You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 187 Who Do You Think You Are?

Wang Kun raised the corner of his mouth and ignored Jianxin, but looked at Su Chen, "What I didn't expect is that you actually know about Gu Master."

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Did you come down from the fairy world?"

Su Chen's head tilted slightly to the right, and then suddenly disappeared on the spot. Wang Kun's expression changed, and before he could react, his whole body was blown away by a kick, flying millions of feet before stopping.

Wang Kun held his stomach and slowly stood up from the ground. He stared at Su Chen with horror in his eyes.

Su Chen's attack just now was too fast, and he didn't even have time to react!

No time to react!

You know, he is a god!

He, a god, couldn't withstand Su Chen's attack!

What does this mean?

This shows that Su Chen's strength is probably above him!

At this moment, he didn't dare to be careless, and his expression became solemn.

Su Chen looked at Wang Kun in the distance and said calmly: "Who do you think you are? Dare you ask me questions?"


Hearing this, Wang Kun was immediately furious, and the terrifying aura of the Celestial Realm instantly enveloped the world. Everyone in the room took a deep breath and turned pale.

Jian Xin said in a deep voice: "What kind of aura is this? It's so terrifying!"

Lin Fan frowned and said, "It seems that we are still too weak."

Jian Xin was silent. At this moment, he truly felt that there was no difference between himself and the ants.

Lin Fan looked at Jian Xin at this moment and said with a smile: "You kid, please stop thinking nonsense. You must know that your talent is not that of an ordinary monster. If I give you more time..."

As he spoke, he pointed at Wang Kun in the distance, "You can kill rubbish like this at will!"

After hearing what Lin Fan said, a smile appeared on Jian Xin's face, "I understand."

Lin Fan smiled and said, "It's good that you know."

At this time, Wang Kun stepped on his right foot, and his whole body rose into the sky, standing above the sky. The terrifying aura directly caused the entire time and space to boil.

He stared at Su Chen, the killing intent in his eyes almost condensed into substance, "It's been a long time, I can't remember how many years no one dared to say that to me..."

Suddenly, Su Chen disappeared from the same place again. Wang Kun was shocked and just wanted to react, but as soon as the idea appeared, he flew out again.

On the way, Su Chen appeared again, and then punched Wang Kun hard in the stomach. Wang Kun spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, his whole body formed a bow shape, and then flew out like a cannonball. .

This time, he flew tens of millions of feet before stopping. However, the moment he stopped, Su Chen appeared behind him at some point, and then kicked him out.

Wang Kun didn't even have time to react and flew out again.

Looking at this scene, several people in the field were stunned.

Xiaolan said tremblingly: "Su... Master Su, are you kicking him like a ball?"

Jiang Xin swallowed and said curiously: "Master Su is really not an ordinary person..."

Gu Xun'er clenched her fists tightly, biting her lip with her jade teeth, and drops of blood dripped from her lips. After a long time, she slowly released her fists, sighed, and said gloomily: "Oh, you are so serious. No hope is given to me.”

Jian Xin watched his master playing with Wang Kun and said excitedly: "Master, this is too strong!"

At this moment, he admired Su Chen even more.

Lin Fan glanced at Jian Xin and said with a smile: "Master would treat rubbish like this as a chicken to kill."


Kenshin nodded, "I see it!"

"Ah! You deserve to die!"

At this moment, Wang Kun roared with a distorted expression. In an instant, a terrifying aura erupted from him, and everything within a million miles was shattered into pieces in an instant, which was extremely terrifying.

But this time, Su Chen did not choose to take action again, but put his hands behind his back and looked calmly at Wang Kun, who was almost going into a rage.

Wang Kun gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with rage, "I want you to die!"

As he spoke, he quickly made a hand gesture and then slapped the ground with his palm.


At this time, the heaven and earth suddenly trembled violently, and the entire city was reduced to ashes in an instant.

The faces of the people below changed, and they looked into the distance, only to see black shadows suddenly pouring out from all directions. As these black shadows continued to get closer, everyone could see clearly what they were.

It's human!

There are people everywhere!

These people seemed to be going crazy, rushing towards Lin Fan with all their strength. Each one of them was extremely powerful and terrifying.

And these people, there are millions of them at least!

Jiang Xin looked at these people and said in disbelief: "These people seem to be from the outside world!"

Xiaolan thought of a bad possibility, her face turned pale, and she said in a trembling voice: "He...they won't be controlled by the Gu like the three people before, right?"

Hearing this, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly, but before they could react, millions of people had already rushed towards them.

Just as everyone was about to take action, the people who were rushing towards them suddenly stopped, and then all looked at Su Chen in the air.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan and others frowned, with doubts in their expressions.

And at this moment, these millions of people rose directly into the sky one by one, heading straight for Su Chen!

Seeing this, Gu Xun'er clenched her hands again, with worry in her eyes. Although she knew that Su Chen's strength did not require her to worry at all, she was inexplicably worried that something might happen to Su Chen.

Above the sky, Wang Kun laughed wildly, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes and overwhelming murderous intent, "Hahaha, kill him, kill him for me!"

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and stood in the sky. His whole body was calm, and there was no wave in his eyes.

Seeing this, Wang Kun's laughter stopped abruptly and he stared at Su Chen. For some reason, he had a bad premonition in his heart.


At this moment, a sword light suddenly flashed across the field!


In an instant!

Millions of bloody heads rose into the sky, and then fell to the ground like hail. However, this was not hail, but bloody heads!


At this moment, the world was extremely quiet, and even the sound of breathing could not be heard, because everyone's breathing had stopped.

Tens of millions of people were just seconds away!

Millions of people!

That’s millions of people!

And they are all high-level emperors!


But it was just like that!

At this moment, everyone's minds were blank, and their bodies were frozen in place, unable to move.

Kenshin subconsciously said: "I...I'm so stupid!"

At this moment, he felt that his cognition had been greatly affected!

After a moment, he said excitedly: "Millions of people say it in seconds. Master, this is so awesome!"

Wang Kun was like a thunderbolt at this moment. He stared blankly at this scene, and his face gradually turned pale at this moment.

He couldn't believe that these millions of people were just killed!

It was a second!

Being seconds!

Even he can't kill these millions of people instantly!

He looked at Su Chen with disbelief on his face, "Who the hell are you!"

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