You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 221 The Man In White Robe!

The flying knife that was originally going to slash at Su Chen suddenly stopped in mid-air, and its blade was still trembling slightly.

This scene immediately stunned several people present.

At this moment, the flying knife suddenly shrank and soon became the size of a normal flying knife. Then, the flying knife flew back into the gourd with a swipe.

The gourd shook slightly, then turned around and wanted to run away.

But the moment it turned around, Su Chen suddenly said: "If you dare to run, I will destroy you. If you don't believe me, just run."

Gourd seemed to understand, suspended in the air, not daring to move.

Looking at this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

Wang Ziyue trembled and said: "I...I'm so stupid, awesome!"

Wang Xi on the side also looked confused. She didn't understand why the God-Slaying Flying Knife was so afraid of Su Chen.

At this moment, she realized that she seemed to have underestimated Su Chen.

Su Chen was far more terrifying than she imagined!

At this moment, Shi Po felt her head buzzing.

She was confused!

Really confused!

This god-killing flying knife is actually scary!


Damn it!

This directly subverted Shi Po's knowledge!

You know, even the Immortal Lord can beat the God-Slaying Flying Knife in seconds. Maybe the Immortal Emperor can try it too!

But at this moment, the God-Slaying Flying Knife was actually afraid!

To be honest, Shi Po was really confused.

What made her even more confused was that Su Chen only threatened him but didn't take any action. He was afraid of the God-Destroying Flying Knife!

Why are you so afraid?

Could it be...

Shi Po seemed to have thought of some possibility, and suddenly took a breath, with fear written on her face.

Could he be the Immortal Emperor?

Immortal Emperor!

The most pinnacle existence in the immortal world!

Every Immortal Emperor must not recite his name. Anyone who dares to recite his name will be turned into ashes in an instant and will never be reincarnated!

Each Immortal Emperor has transcended the known life forms. As long as the Immortal Emperor wants to, ordinary practitioners cannot see his true body clearly, and can only see the hazy body manifested by the Tao and runes.

Moreover, the strength of every Immortal Emperor is extremely terrifying. As long as the Immortal Emperor wants someone to die, with just a thought, no matter where that person is, they will be killed instantly!

Shi Po's face turned pale, not even a trace of blood could be seen, and there was only fear in her heart at this moment!

Endless fear!

She had to believe in the fact that Su Chen was the Immortal Emperor, because even the Immortal Emperor was not afraid of the god-killing flying knife, but it was so frightened that it dared not move just because of Su Chen's two threatening words.

If he wasn't the Immortal Emperor, in which realm could he be so frightened by the God-Destroying Flying Knife?

So she was sure and certain in her heart!

Su Chen is the Immortal Emperor!

Immortal Emperor!

Her face was ashen, her legs weakened, and she collapsed to the ground.

She knew that she was probably doomed today.

Su Chen looked at the God-Destroying Flying Knife and said calmly: "Come here."

After hesitating for a few seconds, the God-Destroying Flying Knife disappeared and appeared in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at the God-Slaying Flying Knife, then stretched out his hand to hold it.

It was at the moment when he held the God-Slaying Flying Knife.

An unknown universe.

A man in a white robe is walking in this universe.

The man is handsome, with black hair, a tall and tall figure, and a wine gourd on his waist.

The man in white robe picked up the wine gourd and opened the lid. Suddenly, an intoxicating aroma of wine hit his face.

The man in white robe smiled. Just as he was about to take a bite, his brows suddenly frowned for some unknown reason, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

He wondered: "Why can't I feel the flying knife that kills the gods?"

After thinking for a moment, he stretched out his left hand and shook his fingers gently. After a long time, his expression became serious, "It can't be counted! It can't be counted!"

There was shock in his tone!

The white-robed man frowned, his heart extremely heavy, "What happened to this god-killing flying knife? It couldn't be lost, right? No, even if it is lost, I can still feel it, but how can I not feel it? ?”

The white-robed man's face was filled with doubts and confusion, and even a hint of anxiety, "This god-killing flying knife was left for Xiaofan to survive that calamity. You can't lose it. If you lose it, Sister Xue'er won't let it go." Pass me!”

After saying that, he turned his head and looked in one direction. This glance seemed to see through the edge of the universe, "It will take at least thirty years to get over from me. The calamity will be reached in forty years."

As soon as the words fell, the others disappeared.

There is no trace of his presence in this world anymore. It is as if he has never appeared, which is very strange.


Su Chen looked at the God-Slaying Flying Knife. After a moment, he nodded, "Not bad, I think Lingxi will like it very much."

After saying that, he put the god-killing flying knife into the system space, and then turned to look at Shi Po in the distance.

Shi Po trembled all over, her face full of fear. Fear made her whole body weak, and she had no strength to get up and run away.

Su Chen shook his head, "Nian, you didn't have the intention to kill me just now, so I let you go, but you actually want to die, I don't know what to say."

Shi Po was about to speak, but the next moment, a sword light flashed from her throat.

She froze in place, her eyes widened, filled with unwillingness, fear, and regret.

She regretted it.

She regretted not giving the God-Slaying Flying Knife to Su Chen honestly just now. If she had given it to Su Chen, she would not have died, but she insisted on seeking death!

Many people are like this. They only regret it when they are really about to die.

Don't understand.


But respect.

Su Chen glanced at Shi Po's body for the last time, then withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Wang Xi and Wang Xi in the distance.

When the two of them saw Su Chen, their faces turned pale, their bodies trembled slightly, and their eyes showed fear, fear, and awe.

Su Chen looked at the two of them and said calmly: "What's wrong with you two?"

Wang Ziyue was about to speak, but Wang Xi on the side stretched out his hand to stop him.

Wang Ziyue frowned, looking confused.

Wang Xi did not explain, but looked at Su Chen with a smile on his face, "Senior, we are fine, we are just taking a look."

Su Chen glanced at Wang Xi and said, "Oh."

With that said, he turned and left without looking back.

Seeing Su Chen's leaving figure, Wang Xi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Ziyue said at this time: "Sister, you just..."

Wang Xi seemed to know what Wang Ziyue was going to say, and suddenly said: "I know what you want to ask, but you also saw it just now. That senior came here just for this magical object. Do you think we still have a chance?"

Wang Ziyue said: "We can trade with him..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Xi said: "Change? What do you think people like about our Wang family? And, what do you think our Wang family has that can compare with that magical thing?"

Wang Ziyue was silent.

Wang Xi shook his head and said: "Let's not think about this thing. After we go back, tell dad and the elders in detail what happened here, and it will be none of our business."

Wang Ziyue was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

Wang Xi glanced at the direction Su Chen was leaving, and then said, "Let's go."


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