You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 2 Where Is Your Sect? Point In The Direction

Su Chen said: "Then bring me a few jars of your best wine."

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "No problem, come here and bring five jars of peach blossom stuffing."

After a while, several waiters from the shop held five jars of peach blossom wine and placed them in front of Su Chen.

The shopkeeper said: "Master, would you like to take a sip first? Or smell it?"

Su Chen shook his head and said nothing, but took out a bag of money and handed it to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper took the bag of money, took a look at the amount inside, and said quickly: "Sir, these wines are not worth so much money."

Su Chen said: "Then you go and count them. If you have more money, just give it to me."

The shopkeeper nodded and said, "Okay, sir, wait a moment."

With that said, he turned and walked towards the counter. The moment he turned around, Su Chen waved his hand and the five jars of peach blossom wine disappeared.

"Hey, where is the person?"

When the shopkeeper came back, Su Chen had already left.

After Su Chen left the restaurant, he wandered on the street for a while. At this time, he frowned and looked ahead, only to see people not far away from him.

A young man was staring fiercely at a little beggar, and the little beggar was Ye Lingxi who Su Chen had met before.

The young man said in a bad tone: "Tell me, why did you steal my money!"

Ye Lingxi looked pale and said with a trembling voice: "I...I didn't."

The young man said: "No? What is that in your hand?"

Ye Lingxi held the silver coin in her hand tightly and explained: "This... this was given to me by a big brother."

The young man snorted coldly: "You fart, you obviously stole this money from me! Stop making excuses and give me the money quickly, otherwise I won't be polite!"

"Little girl, if you stole it, you stole it. It doesn't matter. But since you were discovered, you should return the money quickly."

"Humph, a beggar is a beggar. He does all kinds of sneaky things all day long."


The people watching obviously didn't believe Ye Lingxi and accused her one after another.

Tears appeared in Ye Lingxi's eyes, and she said tremblingly: "I...I really didn't steal."


Only a crisp sound was heard.

There was a slap mark on Ye Lingxi's face.

The young man took back his hand and said angrily: "Damn, you still dare to quibble!"

Ye Lingxi couldn't control it anymore, tears kept flowing from the corners of his eyes. At this moment, he only felt the burning pain on his face.

Su Chen from a distance looked at this scene with a calm expression, but his eyes were a little cold. He shook his head slightly and said, "Well, it seems good to have someone to buy wine for me."

As he spoke, he slowly stepped forward.

The young man clenched his fists and said, "You haven't paid me back yet!"

Ye Lingxi bit her lip and kept shaking her head.


The young man was angry and punched Ye Lingxi.

Ye Lingxi closed her eyes tightly and her body continued to tremble.

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly appeared and kicked him out!


The young man was kicked out and lay on the ground, his body twitching and all his ribs broken.

Damn it!

The onlookers looked at Su Chen in shock.

Ye Lingxi opened her eyes, and when she saw Su Chen, she couldn't control herself anymore and started crying while holding Su Chen in her arms.

Su Chen gently rubbed Ye Lingxi's head and said softly: "It's okay, blame me. I was afraid of this happening before, so I only gave you some money, but I still underestimated the greed of human nature."

Ye Lingxi didn't speak, but kept crying in Su Chen's arms.

Su Chen glanced at Ye Lingxi apologetically, then looked up at the young man not far away.

Without too much nonsense, a sword light instantly passed through the young man's forehead.


Everyone trembled, took a breath of cold air, and looked at Su Chen in disbelief, their eyes full of awe and fear.

In the world of immortality, those who cultivate immortality can move mountains and fill seas, call for wind and rain, and live a long life. Mortals, who only live a hundred years, are weak and can be easily killed by cultivators.

Most mortals have grown up hearing about the deeds of immortal cultivators, and their awe and fear of immortal cultivators are engraved deep in their souls. When they see that Su Chen is an immortal cultivator, they are naturally afraid.

Su Chen looked at the people watching.

When everyone saw Su Chen's look, they unconsciously took a step back.

At this time, a sword light flashed!


Some people screamed and covered their mouths with blood flowing out of their mouths. These people were all the people who had criticized Ye Lingxi before.

Su Chen said calmly: "Since you like to talk too much, then don't talk anymore."

After listening to what Su Chen said, those who had not criticized Ye Lingxi just now were secretly glad that they had not said too much just now.

"What happened?"

At this time, a voice sounded.

Everyone looked around and saw a middle-aged man and an old man in black robes walking slowly towards this side.

"City Lord!"

Someone recognized the middle-aged man and saluted respectfully.

The middle-aged man is Tang Yuan, the lord of Jiangnan City.

Tang Yuan frowned and looked at the young man's body. He seemed to feel that the young man was familiar. He quickly came to the young man's body. When he saw the young man's face clearly, a flash of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes, "Who! Who killed my nephew?" !”

Everyone was shocked. They did not expect that this young man was actually Tang Yuan's nephew. When they heard what Tang Yuan said, everyone looked at Su Chen unconsciously.

Tang Yuan followed everyone's gaze, looked at Su Chen, and said coldly: "Did you kill him?"

Su Chen said calmly: "So what?"

Tang Yuan frowned, his eyes were a little cold, and he said gloomily: "You are looking for death!"

He didn't expect that the man in front of him would be so arrogant after killing his nephew!

At this time, someone reminded: "City Lord, he is an immortal!"

Hearing this, Tang Yuan's heart sank, his eyes slowly narrowed, and he said, "Why did you want to kill him?"

Su Chen said calmly: "Kill if you want. Why are there so many?"

Tang Yuan stared at Su Chen and said indifferently: "Do you think it's great that you are an immortal?"

As he said that, he looked at the old man in black robe in the distance, "Kill him!"


The sword light flashed, and Tang Yuan's head flew directly out of his body, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

The city lord died like this?

Damn it!

They looked at Su Chen in horror, their hearts filled with fear.

The old man in black robe had a serious look on his face. He didn't even see clearly how Su Chen took action just now!

Su Chen looked at the old man in black robe and said calmly: "Do you want to avenge him?"

The old man in black robe said solemnly: "Your Excellency, I am the elder of the Jiaolong Sect. You killed the father of my disciple of the Jiaolong Sect in front of me. Isn't it too disrespectful to give me the face of the Jiaolong Sect?"

He wants to use his power to overwhelm others!

Although he knew that Su Chen was not simple, there were many strong people in his Jiaolong Sect, so he was naturally not afraid.

He would use his power to overwhelm others and make Su Chen afraid.

Su Chen said calmly: "Point in the direction."

The old man in black robe looked puzzled: "What?"

Su Chen said: "Where is the Jiaolong Sect, please point me in the direction."

The old man in black robe subconsciously pointed to a location.

Su Chen nodded, not knowing who he was talking to, "Today, there is no need for the Jiaolong Sect to exist, so go ahead."

"As you command!"

A voice that came from nowhere resounded throughout Jiangnan City!

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