You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 219 I’M Confused!

In front of him, he saw a huge palace. It was more like a stone palace than a palace.

Because the entire palace is made of rocks, there is no splendor or high-end atmosphere, only simplicity and traces of countless years.

Wang Ziyue, who was already exhausted, immediately became excited after seeing Shidian, "We're finally here!"

Wang Xi also had a smile on his face.

At this time, Su Chen stepped forward and slowly walked towards the stone palace.

Seeing this, Wang Xi and the others quickly followed.

Soon, Su Chen walked to the stone gate.


Under the shocked gazes of Wang Xi and Wang Xi, Su Chen kicked open the stone door, and the entire stone door immediately shattered into pieces.

Su Chen walked straight into the hall without hesitation.

Looking at Su Chen's back, Wang Ziyue couldn't help but say, "This man is so fierce. Aren't you afraid of danger?"

Wang Xi said: "I can see the confidence in his bones, which shows that he is not afraid. This person is probably scarier than we imagined!"

Wang Ziyue nodded, "I think so too."

The two of them did not enter the stone palace, but observed the inside from outside the palace.

In the hall, there are two huge stone statues. The stone statues are tall and vast, and every part of the body is carved lifelike, as if they are real.

Two stone statues stood on both sides of the hall, holding giant axes in their hands. They looked extremely solemn, full of invisible shock and majesty.

In the middle of the two stone statues, there was an old woman sitting cross-legged. The old woman had white hair and the wrinkles on her face revealed the vicissitudes of time.

She sat cross-legged quietly, without any breath coming out of her body, as if she was dead.

Looking at the old woman, Wang Xi and Wang Ziyue outside the palace looked shocked.

Wang Ziyue said happily: "Is this the ancestor of the Stone Clan, Shi Po?"

Wang Xi nodded and said, "Probably so."

Wang Ziyue narrowed her eyes, "That divine object should be on her body."

Wang Xi didn't speak, just stared at the Shi Po.

Su Chen looked at Shi Po and said calmly: "Give me the stuff."

Hearing this, the two people outside the palace looked puzzled.

Wang Ziyue said: "Who is he talking to? Is it with Shi Po? But isn't Shi Po already dead?"

Wang Xi said in a deep voice: "Maybe she is not dead."

"What?" Wang Ziyue exclaimed, and then said in disbelief: "Shi Po has lived for millions of years, how could she not be dead yet? Sister, don't tease me."

Wang Xi said: "Watch carefully and don't talk."

At the same time, Su Chen saw a flash of impatience in Shi Po's eyes.

Just when he was about to take action, Shi Po suddenly opened her eyes, and in an instant, a vast and terrifying aura burst out from her body.

The two people outside the hall were suppressed by this aura on the spot, and then they knelt down.

Su Chen, on the other hand, remained motionless. He was still staring at Shi Po, but his eyes were a little cold.

Shi Po frowned slightly, feeling a little uneasy in her heart. She raised her head and looked at Su Chen, with a flash of surprise in her eyes.

After a moment, she said hoarsely: "Boy, are you so rude? You wanted that thing when you came up."

Su Chen looked at Shi Po calmly and said nothing.

Seeing that Su Chen didn't speak, Shi Po frowned, and a hint of displeasure appeared on her face, "It seems that you kid has not experienced the beatings in the world of immortality. Today, on behalf of your parents, I will teach you how to respect others. "


As her words fell, the entire stone palace suddenly trembled violently, and the eyes of the two stone statues were actually glowing red at this moment.

next moment!

The two stone statues actually moved!


They took a step at the same time, and as the kick fell, the entire ground cracked like a mirror, and the entire ground split into cracks one after another, which looked extremely horrifying.

The expressions of the two people outside the hall changed drastically, and then they quickly retreated away from the area.

Looking at the stone statues, Wang Ziyue couldn't help but swallowed, "Can these two stone statues be able to fight the Immortal Lord?"

Wang Xi said solemnly: "As expected of Shi Po, even though it has been a million years, she is still so powerful!"

At this moment, the two stone statues looked at Su Chen at the same time, their scarlet eyes filled with rage. They held the stone ax tightly with both hands and struck down hard the next moment!

Su Chen had no expression on his face and slowly raised his head to look at the giant ax coming towards him. He didn't make any move, he just looked at it.

Looking at the motionless Su Chen, Shi Po frowned, "Are you scared to death?"

Wang Xi and Wang Xi in the distance also looked at Su Chen with puzzled faces.


With a loud noise, a terrifying shock wave instantly destroyed the entire stone palace, and the space was also cracked open at this moment.

The dust and mist dissipated, and everyone froze in place as if struck by thunder.

I saw that the giant ax that was supposed to hit Su Chen was actually blocked by Su Chen with two fingers!

Two fingers!

He blocked the giant ax with just two fingers!

Wang Xi and Wang Xi in the distance were dumbfounded.

Wang Ziyue trembled and said: "I...I'm stupid! So awesome? Can you block it with just two fingers?"

At this moment, Shi Po looked at Su Chen in confusion, her cloudy eyes a little confused and extremely shocked!

Originally, she just wanted to teach Su Chen a lesson, so she ordered the stone statue not to use its full strength, as long as it seriously injured Su Chen.

But she never expected that Su Chen could block the stone statue's attack with just two fingers!


She was in unparalleled shock!

At this moment, she looked at Su Chen with an unprecedented serious look.

She knew that she might have underestimated the extremely handsome silver-haired man in front of her.


At this moment, a sword sound suddenly sounded in the field!

next moment!

The two stone statues were split into countless stone pieces by a sword light!

Stones all over the sky fell from the void like hailstones.

Looking at this scene, Wang Xi and Wang Xi opened their eyes wide, with disbelief written all over their faces.

"Holy crap! These two stone statues are just gone?" Wang Ziyue exclaimed.

The two of them really couldn't believe it.

Such a powerful stone statue was actually killed!

Damn it!


Shi Po looked at the countless stones on the ground, her head buzzing. At this moment, she felt as if she was dreaming.

Nothing seems so real.

However, her intuition told her that this was not a dream, but real!

The two stone statues she created were destroyed by a sword!


You know, her stone statue has the strength of the ninth level of the Immortal Lord!


But at this moment, it was destroyed by someone's sword!

And she hadn't even seen clearly how the man drew his sword!

At this moment, she was numb!


At this moment, Shi Po's entire body instantly turned to stone, motionless like a statue.

I saw a sword energy floating between her eyebrows at this moment. The sword energy was only a few tenths of a millimeter away from her eyebrows. If it had advanced a few minutes further, it would have penetrated her head in an instant!

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