You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 179 I Won’T Listen!

Hei Lao looked at this scene and frowned, "Search for souls!"

Search for souls!

Use special means to explore the memories of others, but all those whose souls are searched will either become fools or die on the spot.

After a long time, Bai Lao opened his eyes, filled with coldness and murderous intent.

At this moment, the man's eyes were dull and he would giggle from time to time. It was obvious that he was stupid.

Bai Lao glanced at the man, then waved his hand, and the man turned into a blood mist on the spot and completely disappeared from the world.

Hei Lao looked at Bai Lao, "What did you learn from his memory?"

Bai Lao turned to look at Hei Lao, and then told the man the information he had learned from his memory.

After listening, Mr. Hei looked solemn, "Gu Xun'er? Piaomiao Sect? Plum Blossom Sect?"

Bai Lao suddenly said: "Can you help me?"

Hearing this, Hei Lao fell silent.


Bai Lao laughed, turned and left without saying anything else.

Hei Lao looked at Bai Lao's back, until it disappeared, he sighed helplessly, and then disappeared in place.


One day later.

Plum Blossom Sect.

Above the void, the space suddenly burst, and Bai Lao walked out. The moment he walked out, a terrifying power enveloped the entire Plum Blossom Sect.

The faces of everyone in the Plum Blossom Sect changed drastically, and they all looked up into the void with fear in their eyes.

"I wonder why senior came to our Plum Blossom Sect?" At this time, a voice resounded in everyone's ears, and then, an old woman appeared opposite Bai Lao.

The old woman's back was slightly bent, and her cloudy eyes seemed to have experienced countless years.

Mei Hongying, the leader of the Plum Blossom Sect!

Mei Hongying looked at Mr. Bai with fear in her eyes, "Senior."

The tone was respectful.

Bai Lao's eyes narrowed slightly, and a chill spread from his body.

Mei Hongying trembled all over, knelt down quickly, and said in a trembling voice: "Senior...Senior, I wonder where my Plum Blossom Sect has provoked you?"

Bai Lao said coldly: "Your disciples of the Plum Blossom Sect united with others to kill my Holy Son of the Purple Mansion Holy Land."

After hearing this, Mei Hongying turned pale.

Zifu Holy Land!

One of the most terrifying forces in the entire Lower Immortal Realm!


Mei Hongying denied loudly. She looked at Mr. Bai and said with certainty: "How can our Plum Blossom Sect have the courage to join forces with others to kill the Holy Son of the Holy Land? Even if we were given 10 million courages, we would not dare!"

After she finished speaking, her heart was in her throat, and her back was already wet with cold sweat.

Regardless of whether the people of the Plum Blossom Sect united with others to kill Yifeng, she must deny it decisively. If not, the entire Plum Blossom Sect will completely disappear into the Lower Immortal Realm today!

Bai Lao looked at Mei Hongying coldly, then spread out his right palm, and the images of Jiang Xin and Xiaolan appeared in his palm.

Looking at these two familiar faces, Mei Hongying's heart has reached rock bottom and she is in despair!

Bai Lao said: "Are these two people from your Plum Blossom Sect?"

Mei Hongying gritted her teeth and then said: "Yes, they are members of my Plum Blossom Sect, but I know them. It is impossible for them to unite with others to kill the Holy Son of the Holy Land. There must be a reason!"

Bai Lao looked at Mei Hongying coldly and said nothing.

As time passed by, Mei Hongying was sitting on pins and needles, not daring to breathe, and her eyes were full of despair and panic.


Bai Lao snorted coldly, "I hope you didn't get involved. If you did, your Plum Blossom Sect wouldn't have any need to exist."

After saying that, he disappeared directly.

Seeing Bai Lao leave, Mei Hongying's legs weakened and she collapsed in the void, cold sweat dripping from her forehead.

At this time, dozens of figures suddenly appeared around her. They looked at Mei Hongying with doubts in their eyes.

Someone asked: "Sect Master, what did you just say to that senior?"

Mei Hongying was silent for a moment, and then told her everything Bai Lao told her.

After a long time, after listening to Mei Hongying's words, everyone in the room instantly turned pale.

"Zi Mansion Holy Land!"

"Jiang Xin and Xiaolan actually dare to kill the Holy Son of Zifu Holy Land!"

"She, she, she...they are too courageous! Can the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion Holy Land be killed?"


Everyone was frightened at this moment.

Mei Hongying suddenly said: "Okay."

Hearing this, the place instantly became quiet, but everyone's faces were still as pale as paper, and the fear in their eyes was clearly visible.

Zifu Holy Land!

As long as people take action at will, their Plum Blossom Sect can be destroyed. So they are very afraid at the moment, afraid that Zifu Holy Land will come to settle accounts with their Plum Blossom Sect, and when the time comes, each of them will die!

Mei Hongying said at this time: "Let's wait until they come back."

Hearing this, everyone in the room fell silent. After a moment, they nodded.

It seems like this is all it can do now.


Mei Hongying sighed and looked up into the sky. At this moment, she seemed to be dozens of years older.


Piao Miao Sect.

In a magnificent hall, a middle-aged man was sitting on the main seat. The middle-aged man is tall and tall, wearing a green robe.

The leader of Piao Miao Sect and Gu Xun'er's father Gu He!

Behind Furukawa, a woman was squeezing his shoulders. The woman's figure is so alluring that one's nose will bleed just by looking at her.

Gu Xun'er's mother Jiang Ying!

Jiang Ying said worriedly at this time: "I wonder how Xun'er is doing at the moment and whether she is in danger."

Gu He smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to grab Jiang Ying's hand, and said softly: "Don't worry, Xun'er will be fine. You know, she has one of my souls in her body, and she also has a soul order in her hand. How is that possible? Something will happen?"

Jiang Ying shook her head, "But I'm still worried."

Furukawa said: "It's useless to worry. Do you want her to become a flower in the greenhouse?"

Jiang Ying said: "I would rather she become a flower, and I don't want her to be in danger."


Furukawa looked helpless and wanted to say something, but when the words came to his mouth, he held them back.

Jiang Ying looked at Furukawa with resentment, "What's your expression? I'm worried about what's wrong with my daughter? Do you think I'm like you? I don't care about my daughter at all. If something happens to Xun'er, I won't be done with you!" "

After listening, Gu He smiled bitterly and said: "I only have a precious daughter like Xun'er, how could I not care about her? It's just that she has grown up now and needs to experience some things before she can grow up..."

Jiang Ying suddenly said: "I won't listen!"

As she spoke, she put her right hand on Furukawa's shoulder hard.


Furukawa screamed on the spot, his expression distorted, "I...I was wrong, stop pinching!"


Jiang Ying snorted coldly, ignored Furukawa and continued to exert force.

At this moment, Furukawa suddenly grabbed Jiang Ying's hand, and his expression became serious at this moment.

Jiang Ying saw this and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Furukawa said solemnly: "That guy Wang Hui is here."



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