You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 225 You Deserve This!

He was stupid.

It felt like I was in a dream.

Because this is beyond his knowledge!

One word made him, a powerful man at the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal, kneel down!

How is this possible?

However, with the facts before him, he had to believe it!

It’s over!

Completely finished!

Wu Li's face turned pale. He looked at Su Chen in the distance as if he were looking at a devil.

Su Chen's strength has subverted his cognition!

Besides Wu Li, Hu Xiaotian was also extremely shocked. Although he had seen Su Chen take action before, he was shocked again when Su Chen suppressed everyone in the field with just one word.

At this moment, he was even more in awe of Su Chen.


The master is invincible!

Can’t I just walk sideways from now on?


Thinking about it, Hu Xiaotian couldn't help but giggle, and the whole fox fell into fantasy.

Wu Li looked at Su Chen tremblingly, "But...can you tell me...who are you?"

He knew that Su Chen would not let him go, so before he died, he wanted to know who Su Chen was.

Even if you die, you should at least know who killed you, right? Otherwise it would be a shame to die.

Su Chen looked at Wu Li with cold eyes without any emotion.


A sword sound sounded in the field.

A flash of sword light flashed from Wu Li's throat.

Wu Li's eyes widened with unwillingness, and the next moment, his head flew out.

Seeing this scene, the strong men of the Wu clan were frightened, their legs weakened, and they all collapsed to the ground.

Instant kill!

A strong man from the Mysterious Immortal Realm was killed instantly!

This is a powerful person at the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm!

Su Chen turned around and looked at dozens of powerful Wu clan men.

From Su Chen's perspective, the faces of dozens of strong men from the Wu clan were horribly pale, with no trace of blood visible, as if they were dead.

"Senior, please spare my life!"

"I was wrong, senior, please spare my life!"

"Senior, this old guy Wu Li asked me to do this. You can't blame me!"

"Please, please let me go!"


At this moment, they were really frightened and begged for mercy.

They don't want to die!

I don’t want to die!

Su Chen looked at the strong man from the Wu clan who was begging for mercy with a blank expression, without causing any waves in his eyes.



As the sound of swords sounded, dozens of bloody heads in the field rose directly into the sky, and blood spurted out like fountains.

Until they died, their faces showed unprecedented fear and despair.

Hu Xiaotian watched this scene, his throat rolled, and he couldn't help but said: "Awesome... awesome!"

At this time, Su Chen took a step forward, disappeared on the spot, and appeared in front of Hu Xiaotian.

Looking at the seriously injured Hu Xiaotian, Su Chen reached out and stroked his head, "Well done."

Hearing Su Chen's praise, Hu Xiaotian smiled and felt very happy, "Protect the little master, this is what I should do."

Su Chen smiled and said nothing.

The next moment, Su Chen's right hand suddenly emitted a green light.

This green light exuded an extremely rich breath of life. At this moment, the green light directly enveloped Hu Xiaotian.

Suddenly, a large amount of life force poured into Hu Xiaotian's body, and Hu Xiaotian's injuries also recovered in an instant.

Not only that, Hu Xiaotian's aura also skyrocketed crazily at this moment, breaking through to the peak of the ninth level of the Pseudo Immortal Realm in the blink of an eye.

But it's still not over yet, Hu Xiaotian's aura is still rising crazily!

Hu Xiaotian looked shocked, then suddenly looked at Su Chen, "Master..."

Su Chen smiled and said, "You deserve this. Don't think too much and concentrate on making a breakthrough."

Hu Xiaotian's eyes were filled with emotion. At this moment, he felt that Su Chen was so good.

He nodded solemnly, and then began to concentrate on breaking through.

Su Chen smiled, then turned to look at Ye Lingxi, "This little girl, I haven't seen you for a while, she looks beautiful again."

Ye Lingxi, who was making a breakthrough, seemed to have heard Su Chen's words, and a sweet smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, in the Upper Immortal Realm, the Wu clan.

In the main hall at this moment, Wu Yuanzhou's face was extremely gloomy, and blue veins popped out on his forehead. The terrifying aura that was inadvertently emitted made the elders in the field feel so stressed that they did not dare to breathe.

Wu Yuanzhou stared at an elder below and said coldly: "Are you sure Wu Li and the others are dead?"

The elder nodded quickly and said with an ugly face: "I saw with my own eyes that their soul lamp went out just now."


Wu Yuanzhou snorted coldly, and in an instant, a terrifying aura erupted from his body, covering all the elders in an instant.

The elders knelt down directly on the spot.

An elder was shocked and said: "Clan Chief, have you broken through to the Immortal Lord Realm?"

The other elders were also shocked. After the shock, they became excited, unprecedented excitement!

Immortal Lord!

Their clan leader has broken through the Immortal Lord!

This is a great thing for them!

From now on, they can be on an equal footing with those three forces!

Wu Yuanzhou took back his breath, nodded gloomily, and said nothing.

Seeing this, the excitement on the faces of the elders gradually disappeared.

They knew that Wu Yuanzhou was angry about Wu Li's death.

After a long time, Wu Yuanzhou said coldly: "What do you think of Wu Li's death?"

Hearing this, the elders in the field were silent.

After a moment, the second elder of the Wu clan suddenly said: "The person who killed the great elder should be the person behind the woman. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for the woman alone to kill the great elder!"

The third elder also said at this time: "I agree with what the second elder said."

The other elders also nodded after thinking for a moment.

Wu Yuanzhou looked at the second elder and asked, "So, what do you think we should do next?"

The second elder frowned and thought for a moment. He said in a deep voice: "I think we should not rush to seek revenge. We should first understand the power behind this woman and then make a long-term plan."

Wu Yuanzhou's eyes gradually narrowed, and then he looked at the other elders, "What do you think?"

The elders quickly said: "We all agree with the second elder's idea."

Wu Yuanzhou slowly closed his eyes, then opened them, his eyes were shining brightly, and he whispered: "That divine object..."

As he spoke, he looked at the elders and said, "Follow me to the Immortal Realm."

Hearing this, the elders were stunned.

The second elder frowned and said: "Clan leader..."

He just opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Wu Yuanzhou's hand, "I know what you are going to say."

The second elder said solemnly: "But why do you want to go to the Immortal Realm, Patriarch?"

Wu Yuanzhou looked at the second elder, "Did you forget that sacred object?"

The second elder was stunned, but he quickly reacted.

Wu Yuanzhou said: "That divine object is too important to fall into the hands of those three forces, otherwise, they will still suppress us in the future!"

The second elder was silent and did not speak.

Wu Yuanzhou's eyes were cold, "I guess those three forces have already taken action, let's set off now!"

After saying that, the others had disappeared.

The elders looked at each other and then disappeared in the same place...



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