You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 209 Show Off Your Skills!

After listening to Liu Mengli's words, Lin Fan asked curiously: "Then why didn't Senior take away the Fallen Heart Flame at that time?"


Liu Mengli sneered, and then said disdainfully: "That thing is of no use to me, what am I going to do?"


Lin Fan's mouth twitched, "Without further delay, let's go now."

With that said, he walked directly towards one place.

"Wait." Liu Mengli suddenly stopped Lin Fan.

Lin Fan paused and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Mengli said: "Do you know where Lingyan Mountain is?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan's expression froze instantly, "Okay... I don't seem to know."

Liu Mengli covered her face and said speechlessly: "I thought you knew it and left so decisively."

"Haha." Lin Fan laughed, trying to ease the embarrassment.

Liu Mengli shook her head, and then told Lin Fan the location of Lingyan Mountain.

After Lin Fan obtained the location of Lingyan Mountain, he rushed there without any hesitation.

At this moment, he just wanted to practice hard and win Su Chen's forgiveness.


On the other side, on the road, Kenshin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Master, are you too strict with your senior brother?"

Su Chen glanced at Jian Xin, "I worked so hard to take him to find the inheritance, but he actually gave up the inheritance to someone else. It's good that I didn't hit him!"

Jian Xin was speechless for a moment, because Su Chen was telling the truth. If he were Su Chen, he would also be angry about what Lin Fan did.

Kenshin was silent for a moment, and then said: "Then you really intend to let your senior brother surpass you before you forgive him? To be honest, apprentice, is this request too much?"

Surpass Su Chen?

Damn it, he doesn’t even dare to think about it!

Maybe it can only be done in a dream?

Su Chen rolled his eyes, "Can't you say anything angry anymore?"

Hearing this, Kenshin hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, of course. After all, senior brother has gone too far, and you should be angry."

After saying that, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that what Su Chen said was serious. If Su Chen was serious, then his senior brother would be doomed. But fortunately, Su Chen was just saying angry words.

Su Chen shook his head and ignored Jian Xin.

Jian Xin then continued: "Master, can you go to Wan Jian Sect with me?"

Su Chen glanced at Jian Xin but said nothing.

Jianxin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I worshiped a master outside. The elders and sect masters in the sect must not agree, so I want you to accompany me to Wanjian Sect and show them your skills."

After saying that, he looked at Su Chen and became a little nervous.

Su Chen thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll show off my skills."

A smile appeared on Kenshin's face, "Yeah!"

If the sect leader and elders knew that I had such an awesome master, their jaws would probably drop in shock, right?

Thinking about it, Kenshin was actually a little excited inside.

Three days later.

Wanjian Sect was built in a group of mountains. From a distance, the rolling hills look like elders swimming in the clouds; from a closer look. The continuous mountain peaks are like giants standing one after another, majestic and shocking.

Looking at the entrance of Wanjian Sect, Jianxin showed a smile on his face, "We're finally here."

Su Chen on the side looked calm and said nothing.

At this time, two figures suddenly appeared in the field. Both of them were young men, wearing white robes and surrounded by sword aura.

The two were wary at first, but the moment they saw Kenshin, they became excited and shouted in unison: "Elder brother? You are back!"

Kenshin smiled, "Yeah."

One of them looked at Jian Xin carefully and said with a shocked look on his face: "Brother, have you obtained the inheritance of that secret realm?"

Kenshin looked at the man and smiled: "Yeah."

The man said excitedly: "I really got it!"

Another young man on the side also became excited.

Kenshin asked curiously: "How did you know?"

The man forcibly calmed down the excitement in his heart, and then said: "I see that your temperament, senior brother, is different from before. You have become more mysterious and unfathomable, so I guess, senior brother, you have obtained the inheritance of that secret realm."

After hearing the man's explanation, Kenshin suddenly understood. Then, he looked at himself and found that he was indeed different from before, but he couldn't tell. Anyway, he just felt different.

At this time, the two of them noticed Su Chen beside them.

One of them asked: "Senior brother, who is he?"

Jian Xin glanced at Su Chen, and then said directly: "My master!"


Hearing this, both of them looked shocked.

They were first shocked that Kenshin actually asked someone to be his master outside, and then they were shocked that Kenshin actually found such a young master!

This made them very puzzled.

Someone sent a message to Kenshin, "Senior brother, I won't mention you as a disciple, but how could you find such a young master? Are you kidding me?"

Kenshin blinked, "My master is amazing."

After hearing what Jian Xin said, the two of them were filled with questions, and then they looked at Su Chen again.

But they only found that Su Chen was no different except that he looked better and had a better temperament. Moreover, Su Chen had no aura at all, just like ordinary people.

At this moment, the two felt that Kenshin was teasing them.

Jian Xin suddenly said: "Okay, I will take Master to see the sect leader, so I won't tell you anymore."

With that said, he ignored the two of them and took Su Chen into Wanjian Sect.

The two of them did not stop, but looked at the backs of Su Chen and Jian Xin.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Wanjian Sect does not allow outsiders to enter, but Jianxin is the senior brother after all, so they naturally have to give him some face, and they don't dare to stop him.

The two looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

One of them said: "Senior brother seems not to be joking."

Another person frowned and said: "I can't understand it, I really can't understand it."

The man shook his head and said, "I don't understand either."


Entering the Wan Sect, Su Chen and the two met many disciples of the Wan Jian Sect. After seeing Jian Xin, these disciples all saluted one after another, and Jian Xin also returned the salute one by one.

Jianxin is the strongest among the disciples in Wanjian Sect, even stronger than the elders. Therefore, every disciple of Wanjian Sect respects Jianxin.

"Who is that person next to Senior Brother? He is so handsome!"

"Hehe... Hehe... It would be great if that person was my partner, hehe..."

"He's so handsome. I really want to give him a child!"

"It's over. I feel like it might be difficult for me to fall in love with someone else in the future."


After Su Chen left, the disciples of Wanjian Sect began to discuss Su Chen, especially the female disciples. Everyone's face turned red and their bodies felt hot.

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