You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 223 Ye Lingxi Is In Danger!

Everyone frowned and began to reminisce in their minds again, but no matter how they reminisced, there was still no news about Xianbao Pavilion.

Wu Li shook his head and said, "Okay, stop thinking about it, it's time to get down to business."

Hearing this, everyone came to their senses and nodded.

Wu Li looked at Xun at this time, and then pointed a finger between Xun's eyebrows. In an instant, Ye Lingxi's face appeared in Xun's mind.

Xun blinked his eyes, and then turned into a stream of light and flew towards a certain place.

The corner of Wu Li's mouth raised, "Follow me!"

As he said that, the others were already chasing Xun Li in the direction he left.

Everyone did not hesitate and quickly followed.

Two hours later.

Xun led Wu Li and others to the desert. Soon, a huge creature appeared in their sight!

This is a snow-white fox. This fox is different from ordinary foxes. He has nine tails. The nine tails are raised high, showing his nobility and holiness!

"Nine-tailed Sky Fox!"

A middle-aged man exclaimed, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Wu Li turned to look at the middle-aged man and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

The middle-aged man calmed down and said, "I have read information about the Nine-tailed Sky Fox in the fairy books..."

After that, the middle-aged man told what he knew.

After listening to the middle-aged man's description of the nine-tailed sky fox, Wu Li and others gradually frowned, their eyes flashed, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

The middle-aged man wondered at this time: "However, I remember that there is only one nine-tailed fox, and that is the king of the Qingqiu clan in the Demon Realm. But how could there be a nine-tailed fox here? It is still a cub."

Wu Li ignored the middle-aged man's words, but stared at the nine-tailed fox in the distance, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

After a moment, he whispered: "If we can subdue this cub of the nine-tailed sky fox..."

Having said this, he stopped talking, but he became even more excited for some reason.

The middle-aged man was shocked when he heard what Wu Li said: "Great Elder, do you want to conquer this nine-tailed sky fox?"

Wu Li glanced at the middle-aged man, "Can't you?"

The middle-aged man said in a deep voice: "If the Qingqiu Fox Clan knew that you had conquered a nine-tailed sky fox, I'm afraid..."

Wu Li said: "What are you afraid of? The Qingqiu Fox Clan is in the demon realm and we are in the human realm. Do they dare to come to my human realm?"

The middle-aged man said: "Although I say this, I am still a little worried."

Wu Li shook his head and said: "Are you worried? Do you know that if we cultivate this nine-tailed sky fox, then our Wu clan will take off directly?"

The middle-aged man wanted to say something else, but was stopped by other strong men from the Wu clan.

The young woman said: "You don't need to say more, I support the great elder."

"We support it too!"

Other powerful Wu people also expressed support for Wu Li.

Because what Wu Li just said really moved their hearts.

If they really cultivate that nine-tailed sky fox, then they can walk sideways in the human realm! No force dares to provoke them!

The middle-aged man sighed helplessly when he saw this.

In fact, he still does not recommend subduing the nine-tailed sky fox, because the cause and effect is too great!

The Wu people can't afford it!

However, Wu Li and others did not listen!

This made him very helpless.

It seems that I have to find a chance to leave the Wu clan, otherwise, I will really be killed.

The middle-aged man's eyes were gleaming at this moment, and he seemed to have some plan in mind.

Wu Li didn't notice anything unusual. At this moment, he was looking excitedly at the nine-tailed fox in the distance.

At this moment, Xun suddenly fell from the void, and then its life breath completely disappeared.

Wu Li looked down at the dead Xun and frowned, "The murderer of the young master is here."

The strong men of the Wu clan looked around, but they only saw the nine-tailed sky fox in the distance and no one else.

The young woman said: "No!"

Others also looked puzzled.

Wu Li stared at the nine-tailed fox, his eyes gradually narrowed, "She is protected by the nine-tailed fox."

Hearing this, everyone turned to look at the nine-tailed sky fox.

Someone frowned and said, "No."

Wu Li glanced at a few people, and then said: "You guys can feel how many auras there are."

After listening to Wu Li's words, everyone felt carefully, and sure enough, they felt two auras from the nine-tailed sky fox.

One part belongs to the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, and the other part belongs to someone else.

And this person should be the murderer they are looking for!

The middle-aged man from before said solemnly: "This person is actually able to subdue a nine-tailed fox. It seems that we may have underestimated her."

As he said that, he hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Great Elder, please forget about it."

Wu Li looked at the middle-aged man, his eyes became cold, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you!"

The others also looked at the middle-aged man with cold eyes, as if they would kill the middle-aged man without hesitation as long as Wu Li gave the order.

The middle-aged man's body trembled, and a chill surged into his heart. He shook his head slightly and did not dare to speak anymore. He just secretly cursed Wu Li and others for being stupid.


Wu Li snorted coldly, and then ordered, "Catch this nine-tailed fox alive first!"

After saying that, the others had already rushed out.

Seeing this, the others quickly took out their weapons and started killing the nine-tailed fox.

On the spot, the middle-aged man's eyes flashed, and then he slowly stepped back. When he saw that Wu Li and others were far away, he turned around and ran away.

As he ran, he cursed: "You are a bunch of idiots. If you want to die so much, then go ahead and die. I will not die with you."

At this moment, Wu Li and others only had eyes for the nine-tailed fox, and did not even notice that the middle-aged man had run away.

At the same time, Hu Xiaotian suddenly felt a sense of crisis. He opened his eyes suddenly and saw Wu Li and others who were heading towards him.

His face changed drastically, but he didn't dare to think too much. He stood up quickly, and then slapped out a claw. This claw directly tore the time and space apart, which was extremely terrifying.


With a loud noise, Hu Xiaotian's huge body flew out directly. On the way, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his breath became weak.

He is just a fake immortal, how can he block the attacks of Wu Li and others?

You know, Wu Li is at the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, only one step away from the Golden Immortal!

And the others are all in true fairyland!

How could Hu Xiaotian be able to defeat him?

Can't beat it at all!

After Hu Xiaotian flew out, Ye Lingxi's figure appeared in everyone's sight.

Wu Li stared at Ye Lingxi, "She is the murderer of the young master!"

As he said that, he looked stern and said, "Go kill her!"


The strong men of the Wu clan did not hesitate and charged towards Ye Lingxi one after another!

Ye Lingxi is in danger!


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