle-aged man also retreated violently, and finally retreated hundreds of thousands of miles before he barely stopped. As soon as Ye Lingxi stabilized her body, she felt a sweetness in her throat, and then blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. She looked at the middle-aged man in the distance, her eyes full of solemnity, solemnity, and excitement. Because, she needed such a strong man to hone herself at this moment! And the middle-aged man at this moment was dumbfounded! He used 80% of his strength in the knife just now. Logically speaking, Ye Lingxi, who was in the first level of the True Immortal Realm, would be directly chopped to death by him. But he never expected that Ye Lingxi actually blocked it!

How is this possible!

The middle-aged man was shocked, and after the shock, he felt unprecedented heaviness.

At this moment, he realized that Ye Lingxi might be a top demon genius!

Because only the top demon genius can fight across levels. Although ordinary demon geniuses can also fight across levels, they are limited to people who are two realms higher than themselves.

And the top demon genius can fight with people who are several small realms higher than themselves, or even big realms!

To be honest, there are very few demons like this. Even in the upper fairy world, there are no more than ten fingers.

You know, there are billions of creatures in the upper fairy world, but there are no more than a single digit of demons like this. It can be seen how rare this kind of demon is.

But it is worth mentioning that if a demon like this grows up, he will definitely become an emperor!

Not a great emperor!

It is an immortal emperor!

All such demons, without exception, have reached the immortal emperor realm!

At this moment, the middle-aged man's face was extremely ugly, and a trace of regret could be seen in his eyes.

He regretted not winning over Ye Lingxi, but choosing to be an enemy.

If Ye Lingxi didn't die today, he and the forces behind him would be doomed to be destroyed in the future!

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Lingxi, and the murderous intent in his eyes was clearly visible.

He understood that only by killing Ye Lingxi now, before he grew up, would he and the forces behind him not be destroyed in the future!


The middle-aged man's pupils suddenly contracted, and he saw a long sword stabbing at his eyebrows.

This sword was very ordinary, so ordinary that it looked like a sword casually stabbed by a mortal.

But although this sword was ordinary, in the eyes of the middle-aged man, this sword was enough to take his life!

The middle-aged man roared, holding the big knife with both hands, and then raised the big knife above his head. The next moment, he chopped it down fiercely!


As soon as the sword and the knife touched, a shock wave that exceeded everyone's cognition broke out, and this shock wave instantly spread to millions of feet away!

Wherever they passed, countless sword and knife intentions destroyed them, which was extremely terrifying.

Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath of cold air, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

"Oh my god, these two are really terrifying!"

"Especially that woman, she has just broken through to the true immortal, but she can fight with that middle-aged man until now, she is too evil!"

"Yes, that woman is the most outrageous!"



At this time, an old man sighed, "I thought I was invincible. Even if I wasn't invincible, I could still walk sideways in the fairy world. But I didn't expect that I would be worse than an ant in front of such a truly strong person."

After saying that, he seemed to have aged dozens of years.

After listening to the old man's words, the others also became quiet. At this moment, their hearts were equally complicated.

At the same time, Ye Lingxi and the middle-aged man were like two lightning bolts, constantly intersecting and colliding in the sky. Every collision would erupt into a shock wave that would destroy the world.

At this moment, Ye Lingxi saw the right moment and stabbed the middle-aged man in the left chest with his sword!

This sword, she still uses Guiyi!

She wants to kill him with one strike!

The middle-aged man's face changed drastically and he wanted to resist, but it was already too late!

Just when the sword was about to penetrate the middle-aged man's left chest, Ye Lingxi's hair suddenly stood up for some unknown reason, and a breath of death surged into his heart.

She gritted her teeth and struck the middle-aged man with a sword that was supposed to hit him to the left!


With a loud noise, Ye Lingxi flew out directly. On the way, she spit out a mouthful of blood!

She steadied herself, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and looked up.

In the distance, a woman holding a long sword was seen looking at Ye Lingxi indifferently.

Everyone in the field looked at the woman with shock on their faces.

"Another strong man from the immortal world has arrived!"

"I'm afraid this woman is in danger!"

"However, that woman was so powerful just now that she almost killed the middle-aged man!"


The woman looked at Ye Lingxi with a flash of surprise in her eyes, "You were able to block my sneak attack with my sword. You are indeed a monster!"

Ye Lingxi stared at her coldly and said nothing.

The middle-aged man who originally thought he was dead now took a long breath, with fear in his eyes.

Just now, he almost died!

Just a little bit closer!

When he thought of the feeling of death just now, he felt suffocated!

After calming down, he turned to look at the woman, "Thank you."

The woman looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "What's going on? Tell me."

The middle-aged man was silent for a moment, and then told what happened.

After listening to the middle-aged man's words, the woman frowned and said coldly: "Idiot!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man clenched his fists and turned pale, but he did not dare to say anything.

Because the woman in front of me is the peak of the ninth level of the True Immortal Realm!

He was only at the seventh level of the True Immortal Realm, so naturally he did not dare to refute the woman.

The woman looked at the middle-aged man indifferently, and then looked at Ye Lingxi. Looking at Ye Lingxi, her eyes narrowed, and the murderous intent in her eyes kept flashing.

Ye Lingxi looked at the two of them, with no fear in his eyes, only fighting spirit!

Moreover, this fighting spirit is extremely strong!

Without any more nonsense, she stamped her right foot fiercely, and her whole body turned into a sword light, killing the two people in the distance!


Su Chen hugged Hu Xiaotian and watched everything calmly.

Hu Xiaotian hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Master, are you really not going to help me?"

Su Chen shook his head, "No, what Lingxi lacks now is fighting. Let her experience a life-and-death battle. This will only be good for her, not bad."

Hu Xiaotian said: "But there are two of them!"

Su Chen said: "What's wrong with the two of us? I believe in Lingxi."

As he said that, he glanced at the Immortal Sect in the sky, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, "However, if there are still people who dare to take action, I don't mind... destroy them!"

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