You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 228 I Don’T Want To Die Yet!

At this moment, Su Chen had his left hand behind his back and his right hand tightly holding Wu Yuanzhou's fist.

Looking at this scene, everyone seemed to be petrified, frozen in place, motionless, and even stopped breathing.

Wu Yuanzhou's strongest punch was blocked so easily by Su Chen!

Moreover, Su Chen is still stubborn!

So tough!

If it were anyone else, even an Immortal Lord of the same level, he wouldn't dare to fight hard. Even if he fights hard, he will definitely be seriously injured!

But Su Chen is outrageous! Forget it, he was unscathed, not even a single hair was hurt!

He easily caught Wu Yuanzhou's terrifying punch!

Damn it!

It’s outrageous!

Endless fear surged into everyone's hearts like a tide. Everyone looked at Su Chen with trembling bodies, and the fear in their eyes almost overflowed.


He is definitely a big shot!

The most confused person was Wu Yuanzhou. At this moment, his eyes were blank. It was obvious that he had not recovered from his confusion.


He is so stupid!

At this moment, he felt that his three views and cognition had been subverted again.

The full force punch of one of his Immortal Lords was caught so easily!

Damn it!

It’s so outrageous!

At this moment, a sudden chill hit him, and Wu Yuanzhou shivered immediately, and he recovered from his daze.

When he came back to his senses, his body was shaking non-stop. He wanted to control his body so that it would not shake so much.

But no matter how he controlled it, his body still couldn't stop trembling, and it even got worse and worse!

I can't control it at all!

He is afraid!

Also panicked!

At this time, he suddenly felt a pain coming over him, his face began to distort, and then he quickly looked at his right fist.

I saw that his right fist was being held tightly by Su Chen, and Su Chen continued to exert force.



The sound of broken bones sounded. Wu Yuanzhou's face was ferocious, his expression was painful, and beads of sweat as big as beans kept falling down.

At this moment, he felt that his right fist was about to be crushed into powder.

No longer hesitating, he shouted angrily, and used his right hand violently to try to break free, but no matter how hard he struggled, he still couldn't break free from Su Chen's hand.

At this moment, he collapsed!

It collapsed!



Suddenly, Su Chen crushed Wu Yuanzhou's right fist!

Wu Yuanzhou's hand bones were crushed into powder!

His eyes were red, and he screamed like a slaughtered pig, with endless pain on his face.

He endured the pain and wanted to distance himself from Su Chen. At this moment, Su Chen raised his knee and pushed it hard on Wu Yuanzhou's stomach!


Wu Yuanzhou's eyes widened and he spit out a mouthful of blood. Then he flew out and flew millions of miles before he fell heavily to the ground.

He curled up, covering his stomach with one hand, veins popped up on his forehead, and his face looked extremely painful.

Seeing this scene, the elders of the Wu clan all took a deep breath.

Complete abuse!

An immortal king was completely tortured by others!

There is no ability to resist at all, only being abused!

Just like an adult beating a child, Su Chen is the adult and Wu Yuanzhou is the child.

The strength of the two is not at the same level at all!

All the elders looked at Su Chen, their faces turned pale, and no blood could be seen.

One of the elders was frightened out of his wits and wanted to retreat. He took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and quietly took a few steps back.


At this moment, the sword light flashed, and the elder's head flew out!

There was a lot of movement, and all the elders turned around. When they saw the elder whose head had been beheaded, they were first angry, and then fearful!

Deeply afraid!

Some timid elders' legs weakened and they collapsed on the spot. Fear prevented them from even having the strength to stand up.

Apparently, they were frightened.

The second elder clenched his hands into fists, cold sweat continued to ooze from his forehead, and his body could not stop trembling slightly.

He regretted it a little.

I regret not running away just now.

damn it!

What are you pretending to be?

The second elder's eyes were red, and he cursed himself for being a fool.

Originally, he was ready to die, but when it came time to actually die, he was afraid.

He is afraid of death!

He doesn't want to die yet!

He still wants to live!

But now, it’s all over!

Therefore, he hates himself now. He hates that he did not choose to leave before, but followed Wu Yuanzhou and others to die!

At the same time, Su Chen raised his right hand and looked at the blood slipping from his fingertips. He frowned slightly, with a flash of disgust in his eyes.

Then, he took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood off his hands.

After doing all this, he looked at Wu Yuanzhou in the distance.

At this moment, Wu Yuanzhou was spitting out blood from his mouth, and his expression was still extremely painful. It was obvious that Su Chen's knee-lift just now had caused unimaginable damage to him.

He had been injured before, but for some reason, the injuries Su Chen caused him were a hundred or even a thousand times more painful than the injuries others had caused him!


Excruciating pain!

At this time, he seemed to feel that Su Chen was looking at him, and endless fear suddenly surged into his heart.

He looked at Su Chen tremblingly and humbly begged for mercy: "I...I was go..."

Su Chen looked at him, standing with his hands behind his hands, his face expressionless, only calm and indifferent.

Wu Yuanzhou's face was full of despair.

It’s over!

He knew he was finished!

Today, he must die!

But he wouldn't be willing to die like this!

Not willing to give in!

Because he had just broken through to the Immortal Lord Realm not long ago, and he was about to die, which no one would be willing to accept.

Holding the last glimmer of hope, he knelt on his knees and looked at Su Chen, with pleading in his eyes, "I... I am willing to be your dog... Please... spare my life!"

After saying that, he hit his forehead heavily to the ground, and he kept repeating this, and his forehead was bleeding.

Looking at Wu Yuanzhou at this moment, all the elders of the Wu clan looked at each other.

This was the first time they saw Wu Yuanzhou like this.

To be honest, it's a bit embarrassing.

It is really shameful that a powerful person in the Immortal Lord Realm is so afraid of death!

However, if you think about it carefully, this is normal. After all, no one is not afraid of death. Only those who put their lives aside are not afraid of death, but there are very few such people.

There are very few, but it does not mean that there are none. For example, Lin Fan, Jian Xin and Ye Lingxi, if the three of them face death, they will definitely not be afraid.

As a son of fate, if Lin Fan is afraid of death, then he is not worthy of being a son of fate.

Kenshin only has the sword in his heart. If he is really about to die, he only hopes that he can fight with all his strength with the sword in his hand, and then die happily.

Ye Lingxi is on the invincible path of cultivation. If she is afraid of death, how can she go to the invincible path?

To be invincible is to have no fear of life or death!

No matter who the enemy is or how powerful he is, you must have the determination to win!

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